The Home

  • "You're a rude little witch, aren't you?" Rollin growled, stepping around the long haired male to move closer to her. He didn't know whether to hug or attack the small female. He can't remember the time he felt this free from the creature of the moon.

    His thoughts and feelings are his own, it was relieving yet it made him uneasy. He wasn't sure if he liked it, the wolf was apart of him and was something he's known for most of his life.

    "You better pray for an smooth awakening," Rollin hissed, with a tilt of his head. He lifted his chin, looking down at the witch and walked off without a glance back.

    pfft, calls Lana rude but doesn't acknowledge Tahmoh. Oh Rollin .. Rolling Eyes
    April 5th, 2017 at 05:16am
  • Tahmoh stepped in front of the witch again, arms crossed, standing firm in front of her. When her gaze finally turned to him, he said, "It is necessary for everyone in this house to work together. That wolf would not have harmed you, I would have made sure of it. From now on, no spells."
    April 5th, 2017 at 05:28am
  • I need an opening for Camus. If you could tag me so I don't miss it, it would be great cause my phone is acting up big time.
    April 6th, 2017 at 08:14pm
  • @ Lady.V. @ champion; @ She Said Poptarts

    This post could be a good place to end that scene (or that part of the scene). We can head over to the group thread and plan a place for Camus to come in.

    [In the story itself, I think we can insert Rollin's one-on-one with Abby here.]
    April 7th, 2017 at 05:47am
  • He was running away for the first time in his whole life. He sprinted through the woods like a wild wolf, searching for the right path to follow. His chestnut eyes bulged out inhumanly as he scanned the unknown territory. Soon he found his way to the Home. Rogue wouldn't forgive him for putting himself through hell and turning into such a mess, but at least he could be at her side again.

    Over the years, he'd realized he couldn't contain his hunger for the thing that tempted him the most. He yearned for blood tainted by sin and once he found it, he lost all control. He knew there must be a way to fix it, to fix himself. Maybe his little problem would be his ticket into the Home.

    Rogue's family hadn't make it easy for him. They knew how to defend themselves and they wouldn't hesitate to kill if it meant keeping their secrets. He'd taken great pains to get information on her whereabouts. Blood trickled down his aching right arm. Silver bullets were still lodged beneath his skin, leaving a burning pain that was almost unbearable. Just one more bullet and he would have been dead, but he was lucky. His blood glowed purple, a sure sign that he was gravely wounded. While he'd already begun to get the silver out of his system, he lacked the strength to fully heal himself.

    If he could just find someone to feed on.

    If he could only hold on until he reached Rogue.

    In his mind, he could picture the entry to the Home and Rogue storming down the stairs to whisk him away to safety. He knew she could pull him in before he hurt anyone.

    His sharp teeth pierced his lip as he ran, trying to keep control over his blood-lust. The wind against his face felt wonderful, almost freeing, despite the pain coursing through his body. He came to a stop outside the front doors of the big building. His had traveled even further and faster than he imagined. To his amazement, there was someone stood in the doorway, waiting for him.

    "You're not Rogue," he stated, plainly. "Where is she?"

    "She was right, Camus," the man said, voice laced with surprise, " You're hurt."

    Before he could continue, Rogue pushed her way past him, running out to Camus and wrapping her arms tightly around him.

    Finally, he thought.
    April 15th, 2017 at 07:56pm
  • @ champion;
    The guy at the entrace is supposed to be Tahmoh. I don't know if I tagged you correctly.
    April 16th, 2017 at 07:04am
  • You did that time. :)

    Tahmoh stepped back when Rogue pushed him out of the way, allowing her to hug him for a brief second before saying, "Please, Rogue, step aside so we can bring him in and clean him up." When the vampire pulled away, he gently grabbed Camus' uninjured arm and led him to the kitchen, searching for various instruments to clean his wound and stitch it up.
    April 16th, 2017 at 08:14am
  • @ champion;
    Rogue couldn't believe he was actually there. She could see his enchanting eyes and she could see his wounds. He was there and he was going to be okay.

    "How are you feeling?" She asked as Tahmoh cleaned his wounds.

    "I'm fine." He said with a confidence that didn't match his looks.

    "Did anyone follow you?" Rogue knew that people from her family wouldn't allow anyone here for aslong as they liked, so how.did he manage to escape? It wasn't that he wasn't strong, but her father's people had a couple of tricks up their sleeves.

    "They didn't, but they know where I headed." He locked his eyes with hers, only to realize how concerned she was over what happened. She didn't have a clear view in her mind, but she could picture how everything went down. "Even if they come here, they won't touch the institution. This one seems special for reasons I have yet to know."

