Love Me Like You Do

  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ anchored lungs.
    Zacky took a bite of his pretzel, grinning at her. The pretzel was amazing. "Alright, riding the Ferris wheel at sunset sounds romantic," he said with a smirk, wiggling his eyebrows. "It's already starting to get dark, so I guess we can make our way over there," he murmured, grabbing her free hand with his free hand and slowly leading her towards the Ferris wheel, taking a bite of his pretzel every now and then. He couldn't wait to get on it and watch the sunset with Sienna on the Farris wheel. It was going to be so much fun and so romantic. So far this date was turning out to be amazingly fun, he was glad he had thought of the idea. He wasn't really the type for a dinner and a movie anyways.

    Audrey pouted, looking over the side of th bucket and biting down on her bottom lip. Maybe this wasn't a good idea. She didn't realize how high up it really was. She scooted to the middle of her seat, looking up at Matt and giving him a sheepish grin. "But like, you know how in the movies people get all brave and stupid and stand up in the cart and the next thing you know they're falling from the top and just splat," she said, her eyes wide. She watched way too many horror movies. Not that she wanted to, her brother forced her to watch them with him. Audrey hated horror movies. "What's your biggest fear?" She asked Matt, curious.
    March 1st, 2015 at 07:21pm
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Matt's eyes widened in horror. "Jesus," he muttered. "Way to be morbid." He shook his head and sighed softly. He raised an eyebrow and thought about it for a minute. "Not making it far in life, losing my family, my friends, dying. I guess I have a lot of fears." He shrugged his shoulders and looked up at her. "Yours is obviously heights. Which is fucking weak, by the way. Heights aren't that bad. And it's easy to overcome. You have to have a real fear, something that just sits there and eats away at you every time you think about it."

    Sienna followed him, nibbling on her pretzel with a cheeky grin on her face. She laced her fingers together with his, feeling like she was on cloud nine right now. It was as if her almost totally boring life had turned into one full of excitement and love and adventure overnight. Well, actually, it kind of had, really. But she couldn't remember ever being this happy before. Well, maybe that one time when she got a Barbie Dollhouse for her birthday. She wanted that thing so badly, but Matt had broken it with his stupid soccer ball, which he shouldn't have been kicking around inside the house anyways.
    March 1st, 2015 at 07:36pm
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ anchored lungs.
    Zacky looked down at Sienna, chuckling softly at the look on her face. "You're so cute," he murmured, biting down on his bottom lip. She really was, though. She was the most adorable girl he'd ever met. He finished his pretzel and through his trash in a nearby trashcan, leading her up to a lemonade stand and getting him a strawberry lemonade. "You want something?" he asked her, looking down at her. They had other things besides lemonade, like water and soda. He wasn't really sure if she liked lemonade or not. Honestly, he didn't know much about her when it came to simple, little things. He felt like he should play twenty questions with her or something.

    Audrey pouted, hugging her pikachu closer to her chest and sighing softly. She tried to think of something that she hated thinking about, something that terrified her whenever the subject came up or simply by mentioning something. "I guess... I guess my biggest fear is never having someone love me and being alone for the rest of my life," she murmured, looking out at the sun that was beginning to set. "I really don't have anyone besides my brother and Sienna. Soon they'll have their own lives, more then likely together, and i'll be all alone," she mumbled, trying her hardest not to tear up at the thought. That really was her biggest fear, being alone because no one loved her. She knew that she'd eventually make a pretty good living for herself by whatever she did in college, but she wasn't the type of person that anyone could easily love.
    March 1st, 2015 at 08:00pm
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Matt couldn't help but frown slightly at her words and he shook his head. "You'll never be alone, Audrey," he said. "It might feel like it, but there's always someone, at least one person, who you can always go to if you need anything. You have the guys, your parents, Zack, and Sienna. And I guess if it really comes down to it, you can talk to me too. And I won't judge. As much as I fucking hate you, I won't judge you. I just . . . like to fuck around with you, you know? 'Cause you're so gullible and it's funny." He shrugged a shoulder and looked away from her, hating he'd just gotten so deep all of a sudden like that. But he felt bad and he knew that if it were Sienna sitting across from him right now, he would have said the same thing to her.

