Love Me Like You Do

  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ urie.
    Zacky furrowed his brow. He didn't want her to pay for anything, this was his treat; his idea. In his mind, his money was her money. If he could have it his way, he'd be taking care of her so she wouldn't have to worry about anything. "Sienna, baby, don't worry about it. You don't need to pay for anything," he said with a shake of his head. "Don't you feel bad about it either, it's no big deal. It's just pizza and some mozzarella sticks," he said, making it a point to stress over the fact that she didn't need to worry about it. Zacky knew how she'd feel really bad about things sometimes and he didn't want it to ruin her appetite. He didn't want her spending money she needed when she didn't have to.
    Audrey raised an eyebrow at him. "Melody was inside me too at one point. So has your dick," she said, smirking at him. She knew that it was definitely going to be a while before they had sex again. Especially after she just got done telling him that. She just pushed a human being out of the hole that Matt like to stick his wiener into on frequent occasion. That was probably going to scar him for life. Audrey bit down on her bottom lip as Matt began to wash her down, trying her best to relax. She leaned back against the back of the tub, letting out a small sigh. It was definitely really sore. It was mostly the stitches that hurt the most from where she had to be cut so she didn't tear. "The next time we have a baby, It's going to be at that damn hospital," she said. She'd hold it all the way there if she had to, but Audrey didn't think she could go through another home birth again.
    September 22nd, 2016 at 08:08am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Matt made a face at her words, deciding to ignore them. He didn't want to think about the fact that their child had come out of the same place he liked to put his dick in. It was just weird. He watched her lean back and try to relax, smiling as he leaned over and kissed her forehead. His eyes widened when she mentioned having another baby. "Next time?" he mumbled. "I'm not even used to this time, yet. I don't know if I want another baby." They were honestly still so young, and the fact they already had a baby was crazy, but another one? He wasn't sure if he would ever want another one. He continued to wash her body, hoping his words hadn't upset her. That was the last thing he wanted to do.
    Sienna frowned, sighing softly. "I'm going to feel bad about it," she said. "You know me." She put her wallet back in her purse and gave him a death glare, teasingly, before she sat back in her seat. "I feel bad when I can't pay for my food." The main reason she felt bad was because she didn't have a job, and it made her feel like a freeloader when other people paid for her stuff. She knew she needed to get a job, but she just didn't have anything that fit with her. She didn't have any talents, and she couldn't really think of anything she'd enjoy doing. She felt like a waste of space sometimes, and she even wondered why he was with her too sometimes.
    September 23rd, 2016 at 08:01pm
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ urie.
    Zacky's eyes widened slightly at her teasing death glare, pouting. He knew she really hated when people paid for her, but he was her boyfriend, at one point her fiancée. She should let him take care of her. Zacky was bringing in the money, so much that he didn't know what to do with at the moment. He wasn't used to all the money from becoming successful with the band. Sienna wouldn't have to work a day in her life if she'd just let him take care of her. Zacky wanted nothing more than to give her the world and pamper her. "Yes, i know, but you don't need to," he said as he gave her a pointed look. He grinned when the waitress came over, Zacky giving her their food and drink order since they already knew what they wanted. He was so hungry, he felt like he could eat an entire elephant.
    Audrey shrugged a little, not really wanting another baby anytime soon either. But with the way they were with sex, especially how they pretty much rarely used a condom at times, she knew that they would eventually end up having another baby. When, who knows. Audrey would just have to go on birth control until they decide they were ready, and just let nature take its course. "You never know what the future holds. Matt. I'm not saying I want one anytime soon, that's for sure," she said, her eyes wide. They were really young still, they had their whole lives ahead of them to decide if they wanted to expand their family. Audrey sighed softly, deciding that she really wanted to get out now. Sitting in the tub was starting to irritate her lower region for some reason. "I wanna get out now," she said with a small pout, looking up at Matt.