    "You're gonna have to explain all of that. We need to know what's going on." Tahmoh asked as he finished cleaning up the wounds. The cuts were clean and they would heal once he had his fill on blood.

    "Can you go fetch him a bloodbag? He's going to need it." Rogue nodded her head and did as she was told, leaving them alone for a short while.
    April 16th, 2017 at 02:09pm
  • Marina that had left the kitchen at the sight of a fight, if you could call it that, went back to her own room. She sat at the small office opposite from her bed and thought of drawing like she used to. That sudden urge made her grab her pencils and aquarelle notebooks and all of the needed atuff in order to sketch.

    She thought of drawing the building; the home and then maybe the residents with the therapists. She'd make a special drawing with the vampires involved, fangs showing and maybe a bit of blood. A gracious sight to watch if you asked her.
    April 17th, 2017 at 05:48pm
  • [At this point Abby would be finished with her one-on-one with Rollin, so she's now leaving her office.]

    Abby was locking up her office when she heard a door slam open and skittering footsteps. Walking quickly down the hall, she came face to face with Rogue, expression wild and blood smeared across the front of her clothes.

    How did these people keep finding trouble so quickly? she thought. She said, "What's happened now?"
    April 19th, 2017 at 05:12am
  • @ Audrey T
    "My friend," the vampiress trailed off. "Camus, he's here and he's wounded." She stared at the blood bag in her hands before she added, "he needs to feed."
    April 28th, 2017 at 06:02am
  • Abby rounded the corner to the supply closet, looking back briefly at the amount of red staining Rogue's clothes and the singular blood bag in her hand.
    "If he's bleeding as much as it appears," she pointed towards Rogue's ruined top, " you may need more than that."

    Turning her back to Rogue, she pulled whatever first aid supplies she could get her hands on and dumped them into an overturned food-crate.

    "Where is he? Can he be moved?" she called out to Rogue.
    April 28th, 2017 at 08:35pm
  • @ Audrey T
    The vampiress tried to regain her composure by thinking of Camus's well being. "Follow me," she said as she turned to walk back where she came from. "Tahmoh is with him," she added, "He'll be fine."
    April 28th, 2017 at 09:53pm
  • [Crazy I didn't realize they were all already inside! I'll edit my post above so the locations are things line up.]

    Hauling her makeshift first-aid bin, Abby followed Rogue just through the kitchen and into the sitting room. There, sprawled out on the couch, was a paling young man with Tahmoh kneeling by his side.
    April 28th, 2017 at 10:24pm
  • Tahmoh helped Camus to the couch, studying his injuries. "Please explain if you have the energy. If you need anything I can give, I will do my best to help."
    April 28th, 2017 at 11:09pm
  • @ champion;
    @ Audrey T

    Camus had began feeling dizzy and hungry at the same time. It didn't take him long to realize what he needed. ''I need a blood and don't let anyone else approach me right now.''

    ''That's to be expected,'' Tahmoh trailed off.

    Catching on on what he meant, Rogue interrupted by saying, ''Not just because he's hungry. Camus is a special case, he'll go berserk for the blood of sinners. Even I won't be able to stop him.'' Rogue thought that any of the residents could come into the room and the outcome would have been bad.

    ''We have to move him,'' Abby stated, concerned of what could happen. The worst had already made their appearance in her mind. ''Can you move?'' She asked, looking at the wounded man as he fed.

    ''I can help.'' Rogue went to his side, putting her right arm around his waist and helping him up with Tahmoh's help. ''Should we take him to my room? It's a bit far though.''
    April 29th, 2017 at 08:20am
  • "There's a spare room just upstairs," Abby offered, "First room on the left, right next to the bathroom. The room should be prepped and stocked for new residents." Abby looked between Rogue and Tahmoh, "Could the two of you get him up there? Just let me know what you'll need and I'll bring it up."
    April 29th, 2017 at 08:35am
  • Tahmoh nodded and picked up the vampire with ease, carrying him to the room Abby had suggested. Rogue trailed behind them but he paid her no attention, setting Camus on the bed in an upright position. He took the blood from Rogue and handed it to Camus.

    "Explain," he said gruffly.
    April 29th, 2017 at 09:05am
  • @ champion;
    ''What would you like to know?'' Is all Camus said.
    April 29th, 2017 at 09:09am
  • Tahmoh's expression darkened. He wasn't a man of words, but Camus' arrival had raised many questions. He searched for the right words.

    "Everything. Why are you here? Why should we let you stay?"
    April 29th, 2017 at 09:16am