The Wicked End

  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

    Blog Moderator
    United Kingdom

    "Well now that we know, I want to fucking find out more!" Scarlett shouts. I sit there in disbelief, shaking my head. "I can't believe you guys." I say eventually. "Hiding something this big away from us, how could you?" My voice rose with each word as Scarlett and I both crossed our arms in anger. "Because of you idiots, we're now in danger!"


    "Girls, listen." I started, unsure of what to say. "We've been in a gang since before you even started working for us..." I sighed. "Fuck, you weren't meant to find out." I looked at Scarlett, seeing her angry and upset hurt me so much. I didn't want to betray her by lying any further.
    February 16th, 2015 at 12:54am
  • Shepherd of Fire;

    Shepherd of Fire; (100)

    United States
    "You know what, when I applied for this job all I wanted was money to pay the bills. This is fucking crazy! I vowed to protect Alyssa with my own life, I had to be like the big sister she never had! Well I can't protect her now, can I? So fuck you guys, we quit this job!" I yell, ripping off my apron. Alyssa does the same, and we both exit the bar.

    We all look at each other in shock. We never thought it would go to this extreme. Scarlett and Alyssa left our lives, probably for good. I grab a beer bottle from the fridge, chugging it down. I had to protect them, but I couldn't. "Hey, someone has to find the girls, we have to keep them away from Black Veil Brides." Jimmy says, snatching the beer bottle from my hold.
    February 16th, 2015 at 01:27am
  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

    Blog Moderator
    United Kingdom

    "Fuck them." I frowned as Scarlett and I walked back to our shared apartment. "I thought they were decent guys." I ranted, sighing loudly, my fingers brushing through my soft hair. The boys had put us in danger for their own selfish gain. I was beyond pissed. But I was going to miss Matt. And I know for sure Scarlett was going to miss Zack. I took off my heels and held them in my hand, just wanting to get as far away from the bar as I could.


    "Me and Matt will go." I assured Jimmy, grabbing Matt. "C'mon dude, let's go." I said, dragging him out of the bar. I started walking through the warm streets. "We fucked up, man." I said after a few minutes of agonising silence. "We really fucked up."
    February 16th, 2015 at 01:32am
  • Shepherd of Fire;

    Shepherd of Fire; (100)

    United States
    I we continued our walk back to our apartment, and I let out a sigh of relief once I saw the familiar little apartment. I fished my apartment keys out of my purse and unlocked our door. I was greeted by the familiar scent of the apartment and I kicked off my boots, wiggling my toes as I did so. Alyssa ordered a pizza and I flicked through the channels, deciding to watch a horror movie. The bell rang through the house, signaling that the pizza guy had arrived. I walked to the door and I opened it, and was greeted by the guys at the bar. "Hello, dollface,"

    "I know, and we have to fix our problems with the girls." I said, walking faster. I saw the girls apartment from afar, and I called for Zacky to speed up. "Come on man, I see the house," I yell, breaking out into a run. "I'm coming, but you know I'm not in that much shape!" Zacky pants, trying to keep up. I needed to see Alyssa, I needed to make things right. As we got closer, I noticed the door slightly ajar. Oh fuck.
    February 16th, 2015 at 02:06am
  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

    Blog Moderator
    United Kingdom

    "Get the fuck away from us." I snapped, going to shut the door, but Andy stuck his foot out, preventing me from doing so. "We're just here to pay you a little visit." He smiled wickedly. I frowned and slammed the door against his foot, causing him to yelp in pain before going to punch me.


    I ran as fast as I could once I saw their apartment door open slightly, I dragged Matt with me and we saw Black Veil Brides. I growled. "What're they doing there?" I snapped, going to grab Ashley.
    February 16th, 2015 at 02:15am
  • Shepherd of Fire;

    Shepherd of Fire; (100)

    United States
    I let out a scream as the leader punched Alyssa, sending her flying. Before I could react, one of them grabs me roughly by the arm. "Hey little bitch, you're coming with us," Jinxx says. The door flies open, revealing Zack and Matt. "What're they doing here?"Zacky seethes, grabbing Ashley and punching him in the jaw. Matt pulls Andy off of Alyssa, holding her in his arms. Jinxx pulls me to him, dragging me upstairs. I cry for help, but he covers my mouth with his hand. He opens the door to my bedroom, and throws me on the bed. The sound of his belt unbuckling makes me quiver in fear, scared of what he'll do. "You're mine, bitch!" He yells, pulling his pants down. I shake my head frantically, my muffled cries inaudible.

