Original Superhero Co-Write

  • niklitera

    niklitera (200)

    @ starfire.

    @ decay

    Okay, so maybe Beau has a thing for Annie. Like, he likes this really popular bitch cliche, but when they start dating he becomes a bit more bitter towards love and it's Remy who helps him out, becoming really good friends and shit, and then he falls for Annie since she's his mother's doctor's daughter and they see each other a lot...? But Annie starts dating Remy and Annie tells him she sees him only as a friend.

    I know this sounds dark, but as a huge comic fan I've always fond out that dark works fairly well with good plots. So I want Beau to kill someone in a fit of insanity, or something.

    Any other ideas?
    February 16th, 2015 at 07:07pm
  • niklitera

    niklitera (200)

    @ starfire.

    @ decay

    Okay, so maybe Beau has a thing for Annie. Like, he likes this really popular bitch cliche, but when they start dating he becomes a bit more bitter towards love and it's Remy who helps him out, becoming really good friends and shit, and then he falls for Annie since she's his mother's doctor's daughter and they see each other a lot...? But Annie starts dating Remy and Annie tells him she sees him only as a friend.

    I know this sounds dark, but as a huge comic fan I've always fond out that dark works fairly well with good plots. So I want Beau to kill someone in a fit of insanity, or something.

    Any other ideas?
    February 16th, 2015 at 07:08pm
  • squidward tentacles.

    squidward tentacles. (255)

    United States
    @ decay
    You read my miiiiiiiind. Haha I was literally just thinking that since Esther's dad needs a doctor, Annie ends up at the doctor cause of her ghost induced meltdown, Hollace has s prosthetic and maybe needs like a check up or a fitting or is visiting with a specialist or..something, and beau's mom is epileptic then if we stick Remy in there somehow they could all meet at the hospital.
    February 16th, 2015 at 07:09pm
  • niklitera

    niklitera (200)

    @ starfire.
    And one of the doctors is their mentor!!! Like. Okay, he/she starts noticing the patterns and like, maybe Beau's too obvious and Esther's Father was also too obvious about it... So the doctor promises to help them!
    February 16th, 2015 at 07:11pm
  • raja sahara

    raja sahara (100)

    United States
    @ niklitera
    omg I'm all for Remy and Beau being homies before shit goes down but I'm sorta leaning away from Remy/Annie as love interests cuz I realize it sounds really cliche (like Mr. Fantastic and Invisible Woman or s/t).

    I still kinda like Esther and Remy if hibernus is okay with it or a random girl idk Remy just needs some loooooovin'
    February 16th, 2015 at 07:26pm
  • raja sahara

    raja sahara (100)

    United States
    @ niklitera
    oh also when you said in your description that Beau has a crush on Hollace did you mean that in a romantic way? Cuz that would be interesting to see. I guess either way it sounds hella cute to me 'cause bad guys can care :')
    February 16th, 2015 at 07:35pm
  • squidward tentacles.

    squidward tentacles. (255)

    United States
    @ niklitera
    So there's lots of ways the Annie/Beau thing could go down. I can either make up another character (maybe their mentor could have like, an assistant of sorts?) that she falls for, or she could fall totally for Beau but she kind of tries to push him away when she realizes it because it terrifies her and it makes him feel angry and sad and awful.

    Is Beau going to like, go total Darth Vader uber villain and disappear/be locked up/be defeated in the end, or is there like a chance he can come back from it? Either way is chill with me but if Annie does fall for him it'd be just so adorbz if she saved his soul. Haha. It's up to you I'm just a mush ball so it's an idea I have to throw out there.

    Oh and I'm also down with their mentor being a doctor of some kind! Annie's mom could be an epileptologist or neurologist who works with Beau's mom. Maybe they moved up to New York for better specialists??
    February 16th, 2015 at 07:39pm
  • hibernus

    hibernus (100)

    United States
    @ decay

    @ niklitera

    @ starfire.

