Lancer's Academy for the Spernatural

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    Arthur Bridges
    Arthur moved closer when Roderic chuckled, close enough that their arms would touch."Says you, you rarely ever smiles it seems like it. But you're always smirking at me, I'm quite offended" he quipped, knocking his knee with the others. Being close to Roderic like this, just being in each others space was calming more often then not, felt right. "Think we should get her something to drink, she must be bored doing her students papers, no offense to these kids but a lot of them are much dumber than I thought."
    April 2nd, 2015 at 01:15am
  • @ TwistedLove
    Stacey Teegan
    Stacey turned around thinking, "how about the gardens," she said lightly. She made her way down a corridor, following behind Nali. She laughed as the boys eyes followed her as she walked
    April 2nd, 2015 at 04:10am
  • @ social skill @A Drop On the Window
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    Nayeli Glyndrw
    "To the gardens." Nayeli said with a grin as she started marching off happily. She enjoyed leading someone around school it was entertaining enough to keep her occupied for now and kept her from blowing things up.

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    "I'm pretty sure some of the guys do it just because she sometimes helps with the information. I compared some of our same students work and they pretend to be dumber in her class." Roderic said with a chuckle as he stood up. "I'm sure she wouldn't mind a drink." He added.
    April 2nd, 2015 at 08:05am
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    Arthur Bridges
    Arthur honestly isn't surprised by that, not that he has or will ever do it himself, pretend to be dumb just to be with someone but he knows teenagers are so easy and don't always think straight. He thinks it's foolish because these are your grades you're risking, your damn future. "I hope we won't be bothering her, rather not get on her bad side " Arthur said as he stood up, fiddling with the cuffs of his pullover, "Thank you for the food by the way,"
    April 2nd, 2015 at 02:55pm
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    Seth sighed as he went back to his clothes then changed back into his human form. He pulled on his clothes then walked towards the building his room was in. He was so annoyed that he couldn't attack Ezra. He knew that he had to be patient though.
    @ TwistedLove

    @ TwistedLove
    April 2nd, 2015 at 06:11pm
  • @ social skill @ xxKitanaxx

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    Trinity Maddox
    Trinity walked until she reached her clothes grabbing them in her mouth before walking behind a few trees letting out a growl to warn Ezra not to follow her. She shifted back into her human quickly changing into her clothes and stepping out. "Leave me alone." She hissed as she started walking. "I'm going back to my room stay the fuck away from me!" She yelled as she started running back to the school. She needed to find Seth though and as much as she didn't want to she considered enlisting her brother and although he wasn't Seth's biggest fan he hated Ezra a whole hell of a lot more.

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    "That's probably a smart idea. She's pretty as hell but damn she sure can seem like the devil himself or herself some days." Roderic said with a chuckle. "you're welcome. It's not a big deal. I can spare a little money." He added as he watched Arthur. He'd accumulated more than enough money in well just about any currency there is or ever has been and the old shit was worth well lets just say to the right buyer it was worth more than enough to comfortably support someone for the rest of their life. He could probably take care of twenty or more people and still have leftover cash.
    (Sorry it's taken awhile I had a couple of busy days.)
    April 4th, 2015 at 09:48am
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    Arthur Bridges
    "Still don't think she's a vampire. You know who is very fierce and beautiful? A Goddess." Arthur states, stepping in closer to Roderic with a flirtatious smile that he hadn't really meant to do but came naturally with being around Roderic."Still very nice of you. You sure you're a vampire? Awfully kind, tv has shown me some really mean stuff about you guys." Arthur wasn't gullible, not in the very least, he was all cold hard facts and papers, he is statistics and research so he never believes things on the television, let alone when they're about mythical creatures. "Gonna have to pay you back, next dinner is on me, yeah?" he offered because Arthur is exceptionally lame and can't think of anything better and appealing than sitting with each other once again, eating food and watching tv.

    [Hope things are alright Cute]
    April 4th, 2015 at 03:57pm
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    Seth sighed as he pulled his jacket on and decided he was going to leave the school for the night. He needed to find his dad. Seth walked out of his room and made his way down the hallway. He walked out of the building and looked around the area. He walked towards the woods, knowing he would move faster in his wolf form.

    @ TwistedLove
    April 4th, 2015 at 05:59pm
  • @ social skill @ xxKitanaxx
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    Trinity Maddox
    Trin paced her little room hoping the message got to her brother fast enough. She didn't want anything stupid to be done and she really wished she could meet with Seth but she was sure Ezra was watching her.Sighing she flopped down on her bed realizing that pacing her room wasn't going to do anything and have a little faith in Travis.

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    Travis Maddox
    Travis sighed as he waited by the woods. He wasn't sure why he was doing this okay he did it because there was no fucking way he'd let Ezra take over the pack. He frowned when he saw Seth approaching. "I have a message he said as he handed over a slip of paper that he wrote on because there was no fucking way he'd repeat with his voice half the things that Trin had written.

