Love Me Like You Do

  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ anchored lungs.

    Audrey blinked, furrowing her eyebrows together. "What's that supposed to mean? I'm not careless. It was a mistake and It's never going to happen again. I hate your brother, Sienna. You think i'm not disgusted with myself for what I did?" she said, shaking her head and leaving the bathroom, storming downstairs to where Zacky and Matt were. "I'm leaving, are you coming?" Audrey said, to her brother, raising an eyebrow. "Uh, I'll be right behind you," Zacky said, knowing he shouldn't leave without saying goodbye to Sienna. He didn't want to be a complete jerk and just not say goodbye. His sister was not going to ruin this for him. He was going to have someone in his life that actually cared for him, he was going to have Sienna as his girlfriend, no matter what Audrey though. Audrey rolled her eyes, glancing over at Matt before she stormed out the door and started down the sidewalk towards her house. She really didn't care if her brother didn't come home, but she wasn't covering for him. Zacky sighed heavily as he watched his sister storm out the door, shaking his head. "She pisses me off," he grumbled, getting up and going upstairs to find Sienna. "I gotta go," he mumbled to her, rubbing the back of his neck. "Um, I'll call you later?" he asked, biting down on his bottom lip.
    February 20th, 2015 at 09:44pm
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Sienna frowned and she shook her head. "I'm sorry, I upset her," she mumbled. "Just, don't ask her why she's upset. She'll tell you when she's ready." She stepped towards him and grabbed his hand, smiling softly up at him. "Don't worry about calling me tonight. I'll see you tomorrow at seven, okay?" She squeezed his hand gently before she led him downstairs. She walked outside with him and pressed a gentle kiss to his hand before she let go. "I'll see you tomorrow." She slipped back inside and shut the door, turning to look at Matt and narrowing her eyes at him before she went up to her room.

    [You can skip if you like.]
    February 20th, 2015 at 10:02pm
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ anchored lungs.
    Zacky sighed as he got ready for his date with Sienna, nervous as hell. He'd never been this nervous before. He couldn't even believe that a girl could actually make him this nervous. Zacky sighed, putting on a little bit of cologne before he went across the hall to Audrey's room. He really didn't think that taking her and Matt along on his and Sienna's first date was a good idea. But Sienna insisted on it, for whatever reason, so he was going along with it. He just prayed that his sister didn't fuck things up for them. "Are you ready yet? You've been getting ready for the past two hours," he said, crossing his arms over his chest. Audrey took fucking forever to get ready, and it was very irritating. "I need to go. I promised Sienna I'd be there at seven."

    Audrey rolled her eyes, putting on some lipstick before she grabbed her jacket and pushed Zacky out of her room, closing the door behind her. "I don't want to go as much as you don't want me to," she grumbled, shoving past him and making her way down the stairs. She didn't think this was a good idea at all. Matt was the last person she wanted to see right now, and the fact that she had to spend an entire night with him at a carnival pissed her off. But then again, they could always go their separate ways and do whatever they wanted to do. Audrey sighed, getting in Zacky's car and waiting for him. She raised an eyebrow at Zacky when he got in the car, laughing a little at how shaky he was. "Bro, relax. You've known this girl for like ever, and you're acting like its your first date with some total stranger," she giggled, wincing when Zacky hit her arm. She rolled her eyes as Zacky pulled out of the driveway, heading towards the Sander's house.
    February 20th, 2015 at 10:38pm
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Matt felt absolutely disgusted with himself. Ever since he'd had sex with Audrey, every time he thought about her, he'd get a boner. Of course he didn't like her, and the only reason he got a boner was because she wasn't half bad in bed. That was the only reason why. And knowing that he'd have to be spending time with her tonight only made it worse. He hated Sienna right now for doing this to him. But he had to get rid of his problem, and a handjob was going to take a while. He laid down on his bed and slid out of his boxers, grabbing one of his pron magazines and opening to a centerfold, lifting it up and staring at it as he began to jack off. Don't think about Audrey. Think about Val. Hot, beautiful, gorgeous Val. It didn't take as long as he thought to orgasm, and he was a bit tired after he did so. He dropped the magazine on his stomach and panted softly, laying back and dozing off.

