Love Me Like You Do

  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Audrey Baker | Eros.

    Zacky Baker & Matt Sanders | Eros & anchored lungs.

    Sienna Sanders | anchored lungs.
    February 13th, 2015 at 09:16am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky made his way down the hallway of the school, going to his locker and fishing out his books that he needed for his last couple of classes for the day. He couldn't wait to get home and pass out. He had been out with the guys all night last night, chilling out and smoking weed at their spot. Zacky knew that he really needed to stop doing that, but he couldn't help it. He enjoyed it so much. He smirked when he saw Sienna and Audrey making their way down the hall, deciding to mess with them a bit. He loved messing with his sister and Matt's. Especially Matt's, Sienna always got this adorable little look on her face whenever he was irritated, and Zacky knew just how to press her buttons. "Hello little sis, Matt's little sis," he said as he walked up to him, chuckling when Audrey rolled her eyes. "What do you want, Zachary?" she asked, crossing her arms over her chest. "What, am I not allowed to say hi to my sibling and my best friend's sibling?" he asked, acting like he was hurt.

    Audrey walked down the halls of the school with Sienna, heading with her to the class they were in with each other. Thankfully they only had one more class after this one and Audrey was tempted to skip. They only had a few more days left of school before it was summer vacation anyways. She raised an eyebrow when Zacky approached them, rolling her eyes in annoyance. "Where were you last night, butthead?" she asked him, though she already knew the answer. He was either out with the guys, or he ended up shacking up with some girl or something. "Never mind, don't answer that. I don't really want to know the answer," she murmured, making a small face in disgust. She was never fond of the way her brother lived his life. Most of his friends annoyed her too, even if most of them were pretty attractive.
    February 13th, 2015 at 12:15pm
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Matt walked down the hallway with Jimmy from their chem class, talking about their very first gig, which was at a beach party next week, to celebrate the end of junior year, and the beginning of senior year. He was just hella glad to be in his senior year because goddamn, high school was a major pain in his ass. He was taking some more advanced classes because his parents had practically forced them onto him, what they considered, "encouraging," and it was really hard. And next year would be even harder. He could just imagine all the essays and projects and all the stupid college shit that his parents were going to put him through now. He didn't want to go to college, though. He wanted to tour with his band. He wanted to go on the road, travel, play at big venues and have people screaming the band's name. It was his life's dream, and he was so determined to accomplish it.

    Sienna blushed slightly and looked away from Zacky. To say she had a crush on him was an understatement. She'd been crushing on him since the day her brother met him and brought him home for band practice. He was absolutely gorgeous. But she never talked to anyone about her feelings. The only real friend she had was Audrey, the two were attached at the hip constantly, and she just knew what Audrey would think of her if she knew about her little crush. She didn't want Audrey to hate her because she had a thing for her older brother. She knew brothers were off limits in girl code, so she just had to keep her feelings to herself unfortunately. But she was so painfully obvious about it, everyone probably knew. She just couldn't help the way he made her blush or giggle or her knees buckle when he looked into her eyes. She was so in love with him, it was almost crazy.
    February 13th, 2015 at 12:36pm
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ anchored lungs.
    Zacky just gave Audrey a smirk, not giving her any sort of details about where he was or what he was doing last night. He really didn't want to share any of that information infront of Sienna. He didn't want her to think he was all bad in spite of what his sister was telling her. He looked up and saw Matt and Jimmy, giving Audrey and Sienna a small wave before going over to Matt and Jimmy. "Hey guys," he said, yawning a little. "You guys ready for our gig?" He asked excitedly. Zacky couldn't wait for their very first gig. It was a great way to start off their summer. Zacky's dream was to make it big, have bras thrown at him and woman wanting him to sign their tits.

