All I wanted.

  • Bucky.Barnes

    Bucky.Barnes (100)

    United States
    Sebastian smiled softly and watched as izzy finished getting dressed and jumping onto the bed to et her hair dried."facial hair isn't my thing but I'll try it just for you" he said as he kissed her softly. "Well, how about Rosie reads to you then? Since she has a better Britiah voice then me?" He got up from her bed, "I have paper work to fill out anyway" he grabbed his coat from the floor and walked to his bedroom. Taking off his pants followed by his tie and shirt and changing into pajama bottoms.
    Stacy smiled, "yeah, that's definitely it, I can't resist you and that's why I have to act all weird." She laughed, "you are quite handsome aren't you? I don't know why I never noticed before" she said teasingly. "Food's here! Let's go eat "
    June 4th, 2015 at 01:24am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Rosie smiled, kissing him back softly. "You don't have to, it was just a suggestion." She told him. She just thought that he'd look really good with some facial hair. If he didn't want to give it a try, he didn't have to. "Come on, kiddo." She led Izzy do her bedroom, tucking her into bed before pulling up a chair to read to her. She got about halfway through the chapter they'd left on before realizing Izzy had fallen asleep. Smiling, she kissed her forehead before shutting off the light. "Goodnight, sweetheart." She whispered before leaving the room and heading to the bedroom where she found her boyfriend, shirtless and filling out some paperwork.
    Chris chuckled softly. "It's a logical explanation." He said, punctuating his words with a shrug of his shoulders. "I think you definitely noticed, you just never wanted to admit it." He grinned slightly. He stood, grabbing their food before walking out of the restaurant with her. "So, what're we watching tonight? We have beer and Mexican food."
    June 4th, 2015 at 07:40pm
  • Bucky.Barnes

    Bucky.Barnes (100)

    United States
    Sebastian shrugged "I'll give it a go anyway," he was sitting in bed finishing up the last of his paper work and put it away. "Sometimes I wonder, maybe I should do something more fulfilling with my life, I mean accounting isn't all that great, maybe I should have gone for acting or something. I'd be starving but I'd be happy"

    Stacy laughed, "I guess that's true. How could I admit that I have the hots for you? You'd run it in my face" Stacy quickly followed Chris out the door, "Jurassic park maybe?"
    June 5th, 2015 at 07:08am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Rosie walked over, taking a seat on the bed. "What made you choose accounting?" She asked him curiously. He never really talked much about his job, but she could tell that it wasn't something that he overly enjoyed or anything like that. "I think you'd be good at acting, you're dramatic enough." Her tone was light and teasing. "In all seriousness though, if that's something that would make you happy, I think you should at least consider it."
    Chris chuckled softly. "I would do no such thing!" He said, feigning shock. "We could do that, the new movie's coming out soon." He nodded, starting down the sidewalk in the direction of their apartment building. It wasn't too far from the restaurant, so it wouldn't take them very long to get there at all.
    June 5th, 2015 at 04:55pm
  • Bucky.Barnes

    Bucky.Barnes (100)

    United States
    Sebastian looked at Rosie and shrugged his shoulders, "it's something my parents wanted and I wanted to please them. I never really got to do something that I enjoy. Except for those few times I was in theatre classes " he chuckled. "I'm so glad you have so much faith in Me" he kissed her cheek.
    Stacy rolled her eyes playfully, "mhm. Sure you wouldn't." She grabbed his arm and held the food in the other. "It's going to be a great night of binge watching TV and spending time with my BFF" she grinned.
    June 5th, 2015 at 05:34pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Rosie nodded. She understood why he'd done what he had. "Well, it's never too late to start doing something." She told him quietly, smiling when he pressed a kiss to her cheek. "I'll always have faith in you, babe. That shouldn't be something new or're alright, right? I know you must've had a lot on your mind...with her showing up and all...the gym helped you clear your head though?" She just wanted to make sure that he was okay.
    Chris chuckled softly. "Is that sarcasm I detect in your voice, Stacy?" He asked, leading her down the sidewalk towards their apartment building. "Your BFF, huh? I'm guessing I should be honored that you consider me as such, right? Do you flirt with all of your friends? Is that the new thing to do now?" He was only teasing of course.
    June 6th, 2015 at 03:39am
  • Bucky.Barnes