    Sienna smiled as she looked at herself in the mirror, feeling confident about her outfit, and only hoped that Zacky liked it too. She walked across the hall and knocked on Matt's door, crossing her arms as she waited for an answer, huffing when she didn't get one. She opened the door and barged in, gasping and nearly gagging when she saw Matt laying in his bed naked, a porn mag across his stomach. She quickly covered her eyes and backed out of the room, slamming the door shut behind herself. "Matt!" she screamed. "Get up, now!" She heard him tumble off his bed and groan, grumbling some incoherent mess. She shook her head and walked downstairs, disappointed in her brother. He could be such a lazy asshole sometimes.
    February 21st, 2015 at 11:42pm
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ anchored lungs.
    Zacky pulled up in the driveway, sighing softly as he got out. He was really nervous. It was kind of nice that Matt and Audrey were going to be tagging along, it kind of made him feel better. But he knew that eventually at the carnival they were going to have to go their separate ways, then Zacky was going to be a complete blabbering mess. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly as he pressed the doorbell, waiting patiently for someone to answer. His eyes widened when Audrey came up and started pressing the doorbell repeatedly, smirking. "I do this every time," she said, snickering. Zacky rolled his eyes and shook his head, pinching the bridge of his nose. His sister gave him such a headache. "You're so irritating," he mumbled.

    Audrey kept pressing the doorbell, impatiently waiting for someone to answer. She just wanted to get this done and over with. She hoped that Matt and Sienna were both wait, because Audrey really didn't want to wait. She wanted to get to the carnival, her some tickets, and go win herself a stuffed animal. She wasn't sticking around Matt the whole time while Zacky and Sienna went on their adorable little date. "You better win her a stuffed animal, or maybe a goldfish. Girls like those things, well they like it when you win them something. She'll cherish it forever," Audrey said, trying to give her brother a little bit of advice. "And try not to do anything that's going to stress her out or make her more nervous then she probably already it, she's got a weak stomach. Got it?" she said, glaring at her brother. She didn't want him fucking this up. "Yes, Audrey, I got it," Zacky said.
    February 22nd, 2015 at 12:29am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Matt quickly got up and went into his bathroom, cleaning himself off before he stumbled into his room and pulled on a makeshift outfit for the night. He was too lazy to coordinate his clothes. He pulled his shoes on and walked downstairs, smiling sheepishly at Sienna, who just looked away from him. He sighed softly. "I'm sorry," he mumbled, walking to the door and opening it. He looked at Zacky, but completely avoided Audrey and walked past them, outside. He took a breath of fresh air, hoping that Audrey would want to stay away from him when they got there, because that would totally benefit his poor boner problem.

    Sienna followed Matt to the door and looked at Zacky and Audrey. "Please get me out of here," she pleaded. "I need to go out and see cute things before I vomit." She grabbed Zacky's hand and dragged him to his car. "Um, Audrey, you can ride with Matt." She gave Audrey a death glare, hoping she'd get the point before she got in Zacky's car. She waited for him to get in before she looked over at him. "I walked in on Matt naked covered in jizz with a porn magazine. I'm totally scarred for life." She looked up at him with wide eyes. "How do I get rid of that image?"
    February 22nd, 2015 at 12:38am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ anchored lungs.
    Zacky raised an eyebrow at the look on Matt's face, his eyes widening when Sienna dragged him towards his car. He got in, starting it up and looking over at her. He stared at her for a while as he let the information sink in before he busted out laughing, not being able to help himself. "That's horrible, I'm so sorry. I'll win you lots of cute things," he said as he smiled over at her, pulling out of the driveway. "That's disturbing, though. I'm sure he's pretty embarrassed. Well, maybe," he said with a disgusted face. He was really nervous about being in the car alone with Sienna. Though so far, things were going pretty smoothly. "You look very beautiful tonight," he said as he looked over at her at a stop light. She really did, though. She was absolutely gorgeous, not that she wasn't any other day, because she was. But he really liked that dress on her, blue was definitely her color.