    September 23rd, 2016 at 08:52pm
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Matt nodded his head. He pulled the drain plug and let the water drain out before he stood up and grabbed a towel. He helped her out and wrapped the towel around her body, kissing her forehead. "Do you want me to help you dry off or do you think you can handle it?" he asked softly, pushing her hair off her shoulders and looking into her eyes. He didn't mind helping her at all. In fact, he really had nothing else to do. Melody wasn't currently crying or screaming so he didn't want to disturb her since he knew there would be many sleepless nights to come. And he wanted to enjoy all the quiet time he could before that came.
    Sienna sighed softly, figuring just this one time, she would let it slide, just because it was Zacky and he loved her. She thought for a moment before looking up at him, biting her lip gently. "I think I'm ready to move back in with you, Zack," she said, hoping that he would be okay with it. She was sure he would be, since it seemed like he was really wanting her to move back in with him now, but she couldn't just assume that from what she'd seen. But she really did want to move back in now. She wanted to be his fiance again, she wanted to marry him. She wanted to be happy with him like Matt and Audrey were happy together.
    September 26th, 2016 at 08:30pm
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ urie.
    Zacky was glad that she was letting this one slide. All he wanted to do was make her happy. Zacky's eyes widened as she told him that she wanted to move back in with him, a shit eating grin spreading across his face. He was so happy that she said that. That was just the icing on top of the cake for him. "Yes, of course, I would absolutely love it if you moved back in," he said, biting down on his bottom lip. He felt like they were finally getting things back to the way they needed to be. All zacky wanted to do was have things back to normal. Sienna moving back in with him was definitely a step towards the right direction and it made him so happy. The waitress came over with their food, an even bigger shit eating grin spreading across his face, if that were even possible. Zacky loved food and he loved sienna.
    Audrey grinned. "I can do it myself, baby. Thank you though," she murmured, leaning up and kissing his cheek. Audrey sighed, drying herself off and getting dress in a pair of panties and one of matt's over sized shirts that she loved to wear so much. She got the bassinet from the corner of the room and placed it beside her be before going in the nursery and getting Melody. Since not being on a hospital, Audrey wanted to keep a close eye on her. She didn't know if there were going to be any complications or not, so far so good. Audrey raised a brow when she noticed Melody's nursery room window was open, wondering who did that. She thought nothing of it, picking up her baby girl gently and taking her into their bedroom. She would be waking up for her next feeding any time now and Audrey just wanted to enjoy the little bit of silence for the moment.
    September 26th, 2016 at 09:55pm
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Matt bit his lip as he watched Audrey. As much as she seemed to be handling her own, he still didn't like the idea of her pushing herself after giving birth, especially at home without doctors around. Seriously, why hadn't they just called an ambulance? He didn't give a fuck what their neighbors thought and she shouldn't have either. But it was done now, so it didn't really matter anymore. "Audrey, I really think you lay down for a little while," he said. "You shouldn't be up and moving around like this. You're gonna end up breaking something or hurting yourself somehow and if you did, I'd never forgive myself." If she hurt herself under his care, he'd feel like utter shit, and he really, really didn't want that to happen.
    Sienna giggled softly at the look on his face. She was glad he wanted her to move back in with him, because she was really wanting things to be like they used to. She knew people could say it was simple and easy for her to just fall back into the way things used to be, but it wasn't that easy for her. It might be for him, but not for her. And she didn't know why it wasn't easy, she didn't. Well, maybe she did. It wasn't like she was unaware of the condition she had, but it wasn't like she could totally fix herself either. Even if she forced herself into this normal life where she put a smile on every day and forced herself to wear a bikini and forced herself to eat regular meals, deep down, she still wouldn't be happy. And she hated herself for it. She blinked and looked up when the food finally came, thanking the waitress and grabbing a mozzarella stick.
    September 27th, 2016 at 05:48am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ urie.
    Zacky new it was still probably going to take some time before things were fully okay again. Zacky didn't expect her to really ever fully make her condition go away, he knew there was always going to be that demon gnawing at the back of her mind. Zacky just wanted to be there every step of the way, to watch over her and support her in every way that he could. He wanted her to be happy and healthy. He wanted to do everything he could to make her happy. Zacky ate a few slices of pizza, watching sienna eat as he did so. It just satisfied him seeing her eat at least a little something. Over the years he's definitely learned that she's more of a snacker, not much of a full on meal person unless she was really hungry. "When do you want to get your stuff from Matt and Audrey's?" He asked, taking another bite of pizza.