    Bucky.Barnes (100)

    United States
    Sebastian ran a hand through his hair, "I'm thirty two I don't think there's much left that I could do now..." He rubbed Rosie's hand and kissed it, "thanks that really means a lot to me sweetheart. I was thinking of maybe being a writer on the side? Acting would take a lot out of me.. Writing does too but at least I can take a break from it while still keeping this job." He nodded at her next question "I'm all right, yeah, she rattled be a bit I don't want Sam coming in here and thinking she has any right to Izzy. She's my baby I raised her and still am." Sebastian worried, he loved his baby girl and Rosie very much but what if Rosie left too?
    Stacy shrugged her shoulders with a giggle, "it may or may not be sarcasm." She nodded, "yup! Oh no! I should be honored!" She carried the food all the way 59 he place, "no, I don't. Not all my guy friends are as attractive as you, so you should feel very lucky that I flirt with you" she grinned and walked into her apartment.
    June 6th, 2015 at 04:08am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "Hey, don't start talking like that." Rosie told him quietly. "You're thirty two, that's young enough. You still have the rest of your life ahead of you. You should do something that makes you happy. Everyone deserves to do something that makes them happy. It doesn't matter when they do it. When I was in college, there were a couple of older people in my classes. Hell, there was an eighty-seven year old man in one of my English classes! It's never too late, darling. Never." She gave his hand a light squeeze. She listened as he talked, frowning slightly as she did. "What she said isn't true, you know. When you left, Izzy asked me if I ever planned on leaving the two of you like your ex said. It's not true. I'm not going anywhere. I love you, I love Izzy and I already love this baby so much. I'm not going anywhere, I promise."
    Chris chuckled softly. "I'm pretty sure that that translates to a yes." He said, shaking his head slightly. "I'll keep that in mind then." He held the door open to their building, waiting for her to walk inside before following her up to her apartment. "I'll remember that as well." He chuckled.
    June 6th, 2015 at 04:18am
  • Bucky.Barnes

    Bucky.Barnes (100)

    United States
    Sebastian sighed softly, "yeah, you're right I suppose it's never too late to follow dreams. I'll do it then" he smiled. He rubbed Rosie'sbelly "I don't know what I want to do be a writer or act.. What do you think?" He listened to his girlfriends conversation and frowned when she told him about Izzy, "really?" He didn't like that she felt afraid that Rosie would leave them. "I know sweetheart, you wouldn't leave us. You're not like her" he realized that now. He would have to talk izzy abou her mother, he knew that conversation would have to come sooner "I think maybe I should talk to izzy about her mother.. What do you think?"
    Stacy grinned, "okay I am. Now let's get o eating huh?" She walked into the kitchen and started to serve the food. "I'm such a flirt huh? Do you enjoy that? Or am I just a tease?" She leaned against her wall. "I should stop being so mean huh?"
    June 6th, 2015 at 04:42am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Rosie smiled. "Good, I'm glad. You deserve to do something that you love." She told him, thinking for a moment before she answered his question. "What would you want to write if you became a writer?" She asked him curiously. She'd been pretty shocked by Izzy's question as well. She picked up on a lot more than either of them necessarily bargained for. "Yeah...I assured her that I was going to be sticking around for really long time. I'm only telling you because I know that what she said about us bothered're right. I'm nothing like her. I think that talking to her about her would be good...she's going to ask questions sooner or later."
    Chris nodded, following her to the kitchen. He set the case of beer down on the counter and took a seat. "Well, first of all, being a flirt and being a tease are two very different things. I find it amusing, to be honest. Mainly because, when we first met, you pretty much wanted nothing to do with me." He chuckled.
    June 7th, 2015 at 03:07am
  • Bucky.Barnes

    Bucky.Barnes (100)

