give into the night; closed

  • monstersquad

    monstersquad (100)

    United States
    Finn was sure he had never even had a grilled cheese before, never had a reason to as he had always had the best food available, either by dining in, take out or Vivian, cooking him as he wanted. and before her, he had hours upon hours to cook the best of the best."I would think my vampirism has made my taste buds so much better." He shrugged as he could barely remember a time he wasn't a vampire but he could learn to compromise.
    February 18th, 2015 at 05:08am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Zen gave him a look. "You drink blood instead of wine," she said without any particularly inflection in her voice. But then she wrinkled her nose, thinking about how he had said her blood smelled like lilacs earlier, and she glanced to her bandaged hand. there was a spot of dark red where blood was probably still drying to dry on the bandage. Forcing her mind away from blood though, she looked up at Ink, and frowned. "How old are you anyway? And I don't mean what age you were made a vampire." She was curious. He acted almost as if he were just recently human, but she was almost willing to bet that wasn't the case. Besides, the older the vampire, usually they got stronger, better immunity's, better senses. She'd heard rumors of vampires occasionally developing special abilities if they lived to be old enough, even.
    February 18th, 2015 at 05:27am
  • monstersquad

    monstersquad (100)

    United States
    "I prefer a nice cognac to wine either way, has nothing to do with me being a vampire." Finn laughed, shrugging as he looked to Zen, watching as her eyes flicked down to her scissor wound and he wondered if she knew he could smell it now on her, sweet."Just be happy that I don't bring home my meal." He pointed out to her, it had been a long time since he fed from the vein and though it was more fresh, the blood bank bags did the job and it was much safer for himself that way.

    "I just turned one hundred and twenty-nine two months ago." He wondered what got her curious about his age, she hadn't asked anything remotely about him."I was twenty-five when I turned." And that had been the most daunting time in his entire life, nothing compared to that.
    February 18th, 2015 at 07:21am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    "I believe I would puke if I had to witness that," Zen muttered under her breath. A human wouldn't have been able to hear the comment, though she had no doubt that Ink had. Whether he would choose to respond or not was simply entirely up to him. As he listed his age, she quickly did a bit of math. If he had been twenty five, that meant he was barely over a century old in vampire time. Huh. She hadn't pegged him for having been a vampire for that long. "Anyway, the fact that you like blood means there's something seriously wrong with your tastebuds; that was the point I was trying to make," she continued on. "Meaning that your judgement on good food is impaired."
    April 17th, 2015 at 02:04am
  • monstersquad

    monstersquad (100)

    United States
    Finn wondered if it from the bite to a innocent or the blood that would get to her, though he couldn't imagine someone like her would at all be squeamish toward blood. A faint smile tugged at his lips, he shrugged."You can't fault me for that. Besides, through blood I can taste and smell everything inside whether you're just getting over a cold, ate a slice of pizza or drank entire bottle of wine." It also aided in which blood was fresher than others, who were on the edge of death and those who weren't.
    August 10th, 2015 at 08:55pm
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    Zen held up a hand, partially because she simply did not want to hear another word, and partially so that she could interject. "No, a reasonable person wouldn't be able to fault you. As I'm sure you have noticed by now, I am not a reasonable person. Besides, I don't care what you can find out through blood. Normal people eat their meal and enjoy the taste. End of story." Then again, normal people were actually people. Not bloodsucking monsters. Just because she had decided that she didn't want to kill Ink didn't automatically make her like him any more than she had yesterday. It just meant she wasn't homicidal. And it would stay that way provided Gregor didn't ever show up.

    @ healysquad
    August 10th, 2015 at 10:56pm
  • monstersquad

    monstersquad (100)

    United States
    Finn laughed before he leaned in toward her."Oh, believe me, I enjoy the taste of my meals perfectly." His phone vibrated in his pocket, he pulled it out and pressed a few buttons before shoving back into his jeans."So, I'm needed elsewhere at the moment. I'll be back later. Try not to hurt yourself, be seen, or annoy Vivian too much." He flashed her a smile as he was sure that would be on her list. He also wasn't worried about her running because one phone call would put a bounty on her head.
    August 11th, 2015 at 04:31am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    As Ink leaned in, Zen leaned away. He seemed to have some misconception that they were going to be good buddies simply because of the fact that she had decided not to kill him. Then, as he told her what not to do while he was gone, she rolled her eyes. "Yes, Father. Going to tell me not to burn down the house next?" She was a grown woman who had just been taken out of prison, not a child.
    August 11th, 2015 at 04:46am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    @ healysquad
    **forgot to press the reply button**
    August 12th, 2015 at 04:07am
  • monstersquad

    monstersquad (100)