    Audrey bit down on her bottom lip, sitting down on the bed slowly. She felt perfectly capable of doing things herself, it was more sore sitting down that it was moving about. "I'm fine, really. If I fall out or bleed out, just call nine one one," she said with a small giggle before laying full back on the bed, throwing the covers over her. She might as well relax a bit before feeding time. Honestly, it was getting later and later and eventually it was going to be bedtime. But she knew they weren't going to be getting much sleep. Audrey was excited that they had their little bundle of joy, but also wondering what they had gotten themselves into with the sleepless nights to come. Audrey could be a massive bitch when she didn't have any sleep, and that worried her. She didn't want her and Matt to end up fighting. They were going to have to come up with a schedule on who's going to take care of Melody at what time so one can get sleep.
    September 27th, 2016 at 06:11am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Matt sighed, not wanting to think about her falling or bleeding out. He didn't know what he'd do being a single dad. He still had the band to worry about as well, and there was no way he'd ever be able to juggle being a single parent and being in the band. So he didn't want to think about that. He moved to lay down on the bed beside her, taking her hand in his and squeezing it. "You know, I really love you," he said. Lately, it felt as if he and Audrey hadn't really been too affectionate with each other, but that was probably because she'd been in the end of her pregnancy and her hormones had been all over the place.
    Sienna thought for a moment as she took a pepperoni off her piece of pizza. "Maybe tomorrow evening?" she suggested. "I think Matt and Audrey need some time alone right now and I don't want to disturb them or the baby. I can just wear one of your shirts tonight or something." She was kind of hoping that when they went home, they'd relax for a bit, then maybe have sex. She felt like it had been ages since they'd had sex. Well, it had. The last person she had sex with was Jimmy, and although she loved him to death, it had just never been the same as it had been with Zacky.
    September 27th, 2016 at 06:23am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ urie.
    Zacky grinned and nodded. Matt and Audrey definitely needed some space and alone time for a while. He wasn't sure if they were going to go to the hospital to have the baby and Audrey checked out or not tomorrow. He was definitely going to call and check up on his sister in the morning. After a while, when he and sienna were both done eating, Zacky got the check. He paid for their meal, taking Sienna's hand and walking her out to his car to go home. Maybe they would start house shopping together, get a nice place somewhere near his sister and Matt. He didn't want to be to far away for when he and sienna had kids, that way they can all grow up with one another. "I know this is going to sound crazy and totally sudden, but when you're ready, what do you think about getting a new house together?" He asked once they were in the car.

    Audrey grinned, rolling over onto his side and burying her face in his chest. She started to tear up at his words, making her sniffle. "I love you too, so much," she whimpered before busting out crying. She was still extremely sensitive and hormonal. She couldn't control it even if she wanted to. She was hoping that would go away within a few days. She read online that it should. Audrey shook her head, reaching up and quickly wiping the tears away. "Gosh, these damn hormones," she grumbled, really not happy with herself right now. She just loved hearing Matt say that he loved her.
    September 27th, 2016 at 06:32am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Eight Months Later

    Matt smiled as he sat Melody down in her high chair, kissing her forehead and putting a small handful of cheerios on her little tray. She was starting to eat more solid food now, which was a plus for him since he didn't have to clean up her spit-up from the baby food. Plus, that shit smelled disgusting. He made her a little sippy cup with some apple juice in it, setting it on her tray before he turned to start on breakfast for him and Audrey. She was still asleep upstairs since he'd decided to let her sleep in. He could tell she was a bit stressed lately from dealing with Melody, since he'd been busy working at the studio with the guys, so since he had this weekend off, he was going to let her rest as much as possible. And he thought making breakfast for her would be a nice bonus. He grunted when he felt something hit the back of his head, squeezing his eyes shut and holding the place as he turned. He opened his eyes and stared at Melody, who was giggling and squealing in joy. "You're such a little shit, I don't care what anyone says," he mumbled, picking up her sippy cup and putting it back on her tray. "No, Melody, bad." He frowned when she stopped giggling and her eyes went wide with tears. She let out a wail and flailed her arms, screaming at him. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry!" He picked her up out of the high chair and bounced her gently. "Sh, it's okay, baby girl."
