your lipstick stain is a work of art.

  • "True, and I mean you can brag all you want if you wanted to," Calum said knowing that she had to be right. After all, in all the time he'd been to this diner he could always tell if Amalia wasn't the one to make the thickshake. Which usually the only time he was there when she wasn't was when he stopped in with the lads on some random night and she just happened to not be there. It wasn't like he actually knew her entire schedule or anything either because well he wasn't a stalker. The Point was he could usually tell when she didn't make his thickshake, because it wasn't as good so in his eyes she had every right to brag about how good she was. "Yea," Calum said shaking his head and biting his lip. He was kind of worried she say no honestly, and honestly he was pretty sure even though he wouldn't let her know it crush him if she said no this time. "I mean you've made it pretty clear that you're not looking for a date and this wouldn't be a date. It would just be two friends hanging out and doing things that friends do," he told her. And he knew they didn't know one another at all really, but well part of making new friends was hanging out and getting to know one another. Plus they wouldn't be new friends if they already knew one another.
    Once Emery was at a good spot to run from, she ran towards the pool and jumped into the pool. There were two types of people when it came to pools, the people who got in the water slowly to try and get used to the temperature, and then the type who just jumped right in not caring what the water felt like. Emery was the type who didn't care what it felt like. She actually preferred the water cold, but she didn't complain if it was warm either. Plus they did live in Austraila and it got pretty hot there, and some days there wasn't much that could be done to keep the water cold. "Do you know how much I've missed this pool?" She called to Ashton once she was in the water floating around. It was nice being home because she could swim when she wanted, and it was a private pool so there weren't people she didn't know swimming around with her. And she wasn't going to even get into how now that she was home for a while she could eat whatever the hell she wanted, because she'd end up on that rant for days.
    September 15th, 2015 at 03:19am
  • "I plan on it." Amalia said matter-of-factly. She felt as though, because it was the truth, she had every right to brag about her thickshake making skills. It wasn't like she was lying or anything, and people told her all the time, so why not brag? It wasn't like she was an overly conceited person or anything like that, and she hoped that she didn't come off that way, it was all in good fun. She nodded slowly at his later words, trying to process what he'd asked her and what he was saying to her. He wanted to hang out with her. Just as friends. Two friends hanging out. He wasn't asking her out on a date this time. He just wanted to hang out. She certainly hadn't seen that one coming. Not by a long shot. "Alright, yeah." She said after a few brief moments of silence. "I wouldn't mind that."
    Ashton chuckled softly, shaking his head as he watched his girlfriend take a running jump into the pool. That was Emery for you. She wasn't one to normally hesitate about most things, she kind of just went for it regardless of what it was, and he loved that about her. "Quite a bit I reckon." He said, taking his phone out of his swim shorts. That would be rather disastrous if he didn't. His mum would probably kill him if he busted it. Once he had done so, he followed his girlfriend's lead, taking his own running jump into the pool.
    September 16th, 2015 at 08:55pm
  • "I mean if you it to be a date or whatever then that's fine with me too. But there's no pressure for that. Whatever comes of tonight is totally up to you." Calum said figuring he'd let her decide if she wanted something more or not. Which yes he'd said they hang out just as friends, but he wanted her to know that he was fine with being more than friends even though they hardly knew one another as well. And he didn't know why he had his heart set on this one girl, especially after how many times she'd turned him down but he did. He supposed it could fall under the whole 'the heart wants what it wants' thing. Because honestly that was pretty much the only thing that made sense.
    Emery had never been one who hesitated, let opportunities slip away, or hold back on anything. If she wanted to do something then she'd do it. She followed her heart, but knew how to use her head, and did what she had to in order to make it in the world. But sometimes even she needed a break from everything. Sometimes she needed that special place to take her away from the things going on in her life to just be free. Which that place had been her backyard almost her whole life. So being away from home so often and so long at a time sometimes she had to find somewhere else to feel free. She was home now though and didn't have to worry anymore. "So much, really I've just missed being home."
    September 23rd, 2015 at 05:07am
  • "Who said anything about hanging out tonight? What if I have a super busy schedule and can't fit you in until like two weeks from now?" Amalia teased, punctuating her words with a slight smirk. She was obviously only kidding. She didn't have any plans for when she got off work tonight. Unless one considered a date with her bed and Netflix having plans, but she wasn't so sure that many people would. "I'm totally kidding by the case you couldn't tell. I have absolutely nothing going on tonight, so yeah, I'm down for hanging out. I hope you realize what you've gotten yourself into though, it takes quite a bit to keep me entertained." She grinned, letting out a quiet laugh.
    Ashton loved how determined his girlfriend was. She never let anyone or anything stand in her way of following her heart and achieving everything she wanted to achieve. He truly admired those qualities about her. She had this air of confidence that he didn't see on very many people anymore. It was refreshing without coming off as conceited. She was her own person, and didn't seem to care what others thought about her. He loved that, and everything about her. "You've just missed being home? You haven't just missed me? I'm hurt, Em." He teased, faking a sniffle.
    September 26th, 2015 at 01:22am
  • "Well if you were super busy and couldn't fit me in for two weeks I guess I would've said something about how I'm Calum Hood and surely that could bump be up in front of everything else. Though only if it were things that could wait, like getting your nails done and stuff. If it was something like meeting up with your family and stuff though then I would've accepted that I'd have to wait two weeks." He told her, but only because family was important and he didn't get to see his own nearly as often as so many other people did and he wouldn't want to take someone away from spending quality time with their family. "I'm glad you're free tonight, though," he said smiling at her. "And I'm sure I can handle it," He added feeling very confident in his ability to keep people entertained.
    "Of course I missed you too, it's just while we were both away but I mean with you there's always skype, calling, facetime, texting, ya know other ways for me to talk to you and see your face. And even if we were never in the same place you were still always on the other end of the line if I really needed you. Plus I usually had something to cuddle with at night and I could pretend it was you while we were on the phone or on long nights when I really missed you. Home though is different. There isn't really any way for me to contact like my bed or the pool and stuff," She said knowing that he didn't actually think she hadn't missed him. Because for her to have not missed him they would've had to not know one another or something but they were dating and she did love him. So it was inevitable that she'd miss him while they were away.
    September 26th, 2015 at 04:16am