paint your wings

  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Savannah smiled and took the shirt from him then headed into the bathroom, where she took a nice long warm shower. Probably the most relaxing shower she'd taken in a long time. And when she was finally done with her shower she dried off then changed into the shirt he'd gotten her and finally left the bathroom. Honestly she was sure he had no idea just how thankful she was that he'd offered to let her stay with him for the night. "If you need the bathroom it's all yours."
    "Well the way I see it, what they don't know couldn't possibly hurt them." Zane told her even though he knew he shouldn't be flirting with Letha while she was like this. Or at all really. But it was like he couldn't help it. She was a beautiful girl and even though it wasn't in a romantic way, yet anyways, he cared about her. And he wanted to make sure she knew that. He also didn't want to upset her or anything since well she was drunk and he'd feel pretty awful if he upset her by being totally standoffish. Though he did figure it wouldn't be smart to stay with her for the night or anything he also didn't see how it could really hurt anyone.
    March 12th, 2015 at 12:29am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    The moment Savannah walked out, Nathan couldn't really help but to stare at her. Sure, he had always accepted that Savannah was gorgeous, but he hadn't ever seen her like this - and, he knew it wasn't exactly proper, but he couldn't help but to enjoy the sight. Regardless, he cleared his throat and glanced away. "I'll take a shower in a bit," he decided with a nod. It was difficult to keep his attention away, though, and he glanced over again before rubbing the back of his neck for a moment, taking in her features. "Do you want to sit down for a bit? Tonight's probably been a little overwhelming, so I assume you want to relax for a bit."
    Professor Carson's words surprised Letha more than she cared to admit and she arched an eyebrow as she looked over at him. After a moment, though, she regained what little composure she had while she was drunk and offered the teasing grin that she usually had when she was late for class. "Ooh, Teach is thinking about breaking silly little expectations. That's cute," she hummed out. "In that case, good. I need a cuddle buddy." Because she was more than a little childish when she got drunk and she preferred not to be alone, anyways.
    March 12th, 2015 at 01:00am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Savannah took a seat on the edge of the bed and sighed softly. "I don't really know if I can relax." She finally said quietly. "I want to, but it's like I can't get him off my mind. So if I could just find someone to distract me from him I think I'd be better." She said wishing that weren't true. Because she would give almost anything to be able to sit down somewhere and not worry about him, to not feel scared every time she left her house. Honestly she'd give almost anything to just forget about him all together because then maybe she wouldn't feel the way she did right now. But her issue was she'd tried so many different things to try and forget about him, or distract herself from thinking about it but it was a lot easier said than done. Though it might've also been helpful if she'd had someone helping her rather than going at it alone.
    Zane laughed a little before he walked farther into her apartment and closed the door behind him. It wasn't like he was doing anything so bad he could go to jail or anything, because he wasn't. They were both adults, and as long as both parties were consenting there wasn't any laws against it. Though it wasn't like he was about to sleep with her, or take advantage of her or anything. If ever Letha wanted to sleep with him and he wanted the same thing from her he'd make sure neither of them were drunk and they were both 100% sure about it. Just because he wouldn't want there to be any confusion and one of them end up hurt. But that wasn't going to happen tonight so really was there anything wrong with this?
    March 12th, 2015 at 01:51am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Nathan nodded in understanding, because it made sense. He wasn't sure how long Savannah had been with the guy that they ran into, but he could assume that it had been for a while - it usually took a while for guys to get that possessive in relationships, because they usually hid it until they were pretty sure that the girls would be too devoted to them to do much about it. The process sometimes took months, even years. But, he didn't want to pry into her life, not when it could bring back memories for her that she probably didn't want to relive. "I get it," he assured her with a slight nod before he moved to sit down next to her. "Sometimes, you just have to stop searching for something to take your mind off of things like that and just wait for an opportunity to arise - it's harder to find things you're looking for, sometimes, and easier to just stop looking and let it come to you."
