Paper Moon.

  • twentyone.kittens

    twentyone.kittens (100)

    United States

    Two plastic hearts with nowhere to run
    We're rolling the dice on whatever's left
    'Cause God only knows that we could use the rest...
    February 3rd, 2015 at 07:28am
  • twentyone.kittens

    twentyone.kittens (100)

    United States
    There was a slight bounce on the bed that made Tatum wake up from her dream. It was the same dream every night, lately, especially with Alex gone. They were in the doctor's office and the doctor told them they were having their second baby. Since Adrienne was now almost 3, Tatum has wanted another child in the worst way. She never believed in having a small family, and didn't want Adrienne that much older than her siblings. The brunette opened her eyes to see her own little monster jumping on the bed yelling about how daddy was going to be home soon. With a smile, she extended her tattooed covered arms and wrapped them around the young girl, pretending to eat her as she tickled her. "Who dares wake me up?!" She boomed, making Adri laugh even harder. Tate was just happy she was finally potty trained.

    Once they were up and both were ready for the day, Adri ended up controlling the T.V. and putting on Doc McStuffins. Which in all honesty, never bothered Tate because she grew to actually like that one child show. "You need to tell daddy you want to be an older sister. He won't listen to mommy." she said, while playing with her hair. Adrienne, of course, got excited and started babbling in her toddler language the benefits of being an older sister. Tate took out her Iphone and started filming it before sending it to Alex. "She wants you to call the stork. I'm saying we start tonight when you get in? ;)" she texted him, hoping he was almost home. She had missed him over the last few months. Having the house now was different from just leaving an apartment, she just couldn't up and leave on a drop of a hat anymore. Which not only bummed her out, but Adri missed her father more and more.
    February 3rd, 2015 at 07:44am
  • liv morgan.

    liv morgan. (100)

    United States
    Alex had just pulled out of long term parking at the airport and onto the main road when his phone dinged, signaling he had a text from somebody. He waited until he was at a red light to look at it. A smile lit up Alex's face when he saw it was a message from Tate. His smile grew even bigger when he saw it was a video of his little Adri babbling about being a big sister. Alex shook his head and laughed. She's just the cutest little thing! I can't wait to get home and cover her face in kisses. As for you, princess... I wouldn't mind starting tonight. Alex added a bunch of dorky emojis before pressing send. He put his phone back on the passenger seat as the light turned green. Alex pulled onto the highway and began the short journey home.

    He could hardly wait to get home. Alex missed his girls terribly. It had just been a two week stint in LA to get some stuff together for the album, but it felt like an eternity. He missed waking up to Adri in his face, begging for Daddy to wake up so he could cook waffles and watch Frozen while they waited for mommy to wake up. Even more than that, Alex missed waking to Tate sprawled out on top of him, snoring slightly with her head on his chest. He loved his girls with all of his heart. And he had to admit, Tatum and Adri were right. They definitely needed another baby in the house. But Alex really wanted to get married first. He and Tate had tossed around the idea, but nothing was really set in stone. Alex needed to think of a decent way to propose to the love of his life.

    I'm almost home, ladies! Prepare for kisses!
    February 3rd, 2015 at 08:28am
  • twentyone.kittens

    twentyone.kittens (100)

    United States
    @ acid rain;
    Finally want to join the dark side, Lex? She texted back at his response to starting what she had been begging for several months for. She understood why he didn't want a kid, and it made perfect sense to her, but with Adrienne getting older, and Wyatt finally being born, and Cass and Rian finally talking about settling down, she craved the feeling of having a newborn in her arms. She wanted Alex to feel what she felt the first time she held Adrienne. She wanted him to experience everything he missed in the first couple of months when he only saw pictures. She wanted to see Peter and Isobel's face when she first announces the pregnancy. She knew they would be excited, since they kept Adrienne a secret from everybody until they finally got together and she went on tour with them. She knew that their next baby would have everything Adrienne missed in her first couple of months, and even though she felt a little guilty, she knew that they were ready.

    "Mama are you and daddy mawwied like Wose and Jack?" Tatum was shook out of her daydream as she saw Adri with her phone, seeing the picture of all four of them when Jack proposed. Tate smiled and shook her head. "No, baby, mama and daddy are together but we're not married yet." She said, picking up her kid and kissing her on the cheek. Tatum, ever since she realized her love for Alex, had always dreamed of the day she'd finally be Tatum Gaskarth. They'd been together a while already, and knew that's why Alex wanted to wait on the baby was so they could get married, but she was scared he'd never do it. Even though it was highly unlikely that he'd leave her at this point, she still got scared. Tatum read the text and smiled down at Adrienne. "Daddy's almost home!" she said before Adrienne jumped off her lap and ran towards the door. Alex was Adri's best friend in the entire world, so it was no surprise. Tatum laughed and sent him a text. I got my guard dog waiting for you. And no, I'm not talking Peyton and Seb, I'm talking about your daughter. she texted, giggling at how silly Adrienne looked.
    February 3rd, 2015 at 04:51pm
  • twentyone.kittens

    twentyone.kittens (100)