    Sienna bit her lip gently and nodded her head. "Yeah," she mumbled. "Can I get a water please?" She didn't like lemonade because it dehydrated you, and she definitely wasn't going to drink soda around Zacky because she had a tendency to belch when she drank soda because of indigestion and it was embarrassing. Even Matt thought it was gross, and he was like a walking fart machine. She drank her water and licked over her lips, sighing contently. She smiled up at Zacky and led him towards the ferris wheel.
    March 1st, 2015 at 08:07pm
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ anchored lungs.
    Zacky grinned and nodded, getting her a water. He took a sip of his lemonade, following her towards the ferris wheel. He got in line with her, waiting patiently for their turn. He looked up and watched everyone in their cars, smirking when he spotted Matt and Audrey. He tapped Sienna's shoulder, pointing to them. "Look," he murmured, thinking maybe her idea for them to spend time at the carnival with each other might be working. They didn't look like they were at each other's throats for once. "I think your plan worked," he murmured with a smile, looking down at her. Sienna was such a smart cookie. She knew how to get people to get along with one another, it was amazing.

    Audrey grinned, letting out a small giggle and nodding. "Thanks, Matt," she murmured, biting down on her bottom lip. She could tell that it was tearing him up inside just to be this nice to her. Honestly, Audrey was getting a little weirded out by their conversation and the fact that they were just being civil to one another. It just wasn't something they did. They were always at each other's throats and yelling. Though, it was kind of nice to just be having a normal conversation with him. It was different.
    March 1st, 2015 at 08:20pm
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    "Don't mention it," Matt said, giving her a downright serious fucking look. "Seriously. I have a reputation to uphold as being your tormentor and if anyone knows I was nice to you for a sliver of a second, I will be ruined." He was obviously joking with her, and he couldn't help but think of how nice this was to just be talking to her without picking at her. "You know . . . maybe we should actually start trying to, um . . . get along. I mean . . . we did have sex, you know. And it's not going to go away. And besides, following you around and trying to come up with stupid jokes is tiring."

    Sienna looked at Matt and Audrey and raised an eyebrow. "Wow," she mumbled. "I didn't think they'd actually be getting along, but it looks like they are." She grinned as she looked up at Zacky, leaning over and pressing a big kiss to his cheek. "You know what this means? We don't have to worry about them anymore. If they're not fighting, then we can spend time with each other without having to worry that they're tearing each other to shreds." She squealed excitedly and threw her arms up in the air, her eyes widening as her stuffed giraffe went flying in the air, all the way to the ground. Her eyes widened and her bottom lip started to quiver as her eyes filled with tears.
    March 1st, 2015 at 08:37pm
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ anchored lungs.
    Zacky chuckled and nodding, agreeing with her. His eyes widened when her Giraffe went flying, looking over at her and frowning when she started crying. "It's okay, we'll get it when we get off," he murmured, taking her hand in his and giving it a small squeeze. He didn't think anyone was going to touch it between now and when they got off. They'd be able to get it and Zacky would clean it off for her. Luckily it didn't land in anything disgusting. "I mean, I can always win you another one," he said, wanting to cheer her up. He knew that that giraffe was pretty sentimental, but he wanted to make sure she knew that it was okay, and that they would get it back.