    Sienna had moved in with Zacky a few days after Audrey had had Melody. She'd decided after a few weeks that if she ever wanted things to be anything like they had been before, she needed to get help again. So she admitted herself to rehab this time. She'd been there ever since, working hard to get herself back to normal. And she was doing amazing, so much so, that the people at the rehab center were begging her to go home and be with her boyfriend. She was on a good antidepressant, and had worked with a therapist on ways to deal with her eating disorder healthily and not like she had been. She was eating like a normal person her age and weight now, and she looked really good, better than she had in at least two years. She felt good, she felt happy, and she was really excited to go home and let everyone know just how good she was. So she'd called Zacky last night and asked him to come pick her up today, and she was signing out whenever he got here. She was all ready to go, she was just waiting on him.
    September 27th, 2016 at 06:24pm
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ urie.
    Zacky was singing to himself as he got out of the car, heading inside of the rehab facility to sign out the love of his life. He had been impatiently counting down the days for when she could come home to him. Last night he cleaned the house the best that he could, washing everything and going grocery shopping. He had let the house go just a tiny bit, and since he couldn't cook, he hardly had groceries in the house except for snacks. He always ate out or went over Matt and Audrey's to eat. Which his sister got irritated about on various occasions, but he knew that deep down she really didn't mind. Melody definitely didn't mind, she loved seeing her uncle Zee. Zacky practically had a bounce in his step as he walked through the doors, going up to the counter and telling the receptionist what he was here for. He was just so excited. The day Sienna had told him that she was going to rehab, he was kind of confused. He had thought she was doing okay, but he understood why she went. There was always that slight worry that something was going to happen again. But now she was all better and everyone was begging her to come home to him. Zacky signed her release papers, biting down anxiously on his bottom lip.
    Audrey groaned as she began to wake up, feeling great. Her and Matt had the absolute best sex last night, which made Audrey feel so relaxed. She reached over to the other side of the bed, frowning when she didn't feel her boyfriend beside her. Audrey looked over at the clock, seeing what time it was and freaking out a little. Was Melody awake yet? Did Audrey sleep through her cries? As if in cue, she heard her little girls wails from downstairs and Matt frantically telling her it was okay. Audrey giggled, Knowing which cry that was. That was her "I'm too cute for you to tell me no" cry. Audrey got up out of bed, making her way downstairs into the kitchen. "Good morning my loves," she said, Melody instantly stopped crying and got really excited to see her mommy. Audrey laughing, shaking her head at the little girl as she walked over and took her out of matt's arms, showering her face with kisses. "Are you giving daddy a hard time this morning?" She asked, ticking her baby girl and smiling at her joyful giggles. She was just way to cute for her own good sometimes. Audrey gave Matt a kiss and patted Bella on the head when she came up to say good morning, sighing contently. She loved mornings like this. She loved her family. She couldn't picture a day without them. She knew though that since Matt was working on a new album, that eventually they were going to be going on tour. Audrey didn't know what she was going to do then. Maybe she could have sienna stay with her during that time.
    September 27th, 2016 at 07:29pm
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Matt pouted when Melody immediately cheered up as soon as Audrey took her. She always did this, and it pissed him off. He loved Melody to death, but it was as if she hated him and loved Audrey. Was he a bad father or something? He'd given his world to this little girl and how did she repay him? By chucking things at him and screaming when he tried to console her. He watched Audrey as she gave him a kiss on the cheek before he turned away, continuing to fix their breakfast. Maybe he just wasn't fit to be a dad. Maybe he should have just told Audrey from the beginning he didn't want to be a dad. He hadn't at first, at least. As time went on, he'd gotten excited for Melody to finally come, and now that she was here, he was just so unsure. "Do you want butter on your toast or jam?" he grumbled.