    United States
    February 3rd, 2015 at 04:52pm
  • liv morgan.

    liv morgan. (100)

    United States
    Alex shook his head and laughed at the sight of the text from Tatum. Oh my goodness. She's too much. He put his phone back down before continuing the drive home. Alex loved Adrienne with all of his heart-- he never could have imagined loving such a tiny little person so much. I have a ton of presents for her in my suitcase. I know, I know, you told me to stop spoiling her, but I can't help it! Alex added a bunch of emojis before continuing the drive home. It was true. Alex's habit of buying toys for his baby was getting worse. He couldn't help it, though. The entire basement was converted into Adrienne's playroom, and even that was starting to run out of room. Alex could only imagine how bad it would be when they had a second baby.

    After about another twenty five minutes or so of driving, Alex pulled up in his driveway. A huge smile crossed his face-- he was home with the girls he loved most. Once he turned his car off, he tucked his keys and phone into his pocket and exited his vehicle. Alex quickly headed up the steps and unlocked the front door with his key, flinging it open. His face lit up at the sight of his princess waiting eagerly for him at the door. "Hey, you!" Alex beamed, picking Adri up and swirling her around. He pressed tiny kisses to her face over and over again, tickling her belly until she erupted in laughter. "Daddy, I miss you! Mama doesn't make waffles like you." Adrienne pouted, squeezing Alex as tight as her tiny arms would let her.
    February 4th, 2015 at 03:15am
  • twentyone.kittens

    twentyone.kittens (100)

    United States
    @ acid rain;
    "Sweet pea, he won't be here till Doc's over. How about you come and finish it with mommy?" She asked, going over to the small child who crossed her arms over her chest and shook her head. "No, mama, I wanna wait for daddy!" she pouted and Tatum had to do everything in her power not to laugh. Adrienne was definitely three going on thirty, but she also had the same pouting face as Alex, which drove her insane. The only thing her child possessed of hers were her eyes and nose, but even the coloring of her eyes were lighter like Alex's. "Whatever, then, I'm going to make breakfast. What do you want?" She asked as she listed off a bunch of breakfast food. She shook her head before going into the kitchen.

    Since Alex was coming home, she decided she'd make a huge selection of food. Knowing the boys, whatever they didn't eat, Jack, Zack, or Rian will be raiding later, so she always cooked for a small army. She ended up making a big tray of "breakfast casserole," which was one of Adrienne's favorites since it had all her favorites: eggs, sausage, hash browns, and cheese. Of course, she always added vegetables since the child would only eat veggies for the longest time. She also made some pancakes and warmed up some tortillas, since she loved putting the casserole in them and making a burrito. When she was finally done, she heard the door open and him being bombarded by the tiny hurricane. "Adri! Go show daddy was Aunty got you!" She said, as the child jumped off her father and into her room. "Cass stopped by after bride's maid shopping and took her to Frozen on Ice and of course spoiled her." She laughed, going up to the handsome man who stood in front of her. She wrapped her arms around his neck before standing on her tip toes and giving him a loving kiss before dropping her hands around his waist, her hands falling into his back pockets before resting her head on his chest. "I missed you so much, Lex." she said softly, inhaling the smell she had grown to miss since his pillow stopped smelling like him.
    February 5th, 2015 at 05:48am
  • liv morgan.

    liv morgan. (100)

    United States
    Alex hugged Tatum tight, pressing another kiss to her lips. He'd missed his girl so much, and now she was finally in front of him. "I missed you, too, babe." He whispered, running his hands through her hair. "It sucked not waking up to my babe hogging the blankets and snoring in my face." Alex teased, bumping Tatum's hip with his. He bent down when Adri came padding into the room, arms full of Frozen things. "Holy cow, Adri!" He spoke, looking at all of the toys. "Aunty Cass spoiled you rotten! We may have to get another house just for your toys." He booped Adrienne on the nose before bending down to give her a kiss. "Daddy, let's play dolls." Adri mumbled. Alex, never being able to say no to his daughter, nodded his head. "Of course, princess. Go set up your dolls and I'll join you in a second. Mommy and I are gonna talk about grown up stuff." Alex watched as Adrienne ran into the living room, singing 'Let it Go' at the top of her lungs.

    Once Adri was out of sight, Alex leaned down to give Tatum a kiss on the neck. "How about we have mom and dad take her overnight, and we make a night of it?" He mumbled lazily into the crook of her neck, his hands going into her jean pockets.

    "Daddy, come on!" Adri yelled from the living room.
    February 6th, 2015 at 09:30pm