    Audrey giggled, rolling her eyes playfully at him. "I have a reputation to uphold too, yunno," she said, wiggling in her seat a little. She bit down on her bottom lip when he said that they should try getting along more, sighing softly. "I guess... I mean, it'd be kind weird, but you're right. The fact that we had sex isn't going to go away. But I didn't expect for us to get along or for anything to change just because we had sex," she murmured, furrowing her eyebrows together. "But we should start getting along, at least outside of school. For Zacky and Sienna's sake," she murmured, looking up at him. She didn't think getting along with him would be too bad. He wasn't a total dick when he didn't want to be.
    March 1st, 2015 at 09:04pm
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Matt shrugged his shoulders. "I mean, sex is a big deal, right? I mean, we had sex. It's not like we just rolled around under the sheets, I mean I put my . . . you know what I mean. And you were a virgin too. That's a big thing. I was your first . . . god, I was your first." His eyes widened as it all finally settled in. He was Audrey's first sexual partner. He was the first guy to ever stick it in there. Oh god, if Zacky ever found out, he could kiss his life goodbye. He reached up and rubbed his face. "You shouldn't have let me have sex with you."

    Sienna pulled away from him and looked over the edge, trying to find it way down there on the ground, but she didn't see it. That was the first prize that Zacky had ever won her on their first date. She didn't want another one, she wanted that one. That was her Jimmy, she couldn't lose him. She looked back at Zacky and sniffled. "I'm so stupid," she mumbled. She reached up and wiped at her eyes, shaking her head. She was ruining their date already. She needed to stop crying and grow up. But she was a hormonal emotional wreck. She sniffled and shook her head, holding back tears as she leaned against him, sighing heavily.
    March 1st, 2015 at 09:16pm
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ anchored lungs.
    Zacky frowned, shaking his head. "You're not stupid, Sienna. It's okay, I know it was important to you," he murmured, not knowing what else to say to get her to cheer up. He was willing to win her a new one, but he knew that she wasn't going to be happy with it. He felt so bad, he felt like it was his fault. If he hadn't mentioned anything about Audrey and Matt getting along, then she wouldn't have gotten so excited and threw her giraffe off the ferris wheel. "I'm so sorry, Sienna," he said, sighing softly. "I'll make it up to you, okay?" he said, gently grabbing he chin and making her look at him.

    Audrey bit down on her bottom lip, frowning slightly and shrugging. "It's not big deal, Matt. You can't deny that it was amazing, so it was well worth it," she murmured, leaning back in her seat some. It was almost time for them to get off. "No one's gonna know about it. Well, except for Sienna, cause she figured it out right after we did it," she said quietly, staring down at her hands. "Either way, I didn't regret it, so you shouldn't either," she said with a nod, getting off the ferris wheel once they came to a stop at the bottom. She looked around, wondering what she could do next. She was getting kind of hungry, so she headed towards the section of the carnival with all of the food stands, deciding to get herself a funnel cake.
    March 1st, 2015 at 09:44pm
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Matt followed her, getting himself a cup of fries drenched in ketchup. He sat down at a bench with Audrey, slowly eating his fries. "I don't regret it," he said. "At all. I really enjoyed it. It's just . . . you're my best friend's little sister. Do you know how off limits that is?" He knew he was one to talk, letting Zacky date his own sister, but for some reason, it just felt different this way. Because he knew Zacky wasn't fucking Sienna behind his back. And if he did, he'd murder him.

    Sienna looked at Zacky and sniffled again before she leaned forward and pressed her lips to his. She felt her entire body light up, her knees shaking slightly as she kissed him. So what it wasn't on her doorstep at the end of their date? They were on the top of the ferris wheel, with the sun setting behind them and it couldn't be more perfect. She wrapped her arms around his neck and giggled when she felt her stomach start doing flips. She'd never had butterflies so badly before, but she didn't mind them at all. She was happy.
    March 1st, 2015 at 09:53pm
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ anchored lungs.
    Zacky was taken by surprise when she kissed him, but instantly kissed back. He was surprised at how amazing the kiss felt. It was like fireworks. Her lips were so soft and he could certainly spend all day kissing her if he could. He pulled away slightly when he heard her giggle, furrowing his eyebrows together. "Why are you giggling? Am I a shitty kisser?" he asked, his eyes wide. No one ever commented on what kind of kisser he was, so he had no idea if he was any good at it or not. His cheeks flushed, getting a little embarrassed the more he thought about it. He really hoped he wasn't a shitty kisser, that'd be so embarrassing.