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    "Alright I'll hold you to that." Roderic said softly. "It is highly possible she was a priestess of Athena when I met her." He admitted with a grin and then shrugged slightly. "I've done some horrible things for survival. But times have changed." He stated simply before looking back down at Arthur. "What else would I be if not a vampire?" He questioned with a tilt of his head.
    April 5th, 2015 at 08:50am
  • @ TwistedLove
    Stacey Teegan
    Stacey hopped along with her watching the students as she walked past. She was surprised to see less people looking at her, than normal. She stopped Nayeli, "what are the teachers like here?" she asked
    April 5th, 2015 at 04:04pm
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    Arthur Bridges
    "That's really cool" Arthur said thoughtfully, having not actually known that. He doesn't like to dig too deep into others past unless they were open about it. He hated to snoop where he shouldn't. His smile didn't let down when Roderic admitted he had done some crap stuff for survival, he wasn't very surprised by that. Figured the other would have had to considering how long he has lived,"That's fine, yeah? As long as you don't do anything horrible now, not to me at least," he murmured coming in close to the other, tilting his head back so he could look at him,"What else could you be? Hm, I'm not sure, you remind me of a chupacabra" he joked, brushing his hand against the others for a moment before he stepped back and motioned to the door,"Let's go bother Pandora for a little"
    April 5th, 2015 at 06:00pm
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    Seth took the paper from him, "Thanks." HE muttered. It wasn't often that Seth showed manners. He looked at Travis when he went to walk away, "I'm going after Ezra and his pack." He said. He wasn't letting them become the lead pack around here.

    @ TwistedLove
    April 6th, 2015 at 04:46am
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    Travis Maddox
    "Good." Travis stated as he looked at him stopping in his tracks for a moment. "I don't care about them or him. But if you hurt my sister I will be coming for you." He warned before he continued walking away.

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    Nayeli Glyndrw
    "The teachers?" Nay asked as she thought. "Some are just like normal teachers others are a little more eccentric or crazy whichever you want to call it. There are some that are like really really old but don't look like it at all." She said as she looked around thinking for a moment. "There are really nice ones and really mean ones just like outside of here."

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    Roderic chuckled as he opened the door leading Arthur out of the room. "| think that sounds like a fun idea." He said with a smirk as he led them down the hallway towards the classrooms. He wasn't sure what kind of mood she was in which would determine if this was a good idea or a very stupid potentially harmful idea.

    @ xxKitanaxx

    @ A Drop On the Window

    @ social skill
    April 6th, 2015 at 09:33pm
  • @ TwistedLove
    Arthur Bridges
    Arthur just smiled as he walked beside of Roderic, a little eager even to see Pandora since he sadly didn't visit her as often as he would like since Arthur taught in a different wing and it was enough work visiting Roderic, the walk making him exhausted and a little grumpy. Once they reached the door Arthur gave it three gentle knocks before he peeked his head in,"Hey love, can Roderic and I bother you for a bit? He's kinda boring, if you know what I mean" Arthur staged whispered, jerking his thumb behind him as he made a funny face."Has no good jokes but has lived so many lifetimes"
    April 6th, 2015 at 11:16pm
  • @ social skill

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    Roderic & Pandora
    Pandora rolled her eyes as she looked at the two men that entered her class room. "I could have told you that." She said with a laugh. "I've been with him for three thousand years he's never told a good joke." She said as she nudged Roderic. "Just making fun of me." Roderic mumbled walking past her and sitting on top of her desk. "Just pretend I'm not her." He added with a sigh.
    April 7th, 2015 at 08:39am
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    Arthur Bridges
    Arthur glanced at Roderic and smiled, even though the other really had crap jokes from the older times he was still oddly funny and intriguing. "Do you have any good jokes then Pandora? And please don't tell me the one with like three monks in the woods, that was horrible" he said as he pulled a seat up to sit on the other side of her desk. He was hoping she did because of not Arthur knew that he was going to have to get these two books on funny jokes because living so long and not having a single proper joke was just sad.

    @ TwistedLove
    April 7th, 2015 at 01:26pm
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    Seth looked at the letter then made his way to Trinity's place. He really missed her already. Seth knocked glancing over his shoulder. He would have her no matter what.

    @ TwistedLove
    April 7th, 2015 at 10:11pm
  • @ dee reynolds.
    (Hey I replied - LINKY

    @ TwistedLove
    Stacey Teegan
    Stacey nodded lightly, "ah I see, I hope I get the nice ones," she said softly. She bounced along beside Nayeli as they walked towards the garden, her long blonde hair bouncing gently on her shoulders. She was angelic as she moved, her ggood enes showing through when she was happy like this. She had a dark side, as with most people, but her mad side was a force to reckon with, she just hoped no one, triggered her.
    April 8th, 2015 at 12:31am
  • @ social skill @ A Drop On the Window @ xxKitanaxx

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    Trinity Maddox
    Trinty jumped slightly when she saw something out of her window. She opened it up getting ready to scream at Ezra when she noticed Seth and couldn't help but grin. "Get over here before someone see's you." She whispered as she pushed the screen out of the window. She was happy that he had come and thankful he wasn't upset with her.

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    Roderic & Pandora
    "I don't do jokes either. Never have." Pandora stated with a slight shrug. "I prefer facts and stories." She stated as she wrapped an arm around the other male. "That one is horrible I can't believe he'd tell you that. We agreed it needed to die." She said with a frown glaring at Roderic. Roderic shrugged simply as he broke into her blood stash.

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    Nayeli Glyndrw
    "It's kinda like a lottery. You have some good ones and some asshole ones or if you are like me you get ones that think you are too much trouble." Nay mumbled with a slight frown before a smile replaced it as she looked over at Stacy. "You're very pretty." She stated simply.
    April 8th, 2015 at 12:57am
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    Seth frowned, "No...let him see me because after tonight. There won't be much left of his pack." He growled. He stepped closer so he could be near her. "Everything is gonna be okay." He said.

    @ TwistedLove
    April 8th, 2015 at 01:29am