    Audrey shook her head at Zacky, biting down on her bottom lip as she watched him go off towards Matt and Jimmy. Audrey has always loved Jimmy, he was so goofy and fun and they easily became best friends. Matt on the other hand, he may be absolutely gorgeous but he sure did how how to push her buttons. He was constantly teasing her and it irritated her to know end. Though Audrey did the same right back to him. It was a never ending battle between them. Though Matt always laughed at her when she got all riled up, Audrey never laughed. She was very serious. Audrey looked at Sienna, smirking. "I know you like my brother," she said softly. "It's okay. I don't mind," she said giggling softly. It was so obvious how Sienna liked Zacky. She instantly got shy and her face always got red when he was around. Audrey thought it was cute.
    February 13th, 2015 at 03:41pm
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Matt grinned and nodded his head. "Absolutely," he said. "I can't wait. I'm so stoked, dude." He opened his locker and put his chemistry book away before he grabbed his notebooks for the last class. "Hey, maybe we'll get laid." He smirked at Zacky and wiggled his eyebrows teasingly. He looked past his friend and saw his sister with her friend and Zacky's sister, Audrey. She was cute, but definitely not someone he could see himself with. It would just be awkward what with her being Zacky's brother, not to mention she was two years younger than him. But he did find her attractive. Maybe if she was older and wasn't Zacky's sister, he could consider it.

    Sienna looked up at Audrey with wide, horrified eyes. "What?" she scoffed, making a pained face. "I-I don't like your brother." She walked away from her and over to Matt, basically hiding behind him. He was her human shield. He was always there to protect her when she needed him. He was her best friend. They fought sometimes, but they could never stay mad at each other. Unless it was something really serious. Like that one time she took his brand new Metallica CD and broke it. He attempted to tear her laminated poster of Billie Joe Armstrong, but it had been no use. It hadn't worked, and he'd just ended up yelling at her and telling her that she was buying him another one. Of course she did, because she felt so bad for breaking it, and she'd felt guilty for days, until he finally gave her a hug and apologized for yelling.
    February 13th, 2015 at 03:53pm
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ anchored lungs.
    Zacky chuckled and nodded, actually really hoping he got laid. Though it was probably a long shot since the rest of the guys would be there, Zacky usually wasn't the one that got picked. But hey, he didn't mind. Zacky looked up and chuckled when he saw Sienna hide behind Matt, grunting when Audrey jumped on to his back from behind. He dropped his stuff that was in his hands, groaning and supporting her. "Don't you think you're getting a little too heavy for this?" He asked, glaring back at her. "Or too old for piggy back rides for that matter." Zacky made her get off of him, shaking his head. He finally noticed the blue in her hair and he rolled his eyes, tugging at it. "Stop dying your hair. It looks ridiculous." Zacky was pretty protective over his little sister, even if they did bicker a lot. He hated it when she dyed her hair or changed anything about herself. The only thing he approved of was their matching septum piercings.

    Audrey smacked zackys head, knowing he was calling her fat. She was a little tubby, yes, but it ran in the family. He wasn't so tiny himself. She swatted his hand away when he started saying something about her hair, glaring at him. "I'll stop dying my hair when you stop painting your nails and waxing your eyebrows," she said with a smirk, giggling. She looked over at Matt, beaming. "Hi Mattie-Boy! I've missed you," she said, giving him a very decious look. She really loved messing with him, more then she loved messing with her brother. It was just so much fun. She squealed when Jimmy picked her up, spinning her around and around until she was so dizzy she couldn't see straight. "Fucking jolly green giant," she groaned when he finally put her down, leaning against the lockers for support.
    February 13th, 2015 at 04:11pm
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Matt looked back at Sienna and rolled his eyes slightly as he shook his head, shutting his locker. And this was why he wanted a girl his age, because they were more mature. He turned and looked at his sister, reaching up and ruffling her hair. "I'll see you at home," he said. "Behave." He smirked when she rolled her eyes at him and slapped his arm. He turned back to Zacky and smiled. "Ready for Spanish?" he asked. He was so glad that after this year, he wouldn't have to take anymore fucking foreign language classes. He wouldn't have had to after freshman year had he not done so poorly in the classes when he was in middle school. But he just didn't care for Spanish, or any other language for that matter. It wasn't something that interested him.