    Audrey gave him a look, shaking her head. "My brother is dating your sister. You don't know if they've been doing anything behind your back or not, maybe they just decided to come out about their relationship suddenly, you don't know," she said, taking a bite of her cake. "Though, I doubt that's the case at all. But still, Zacky's never going to find out, so calm yourself," she said, looking over at him and blinking when she saw his fries drowned in ketchup. "That's disgusting," she grumbled, shaking her head. "How can you even taste the fry like that?" she questioned, making a face.
    March 1st, 2015 at 10:07pm
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Matt rolled his eyes at her. "I fucking like ketchup, okay?" he grumbled. "And I don't normally eat a lot of junk food, so get off my dick." He reached over and tore off a piece of her funnel cake, eating it and smirking at her. He was so hungry and he hadn't even realized it. He could eat a whole cow right now. He finished his fries and threw the empty box away before he sat back down next to her. He bit his lip as he thought for a minute, looking at her. "Um, do you really hate me?" he asked curiously, raising an eyebrow at her. He wondered if she really did hate him or if she just liked messing with him. Because she wouldn't have slept with him if she really hated him, right?

    Sienna grabbed his shoulder as she burst into a fit of giggles at how adorable he was. She shook her head as she looked back up at him. "No, you're an amazing kisser," she murmured. "I just got butterflies, and it kind of tickled." She grinned at him and pressed her lips to his again, feeling for once that she wasn't actually being too shy around him. And she liked that. She liked how she was starting to open up a bit more, even though he still did make her blush like a whore in church. She giggled again and pulled back to look into his eyes. "I really like you."
    March 1st, 2015 at 10:18pm
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ anchored lungs.
    Zacky sighed in relief when she said that he wasn't a horrible kisser, smiling at her. That was great to know. Though, with how much she was giggling at him it kind of had him worried that the was doing something extremely embarrassing. He kissed her back when she kissed him, grinning when she pulled away and told him that she really liked him. "I really like you too, Sienna. So much, you have no idea," he said with a small chuckle, shaking his head. He really liked her so much. He never thought he could like someone as much as he liked her. It was actually really crazy. He frowned when he saw that it was their time to get off, taking her hand and helping her off once he got off. "What do you want to do next?" he asked, looking down at her.

    Audrey narrowed her eyes at him when he took a piece of her funnel cake, huffing. "No, I don't hate you. I'm not one to hate a person. i just love fucking with you," she said with a smirk, taking a bite of her funnel cake. "Do you really hate me?" she asked, raising a brow. Sometimes he acted like he hated her with a deep burning passion. Especially the day they had sex, man did she piss him off. But it was kind of what she had been aiming for anyways. Audrey's eyes widened when some blonde squealed and plopped down in the middle of her and Matt on the bench, almost pushing Audrey off of it. "Matt! Oh my gosh, I didn't know you'd be here," the blonde said excitedly. Audrey rolled her eyes, getting up and throwing her cake away walking off to find something to do. She'd leave Matt to his little blonde whore.
    March 1st, 2015 at 10:30pm
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Matt frowned slightly when Audrey got up and left, but he was also excited that Val was here too, because like Zacky said, he should probably get to know her. He smiled at her and chuckled. "Yeah, but I'm here with Zacky and his little sister, so I kind of have to stick with her, you know?" He stood up and scratched the back of his neck, thinking quickly. "Uh, I guess you could come with, if you wanted to." He really wanted to hang out with her, but at the same time, he'd feel shitty if he just left Audrey alone. They were actually talking like normal human beings for once, it was a nice change. He ran after Audrey and grabbed her arm. "Where are you going?"