    Sienna looked up when her counselor came and told her that her boyfriend was here, grinning as she got up and grabbed her bags. She walked down to the lobby, biting her lip when she saw Zacky. She set her bags down and ran over to him, jumping up into his arms and grinning as she hugged him tightly. "Oh my god, I missed you so much," she murmured, pressing kisses all over his face and then finally to his lips. She kissed him with as much passion and love as she could muster, never wanting to let him go ever again. God, she'd been so stupid to ever let him go in the first place. People made mistakes, and sometimes you just had to forgive them even if what they had done wasn't a good thing. It wasn't like he'd murdered someone, he'd just beat the shit out of her brother. And honestly, Matt had kind of deserved it for just springing his relationship with Audrey on Zacky out of nowhere. It wasn't like Matt had never threatened Zacky before about taking care of her. Granted, her brother had never punched her boyfriend, but still.
    September 28th, 2016 at 01:49am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ urie.
    Audrey pouted as she watched Matt go off to make breakfast, setting Melody back in her highchair. She raised an eyebrow as he grumbled his question, wondering what was wrong with him. "Are you okay?" she asked, sitting down in a chair and watching him. "Jam," she murmured, wondering if she did something wrong. If it was because Melody got so excited to see her, she couldn't help that. Audrey didn't think the child favored one parent over the other, she definitely loved her daddy. Audrey just figured that since Matt had been so busy lately, she was giving him hell for for not getting all the attention that she wanted. She was such a spoiled little brat sometimes. Audrey always thought it was cute and funny whenever Melody messed with Matt. Its not like she hasnt gotten a few sippy cups to the back of her head every once in awhile. Melody just picked and choosed her favorite parent whenever she got tired of the other. Sometimes she was a daddy's girls and sometimes she was a mommy's girl. It was really frustrating.
    Zacky smiled big, if that were even possible, when he saw Sienna come through the doors. He opened his arms, embracing her as she jumped in them. He hugged her as tight as he could, afraid that if he let her go then she was going to disappear forever. She was so gosh darn beautiful, Zacky was so proud of her. She'd never looked this good before. Before he could even get a word in, Sienna crashed her lips onto his, making him pull her even tighter to him and kiss her back with every ounce of emotion he had in him. God, did he miss her kisses. Her lips were so sweet and soft. "I missed you too, baby, so much," he murmured once they pulled away, breathless. He couldn't wait to take her back home. "Let's get you home, yeah? I have a nice dinner I plan on making for us tonight, and I know the dogs are dying to see their momma," he said with a small chuckle, Zacky walked over and grabbed her bags with one hand, never letting go of hers in the other. He lead her out to the car, helping her in before putting her bags in the back. He got in himself, smiling over at her once more. "Gosh, you look so good. You're so beautiful, I missed you so much," he said, leaning over and capturing her lips once more in a passionate kiss.
    September 28th, 2016 at 02:44am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Matt sighed and nodded his head. "I'm fine, really," he said as he layered some jam onto her toast. He placed it on her plate before adding the sausage and eggs, turning to hand the plate to her. "I just feel like I'm not being a good parent or something, I dunno." He hated talking about his insecurities, and she knew that. But he also knew that she knew that there was something wrong, and she wouldn't stop until she found out what it was because that was just the way Audrey was. She always felt the need to fix things, even if it wasn't her own problem. And while that was a nice sentiment, sometimes it could be annoying. Like when he really didn't want her budging in on his business. But he guessed now that they were kind of a family, he should start letting her in more. She deserved to know when something was wrong.
    Sienna grinned and nodded her head. She followed him out to the car and got in, laughing softly at his words. "I missed you too," she said. "More than anything." She was so happy that things were finally falling back into place. Now they just needed to find a new house, get engaged again, get married, and then maybe even start on a family. She'd done a lot of thinking while she was away, and now that time had passed, she definitely did want to have babies with him. Maybe just not right away. They still had so much time ahead of them, and they were still so young. They had plenty of time to start a family, and they had a lot ahead of them to still enjoy before that time came. They had a lot of missed time to make up for, and she wanted to start on that first.
    September 29th, 2016 at 12:49pm
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ urie.