    Sienna bit her lip as she looked at Zacky, feeling her insides turn to mush. She shook her head and walked over, tapping Jimmy's shoulder. "Can I have my friend back please?" she asked innocently, pouting up at him. She grinned when he sat her down and she took Audrey's hand, not even giving her a chance to gain her balance before she dragged her off to their history class. She bit her lip gently as she looked over at her. "I know you like Jimmy," she said, using her own words against her. She and Jimmy were always spending time together. They seemed like they could make a cute couple.
    February 13th, 2015 at 04:20pm
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ anchored lungs.
    Zacky nodded, walking off to class with Matt. Matt was really good to his sister, sometimes Zacky wished he and Audrey were like that. But then again it just wouldn't be the same without their constant bickering. Zacky glanced back at Sienna quickly before turning around, biting down on his bottom lip. He couldn't help but wonder if she was going to be at the show to support her brother. Zacky knew Audrey was going, even though he didn't want her to, so that meant she was probably going to drag Sienna along with her. That thought kind of made Zacky nervous. He really hoped he didn't mess up in front of her. Zacky slipped into his seat in Spanish class, groaning slightly. He hated this class with a deep firey passion. He couldn't wait until it was all over with and he never had to take it again. If it wasn't italian, he didn't want to speak it.

    Audrey burst out into a fit of giggles at what Sienna said, shaking her head. "Oh my goodness gracious, no. Jimmy is just like another brother to me. The nicer one that isn't a complete douche to me all the time," Audrey said, pulling out her compact and making sure she hadn't messed up her make up from the tears that had spilled down her face from laughing. Thank god for waterproof makeup. Best invention ever. Audrey linked arms with Sienna, sighing softly. "I kind of have mixed feelings for someone else at the moment." Audrey took a detour to class wanting to get there quick but not so quick that they'd run into Zacky and his friends. "Are you going to the guys' concert?" She asked her, raising an eyebrow. Audrey was definitely going, only because she absolutely loved the band. They were amazing, and matts voice was just wonderful. She loved listening to him sing. Audrey always loved it when they had bad practice at their house and she could hear them up in her room.
    February 13th, 2015 at 04:43pm
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Matt slid into his seat, setting his book bag down and leaning back. Thank god final exams were over and now they could just sit back and relax for the most part. At least they didn't have to learn any new information that he would have to remember. He looked over at Zacky and smirked slightly. "There's this chick in my english class, her name is Megan, and she's really hot," he said quietly as he leaned over. "You might like her. Tall, dark hair, blue eyes. I'd totally go for her, but I'm more into blondes." He was always searching for girls to hook his friends up with. For some reason, he just liked playing Cupid.

    "Oh, um, I'm not sure," Sienna shrugged. "You know, Matt's gonna be pretty busy preforming and I wouldn't want to disturb him or the guys." She would totally go to support her brother, but she wasn't really sure if it was her scene. Besides, mostly upcoming seniors were going to be there and she would completely stick out like a sore thumb. It would just be a big mess. She bit her lip gently as she looked up at Audrey. "You're going, then?" she asked, guessing that that's why she brought it up. "You can tell me all about it the next day. We can have a sleepover. You just have to make sure that you don't get drunk and forget about everything, because I'm pretty sure that's what Matt is going to do, you know, besides trying to find some dripping pussy."
    February 13th, 2015 at 04:54pm
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ anchored lungs.
    Zacky raised an eyebrow, chucking softly at what Matt said. "Oh really? Do you think she'll come to the show?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows. "You're into blondes, huh? I see this one blonde, her name is Valery, she's always looking at you. It's kind of cute. You should go for her," he said with a nod, thinking him and Val would look pretty cute together. Though Zacky had no idea why Matt was so into blondes, Zacky never did like the look of them. But that was him. "I wish we had just skipped class," he groaned, face planting into his desk. He was so done with school at this point. He kind of hoped that the band became really big over the summer and they could just like, drop out or at least graduate early. But then again senior year was the best part of high school. He'd regret not experiencing it.