    I love the idea of all them meeting at the hospital! I was thinking, since Esther's community has no source of power, and if its cool with everyone, that her powers occurs when she comes into contract with technology. Like she shorts it.

    I am down with Remy and Esther hooking up. Thumb up
    February 16th, 2015 at 07:40pm
  • squidward tentacles.

    squidward tentacles. (255)

    United States
    @ hibernus
    Haha that sucks for the hospital! lmfao Esther and Annie are going to have the worst time of it in there; Esther makes everything go berserk and Annie keeps seeing dead people. That's too amazing.
    February 16th, 2015 at 07:45pm
  • raja sahara

    raja sahara (100)

    United States
    @ hibernus
    @ starfire.
    @ niklitera
    @ parry otter.

    Electricity + fire, damn. Lick

    Okay so now the question is, how did the get their powers and when would they all realize that they have it? (Like in their early teens or right when the story starts?) Esther realizing she has hers at the hospital makes sense since she wouldn't be around electricity otherwise.
    February 16th, 2015 at 07:47pm
  • squidward tentacles.

    squidward tentacles. (255)

    United States
    @ decay
    I was thinking Annie's would come out right at the beginning of the story. In anatomy class, hahah. The cadaver she's supposed to be dissecting is going to start suddenly talking to her. In her panic she runs off but ends up taking a tumble down some stairs and hits her head and that's how she ends up in the hospital.

    As for how/why they have powers (aside from Beau, cause Nik has that all figured out already :)) I don't know yet. My ideas were some sort of experimentation, maybe a curse/supernatural sort of element of we wanted to go that route, being descended from more evolved beings...yeah I'm all over the map here so please share any ideas you may have. Hail
    February 16th, 2015 at 07:58pm
  • raja sahara

    raja sahara (100)

    United States
    @ starfire.
    Hmm yeah, I was thinking some sort of storm caused it (like in The Misfits) and it may have affected other people in the world besides them but I dunno lmao.

    And that actually sounds hilarious haha (the cadaver talking to her part, not her tumbling down stairs yikes). For Remy, maybe it's gradual? Like he suddenly sets fire to random things in his sleep and lights candles or curtains when he walks by (like maybe up to a year before the story starts but he doesn't really know that HE'S the one doing them) and whatnot and then when the story actually starts, maybe then he discovers his whole body can burst into flames and then he can go to the hospital only to see that theres no damage to his body OR he accidentally hurts one of his cousins bc he's on fire and freakin the fuck out? Or he just happens to be at the hospital because his cousin got into a minor accident or something (maybe it could be Beau or someone who was driving)? What do you think?
    February 16th, 2015 at 08:08pm
  • niklitera

    niklitera (200)

    @ hibernus

    @ decay

    @ starfire.

    Okay, about the villain thing, it's going to be like a mix between Loki and Charles Xavier. You know how Charles is this guy who's all cheerfull and happy and PARTY THE ENGLISH WAY!! And then gradually he becomes this serious man, at one point a junkie drunk? That's how I want Beau to be. Gradually darkening. And the burst of insanity and anger, I want to be like Loki: he just doesn't fucking care anymore and he becomes selfish, unstable and bitter. But it'll be leaning more towards Magneto in a way that he's much, much angrier.

    Beau slaps around a lot and actually kills by the time he's turned into a villain. And he knows it's bad and he knows it's against human rights but he just doesn't care.

    Beau doesn't end up with anyone save Jasey, at the beginning, who's the popular girl. He likes Annie a lot, and Annie's his friend, but Annie doesn't like him, and towards his change she begins t be afraid of him.
    February 16th, 2015 at 08:10pm
  • squidward tentacles.

    squidward tentacles. (255)

    United States
    @ decay
    That sounds cool! I hadn't even thought of a storm or something that's pretty nifty. And I like Remy's powers coming out gradually. Annie is going to be a little overwhelmed by hers to start with. Also I'm going to have a catty gay ghost who follows her around and drives her nuts because only she can see and hear him and he's always cracking jokes and doing inappropriate things. tehe comedic relief.

