All I wanted.

  • Bucky.Barnes

    Bucky.Barnes (100)

    United States
    @ killian jones.
    Also. I guess we can skip through for mine to where they're super close friends and try not to get jealous of their dates. Lmao. You ever seen Chris' movie he directed? Before We Go? I liked it. I was gonna say revamp and start over but nah too complicated lol
    March 2nd, 2016 at 03:10pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    @ The Flash
    Yeah, I think she was pregnant. Okay sounds good! I don't think I've seen that one yet
    March 12th, 2016 at 03:01am
  • Bucky.Barnes

    Bucky.Barnes (100)

    United States
    @ killian jones.
    You want me to. Start? You should watch it its on Netflix now. Or it should be lol. Its simple and cute. I think so.
    March 12th, 2016 at 06:59am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    @ The Flash
    That would be great, I won't be on until later today...busy sorority day today. Oh is it? I'll have to check.
    March 12th, 2016 at 01:19pm
  • Bucky.Barnes

    Bucky.Barnes (100)

    United States
    (That's cool. Actually I think its coming on the 17th. I'm not sure lmao.)

    Sebastian was exhausted, he had a long week at work and all he wanted was to relax. Getting home to his beautiful girlfriend and daughter was just what he needed. Walking in Sebastian was greeted by his adorable daughter who ran to him and hugged his legs. "Hey baby," he smiled picking her up and kissing her. "Where's Rosie?" He asked softly. He smiled as he noticed Rosie, rubbing her swollen belly. She was adorable and it was what made coming home even better. "Have you been a good girl for Rosie? " he asked his daughter.
    Stacy was lying on her back with her eyes closed, the last few months had been interesting. Getting to know Chris, becoming really close friends. Her feelings were slowly going away. She couldn't be with someone who has commitment issues. "Chris.. did uou deicded on what you want for lunch. I have to go grocery shopping. Chris? " she got up and walked to the kitchen "or you know juat raid my fridge" she laughed.

    @ killian jones.
    March 12th, 2016 at 04:15pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Rosie knew that the last couple of days at work had been stressful. Dealing with his ex wasn't helping much either, she knew that, but she hoped that this nice, long weekend would be good for everyone. Izzy had been seated on the couch with her, they'd been watching Tangled for the umpteenth time because Izzy was convinced that Rosie looked exactly like Rapunzel, when the front door opened. "Your dad must be home." She said with a smile, letting out a quiet laugh when the little girl scrambled to her feet and rushed to the door to greet her father. Rosie was a bit slower getting up than Izzy had been. She was now a little over seven months along, and if she hadn't been noticeably pregnant before, well, she definitely was now. They'd decided to keep the baby's gender a surprise until the birth, though Rosie could say that the little bugger was active that was for sure. As she made her way to the front door to greet her boyfriend, she rubbed circles into her belly as she felt the baby kicking a bit. "She was on her best behavior as per usual." She smiled. "I'm not so sure about your other kid, this one's been kicking me all day." She laughed.
    Chris and Stacy had gotten pretty close since they'd first started hanging out. Chris still wasn't looking for a relationship, and he was glad that Stacy hadn't made it known to him or anything that she was looking for anything more than a friendship from him. He liked to think that she considered him to be a good friend just as he considered her to be one to him. And with that friendship came the opportunity to raid her fridge whenever he so pleased. Which was precisely what he was doing in that exact moment. "You really do need to go grocery shopping...there isn't even any beer in here!"
    March 13th, 2016 at 03:40am
  • Bucky.Barnes

    Bucky.Barnes (100)

    United States
    Sebastian had definitely had his share of stress and it wasn't getting easier. His ex had come into town and decided she wanted to get to know Izzy. Well, that didn't sit well with him. He tried not to let this get the better of him though for the sake of his small and adorable family. Sebastian chuckled and walked up to Rosie cupping her face and planting a soft kiss on her rosy lips. He then got to his knees and rubbed her belly, "baby, you gotta let mommy sleep and be comfortable. I know you wanna come out soon. We can't wait either" he spoke softly. "Repunzel again huh? " he asked grinning as he looked at Rosie. "You know.." he began and stood up. "I see what Izzy means you do look like Rapunzel. She's always been our favorite princess" he grinned. "See told ya" Sebastian heard Izzy chime in. "Who do I resemble Izzy? Who am I?" He asked while picking her up.
    Stacy got out of bed and walked to the kitchen, "I decided to cut the beer. Wine is so much better. " she took a seat on her counter and shook her head, "uou need to stop eating all my food I swear you're just like Joey from Friends. Except hotter and more muscular" she grinned. "I should get going then. I have a date later this evening and I wanna look good" she laughed. "This guy has been so persistent I had to give him a chance" Stacy chuckled.