    Audrey made a face, finding that disgusting. "That's gross," she murmured, noticing the halls were now empty. "You have to go, Sienna. It'll be so much fun, and we can meet boys," she said, her eyes lighting up at the thought. "I can't drink, cause you know, big brother and all. So you really don't have to worry about that, unless I can sneak the drinks some how," she said, thinking. She shook her head. "Nah. No booze for me. Hey, let's skip class we're already late anyhow," she said pointing out the fact that the hall was completely empty. It's not like it was really necessary that they went to class right now, they already finished their exams for the year and they were just going to go. It was pointless honestly.
    February 13th, 2015 at 08:25pm
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Matt chuckled. "The teacher isn't here yet," he said. "We can still slip out." He stood up and grabbed his book bag, nodding for Zacky to follow him. "Come on, let's go. I have a little something in my bag for us." Maybe he'd snuck weed in his book bag for the end of the day, or maybe he didn't. But Zacky would only find out if he went with Matt because he planned on smoking the joint as soon as he got out of the school. He needed a really good high right now. And maybe he could look into this Valary chick that Zacky was talking about. If she was a hot blonde like he was saying, then Matt was definitely game.

    Sienna nodded her head. "Yeah," she murmured, leading Audrey out of the school. She grinned as she looked up at the sky, spinning around. "I think I might just skip the the last two days," she said. "If my parents don't find out, that is. I mean, I could always fake sick. I'm pretty good at forcing myself to vomit, and I can always fake a fever." She looked at Audrey and grinned. Sienna had dealt with a small eating disorder back in eighth grade for a while. She had been sexually harassed in the hallway on the way to her english class and she'd felt disgusted with herself, so she started making herself feel bad by throwing up after she ate. Nobody knew about it except her and Audrey, and thank god she had been there for her and stopped her or else she would be really sick right now.
    February 13th, 2015 at 08:35pm
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ anchored lungs.
    Zacky looked around, raising an eyebrow as he got up and followed Matt out of the class. "Whatcha got?" he asked curiously, wondering if he had something good for them. He didn't even put his stuff back in his locker, he just quickly lead Matt out of the school, a slight bounce in his step. He breathed in the fresh air, glad he was out of that rotten hell hole. Zacky blinked when he saw his sister and Sienna outside, glaring at them. "Aren't you two supposed to be in class?" he asked, waking up to them. He winced when Audrey hit him, pouting some and rubbing his arm. "Bitch," he muttered, earning him another slap to the back of his head. "Why are you so abusive!"

    Audrey gave her a look, shaking her head. "We'll just skip until the last day. We have to go to clean out out lockers and return our books. Besides, you don't need to be making yourself skip," she said, not wanting her to end up starting that back up again. Audrey hated it when Sienna made herself sick. Audrey made a face when she heard her brother, turning and seeing him and Matt. She gave him a few slaps at the things he said, shaking her head. "Aren't you supposed to be un class?" she asked the both of them, putting her hands on her hips. "And what does Mattie-Boy have in his bag that you're so excited about?" she asked with a smirk, knowing it had to be one of two things. Weed or alcohol. Honestly, she kind of hoped it was alcohol. She was never a big fan of weed.
    February 13th, 2015 at 08:49pm
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ anchored lungs.
    Zacky looked around, raising an eyebrow as he got up and followed Matt out of the class. "Whatcha got?" he asked curiously, wondering if he had something good for them. He didn't even put his stuff back in his locker, he just quickly lead Matt out of the school, a slight bounce in his step. He breathed in the fresh air, glad he was out of that rotten hell hole. Zacky blinked when he saw his sister and Sienna outside, glaring at them. "Aren't you two supposed to be in class?" he asked, waking up to them. He winced when Audrey hit him, pouting some and rubbing his arm. "Bitch," he muttered, earning him another slap to the back of his head. "Why are you so abusive!"

