New Life, New Story

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    Sadie Thompson

    Jax Kyleson

    Zoey McGerald
    February 1st, 2015 at 03:44am
  • Zoey loaded her bags in the back of her yellow Volkswagen beetle that she had received as a 16th birthday gift from her parents. Her best friend Sadie and her were going to the same college and both got accepted as roomies! Good thing, too, as Sadie didn't have a car and they were stuck sharing her beetle. Sending a quick text to Sadie, she went inside closing the back. done packing, pick you up in 5??. Her parents both pulled her in a tight hug kissing her face and touching her long light brown hair. "Be good Zoe, call us every weekend, alright?" her dad grumbled proudly. Zoe kissed both her parents and said her goodbyes as she started driving towards Sadie's house which was only a 2 minute drive from her place. It was good living in a small town.
    February 1st, 2015 at 03:50am
  • Sadie zipped up her last bag and carried it down the stairs. Seeing her phone light up, she replied to Zoey's text. All packed, see you then. She stopped at the door and hugged both of her parents, "Make sure you keep in touch, we'll miss you." Her mother said, kissing her forehead. Sadie walked out the door when Zoey pulled up. Going over to Zoey's beetle, she put her bags in the back and looked at her best friend, "Are we good to leave now?" She asked.
    February 1st, 2015 at 03:59am
  • "Oh my gosh!" she breathed clenching the steering wheel tightly looking over at Sadie's dark eyes. "I can't believe we're actually moving. We're. Moving." she breathed before squealing excitedly pulling her beetle to drive and zipping off onto the road but not before waving at Sadie's parents. "We're leaving for good, moving on with life." Zoey was still at shock at how unbelievable this was. They were going to college, together.

    @ foREVerYours.
    February 1st, 2015 at 04:03am
  • Sadie giggled softly, putting her seatbelt on and waving at her parents, "We're finally getting out of here." She smiled, looking out the window, "I never thought this day would actually happen." It seemed so unrealistic that they were going to college together and even rooming together. She was thankful for that, she would be lost without Zoey, Sadie was not an outgoing person, she wouldn't do well with a stranger.

    @ missysipi
    February 1st, 2015 at 04:14am
  • Zoey laughed cranking up the music. "Freedommmmm!" she bellowed temporarily releasing the steering wheel before grabbing hold of it again. The college wasn't far from home, only 2 hours, but in just 2 hours they would be in a new city rooming on a college campus. "What are we even going to do first. Well, unpack first, but then we have to go out. We have to explore." she said, getting ahead of herself. Their room only had 2 bedrooms, one bathroom, a small living area with a small TV and a kitchen suitable for 2 people.

    @ foREVerYours.
    February 1st, 2015 at 04:18am
  • A hesitant smile crossed Sadie's face, she knew she needed to be more outgoing, but it was a challenge for her. "Going out could be fun, but is it really a good idea on the first night? We might be tired after unpacking everything..." She said softly, maybe Zoey would just go without her, she didn't want to hold her back from having fun.

    @ missysipi
    February 1st, 2015 at 04:23am
  • "Nonsense." Zoey shook her head. "You're coming with me whether you like it or not missy." she focused her eyes on the highway driving at 110Km/hour in anticipation to get there. "I'll hit up some hot college boys on the best party on the campus. I swear to god we will have fun, just this once Sadie, please? First day of college."

    @ foREVerYours.
    February 1st, 2015 at 04:26am
  • Sadie nodded, it wouldn't be that bad, "We can go out, I hope it'll be fun." She smiled, watching out the window as everything seemed to zoom by. Soon enough they would be moved into their new home and starting over. "Maybe it will be a good thing, I can try and get out of my shell..."

    @ missysipi
    February 1st, 2015 at 04:32am
  • "If I have to I will drag you out of your shell." Zoey smiled at her warmly. Sadie was never the type to hit someone up, it wasn't her. Zoey drove for 2 hours, it was 5 in the afternoon. Sadie was asleep by her side facing towards the window. Sighing, Zoey adjusted her headband and slowly pulled into the college parking lot leaning over and shaking Sadie. "Sadie.." she hissed. "Wake up!"

    @ foREVerYours.
    February 1st, 2015 at 04:38am
  • After being able to sleep for a little while, Sadie opened her eyes and looked at her surroundings, "We're here..." She said softly, smiling over at Zoey before getting out, "Let's get his done." She grabbed her bags from the car and followed Zoey to their room.

    @ missysipi
    February 1st, 2015 at 04:44am
  • Zoey linked her arm with Sadies as she rolled her suitcase in the other hand dragging it along. "Room 005." Zoey said looking at the key that she received in the mail. "Ah! There!" she gasped pointing at their room as she unlinked their arms and dashed towards it flinging the door open and running inside. "Wow! It's beautiful. I feel so free." she said going into one of the two rooms and flopping onto the bed on her back. "I love it." she sighed her long locks flowing onto the mattress. "Can I have this room?" she asked just as Sadie was in.

    @ foREVerYours.
    February 1st, 2015 at 06:55am
  • Sadie laughed softly as Zoey took off into their new home, she walked in the door and nodded at her question, "Yeah, you can have that room." She smiled, going into the other bedroom and laying on the bed. A soft sigh escaped Sadie's lips, it was so peaceful and quiet, she closed her eyes for a few moments, just letting everything sink in.

    @ missysipi
    February 1st, 2015 at 03:58pm
  • "Okay Sadie, let's unpack quickly, have supper, and then go out. Let's make this a first day to remember." Zoey got up unzipping her suitcase as she started opening drawers and hanging clothes. Not long after she was finished and Pulling Sadie out the door.

    @ foREVerYours.
    February 1st, 2015 at 08:00pm
  • It didn't take too long for Sadie to get her things unpacked, she smiled as her eyes scanned the room, it was nice and reminded her of home. Seeing that Zoey was done, she fixed her hair and followed Zoey out the door. To be honest, she was nervous to go out, but she needed to get out and have fun.

    @ missysipi
    February 2nd, 2015 at 02:47am
  • "Come on!" Zoey smiled taking her hand and dragging her out. She approached the first person that wore a college sweater. "Hey!" Zoey called waving her arms frantically. "Whats happening tonight?" she smiled widely.

    @ foREVerYours.
    February 2nd, 2015 at 04:16am
  • Sadie laughed softly as Zoey pulled her out of the room. She smiled a little hearing the person mention a party. She knew in that instant that Zoey would want to go to the party and there was no way Sadie could turn it down if Zoey really wanted to go.

    @ missysipi
    February 2nd, 2015 at 04:20am
  • "Sadie." Zoey looked over. "It's at 8... Do you want to go?" she smiled that same perky smile. "We can go out for supper. I can even let you choose where." Zoey offered.

    @ foREVerYours.
    February 2nd, 2015 at 04:24am
  • Sadie took a moment to think about it, "Sure, let's get something to eat and then we can go to the party." She smiled over at Zoey, knowing her best friend would want to go. "It could be fun, right?" She said softly, running a hand through her hair.

    @ missysipi
    February 2nd, 2015 at 04:29am
  • "It will be fun. Do you want to drive? You can choose the restaurant." Zoey handed her car keys to Sadie following her best friend to her little Beetle hopping in the front and closing the door. "I love being alone. With you and no pestering parents." Zoey smiled. "Say, what are you going to wear to the party?"

    @ foREVerYours.
    February 2nd, 2015 at 04:33am