    Zacky chuckled. "I'm so excited for tonight. We are going to have so much fun," he said with a small smirk. He pulled out of the parking lot and headed for the house, bouncing in his seat a bit. He was so excited. He couldn't wait to make sweet, sweet passionate love to her. He couldn't wait to make her dinner and watch her eat it all. He couldn't wait to see her walking around the house. Zacky also couldn't wait to propose to her yet again. He had the ring in his pocket, where it was going to stay until it was time. He's been walking around with it since he learned that Sienna was coming home to him. He knew that it was time for them to start their life fully together. Zacky pulled into the driveway, walking over and opening the door for sienna, helping her out. He lead her inside, his eyes widening when the dogs stampeded past him and onto sienna, whining and jumping around like crazy. Zacky chuckled, shaking his head.

    Audrey frowned, shaking her head. "You are an amazing father, Matthew. Don't you ever think that you're not. Melody is just a little shit sometimes. How many soppy cups and food do you think I get thrown at me? She was mad at you, so you know she's going to favor the parent of the moment that didn't tell her no," she said, sighing softly. She looked over at Melody, pinching her cheek. "You need to stop throwing things and throwing a fit," she said, rolling her eyes as she giggled like crazy. "Dada," she whined, wiggling in her high chair and reaching out for Matt. Melody only knew two words at the moment, were dada and dog. Audrey thought it was so adorable, but she was ready and impatiently waiting for her to say mama.
    September 29th, 2016 at 07:33pm
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Matt looked at Melody, biting his lip gently. He sighed, shaking his head. He couldn't stay upset at her for long. He walked over and leaned down, kissing her forehead and pulling her out of her high chair. "Hi baby girl," he murmured. "Do you think you could eat for Daddy?" He set her back down, grabbing a cheerio and gently pressing it to her lips, smiling when Melody took the cheerio into her mouth and started chewing on it with her tiny little front teeth. One of the bad things lately, was that she was teething like crazy. She already had her top two and bottom two teeth in, but the other ones were starting to grow as well, which meant she was biting and chewing everything, especially their fingers. But he knew she'd grow out of that eventually once all her teeth were in.
    Sienna gasped when Majesty and Icky made a mad dash for her, Majesty knocking her over on the floor. She giggled as the great dane covered her in kisses, Icky whining when he couldn't get any in. Usually, Ichabod wasn't very affectionate, but he'd clearly missed his mama. She sat up and gave both of them big kisses before she pulled herself up. "I missed you guys too," she said, giggling softly. She looked up at Zacky, biting her lip gently. She wanted to throw him on the couch right now and just have her way with him, but she knew he was probably planning on doing that later after dinner, so she guessed she'd have to wait a little while. But it would be worth it. She walked over and slid her arms around his neck, leaning up and kissing him. "God, you have no idea how much I missed you."
    September 30th, 2016 at 02:08am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ urie.
    Zacky couldn't help but laugh as he watched the scene before him, so glad that his fur babies were happy. They've been moping around the entire time that Sienna had been gone. Zacky wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close against his body. "I missed you too, baby. So much, you have no idea," he murmured against her lips before capturing them in a breath taking kiss. He honestly couldn't wait to take her upstairs and have his way with her. It's been too long. But Zacky had other things special planned so he couldn't just abandon them. They just needed to get through dinner first. "Are you hungry yet, baby? I can start making dinner whenever you're ready," he said with a small smile. Zacky was always hungry, so whenever she wanted to eat was totally fine with him.
    Audrey smiled as she watched Matt with their baby girl before she started digging into her food. She let out a small moan as she ate, finding it so good. Audrey was much like her brother when it came to food, they both loved so much. A good meal was enough to make them both absolutely ecstatic. "This is good," Audrey said with a mouth full of egg, looking up at Matt with wide eyes. She was also really hungry after their all night love making session last night. Audrey heard a small whine, looking down and seeing her other child looking up at her with the saddest eyes ever. Audrey glanced over at Matt before she ripped off a piece of sausage and gave it to Bella, giggling softly. She couldn't help but spoil her furry baby sometimes. She just loved her so much.