    United States
    "Please, don't burn down my house, it kinda means a lot to me." Finn reached up and touched a strand of her hair."Have a lovely day." He smiled before he was backing away and grabbing his keys before he was heading out of the front door and getting into his Jeep.
    August 12th, 2015 at 05:33am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    @ healysquad
    (I hope you don't mind that I skipped xD)

    Being on cooking duty eased a lot of the friction between Zen and Vivian. Since she wasn't doing chores, she couldn't do them wrong, and though their personalities kept them from really becoming friendly, they formed a sort of unspoken truce. It even held up when Zen announced that she would be making grilled cheese instead of some fancy meal like Vivian had been in the past. And that was exactly what she was doing when Ink got back: making dinner. And since it had been forever since she had last had a grilled cheese sandwich, she was practically drooling over the pan as the sandwiches cooked.
    August 12th, 2015 at 05:59am
  • monstersquad

    monstersquad (100)

    United States
    When Finn first entered the house, it had a weird smell that he wasn't used too and he found Vivian no where in sight but he could smell a tinge of her perfume that she was probably upstairs and as he entered the kitchen, Zen was at the stove."I didn't think you were serious about cooking that." He scrunched up his nose as he opened the fridge door.
    August 12th, 2015 at 06:10am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    @ healysquad

    Hearing Ink come in, Zen glanced over at him. "What the hell made you think I was anything except serious?" She shook her head at him. "And don't wrinkle your nose at it either! You're at least going to try it." That said, she turned back to the food, and found it to be done. It was a little darker than she normally liked, but she blamed Ink for that. He'd distracted her from her vigilant watch. Zen turned off the stove and scooped the three sandwiches onto three different plates, cutting them all in half so that they were shaped like triangles with cheese oozing out the middle.
    August 12th, 2015 at 06:23am
  • monstersquad

    monstersquad (100)

    United States
    "Oh, are we trying each other's preferred food now?" Finn asked as he pulled out a blood bag, tossed it onto the counter and it hit with a wet slap. He picked up a sliced triangle from a plate, examined the melted cheese strings exuding from the middle."Such a delicacy, I'm sure." He bit into the center, it was a bit crunchy and with a hint of burnt taste mingled in with the cheese which was nothing like the finest cheeses he had been accustomed too.
    August 12th, 2015 at 06:43am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    @ healysquad

    Zen didn't bother to hide the disgusted look that crossed her face as the blood bag hit the counter, and she pointed moved her plate away from it. "Anyone who's had a busted lip has tasted blood. Let me be the first to say no thank you," she said, following which she raised half her sandwich to her mouth and took a large bite. For a few moments, Zen became nearly as gooey as the melted cheese in the sandwich. "Damn, I've missed grilled cheeses," she said once she had swallowed that first bite. Immediately, she took another equally large bite.
    August 13th, 2015 at 04:48am
  • monstersquad

    monstersquad (100)

    United States
    Finn shrugged, finishing off the second triangle though he would never admit to Zen that it was an alright sandwich."There's a difference between just tasting a drop because you got a busted mouth and savoring the sweet taste, having it stain your lips and teeth."
    August 13th, 2015 at 05:23am
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    @ healysquad

    Zen snorted around the food she was currently chewing. "Blood tastes differently to vampires, smart one. You guys essentially died and were brought back. You crave life because that's what's keeping your body moving and working. Unfortunately for us living people, blood equals life, and vamps are thirsty bastards," she said, this time actually around the mouthful of food she had instead of waiting until she had finished. After that, it was only a matter of time before she had finished her first grilled cheese and moved onto a second.
    August 13th, 2015 at 06:00am
  • monstersquad

    monstersquad (100)

    United States
    Finn watched her, seeing how she appreciated a grilled cheese and he wondered if there was anything else she held to that standard aside her hatred for vampires."Anything else you missed?"
    August 13th, 2015 at 08:03pm
  • rosamarie

    rosamarie (1045)

    United States
    @ healysquad

    "Hmm?" Zen looked up to find Ink watching her. "No, I think what I said pretty much sums up how I feel about vampires. Though I wouldn't have thought you would want to hear about that anyway. Then again, you have to be the weirdest of your kind that I've met..." She shrugged to herself as she finished off her second sandwich.
    August 13th, 2015 at 08:54pm
  • monstersquad

    monstersquad (100)

    United States
    "You act like that's a bad thing." Finn shrugged as he looked at her, watching her finish off her last sandwich."I know what I am and I know what I'm designed to be but it doesn't mean I don't have some humanity left." Being a vampire could be the easiest thing about living in the world now, not having a care in the world and having every human expendable but Finn, a lot of that held guilt and resentment for what he was.
    August 17th, 2015 at 12:44am