    March 13th, 2016 at 03:59am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Rosie smiled and kissed him back softly. She knew that Sebastian had been stressed lately, and she hoped that everything with his ex would stop soon enough. The woman just didn't seem capable of taking no for an answer for whatever reason. She just wanted her boyfriend to be happy and she didn't want him to stress out as much as he clearly was doing now. She only wished that there was more she could do to help. The smile on her face widened as she watched him get on his knees so that he could talk to the baby. "Isn't it always?" She countered, punctuating her words with a quiet laugh. "Oh yeah? Well I kind of think I'm missing the long blonde, glowing magical hair, but alright, if you two say so." She laughed once more, smiling when he picked Izzy up. "If Rosie's Rapunzel, you're her Eugene, daddy!" The little girl exclaimed.
    "What? How could you--I'm not even going to bother asking. That's a disgrace. You are a disgrace to our friendship, Stacy. Choosing wine over beer, I can't believe you." Chris said, shaking his head as if in disbelief. The grin that formed on his face moments later showed that he was only kidding though. He knew that she'd pick up on it too. "Maybe you shouldn't have given me the spare key to your apartment, then I wouldn't come here and steal your food all the time." He chuckled slightly. "Ah, so we're getting back out on the dating scene, are we?"
    March 16th, 2016 at 02:56am
  • Bucky.Barnes

    Bucky.Barnes (100)

    United States
    Sebastian was exhausted and annoyed at how his ex kept trying to meey izzy. It wasn't that he was selfish he just didn't want Izzy to get her hopes up and then be heartbroken when her mother leaves. He knew his ex very well and knew she would leave again. Sebastian kept rubbing Rosie's belly "well maybe have magical hair" he teased. Turning to Izzy Sebastian smiled wider "I am devilishly handsome huh?" He chuckled.
    Stacy laughed, "if it keeps you from drinking my alcohol I'll keep buying wine" Stacy watched as Chris looked around for food, "you ate all my food Evans maybe we should order take out" she stood up. "Yeah. .I figured why not? May be this guy could be the or just a good time" she laughed. "I saw your latest conquest. . She's very... well enhanced around the chest are... fake lips though you can tell" she chuckled.
    March 16th, 2016 at 07:53pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Rosie could tell that he was worn out. She knew that this front he was putting up right now was entirely for Izzy's benefit. She'd talk to him later on about it once Izzy was in bed. "Now you're stealing lines from my favorite character on my favorite TV show? I hate to break it to you, babe, but it doesn't sound nearly as attractive as it does when Colin O'Donoghue says it." Her tone was light and teasing. She knew that Sebastian would take it that way too. She was glad that they were able to joke around and tease each other a lot. It was great.
    "What happened to you going out on a date?" Chris asked, punctuating his words with a raised eyebrow. "You can't have changed your mind about this guy already." He let out a quiet laugh in response to her words and shook his head. "Hey, there's nothing wrong with getting a little work done, and she served her purpose." he punctuated his words with a slight shrug of his shoulders.
    April 5th, 2016 at 02:17am
  • Bucky.Barnes

    Bucky.Barnes (100)

    United States
    Sebastian sat Izzy on his lap and began to brush her wavy hair. He kissed the side of her head looking at his girlfriend when she spoke. He chuckled, "I think you love him more than you love me, so I can see why you would say that. I'm not the most handsome man around or British " he hummed softly as he rocked Izzy who was falling aslewp. [Line ]

    Stacy looked at Chris for a moment, "I'm going, I just suggested you order out and save me some food." Stacy laughed and stood in front of him hands on her hips, "so what should I get done? Be honest with me.. if I had work done what would you change?"
    April 6th, 2016 at 01:00am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "Colin's Irish, but you're right. You most definitely are not British." Rosie said, punctuating her words with a quiet laugh. "As perfect as he may be though, I think I'll take my dorky boyfriend any day of the week over him." She said, a small smile gracing her lips. She watched as he rocked Izzy to sleep. He was an amazing father, and she knew that he'd be an equally amazing one to their baby.
    "Why would I save you food when you're ditching me to go on a date with some guy?" Chris chuckled slightly. His eyebrows rose in response to her later words. "That's you giving me permission to check you out, right? Or maybe to see you naked too?" He was only teasing her. They were only friends as Stacy was looking for a relationship and Chris simply wasn't the relationship kind of guy. They had a mutual understanding about all of that.
    April 9th, 2016 at 12:17am
  • Bucky.Barnes

    Bucky.Barnes (100)

    United States
    Sebastian looked at his beautiful girlfriend and chuckled, "I'm sorry for not being Irish or handsome..," he looked at Izzy who had fallen asleep in his arms, "I love you baby" he whispered in her ear and kissing her forehead. "Would you really take me over the handsome Irish actor? Are you sure? He seems like s better fit for someone as gorgeous and sweet as you, "
    Stacy laughed, "you ditch me all the time to have sex with women so how is that any different?" Stacy grinned, "maybe...if I flash you will you be honest and tell me what you really think of my boobs? If I can show my girlfriends I csn shoe my bff" She chuckled. Stacy looked through her phone and smiled "he's on his way here I should finish looking good"
    April 9th, 2016 at 05:52am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "I'm positive. I prefer my dorky boyfriend who also happens to be an amazing father." Rosie said with a smile. That was what angered her so much about his ex wanting to intervene in Izzy's life. Sebastian had raised her alone up until this point. She had no right to butt in the way she was trying to, and she certainly didn't have a right to make accusations and judgements about Sebastian or her or their relationship at all.
    "Hey! I don't ditch you to have sex with women ever. I can't believe you'd make such a horrid statement about me, Stacy." Chris said, shaking his head as if in disbelief. He chuckled in response to her later words. "Are you really offering to flash me your boobs?" He asked, punctuating his words with a raised eyebrow. "Yeah, and you probably shouldn't have him show up when your flashing me your boobs either, so I'll get out of your hair for now." He chuckled once more.
    April 10th, 2016 at 11:44pm
  • Bucky.Barnes