    Audrey gave her a look, shaking her head. "We'll just skip until the last day. We have to go to clean out out lockers and return our books. Besides, you don't need to be making yourself skip," she said, not wanting her to end up starting that back up again. Audrey hated it when Sienna made herself sick. Audrey made a face when she heard her brother, turning and seeing him and Matt. She gave him a few slaps at the things he said, shaking her head. "Aren't you supposed to be un class?" she asked the both of them, putting her hands on her hips. "And what does Mattie-Boy have in his bag that you're so excited about?" she asked with a smirk, knowing it had to be one of two things. Weed or alcohol. Honestly, she kind of hoped it was alcohol. She was never a big fan of weed.
    February 13th, 2015 at 08:53pm
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Matt unzipped his book bag and pulled out a joint and his lighter, ignoring his sister and Audrey. He knew Sienna didn't like it when he smoked, but he figured since it was the last few days of school, she would be okay with it this one time. "This bad boy," he said, smirking at him. His eyes widened at the look Sienna gave him as she stomped over and ripped the blunt right from his hand. "Sienna!" he hissed, reaching out for it. "Give it back, now."

    Sienna narrowed her eyes at Matt and held it out, dropping it on the ground. She stomped on it and looked between the two boys. "I don't want to see either of you smoking weed ever again," she said, her maternal instincts kicking in. She wasn't a big fan of drugs. Alcohol was okay in moderation, but drugs? No. "If you try that shit again, I'll tell Mom. And she'll kick your ass." She turned and started walking away, gripping on the straps of her book bag just to have something to hold onto to contain her anger. There was so much rage and anger coming out of such a small body that it made her shake a little.
    February 13th, 2015 at 08:56pm
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ anchored lungs.
    Zacky just stared at Sienna with wide eyes. He didn't know she had so much spunk. It was kind of attractive. Zacky shook his head, looking over at Matt and pouting. "I was so looking forward to that," he grumbled, sighing heavily. He grunted when Audrey came up and smacked him and Matt both on the back of the head, glaring at her. "Stop hitting me!" he yelled, glaring at her. He was so sick of Audrey hitting him it wasn't even funny. "What are we going to do now?" he asked Matt, staring at the ruined joint on the ground. The girls just didn't understand how much money it was and how much effort was put into getting that stuff.

    Audrey quickly ran after Sienna after she hit the boys, smirking to herself. "Calm down, tiger," she said once she caught up to her, seeing her small body shaking with anger. "You okay?" she asked, furrowing her eyebrows together. She wasn't sure what to do to help Sienna calm down, so Audrey just figured that letting her roll with it and calm down herself was a good idea. Audrey looked back at Matt and Zacky, chuckling softly at the looks on their faces as they stared at the destroyed joint on the ground. It's been a good day so far.
    February 13th, 2015 at 09:18pm
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Matt growled and huffed, throwing his hands in the air. "Fucking hell," he hissed. "Maybe Jimmy has something." He pulled his phone out and texted Jimmy, asking him to meet them out front. Maybe he had a stash in his car or at home or something that he and Zacky could have access too. He was smoking a joint today, whether Sienna liked it or not. Besides, it wasn't her business what he did or what he smoked. She was worried way too much.

    "I just don't want to see Matt get so stupid," Sienna said. She took a deep breath and slowly started to calm down. "Drugs are so stupid. He's so much smarter than that." She shrugged her shoulders. She didn't want to see her brother go down in a bad way. Yeah, weed was nothing compared to crystal meth, but that didn't mean it was good for you. She looked up at Audrey and sighed softly. "You know, you're right. I do have a crush on your brother. I don't want to see him doing stupid stuff either." She reached over and grabbed Audrey's hand, lacing their fingers together and swinging their arms as they walked. "Promise me you won't do drugs either."
    February 13th, 2015 at 09:24pm
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ anchored lungs.
    Zacky sat on the steps of the school, sighing softly and waiting for Jimmy. He was so irritated right now. He wanted that joint so bad. Actually, he didn't realize how bad he actually wanted it until Sienna destroyed it. "Jimmy better come through," he said with a sigh, shaking his head. "Is Sienna coming to the show?" he asked Matt, his eyes slightly wide. If Sienna came to the show with Audrey, then they'd totally ruin their good time. Though Zacky honestly didn't plan on smoking weed that day, just maybe drinking some alcohol after the show. He needed to have a clear head for when he played. "I've been trying so hard to get Audrey to stay home, but she's hellbent on coming. She's so frustrating," he said, rubbing his temples. His sister liked to push him over the edge. He wished