    Letha strayed into her bedroom, glancing back at him for a moment. "I'd offer you some clothes to change into, but I doubt you'd want to wear girl clothes," she hummed out, lifting her shoulders in a shrug. "But, I'm sure I could find a dress or something, if you're desperate." She grinned, then, back to her usual teasing. Slipping into the bedroom, she moved to her closet to search for something to change into (because jeans with holes in them and the shirt she was wearing weren't comfortable enough to sleep in - even in her slightly drunken state, she knew that much.) "If you're hungry or something, you can raid the kitchen. There should be something good in there." She assumed, anyways; she didn't know what Professor Carson liked to eat or anything, so she wasn't sure.
    March 12th, 2015 at 03:49am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Savannah laid her head over to rest on Nathan's shoulder, mostly because he was there and it was comforting. Even if they weren't super good friends, or dating, or really in one another's lives aside from the fact that he was her professor. He was still there for her. Just like she found more comfort in grabbing his hand and just holding it in her lap. Kind of made her wish she could've met someone like him before she'd met Max. But she couldn't think like that, and sadly she couldn't change the past either. He was right though, she didn't know how she knew he was right but she did. Probably because everyone said the same thing even though she wasn't sure there was proof it worked that way everyone still said it.
    "I would prefer not to wear a dress. Honestly I don't think I have quite the right figure for that." Zane told her laughing a little. He was sure there were tons of guys out there who could totally pull a dress off, he however wasn't one of those guys. And well it was, or at least he hoped it was, still a secret that he'd be fine with it never being known how he knew that he wasn't right for dresses. Of course if the other person who did know about that ever did tell he had just as much to get back at him for it. Though he was sure neither of them wanted anything like that to ever happen. "I mean if you had a pair of sweats I'd be more comfortable in them, but I don't want you going out of your way for me. After all I did was bring you home."
    March 12th, 2015 at 04:43am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Nathan looked down at her when he felt her lean against him. He didn't mind at all, though, and gave her hand a slight squeeze while wrapping his arm around her. Drawing her closer to himself, he rubbed her back as gently as he could and rested his head against hers. "Are you okay?" he asked after a long moment of lingering silence. He wasn't entirely sure that it was a good idea to ask if she was okay or not, but he wanted to check. He did care about her, after all, and he wanted to make sure that she wasn't too bothered by the night's events. More than anything, though, he felt bad that such a nice girl had to go through so much.
    Letha giggled, then, because she could only imagine how odd he would look in a dress. "Yeah, okay, I'll look for some sweats. With any luck, my brother might have left some clothes here when he left," she offered before shrugging. Figuring that she could finish looking for herself some clothes later, she wandered into her brother's old room, instead. Some of his things were still there, things that he either didn't need or would come back later for, and it didn't take her too long to find a pair of sweats. Making her way back out of the room, she tossed them to him.
    March 12th, 2015 at 04:58am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Savannah leaned into him and finally nodded her head. "Yea." She said softly, and she didn't feel like she was lying to him or telling him something just because it was what he wanted to hear. She actually felt okay. Maybe it was just something about being around him that made her feel safe, or maybe it was something else. Either way she really did feel fine right now and that's what she cared about at the moment. She finally turned her head to look up at him with a small smile before she found herself leaning up and pressing her lips to his.
    "Thanks." Zane said when she finally came back with a pair of sweats for him to put on. And then he slipped out of the room for a moment long enough to put them on. And he was thankful she'd found some too because well they were a lot more comfortable than the jeans he'd been wearing all day. "This is a nice place here." He finally told her, "and I take you live here alone?" He asked her figuring that she did since well he hadn't seen anyone else, and well he was pretty sure she wouldn't have needed someone to stay the night if he still lived with her. Plus she had said he'd left, though he supposed he'd just figured that she lived with a friend or something.
    March 14th, 2015 at 01:11am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Nathan was surprised when he felt her lips against his own, to say the least. But, that didn't stop him from returning the kiss, despite that he knew he probably shouldn't. Savannah had alcohol in her system, after all, and so did he - he knew that it was probably affecting their judgment. But, that didn't stop him from kissing her, either, and he lifted his hand, brushing his thumb over her cheek as he drew her closer to himself, deepening the kiss. It was wrong, he knew, for him to be kissing his student, but he couldn't help it. And, honestly, it wasn't like he wanted the kissing to end, anyways.