    September 30th, 2016 at 04:11am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Matt laughed at Audrey's reaction to her meal. "Are you sure you're not pregnant again?" he teased, remembering how she'd eaten when she was pregnant. Man, she'd had some weird cravings. He sat across from her once he made his plate, looking down at Bella. "That's it. You know better than to beg." He chuckled when Bella whined before barking at him. "Ah-ah, no barking. Go lay down." He watched as she stalked away, laying down in the living room. At least she listened well, for the most part. She was still a puppy at heart, and she probably always would be. He looked at Audrey, smiling softly at her. "I called my mom last night and she said that Sienna's coming home today. I was thinking we could have a little get-together for her this weekend. Maybe invite the whole crew, you know? I know everyone's missed her, especially you." He wouldn't even start on how much estrogen he'd had to put up with since Sienna had left. Sometimes he even wondered if his balls were still there.
    Sienna smiled brightly at him. "I'm starving," she said. "I missed lunch today because I figured you would either be ordering or making something, so I wanted to have a totally empty stomach for that." Secretly, she wanted to prove to him just how better she'd gotten, show him that she could really eat now without much problem. She'd talked to her doctor, and they'd agreed that there would always be that silent nagging in the back of her head that told her not to eat, but they'd come up with ways for her to deal with it, or to ignore it. And they actually worked. For the first time in what felt like forever, something actually worked and helped her. She reached up and ran her fingers through his hair, grinning. "You've been letting it grow out again. I love it." She knew she was being totally random, but she was just noticing all these new things.
    September 30th, 2016 at 01:29pm
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    Zacky grinned, glad to hear she was hungry. He chuckled as she ran her fingers through his hair, not really wanting to tell her that he's just been way to lazy to actually get a hair cut. "Well thank you," he murmured, capturing her lips in one more passionate kiss before taking her hand and leading her into the kitchen. He didn't exactly have a grand meal plan, just spaghetti. By his famous family recipe that he knew Sienna loved a lot. Zacky wasn't a big cooker, what he could make was Italian since that's what he grew up eating. Zacky let Sienna have a seat, chuckling at Icky jumped right into Sienna's lap to get affection. Zacky shook his head, going over and filling the pot with water and setting it on the stove, letting it come to a boil before putting the noodles in. Zacky had made home made breadsticks the night before, so now all he had to do was put them in the oven and bake them. He preheated the oven, putting in th breadsticks and letting them back. He made salads for him and Sienna, setting them on the table.

    Audrey's eyes widened and she nodded, loving that idea. She was so excited
    that her best friend was coming home today. She new Matt was happy too, not only so he could see his sister, but so Audrey would stop being so stuck up his ass. Audrey was also really happy for Zacky because now he could have the love of his life back, along with not coming over here to eat every five minutes because he was too fucking lazy to cook. Audrey bounced a bit in her seat, trying to think of something to get Sienna as a welcome home gift. She wanted to get her something really special, something that really signified their friendship. Sienna's been through a lot and Audrey wanted to get her something that told her how much she loved her and how proud she was of her best friend. "I can't wait to see her, I wanna see her now," Audrey whined, huffing. "But no, that fat tubby bastard has to keep her all to himself."
    September 30th, 2016 at 08:23pm
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Matt snorted. "Well, they were engaged at some point, you know," he said. "We can see her tomorrow. I'm sure she's missed you too, and she'll definitely want to see how big Melody has gotten. But I think tonight she needs some time with Zack." He made a face at the thought, not wanting to think about one of his best friends boning his little sister. While he approved of their relationship, it was still weird to him, as he was sure that he and Audrey were still a weird and sore subject for Zacky as well. But hell, he didn't want to think about anyone boning his little sister. She would always be his little sister, and he didn't think he would ever be happy with anyone she would be with. Although, he was sure she'd end up with Zacky.
    Sienna smiled as she ran her fingers through Icky's fur, watching Zacky. "How has everyone been?" she asked. She'd only talked to Matt and her parents a few times since she'd made the decision to completely cut herself off from the outside world while she was away. She wanted to completely focus on her treatment, and she had. And she was glad she had. Now she was just as happy as she had been before this whole mess started. She wondered how the band was doing, if they'd put out another album or had toured yet. "And how's the band?" she added. "Anything new and exciting I should know about?" She was so excited for them to really get going, because they were so good and they deserve all the fame in the world.
    October 1st, 2016 at 02:32am