    Audrey squealed, bouncing up and down. "I knew it! Aw, this makes me so happy. I have to hook you two up," Audrey said with wide eyes, biting down on her bottom lip. "You two would be so adorable together." Audrey knew her brother had a crush on Sienna, she could just tell with the way he treated her and the way he looked at her all the time. She knew her brother like the back of her hand, it wasn't hard to figure out when he genuinely liked a girl, and he really likes Sienna. "I promise I won't do any drugs, never ever. It's totally not my thing," she said, shaking her head and sticking her tongue out at the thought. Audrey hated drugs. They were disgusting and they made you act all stupid and she wasn't that type of person.
    February 13th, 2015 at 09:36pm
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Jimmy met the guys outside and handed them two separate joints. "There, that's all I have," he said. Matt grinned and hugged him. "Thanks, man." He lit his up and then tossed his lighter to Zacky before he took a long drag. He groaned softly as he blew the smoke up in the air, leaning back a little. Getting high was probably one of the best things in the world, next to blowjobs and lesbian porn, that is, and maybe sometimes getting drunk. He'd only gotten one blowjob before, but it was pretty good. Now he just needed to get laid and he could consider himself not a virgin anymore.

    Sienna's eyes widened and she shook her head. "No, absolutely not," she said, stopping in front of Audrey. "Look, I might like him, but we're like polar opposites. He's into girls with big tits who will sit on his dick while doing a line of coke and I'm not that girl." At least, that's what she got from him. She knew there were deeper things about him, but in general, he was like your typical teenage rocker boy. Just like Matt and the rest of the guys were. She knew that she and Zacky would never work, no matter how much she liked him. And he was just nice to her because she was Matt's little sister anyways, right?
    February 13th, 2015 at 09:43pm
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ anchored lungs.
    Zacky lit up his, taking a few hits of it and sharing his with Jimmy. He didn't really want to get too high. He honestly kind of felt really bad right now for doing this, since Sienna yelled at them for it earlier. But hey, it felt great getting high and the more he smoked, the more Sienna and his sister got further away in the back of his mind. "Thanks, Jimbo, you're the best," he chuckled, his eyes kind of going into slits from how high he was getting. He had no idea what he was going to do when it came time to go home. Maybe he just wouldn't go home again tonight, he really didn't feel like putting up with his parents shit from not going home last night. Though Audrey would probably know why he didn't come home and tell his parents and then he'd be fucked.

    Audrey frowned and crossed her arms over her chest, shaking her head. "Last time I checked, my brother wasn't anything like that. I see the way he looks at you, he really likes you. He honestly isn't into all that hard stuff. He just likes weed and alcohol. Though he is a typical guy, so he probably does like big tits and someone to sit on his dick," she said, shuttering at the thought. "Either way, I know my brother, so I know when he likes someone. Someday when you guys get married and have kids, i'm gonna say I told you so, and you're gonna say I know," she said with a nod, continuing to walk past her down the sidewalk. She had no idea where she was going, she was just trying to get away from the school.
    February 13th, 2015 at 09:59pm
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Matt chuckled as he watched Zacky. "You look fucking hilarious, dude," he snorted, laughing softly. He stood up and looked around. "I want some waffles. Does anyone else want waffles?" He turned and looked at Jimmy, grabbing a fistful of his shirt. "Go get me some waffles, giant." Jimmy rolled his eyes. "I can get you a bag of chips and that's about it," he grumbled, going inside to use the vending machines to get them some snacks. Matt grinned and plopped down next to Zacky, leaning against him.

    Sienna's eyes widened, and she huffed in frustration. "Audrey!" she hissed. "I have a crush on him. That doesn't mean we're going to get married and have children someday. You're insane." She followed her, sighing heavily when she caught up with her. "And who is this mystery guy you're on the fence about, huh? Tell me about him. I was absolutely sure you were into Jimmy. How could I be so wrong?" She tried to think of who Audrey could possibly into, and then it hit her. "Oh my god. You like Brian. Of course you do! He's so hot! I should have known."
    February 13th, 2015 at 10:05pm