    Sienna smiled up at him and shrugged her shoulders. "Whatever you want to do," she murmured. She grinned when she spotted a little girl holding her giraffe, rushing over and tapping her shoulder. "Hi there," she murmured, kneeling down. "That giraffe is mine." The little girl glared at her and hugged the stuffed animal to her chest. Sienna thought quickly and cleared her throat, looking back at Zacky. "You see that boy over there?" The girl looked at Zacky and nodded her head. Sienna smiled. "That's my prince charming. He got me that giraffe and it means a lot to me. And one day your own prince charming will get you one too." The girl looked up at her mom before she looked back at Sienna and handed her the giraffe back. "Thank you so much."
    March 2nd, 2015 at 02:11am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ anchored lungs.
    Zacky watched Sienna run after a little girl, talking to her and getting her giraffe back. He raised an eyebrow when she came back over to him, wondering what she said to her to get her giraffe back. "What'd you say to her? And how'd you know that was the one I won you?" he asked, furrowing his eyebrows. There were dozens of giraffes just like the one he won her, all around the carnival. Maybe there was a flaw or something about the one he won her that she was able to recognize or something, who knows. "That was sweet of her to give it back to you," he said with a small smile.

    Audrey raised an eyebrow when Matt grabbed her arm, turning and looking at him. "Letting you have your alone time with queen slutbucket?" she said, rolling her eyes. "Look, I don't want to be the third wheel. I rather walk around and spend time on my own then feel that way," she said with a small giggle, shaking her head. "Look, it's fine. Go spend time with her, I'll go play games and do what I had planned on doing before we became civil for a rare moment and deciding to actually stick together," she said with a small shrug, pulling her arm away from his grasp and walking over to a ring toss game, where there was a giant pink and blue lemur for a prize. She'd absolutely love to win that. It'd make her night for sure.
    March 2nd, 2015 at 02:50am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Matt sighed softly as he watched Audrey walk off. He turned to Val, biting his lip gently. "Hey, Val," he said. "Look, I really wanna hang out, but I can't. I gotta stay with Audrey. If something happened to her, Zacky would rip me a new one." He smiled sadly at her. "I'll see you at the party, yeah?" He waved at her before he went back to Audrey. "I told Sienna and Zacky that I would stay with you. And I don't go back on my promises. And I owe it to my sister right now, okay? It's a long story." He continued following her around for a bit, turning away for a minute to get a drink when he heard a few girls making some snide comments. He turned and noticed that they were some friends of Val's, and they were surrounding Audrey, making rude comments on her outfit, and how she was probably a whore who slept with everyone.

    Sienna smiled up at Zacky. "I know that was the one because the ear is scuffed and it has dirt on it," she murmured. "And it couldn't be anymore perfect." She looked up at him with a cheesy grin on her face. "I told her you were my prince charming, and that one day she'd have her own, and he would win her one of these too." She leaned up and pressed her lips gently to his, giggling again as she took his hand and started walking with him. She just couldn't help herself. She was just so happy. And she wanted to just kiss him all over. Her eyes widened at the thought. Well, maybe not all over. Just his face, and maybe his neck too.
    March 5th, 2015 at 08:35pm
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ anchored lungs.
    Zacky smile, kissing her back and chuckling softly. "That's adorable," he murmured, giving her hand a light squeeze. He Thought it was so cute how Sienna told the little girl that he was her prince charming, and that someday she'd find one of her own. Zacky was really glad that Sienna considered him to be her prince charming. "What do you want to do now?" he asked, glancing down at his phone to check and see what time it was. It wasn't too late, but it was certainly getting there. They probably had time to play a few more games, ride some rides and maybe eat before they had to go. "Are you hungry? I know you ate that pretzel and all, but that wasn't much. Or maybe we can ride some more rides? Maybe play some games?" he asked, biting down on his bottom lip.