    I hold Alyssa close, and she cries into my chest. "It's okay baby, it's okay," I reassure her, pressing a kiss to her head. Zacky knocks one of them out cold, his knuckles blood red. "Hey Zacky, where's Scarlett?" I ask. His face turns bright red, and he blots up the stairs. "Matt, Jinxx took her up there, he's probably hurting her!" Alyssa cries. "Zacky's going to take care of her, I promise,"
    February 16th, 2015 at 03:41am
  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

    Blog Moderator
    United Kingdom

    I ran upstairs as fast as I could, kicking down the bedroom door. As I saw Jinxx with his pants down, I lost my tether. I grabbed him by the hair and started punching him, losing all control. I dragged him to the stairs and kicked him down them so everyone could see what a fucking scumbag he was. I rush back into the bedroom and pull Scarlett into my arms. "Scar, you're safe now." I whispered to her, holding her to my chest.


    I tended to my eye when suddenly Jinxx came tumbling down the stairs, his pants around his ankles. I felt my hands tighten in to fists. "What did you do to her?" I asked calmly, as he started to stutter, I felt my anger rise. I kicked him straight in the nuts, making him fall to his knees. "Get the fuck out!" I shout, the boys quickly running out, most likely cause they were scared of Matt. But that didn't matter.
    February 16th, 2015 at 03:58am
  • Shepherd of Fire;

    Shepherd of Fire; (100)

    United States
    I whimper softly, my tears flowing uncontrollably. I hide my face in Zacky's chest, disgusted of myself and that filthy scum. "It's alright, Scarlett. We're gonna get you girls out of here, and we'll keep you safe." Zacky tells me. I try my hardest to smile, but all that I can form is a pained expression. "Promise?" I ask, looking into his emerald eyes. "I promise." He picks me up bridal style and carries me downstairs. A small smile forms on my lips, and I bury my face in Zack's chest.
    Alyssa paces around the living room, her fists clenched. Her left eye is bruised badly, that douchebag Andy being the cause of it. I'll kill every last one of those fuckers if they lay another hand on Alyssa and Scarlett. One of those sick fucks touched Scarlet, hopefully he didn't have his way with her. "Alyssa, let me take care of your eye." She shoots me a glare before continuing to pace. "I'm fine," she says in a monotone voice. "Alyssa, your eye is bruised, let me help you," I say, walking over to her.
    February 16th, 2015 at 04:22am
  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

    Blog Moderator
    United Kingdom

    "Matt, man, they can't stay here." I said to Matt as I reached the bottom of the stairs. "It's too dangerous for them." I sighed, kissing Scarlett's temple. I did my best to let her know she was safe, I was determined to be the one to keep her that way, too. "I think they should come with us."


    I sighed as Matt cleaned up my eye, both of us listening to Zacky's every word. I nodded in agreement with him. "Matt, he's right." I said, my fists finally unclenching. "I mean, I don't want a repeat of tonight." I rested my forehead against Matt's chest, closing my eyes.
    February 16th, 2015 at 04:30am
  • Shepherd of Fire;

    Shepherd of Fire; (100)

    United States
    "Scar, do you want to stay with us for the time being?" Zacky asks. "Yeah," I croaked, my voice failing me. "Anything to stay away from those bastards," I say. "Scarlett, did he touch you?" Matt asks, and I try to keep the tears at bay. "No, but he tried. If it weren't for Zacky, he would've.." I sniffled, trying not to cry. "He's not gonna hurt you again. Now come on Scar, we gotta go pack our stuff. Zacky releases me from his hold and I head to my room, packing up my things.