    Audrey huffed at the look Sienna gave her, really not wanting to ride with Matt. She knew that she was probably going to end up stranded at the carnival or something. She got in Matt's car, glaring over at him when he got in. "We can go our separate ways when we get there," she grumbled, crossing her arms over her chest. "And what the hell are you wearing?" she asked, rolling her eyes. "Never mind, I don't wanna know. Just drive," she said, sinking down in her seat some and staring out the window. It was actually kind of awkward being alone with him in the car. It was kind of awkward just seeing him in general. She couldn't help but think about what happened when she saw him.
    February 22nd, 2015 at 01:00am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Matt raised an eyebrow and rolled his eyes at her. "I'll wear whatever the fuck I want," he grumbled. "At least I'm not showing off my stomach to the whole world. You look like a two-cent whore on the corner of Main Street. We are definitely parting ways." He followed Zacky to the carnival, really wishing that Sienna hadn't forced him to come. But he had to make it up to her for her walking in on him like that. He really should have done it in the bathroom or at least covered himself. But it was his room, you know? And if he wanted to be naked in his room, then he would be naked in his room.

    Sienna pouted when he started to laugh at her, huffing and sitting back in her seat. She did not think this was funny, at all. She managed to calm down after a few minutes and blushed at what he said, biting her lip hard. It was a habit she really needed to break. "Thank you," she murmured, looking back over at him. "You look beautiful too." Her eyes widened when she realized what she said and she quickly looked out of the window, squeezing her eyes shut. What the heck was wrong with her? You look beautiful too? Jesus take the wheel. She hoped that things would only go up from this point.
    February 24th, 2015 at 08:08pm
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ anchored lungs.
    Zacky chuckled softly. "Why thank you," he murmured, pulling up at the carnival, which was conveniently located on the board walk. They could take a nice walk on the beach after they enjoyed the carnival. Zacky got out of the car, walking around it and opening Sienna's car door. "Ready to have some fun?" he asked her with a small smirk on his face. He looked over at Matt and Audrey when they got out of the car beside them, sighing heavily. "You two stick together. Don't let my little sister out of your sight, I don't need her getting in trouble," Zacky said, taking Sienna's hand once she was out of the car. He hoped that he never ran into either one of them tonight. They could sneak off and leave for all he cared. He just wanted to enjoy his first date with Sienna.

    Audrey smirked, leaning across the console. "Oh come on, Sanders. You know you love it," she whispered hotly in his ear, getting out of the car once they parked. She rolled her eyes at what Zacky said, waving him off and heading towards the entrance. She'd do whatever the hell she wanted to tonight. It wasn't like her and Matt were the ones on the date, Zacky and Sienna were. Audrey had plans to win herself a huge stuffed animal, once that would hardly fit in the car. She was so excited.
    February 24th, 2015 at 08:24pm
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Matt bought his ticket and looked over at Audrey, rolling his eyes at the look she gave him. "You can buy your own goddamned ticket," he grumbled, walking inside and taking a look around. He hadn't eaten all day, so his first instinct was to go to a hot dog stand and buy one. He got one with extra ketchup and mustard, with relish on top. He took a big bite and moaned as it slid down his esophagus and settled in his stomach. It was so satisfying, he could just sit here and eat hot dogs all night, but no, he had to basically babysit Audrey.

    Sienna sighed softly, walking into the entrance with Zacky, paying for their tickets before he could even offer to. She smiled up at him and handed his. She took his hand again and walked inside with him, grinning. "Wow, this is amazing," she murmured. "I figured we'd go to dinner or something, but this is perfect." She wanted to kiss him so badly, but she knew it was way too soon for that. Right? Anyways, she was the cliche type of person, and she'd always imagined her date bringing her home and walking her to her door and kissing here there. It was just her dream. She bit her lip as she looked around, gasping and dragging Zacky over to a game that involved throwing baseballs at targets. She knew he loved baseball, and he was good at it too.
    February 24th, 2015 at 10:12pm
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ anchored lungs.
    Zacky pouted when Sienna paid for the tickets, not very happy with that. "I'm paying for everything else," he said, his eyes widening when she dragged him off to some game. He smirked when he realized it was a ball toss game, giving the guy some money for some baseballs. He bit his lip in concentration, throwing every ball at every target perfectly. He smiled big, very proud of himself. "Very impressive. What prize do you want?" the guy asked. Zacky looked down at Sienna, raising an eyebrow. "Your choice," he said with a cheeky smile. He had a feeling that he was going to be winning her a lot of prizes tonight. He really didn't mind though. Zacky would win her the moon if he could.