    United States
    Sebastian sighed softly, "maybe horror? Or action.. I'm not even sure I just want to write something. Maybe I should just go into another field." He was frustrated and wasn't sure what to do about his career choices, he smiled softly. "We both love you a lot, if I don't talk to her soon she'll end up resenting me when she's older. I don't want Izzy to hate me ."
    Stacy crossed her arms, "so which one am I?" She went and grabbed a bottle opener and popped open her glass beer. She sighed softly taking the food out of the bag, "I know, I mean you're a nice guy. I misjudged you that's for sure."
    June 7th, 2015 at 04:04am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Rosie nodded. "Hey, making decisions like this is never easy, they take time and a lot of thinking. You'll figure it out though, I'm sure." She said quietly, a soft smile gracing her lips. "I love you both a lot too. I don't think she could ever hate you, but you should definitely talk to her about this sooner rather than later. It's for the best."
    "Which one do you think you are?" Chris countered, punctuating his words with a raised eyebrow. He liked answering questions with a question sometimes, though he knew that it irritated a lot of people. "I'm a nice guy, but I do have a different woman in my apartment every night, so you were only partially wrong." He chuckled softly.
    June 9th, 2015 at 02:56am
  • Bucky.Barnes

    Bucky.Barnes (100)

    United States
    Sebastian looked his girlfriend, "I hope so, I really want to do something fulfilling with my life. I hope to find something" Sebastian knew that he would have to talk to Izzy about Sam sooner or later. He dreaded seeing her reaction though, she would be sad. "I just want to be honest with Izzy"
    Stacy grinned, "mostly flirty, I could throw myself at you if you want" after serving and placing the plates at the table. Stacy walked over and set two beers "all right lets eat, yes, you are a nice guy with nice abs" she grinned.
    June 9th, 2015 at 04:01am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "I'm sure that you will, I have faith in you." Rosie told him, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "You're an amazing person, darling, and you have so much potential, I'm sure you'll find something." And she meant that too, she wasn't just saying it for his benefit. She was never one to beat around the bush or sugarcoat things.That had just never been her. "So talk to her about it. She's not going to be mad at you for telling her. She should know the truth."
    Chris chuckled softly. "You mean you don't already throw yourself at me?" He asked, his tone light and teasing. "This looks amazing." He added as she set out the food and brought over a beer for each of them. "You only like me for my abs, I knew it!"
    June 12th, 2015 at 05:04am
  • Bucky.Barnes

    Bucky.Barnes (100)

    United States
    Sebastian smiled, "well thanks. I'm glad one of us has faith in me." Sebastian had spent the last six or so years protecting Izzy from her mother not thinking that he'd actually frun into her again. He let out a sigh, "I hope she understands and doesn't get to upset, what if she wants to meet her then what? What should I do?"
    Stacy rolls her eyes, "no I don't. You wish I did" she looked down and nodded. Stacy laughed, "yeah, because I so want you for your abs not your dorky personality or anything or the way you make me laugh with your goofy face or cheesy one liners" she grinned.
    June 15th, 2015 at 02:36am
  • Bucky.Barnes

    Bucky.Barnes (100)

    United States
    Was the wondering if you wanted to start some od these up again? I know you said you weren't doing Marvel onea for a bit. Lol which ia fine but this one was technically just Seb and Chris lmao. I think I have couple of ideas to expand on both lol. If you're up for it. Also im ao bored
    February 25th, 2016 at 05:05pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    @ The Flash
    I was looking back at this one not too long ago. What were your ideas?
    March 1st, 2016 at 01:32am
  • Bucky.Barnes

    Bucky.Barnes (100)

    United States
    @ killian jones.
    Well. . I'm still thinking over my character'd situatuon lol. I eas thinking though for yours we could complicate things for Seb. By like the mother (can't remember her name lmao) trying to get custody of their kid. Obviously he doesn't want to give her up. As for mine idk yet lol. I really should write ideas down. Lol
    March 1st, 2016 at 03:41am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    @ The Flash
    Ooh, that's definitely something that we could work with!
    March 1st, 2016 at 11:13pm
  • Bucky.Barnes

    Bucky.Barnes (100)

    United States
    Yep! Should be interesting and I think Rosie was pregnant right? I don't remember lol. As fsr
    March 2nd, 2016 at 06:29am