    @ niklitera
    Okay so I will make up a random guy for Annie to fall for to help Beau in his descent into madness. Smoke cause she needs love in her life haha.

    Should he be someone who helps their mentor orrr someone else who was affected by whatever gave them powers..? I don't really want him to just be a normy cause I don't wanna deal with her having to hide her power and all that. It's too exhausting.
    February 16th, 2015 at 08:20pm
  • squidward tentacles.

    squidward tentacles. (255)

    United States
    @ decay
    That sounds cool! I hadn't even thought of a storm or something that's pretty nifty. And I like Remy's powers coming out gradually. Annie is going to be a little overwhelmed by hers to start with. Also I'm going to have a catty gay ghost who follows her around and drives her nuts because only she can see and hear him and he's always cracking jokes and doing inappropriate things. tehe comedic relief.

    @ niklitera
    Okay so I will make up a random guy for Annie to fall for to help Beau in his descent into madness. Smoke cause she needs love in her life haha.

    Should he be someone who helps their mentor orrr someone else who was affected by whatever gave them powers..? I don't really want him to just be a normy cause I don't wanna deal with her having to hide her power and all that. It's too exhausting.
    February 16th, 2015 at 08:22pm
  • squidward tentacles.

    squidward tentacles. (255)

    United States
    @ decay
    That sounds cool! I hadn't even thought of a storm or something that's pretty nifty. And I like Remy's powers coming out gradually. Annie is going to be a little overwhelmed by hers to start with. Also I'm going to have a catty gay ghost who follows her around and drives her nuts because only she can see and hear him and he's always cracking jokes and doing inappropriate things. tehe comedic relief.

    @ niklitera
    Okay so I will make up a random guy for Annie to fall for to help Beau in his descent into madness. Smoke cause she needs love in her life haha.

    Should he be someone who helps their mentor orrr someone else who was affected by whatever gave them powers..? I don't really want him to just be a normy cause I don't wanna deal with her having to hide her power and all that. It's too exhausting.
    February 16th, 2015 at 08:23pm
  • niklitera

    niklitera (200)

    @ starfire.
    Dude. Voodoo guy. Always go to voodoo, it saves everyone's ass.

    I think maybe Beau could have an uncle who's the local crazy ass warlock shit who Beau occassionally helps at the herb shop he has. And he becomes their mentor while the doctor is kind of the sidekick mentor...? It could be a he, a young he. Dr. Hopkins. Doctor Jaxon Hopkins, who deals with the branch of young adults in the hospital, on trauma, and he meets the gang one by one until he finally connects the pieces and brings them together?
    February 16th, 2015 at 08:31pm
  • squidward tentacles.

    squidward tentacles. (255)

    United States
    @ niklitera
    For Annie's love interest?

    I do like the idea though of something relating to Beau being what brings them together because then he goes villain and it's just sort of a good ironic twist.
    February 16th, 2015 at 08:37pm
  • niklitera

    niklitera (200)

    @ starfire.
    Beau is a lover of musicals, baking and he takes care of his mother every day. He cares for everyone and is the kind of guy that helps everyone just because. But as soon as she begins to hear everyone's thoughts she begins to think less of the people that surround them.

    "Remy's such a weirdo. Don't sit near me, don't please, no, no, no," and he gets really angry because of that.

    "I'd fuck Esther so hard, look at that body" or something degrading like that and he gets angry at the indecent thoughts.

    Just the overall horrible nature of humans. So at first he begins doing musicals such as Bye Bye Burdie, playing Conrad and ends up screaming Sweeney Todd as the rest of the group begins to fear him.
    February 16th, 2015 at 08:47pm
  • hibernus

    hibernus (100)

    United States
    @ decay

    @ starfire.

    @ niklitera

    @ niklitera

    @ parry otter.

    So are we all in agreement that they shoukd meet by way of a hospital setting?
    February 16th, 2015 at 09:22pm