    Audrey rolled her eyes at Matt, paying for her ticket. She hadn't expected him to pay anyways. She went in, looking around and trying to figure out what she wanted to do first. Her eyes widened when she saw the cotton candy stand, rushing over and getting herself a huge stick of cotton candy. She giggled in excitement, taking a huge bite of her cotton candy. She was going to have a lot of fun tonight, despite that she was spending the time by herself. Even though Zacky said her and Matt had to stick together, she wasn't going to. He wasn't going to ruin her good time. Audrey's eyes lit up when she saw a face painting stand, going over and getting her face painted as a mermaid. They put jewels and painted gills, and also put a shit ton of glitter on her face.
    February 24th, 2015 at 10:49pm
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Matt finished his hot dog and licked over his lips, spotting Audrey and walking over to her against his better judgement. He smirked and snorted when he saw her. "Did a fairy puke on you?" he joked, examining all the paint on her. He couldn't believe she'd gotten her face painted. How old was she, five? He couldn't help but think about how funny it would be if her face broke out or if she was allergic to the glitter or something. He shook his head, knowing he shouldn't think things like that, no matter how much he hated her.

    Sienna grinned and looked at all the stuffed animals, finding the one she wanted. "That one," she said, pointing to a medium-sized stuffed giraffe. She wasn't about getting all the big stuffed animals. Size didn't matter. It was the sentiment that did. She took it when the man gave it to her and hugged it to her chest, looking up at Zacky and smiling softly at him. "Thank you. He reminds me of Jimmy, so that's what I'm naming him." She looked around, trying to figure out what she wanted to do next. There were so many things to do, she wanted to do them all. "Maybe I could win you one," she suggested.
    February 24th, 2015 at 11:22pm
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ anchored lungs.
    Zacky chuckled softly when she said that the giraffe made her think of Jimmy. He raised an eyebrow when she said maybe she could win him one, shaking his head. "Uh, aren't I supposed to be the one winning you things?" he asked her, draping his arm around her shoulders. He wanted to win her things and buy her things. But if she wanted to win him something, then by all means. He wasn't going to stop her. "Well, if you insist," he murmured, licking over his lips. He was having a lot of fun so far, even though they haven't been there for very long.

    Audrey raised an eyebrow at Matt, hopping off the chair and paying the person who painted her face. "I'm a mermaid, shit head. Deal with it," she said as she walked past him, heading towards the water gun game. She took a bite of her cotton candy as she watched the people who were playing at the moment, knowing she could easily hit that target right on and win. She was pretty good at aiming things. She used to go with her dad all the time to shooting ranges, which helped her out a lot. But she also ran around the woods and shot targets on trees with a bow and arrow. It was just something she liked to do in her spare time.
    February 25th, 2015 at 12:33am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Matt followed her, watching her. He smirked as he stepped up behind her as she was about to shoot the target, grabbing her hips and pressing his crotch into her backside. He was going to take advantage of the fact that she enjoyed sleeping with him and use it against her as much as he possibly could. He still hated her just as much as cats hated water, though. He wasn't going to start liking her all of a sudden.

    Sienna smiled up at him. "You won me something," she murmured. "I want to win you something too." She led him over to a different game, one she might be better at. She didn't have good aim at all. She led him over to a different game, grinning. Maybe she could actually win him a big prize. She paid for three basketballs, taking a deep breath and throwing the first one, cheering when it went in. Alright, only two more. She could do this. She just needed to focus. She was absolutely determined now to win Zacky a prize.
    February 25th, 2015 at 03:11am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ anchored lungs.
    Zacky smirked as he warched her, shaking his head. He thought it was so adorable how she was getting so excited over one shot. "Great job, now you have to do that for the rest of them," he said, crossing his arms over his chest. For the sake of her happiness he hoped that she made the rest of them. He thought it was really adorable how she was trying so hard to win him something.

    Audrey started shooting the gun, her eyes widening when she felt something against her back. She kept her aim on the dot, turning and pushing Matt away as she went back to the game, winning. She picked out an adorable stuffed Pikachu, smirking at Matt as she turned to him. "Nice job, Sanders. You failed to make me lose," she giggled, walking away and taking another bite of her cotton candy. So far it was turning out to be a great night.
    February 25th, 2015 at 03:50am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Matt narrowed his eyes. She could have that one, but he would get her eventually. He continued to follow her around, not really sure why he was wasting his time trying to piss her off. He took a deep breath and stepped into line beside her, looking around. "What do you want to do?" he mumbled, deciding he'd just let her take control of the night since he really didn't feel like doing anything in particular. Sure, he could leave and let her be alone, but if Zacky and Sienna happened to bump into her and he wasn't thee, he knew Sienna would be pissed at him. He didn't know why it was such a big deal that he and Audrey got along.