    Bucky.Barnes (100)

    United States
    Sebastian shot her a smile standing up with Izzy in his arms. "You think I'm a good father? I've always had doubts but I guess I am since Izzy is a well behaved and sweet kid." He placed her in her bed and tucked her in. Giving her a soft kiss on her forehead. Sebastian walked over to his girlfriend and rubbed her belly, "do you think if I tell Izzy about her mother wanting to see her she'll want to leave me?" He asked worried.
    Stacy laughed, "you do it all the time and I always forgive you." She finished putting her hair up in a braid crown before looking at Chris. "If you don't want to see my boobs I won't show them to you..." She walked over and grabbed her purse, "you can stay here just don't bring your lady friends here. I don't want theme going through my stuff. That's him, gotta go maybe I'll introduce next time."
    April 11th, 2016 at 01:47am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "Of course I think you're a good father, babe. Izzy's a great kid, and you've raised her right. You're so good with her, and I know you're going to be good with this one too." Rosie said as she rested one of her hands on her swollen belly. She watched him carry Izzy down the hall to her bedroom and waited for him to return. She frowned slightly at his words and shook her head. "What? No, of course not. That little girl adores you, Sebastian."
    "Alright have fun with what-his-face." Chris said, waving his hand dismissively. "Text me if you end up bringing him back here and I'll make sure I'm out of here." He chuckled slightly. More often than not, he was hanging around her apartment, but he didn't want to be a cock-block or anything if she decided to bring this guy back to her apartment or something.
    April 13th, 2016 at 04:10am
  • Bucky.Barnes

    Bucky.Barnes (100)

    United States
    Sebastian face soften as he thought about his new baby. "At least you can count on me to change diapers thought it's been awhile" he chuckled. Sebastian sat next to Rosie and let out a sigh, "I just worry, I love her so much she's the best part that came out of that horrible relationship. I've always been honest with her about her mother."
    Stacy laughed, "Matt and I will I did last time... well aren't you considerate. Thanks I'll let you know." She waved and walked out a few moments later. Stacy had only been on a few dates with Matt but she was enjoying herself and so far he hadn't shown any sign of just wanting to sleep with her.
    April 13th, 2016 at 04:47pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "You'll be great no matter what." Rosie said, pressing a kiss to his cheek. She knew that he was going to be an amazing father to the baby. He was great with Izzy, and he'd be just as great with this one too. She had complete and utter faith in him. "She's not going to hate you, babe." She said, reaching over to take his hand in hers. "Izzy loves you. That woman is a complete stranger to her. She's not going to hate you."
    Chris watched her walk out of the apartment before making himself at home as he lounged out on the couch. He'd hang around here for a bit before heading back to his own place. He had no plans for the evening, something that normally wasn't the case with him, and he wasn't sure what he was going to do with his free time just yet, but he'd figure something out.
    April 17th, 2016 at 01:50pm
  • Bucky.Barnes

    Bucky.Barnes (100)

    United States
    Sebastian took a seat gently pulling his girlfriend into his lap and smiling. "I love my Izzy she was what kept me going now I have the three of you and I'm as happy as a clam" Sebastian hoped thato Izzy wopulent leave him, he knew Rosie was right though. Izzy loved Sebastian so much, he had done everything right. "You're right I'm just paranoid"
    Stacy was enjoying herself with Matt he was sweet and funny and was showing her a good time. "Thanks, it was such a good night" it was their second date and she was really starting to like him. "Next time we will go to a beach or maybe a theme park" he said. She nodded, Stacy watched as he pulled her close and gave her a soft kiss. Yup, it had been a great nght.
    April 17th, 2016 at 10:09pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "And that's all the three of us want." Rosie told him quietly, a small smile gracing her lips. "We just want to see you happy." She couldn't see Izzy leaving him or even getting upset with him over the whole thing with her mother. There was no way that was going to happen. "You have absolutely nothing to worry about, I'm sure of it." She pressed a kiss to his cheek and smiled up at him.
    Chris hung around Stacy's place for a little while longer before heading back to his own. He was going to be a man of his word and not be hanging around her apartment for when she got back from her date just in case. He'd just see her tomorrow and talk to her then or whatever. He'd probably just show up unannounced like he normally would. She really shouldn't have given him that spare key.
    April 18th, 2016 at 01:12am