    As we wait for the girls to finish packing, I notice Zacky's jaw clenched tightly, his eyes cold. "Zack, are you alright man?" I ask. He simply shakes his head. "No." "What's bothering you?" I ask. It's probably about Scarlett and Alyssa. If Alyssa was in the same position as Scar, I would've knocked that fucker dead. But now, I needed to be strong for Alyssa and Scar, they needed all of us the most now. We got them in this mess, and we're gonna get them out.
    February 16th, 2015 at 04:47am
  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

    Blog Moderator
    United Kingdom

    I sighed. "I just fucking worry, man." I said. "I mean, Scarlett means so much to me and I'd hate for anything to happen to her. And that fucker nearly hurt her." My fists clenched again as I squeezed my eyes shut. "I could fucking kill the bastards." I said.


    I walked downstairs with my bag on my shoulder, followed closely by Scarlett. "We're uh, we're ready." I smiled weakly. Scarlett and I must of looked terrible, but we didn't care. We were just glad that we had the boys protection.
    February 16th, 2015 at 04:50am
  • Shepherd of Fire;

    Shepherd of Fire; (100)

    United States
    "We're ready," I tell the boys. The two of them nod and lead the way to the car. Me and Alyssa enter the expensive car and buckle ourselves in. "So ladies, I guess we should tell you everything about our gang." Matt starts. "Uh huh." Me and Alyssa say in unison. Matt clears his throat before he begins.

    "When me and the boys were in high school, my dad used to be in a gang. Well, one day he comes home and tells me about his double life, and how he was in a gang. He was getting old, and he retired. My dad told me that I was to become leader of the group, and how the rest of the guys would be part of it. That's how Avenged was formed. We've done horrible things in our life, things that could sentence us to prison for the rest of our lives. But it gives us extra money the bar can't earn. That's all. Oh, and we all have a sort of nickname in our gang." I explain, leaning back into my seat.
    February 16th, 2015 at 05:21am
  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

    Blog Moderator
    United Kingdom
    I nodded. "Like, I'm Zacky Vengeance. And Matt is M. Shadows. It stops people knowing who we really are." I explained as I drove back to our shared house. "So, is there any questions you wanna ask?"


    I looked at Scarlett, who looked at me in return. "I have one. Have you killed someone?" I asked, making both boys laugh and nod. I nodded to myself. "Oh. Well, I gotta admit, that's pretty bad ass." I laughed, sending Matt roaring with laughter and Zacky rolling his eyes.
    February 16th, 2015 at 05:27am
  • Shepherd of Fire;

    Shepherd of Fire; (100)

    United States
    I knew the boys had killed people, but I didn't expect them to laugh about the matter. "Why do they want us? I mean everything was fine until now," I ask. "It isn't about you guys, it's about us. We've had a rivalry with them for years, and now that they've seen you guys..." Zacky trailed off, looking out the window. "They want to take us and possibly get a reaction from you." I answered, picking at my nail. It was a habit I had when I was nervous. Zacky nodded, and we left the subject at that.

    We continued the drive in a comfortable silence, the only noise was the sound of Guns & Roses playing on the stereo. Finally, the Avenged Mansion came into view. "Here we are girls, the Avenged Mansion." I say as I pull into the driveway. I look behind me and I noticed the girls both had their jaws wide open, and eyes as big as saucers. I chuckle softly, and park the car. "This is where you'll be staying. With us, of course." I explain.
    February 16th, 2015 at 06:13am
  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

    Blog Moderator
    United Kingdom

    I watched the girls walk in front of us. I just wanted them to be safe. I smiled as I unlocked the door to the mansion, pushing the doors open. "You see girls," I began. "Now they know you're with us, they're going to want to take you." I explained. "But don't worry, we'll kill the fuckers before they lay a hand on you." I assured, hugging Scarlett. "Go pick a room." I smiled, relaxing slightly, knowing they were safe, especially with Jimmy, Johnny and Brian to look after them too.