    Audrey had went and gotten herself a slushie while Matt was getting himself a drink, actually kind of glad that he had decided to stick around. It'd suck to have to spend the rest of the night alone. Audrey raised an eyebrow when she heard someone make some horrible comment about her outfit, turning around and seeing that it was the blonde whore's friends. "Me? A whore? Please. At least I don't have a clearly known reputation for being one. You've slept with every guy on the football team, you've slept with every guy on the basketball team, you've slept with everyone on the hockey team, and you've slept with pretty much every guy in school. So let's not go there," she said with a smile, taking a sip of her slushie before she started to walk off towards Matt. She stopped walking when she heard one of them say something about her sleeping around with Matt and that's why Matt didn't want to hang out with Val, turning around and walking up to the girl. "Me sleep with Matthew Sanders? Hmm, maybe," she said, dumping her slushing on the girl. "Oh look, your shirt is see through," Audrey said with a giggle, turning and walking back towards Matt, tossing her empty cup in the trash.
    March 5th, 2015 at 08:56pm
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Matt's eyes widened as he looked between Val's friends and Audrey, not sure what to do or say. He was confused and taken back, and just, what the actual fuck had just happened? He looked at Audrey and bit his lip hard. "You could have handled that better," he mumbled after a second of the shock wearing off. As much as it was a good thing that she had stood up for herself, there were much better ways she could have done it. "Maybe next time you could just ignore her and walk away. That way you don't make yourself out to be a bitch in front of everyone. Because everyone was watching you, you know. And now they're all gonna think you're an asshole."

    Sienna smiled up at Zacky, shaking her head. She wasn't hungry. Okay, well, maybe she was, but she'd perfected the art of forcing herself to not eat when she was hungry. Either that, or she'd eat and then make herself throw up, and she didn't want to have nasty breath around him or make him think that she was sick. She just wouldn't eat. She knew she'd gotten over that bump in the road a while ago, but for some reason, she found herself slowly making her way back in that direction. It wasn't that she thought she was fat or anything. Well, okay, that was definitely a lie. It had taken her at least an hour to debate on wearing jeans or a dress tonight just because she didn't like the way her thighs looked. But she would never admit it to herself.
    March 7th, 2015 at 01:00am
  • Afflatus

    Afflatus (100)

    United States
    @ anchored lungs.
    Zacky looked at her for a moment, shrugging a little before looking around. "Well, what would you like to do then?" He asked her, walking up to a game that had some goldfish as prizes. He didn't know why anyone would ever want one of these things. All they did was die in the next few weeks anyways, no matter how well you took care of it. It was sad, really. "Want a goldfish?" He asked her with a small smile, deciding to try his luck at the game and try to win one. Even if he did win one, he hoped it stayed alive long enough to enjoy. Or for Sienna to enjoy, if she actually wanted it that is.

    Audrey sighed heavily and shrugged. "Payback is a bitch. Do you know how many lunch trays I've gotten dumped on me? Drinks? Come on, they had it coming. But you wouldn't think so because you're fooling around with their litle leader," she snorted, walking away from him and towards the cotton candy stand. She got herself a cotton candy, not caring it was the second one she had tonight. She was ready to go home and crash. She's had enough of this carnival experience to last her a life time. She was just exhausted and wanted to get in her bed and sleep her life away.
    March 7th, 2015 at 01:36am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Matt's brows furrowed and he followed her, crossing his arms over his chest. "Excuse me? I'm not fooling around with Val. If you have such a shitty memory, you're the one I fucked yesterday, not her. I was going to ask her out, because Zack mentioned it to me. But I'm not sure what I want to do now, if she's gonna go run and tell her friends every time I tell her I'm busy. I don't want them bullying you. You don't deserve it. And if Zack knows they're doing that shit, he's gonna get in trouble for trying to kick some ass."

    Sienna smiled brightly and nodded her head. "Yes," she murmured, lacing her fingers with his and skipping over to the booth with excitement. She'd always wanted to win one of these games. Even if the goldfish didn't live too long, it was always a great sentiment, you know? To have one a prize that's alive. It was weird, but awesome. And now she could have a fish to go with her giraffe. She could have Jimmy and Johnny. She giggled at the thought and looked up at Zacky. "Come on," she said, tugging on his hand. "I want one so badly."
    March 7th, 2015 at 01:42am