don't talk to strangers; closed.

  • maxim adam bemis;

    maxim adam bemis; (100)

    United States
    Alex Walters & Ryan Sitkowski
    Auralee Evers & Chris Cerulli

    Alex and Chris are played by
    Ryan and Auralee are played by lord voldemort;
    January 29th, 2015 at 01:28am
  • black.dahlia

    black.dahlia (100)

    United States
    @ lord voldemort;
    Alex looked over at her best friend, Auralee. "Are you sure going to this party is a good idea? We should be studying for finals." The blonde haired girl said as she applied her lipstick.

    Alex was all for partying but during finals? She didn't want to fail college but she also didn't want Auralee going to a party by herself, who knows what could happen.


    "How many people do you think will show up?" Ricky asked Chris. "Hopefully all those hot college girls. There's bound to be a girl in there for Ryan and I." Chris said.

    "It sucks you guys have to find mates so soon." Devin said. Ricky nodded in agreement. Chris just shrugged, "speaking of Ryan. Are him and Josh back from getting pizza?" Chris asked. "No but I'll shoot them a text." Devin said, walking out of the room.

    Chris sighed. He hoped that the two of them could find some girls at the party tonight. If not, maybe they could all find a few blood bags.
    January 29th, 2015 at 03:55pm
  • maxim adam bemis;

    maxim adam bemis; (100)

    United States
    [ This is really awful and I'm sorry. Facepalm ]

    The vampire usually had no trouble getting along with one of his coven members, but today he found himself annoyed with nearly anything and everything somebody did - fortunately most of the guys understood it was simply stressed. "You nervous?" Josh questioned, ignoring the sharp look that was sent in his direction because of the query. "Not that big of a deal." Or that's what he told himself. "I kind of hope I don't find anyone." The vampire scoffed as he stopped at a red light. He was perfectly fine with spending eternity hoping to different blood bags - he didn't need a mate. Josh quirked a brow, but said nothing as he checked his phone. "I guess we're taking too long." The boy chuckled, the warm pizza sitting in his lap. Ryan checked the clock on the dashboard before giving a lift of his shoulders, "We have time." Despite his words he picked up the speed once the light turned green - the last thing he wanted to do was step on anyone's toes.

    The ride back was not a long one and soon the girl was pulling into the driveway, "Think Chris' mood is as bad as your's?" Josh teased with a brief smirk as he hurried out of the car, his cackling causing Ryan to shake his head. Idiot. After locking the doors he followed behind Josh, his gaze flickering to Chris as they entered the doors. Was he worried? It was always hard to tell with him, he was a master at hiding his emotions. "We miss anything?" Josh questioned as he set the pizza down on the open counter space.
    With precise detail the red-head lined her eyelids with a thick layer of liner, "We've been studying for months." Auralee reminded her friend her full lips forming a brief pout. She didn't know how Alex could even think about opening another text-book - even the mere image of one of those godforsaken publications left her head pounding and her stomach lurching with disdain. She enjoyed school, she just loathed all of the studying. "Besides, Alex, you're like super intelligent. I doubt you need to study, your brain is going to explode someday." Finally pleased with her appearance she turned to face her friend, poking her tongue out teasingly.

    "You look flawless and I swear that this will be the best night ever." Slipping down off the bathroom counter she adjusted her dress, her feet carefully sliding into her shoes. Auralee, in her opinion, wasn't exactly stunning but she was determined to at least turn a few heads tonight. "You ready, love?"
    February 2nd, 2015 at 05:03am
  • black.dahlia

    black.dahlia (100)

    United States
    @ lord voldemort;
    (It's fine)

    Chris looked up as Ryan and Josh came in with the pizza. "About damn time." Chris huffed. He wasn't really mad at them, he was just a little worked up to say the least. "Sorry, Ryan drove as fast as he could." Josh said, trying to stick up for his friend.

    "You guys need to go get ready. Guests should be arriving soon." Chris said, taking the pizza from Ryan. It was very easy to get a party going in Scranton, even if none of the guys attended college. College kids loved partying and all Chris had to do was put up flyers around campus about a party going on.

    About thirty minutes later, people started arriving. Chris noticed the age group ranged from high school students to college students, which was okay. He stood back with the rest of the guys and just watched the girls coming through the door, looking for the perfect one.


    Alex nodded and followed Auralee out of their apartment and to her car. Alex looked at the address on the flyer. "I just realized this place is on the outskirts of about creepy." She said as Auralee started driving.

    They eventually got there and parked. Her best friend was more excited about this than she was. Alex just had a bad feeling about this place. She tried to push it aside though for the sake of Aura as they walked inside.

    Surprisingly, a lot of people hsd shown. Alex made her way to the refreshment ta le to get a drink. She glanced the crowd and saa a group of guys standing against the wall but didn't think anything of it. She turned back around as Auralee came over, "having fun?" She asked her, raising her voice slightly since the music was blaring.
    February 3rd, 2015 at 03:33am