    I ran upstairs with Scarlett and claimed my room - right next to Matt's, according to Johnny. "So, which room did you pick?" I asked Scarlett with a knowing smile. She probably chose the room that was closest to Zacky, in typical Scarlett fashion.
    February 16th, 2015 at 06:21am
  • Shepherd of Fire;

    Shepherd of Fire; (100)

    United States
    "Uh, you know, the one next to Zack's.." I said softly, my cheeks turning bright red. Alyssa smirked, her hands resting on her hips. "Just don't go over to his room and have crazy animal sex!" She laughed. "Like I would ever do that! He doesn't even like me that." I told her, and she shook her head laughing softly. "You have to be stupid if you don't see it,"

    I couldn't help but smile at the thought of Alyssa living in the room next to me. She was a beautiful, strong woman, and I wouldn't let Black Veil Brides ruin my chances with Alyssa. Time was running out, and I had to tell her how I felt about her soon, or else she'll be taken from me forever.
    February 16th, 2015 at 06:46am
  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

    Blog Moderator
    United Kingdom

    I watched the girls laughing together and laughed to myself before walking downstairs to see Matt deep in thought. I sighed, glancing back up at the girls. I couldn't take my mind off of Scarlett, but she didn't like me like that. Maybe I should talk to her? Maybe I will.


    "Seriously, you have to be stupid if you don't see it." I laughed with Scarlett. "He fucking adores you, Scar." I said, laying on Scarlett's bed as she unpacked her things. "The way he looks at you just tells it all." I smiled up at the ceiling.
    February 16th, 2015 at 06:58am
  • Shepherd of Fire;

    Shepherd of Fire; (100)

    United States
    "Really? Huh, I just never seemed to notice it," I say, placing the last clothing item I owned in a large dresser. Bored, I jumped on my new bed, giggling when Alyssa flew in the air. "Woah! Watch it, I'm going to fall!" She laughs, bouncing on the bed. I lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling deep in thought. "Hey Scar, I'm going to go play pool with Brian and Johnny," she says and I nod, continuing to daydream. A soft knock on my door pulls me out of my thoughts. "It's open," I call, and I see Zacky in the doorway, leaning against the doorframe. "Hey Scar, can we talk?"

    I sat on the couch with a beer in my hand. Information about Black Veil Brides was scattered on the table, and I was trying to find more information on them. On my laptop, I'd found that they were staying at Southern California to deal with another gang. I scoffed, those skinny pricks were gonna get their asses handed. "Hey Shadz play some pool with us!" A very drunk Jimmy says excitedly. "I can't, I'm working on some things," I tell him, rubbing at my face. "Come on, you've been working too hard. Come have some fun," Jimmy pleads, and I get up from the couch. "Your right, I need to cool off," I said. Jimmy jumps up and down, sprinting to the game room. Classic Jimmy.
    February 16th, 2015 at 07:13am
  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

    Blog Moderator
    United Kingdom

    I sat down on the edge of Scarlett's bed and I let out a deep sigh. I turned to look at her, and I couldn't help but smile. Her smile was contagious, it could stop wars. "I really need to talk to you, Scar. I guess what I'm trying to say is..." I gulped slightly. "I think you're cute and funny. And basically what I'm trying to say is -" I got cut off by a drunk Jimmy barging in. I cursed to myself, so I just laid down with Scarlett. "I fucking really like you, Scar."


    I smiled as I watched the boys play pool. I was sat in a chair, with my feet up,watching as Matt hit Johnny with the pool stick for playing the game wrong. I laughed to myself and shook my head. I took the stick from Johnny and laughed. "Matt, prepare to get your ass handed to you by a girl."
    February 16th, 2015 at 07:20am
  • Shepherd of Fire;

    Shepherd of Fire; (100)

    United States
    I looked at him in shock. He liked me? "You do?" I asked. He nodded his head, biting his lip nervously. I had to resist the urge to kiss him right then and there. "I like you too," I said softly, looking at him from under my lashes. Zacky smiled brightly at me, and moved closer to me. "I've liked you ever since I first saw you," he whispers. My breath hitches in my throat as his face is mere inches from mine.

    "I have to see it to believe it," I say with a smirk on my face. Alyssa leans over the pool table, giving me a perfect view of her ass. I have to bite my lip hard to keep myself from groaning at the sight before me. I try to pay attention, but every move that comes from her body makes me grow hard. As I play, I fail miserably due to Alyssa's beautiful body. "I won," she smirks, turning her whole body around to face me.
    February 16th, 2015 at 07:49am