    Letha hummed in response, but lifted her shoulders in a shrug. "Yeah, I guess it's a nice place," she said, though it would have probably been nicer, in her opinion, if her brother still lived there or if she just wasn't living alone. "Ah, yeah, I live alone. It was my brother's apartment, in the beginning, but he let me move in when I started college. Then, he moved out to live with his girlfriend a while back and I don't like the idea of putting ads in the newspaper to find a new room-mate."
    March 14th, 2015 at 01:31am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Savannah let him deepen the kiss, not wanting it to stop. She wrapped her arm around her neck and just let all the thoughts of how wrong this was, or how much trouble they could possibly get into if anyone found out slip out of her mind. Because none of that mattered right now, what mattered was they were kissing and she liked it. She wasn't worried about anything really other than their lips moving together, and what might happen if they didn't stop. Which she didn't want to stop yet.
    Zane totally understood where she was coming from. He would've hated to put out an Ad for a roommate too were he still her age. Which was why he'd went with moving in with his best friend, though at the same time he knew that a lot of times best friends living together seemed like a good idea in retrospect but tended to end badly. Luckily it hadn't been like that with him and Nathan but that didn't mean it'd work out for everyone either. "I was just asking, I'd almost expected you to live with the girl you'd been with earlier at the bar. I mean you guys seemed pretty close back there."
    March 19th, 2015 at 06:03pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Nathan leaned into her, drawing her closer to himself as he kissed her. The movement between their lips was almost frantic, needy, and he didn't want to move away from her at all. Instead, he wanted her closer, and maybe that was why he drew her onto his lap without much of a warning. His lips didn't dare move away from hers, as he was almost worried that if his lips parted from hers, then the kiss would end entirely, that she might realize just as he had just how wrong this was. No matter how wrong it was, though, he didn't want it to end, not at all.
    Letha shook her head slightly to his words before moving to her bedroom and sitting on the bed. "No. She's lived with her boyfriend for a while and she just moved out of there," she told him with a shrug, "I wouldn't mind if she lived here, but I'm kind of a bad influence." She grinned, mostly jokingly, but she was a little serious about it. Letha had often talked Savannah into joining her with doing a few ridiculous things that normally got them in trouble and she knew that, if Savannah lived with her, it would be all the more likely.
    March 20th, 2015 at 03:56am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Savannah ran her fingers up through his hair as she kissed him. She didn't want this to end, and it didn't seem like he wanted it to either. Even though her gut was telling her it was wrong, they shouldn't be doing this together, she didn't care. And she just didn't understand how something wrong could feel so right. When he pulled her onto his lap she made herself comfortable by straddling him, and she kept kissing him until she couldn't anymore. Only because she had to breath, not because she wanted to stop.
    Zane nodded his head, "I'm sure you can't be that bad," he told her. Yea maybe she'd convinced her friend to do some things that could've or maybe even actually did get them into trouble. Something Zane had learnt over the years though was that you can't convince most people to do anything they don't want to do. And usually if you do convince them they wanted to join, even if it was just a little. At least that's what he'd put together from all the people he'd hung out with when he was attending college and not a teacher.
    April 21st, 2015 at 03:32am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Nathan was more than a little surprised to feel her straddle him but he wasn't complaining at all. His hands rested firmly on her hips and he drew her ever closer, deepening the kiss while he could. Everything within him was screaming at him to stop, as if his subconscious was trying to talk sense into him and stop him from going further when just this amount of contact could very well destroy his career. For some reason, he found himself easily ignoring that side of himself, though, and he took a few breaths when she pulled away from the kiss, but he peppered kisses along her jaw and neck regardless, unable to stop enjoying the contact.
    Letha only offered an amused expression in return but she moved to lie down on her bed, her head resting on her pillow as she relaxed a bit. "I thought you knew me better than that, buddy. We both know that I'm clearly a horrible influence," she hummed out quietly, "I mean, I've even talked you into staying the night despite how very bad that could turn out. Who knows, I may try to seduce you next." Part of her wanted to, but she also knew it likely wouldn't end well for either of them. And, really, she didn't want to fall for her professor and she knew it was already a possibility when he seemed to be the only authority figure that had any sort of faith in her.
    December 8th, 2016 at 06:09am