    Sienna looked over at Zacky and narrowed her eyes at him. "Don't fuck me up," she hissed, completely in the zone. She turned back to the basket and took a deep breath before she threw the other one, grinning when it went in. Thank god she'd gone to all of Matt's games when he was in junior high. She threw the last one and did a little victory dance when it went in, grinning as she picked out a large stuffed monkey, handing it to Zacky. "What are you going to name him?" she asked, grinning up at him. She should have let Zacky pick out what he wanted, but she was too excited, and she loved monkeys.
    February 26th, 2015 at 03:07pm
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ anchored lungs.
    Zacky smiled as he took the monkey from her, the trying to think up a good name. He was never good with names. "What would you name him?" He asked, holding up the monkey and examining it. It honestly kind of looked like him, which he wasn't sure how he felt about that. "Kind of looks like a... Bob. Or something," he said, biting down on his bottom lip. He wanted her to name the monkey for him. It would make it a lot more sentimental. Plus, she came up with better names then he did.

    Audrey raised an eyebrow as she looked over at Matt, wondering why he was even near her. Last time she checked, he said they were staying away from one another. "We aren't doing anything. Unless you wanna go on the Farris wheel," she said with a small smirk, holding her Pikachu close to her. She was really happy that she was able to win this. She absolutely adored Pikachu and all the adorable pokemon. She was gonna put him right up on her bed with the rest of her stuffed animals.
    February 27th, 2015 at 12:57am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Matt rolled his eyes at her. "I'm only doing this for Sienna," he said. "Because I couldn't give two shits less what you think." He took the stuffed animal from her, examining it. "You like Pokémon? How lame. Only twelve year old boys like Pokémon." He handed it back to her and dragged her over to the Ferris wheel.

    Sienna raised an eyebrow at him and shook her head. "Bob was the farthest thing from my mind," she said. "I was actually thinking Zacky Jr.." She grinned up at him. "He looks like you, in a cute way. Not like you look like a monkey or something. You don't, I promise." She smiled sheepishly at him before she rubbed her stomach. "I really want a soft pretzel, with lots of salt.'
    February 27th, 2015 at 05:31pm
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ anchored lungs.
    Zacky chuckled. "You know, I was thinking the same thing," he said, smiling at her. He wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close to his side and leading her towards the pretzel stand. "A pretzel sounds amazing," he said, licking over his lips. He couldn't remembet the last time he was able to have a really good pretzel. Carnival pretzels were always the best. Honestly, carnival good in general was the bomb. Zacky couldn't wait to eat until he couldn't eat anymore on everything he set his eyes on and get a stomach so big they'd have to roll him home.

    Audrey pouted and shook her head. "It is not," she mumbled, holding her pikachu close to her. She knew a lot of girls who liked it, especially because of all the adorable pokemon. Except Audrey wasn't a huge fan of the newer stuff, she much more preferred the older stuff. Audrey's eyes widened when they got in line for the Ferris wheel, staring up at it. It was fucking huge. She wasn't going to tell Matt that she was slightly afraid of heights, but he was most certainly going to find out soon. Audrey got in the cart thing when it was their Turn, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly.
    February 28th, 2015 at 07:11am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Matt raised an eyebrow at her expression. He looked at the ferris wheel and then back at her, putting two and two together. "Wow," he mumbled. "Audrey Baker is actually scared of something. That's a first." He crossed his arms over his chest and shook his head. "Heights aren't that scary, you know. And it's not like you're going to fall out of the bucket, unless you lean over the side." He sat down across from her, sighing softly. At least he could sit and not worry about following her around for a minute or two.

    Sienna grinned and got them two pretzels, handing Zacky one before she took a bite of her own. "Mm, that's good," she murmured, licking over her lips. She looked up at him and smiled. "I want to ride the ferris wheel at sunset. I think it'd be so beautiful to be on top as the sun's going down." She let out a content sigh as she stared up at the now dimming blue sky. She was so glad Zacky hadn't just taken her to a movie and dinner, because today was an absolutely beautiful day, and she was completely and totally in love with everything right now.
    March 1st, 2015 at 07:03pm