Beautiful Disaster

  • "Oh the choices!" She exclaimed dramatically and sarcastically. They always did this when they hung out with each other. "We could watch movies. Do you have any popcorn!?" Her parents were sort of health nuts and why have buttery popcorn when you can have carrots? Brina followed him inside, not surprised that neither of his parents weren't there. That reminded her to text her parents though. "You know, I'm kind of surprised you never throw any parties considering your parents are never home." Brina teased as she texted her mom and ran right into Josh because she was terrible at walking and texting.
    Michael noticed her hesitancy. He was good at reading people, it was a skill he picked up at the club. He usually noticed when people were flirting, drunk but trying to conceal it, or shady as in slip something into girls drinks shady. "If you want I could drive you guys home." It was a weird thing to offer considering he wasn't the type and she barely knew him and vice versa but she seemed uncomfortable with calling whoever it was she was going to call. "I'm not a serial killer, I promise." Michael said with a cheeky smile
    April 7th, 2015 at 06:59am
  • @ alpenglow
    "Ya. You want regular or extra butter?" Josh asked as he set her things on his couch. Honestly he didn't really think about having parties his friends tried to throw one once but he told them that his parent had cut their trip early and were going to be home in an hour that was a lie though. He just wasn't really up for watching his parents expensive shit disappear or break. "I don't trust people. My parents have,to much invested in here and my dad would kill me if anything disappeared or broke." He stated and he was only slightly exaggerating his dad tended to have a mean streak.
    "I really don't want you to go out of your way." Levy said as she brushed her hair out of her face. He was being nice but she didn't like people going out of their way for her she felt bad enough for the twins doing most of what they did for her. "I don't think you're a killer. But don't you have to work? And how would you get back or home?" She asked leaning against the car. She'd need to get Tyler in the back because she didn't trust Trenton especially since he was trying to grope her through the window.
    April 7th, 2015 at 09:02am
  • "Of course!" Sabrina said with a small laugh before she jumped down onto the couch and leaned down to take off her shoes and set them aside before curling her legs up underneath her. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure your house would end up being a train wreck by the end of it." Even his friends probably wouldn't respect his house, especially whilst intoxicated. Plus his parents had really nice and probably really expensive things.
    "I've taken plenty of people home." That was a lie, he didn't normally drive people home but he did do it once in a while.. He usually called them a cab unless they had no other options... like Levy. Michael wasn't about to let her drive home even after one drink, especially with two people who were heavily intoxicated. "My shift was about to end anyways" in an hour but oh well, "and I'll call a cab." Working in a bar made him operate on the rule 'better safe than sorry' a lot heavier than before. He'd seen how drunk and stupid people were and the bad judgements they've made. "Just say 'yes Michael, thank you Michael' and get your ass in the car!" He said playfully with a large smile.
    April 15th, 2015 at 10:33pm
  • "Ya. I don't really trust anyone not to steal or break their stuff." Josh said as he went to the kitchen sticking a bag of popcorn in the microwave and grabbing some soda. He grabbed the popped pop corn dumping it in a bowl and taking it to Brina who was on the couch waiting. "What movie do you wanna watch?" He asked as he handed her the bowl and a soda.
    Levy couldn't help but laugh at Michael's last statement. "Yes Michael. Thank you Michael." Levy said still laughing as she went to the other side of the car opening the front seat. "Get in the back. I don't feel like fighting off Trent." She mumbled as she pulled him out. He moved to the back shoving Trent as he shut the door and buckled up. She hopped in the front seat buckling up before handing over the car keys to Michael with a smile.

    @ alpenglow
    April 15th, 2015 at 11:07pm
  • Sabrina took the bowl, sitting it in her lap and popped a few pieces into her mouth as she thought over what movie she wanted to watch. She pursed her lips as she thought before shrugging. "Whatever, I don't mind." Sabrina was pleased with just about every kind of movie (except maybe scary ones which she still watched she just hid under a blanket for).
    Michael was actually surprised she complied and happier that she made her friend get in the back. He was going to suggest it but he didn't know if that would be rude or not. He texted his friend inside to let her know that he was dropping someone off at home. Michael got into the car and made a small noise because the seat was basically all the way forward and he couldn't fit in it. He was 6'5 for chrissakes. He barely fit in any car. He fixed the seat and took the keys from Levy and started the car. "Just tell me where to go, love." Michael said, pulling out of the parking spot.
    April 19th, 2015 at 04:02am
  • "Alright. My dad got an early release of 'It Follows'." Josh said as he got up opening the unopened DVD case. "I haven't seen it yet and I don't feel like watching it alone." He stated with a small smirk. He knew that Sabrina wasn't exactly a fan of horror movies but she'd still watch them with him. After putting it in he went to the hall closet pulling out a blanket and handing it to her. "You might need this." He teased with a grin as he sat beside her.
    "You want to take a left on maple and follow it down for tenish minutes tell you hit 22nd. I'll tell you where to go from there." Levy said laughing slightly at the fact that he was almost to tall for the car. "We live about thirty or forty minutes away I can't really remember how long I wasn't paying a lot of attention." She admitted with a sheepish grin. "I do know the way back mostly."

    @ alpenglow
    April 19th, 2015 at 05:51am
  • Sabrina didn't know what movie he was referring to but she guessed it was a scary one. Josh was always torturing her and making her watch scary movies. "Need someone to hold your hand so you don't get scared," she teased. Even though she was the one that would need someone to hold her hand she still agreed to it. Brina huffed out a breath as she snatched the blanket from him. Brina made a noise before throwing a piece of popcorn at him before she folded her legs underneath her. Brina leaned against Josh slightly as the previews started playing.
    Michael nodded his head as he followed her directions. "S'fine." He said as he pulled out of the parking lot. After a few moments of silence Michael gave her a once-over, or a few considering he was driving and had to keep looking back to the road. "You look very nice tonight.... by the way." Seeing her now and seeing her in her class was like seeing two different people (she looked beautiful either way..). But he had been thinking it since the moment he saw her and Michael believed in saying what was in his mind which right now was her.
    April 20th, 2015 at 02:43am
  • @ love craft.
    "You got me I just needed you here so I could hold your hand and hide in the crook of you neck when I got scared." Josh said with a wink as he leaned over nudging her gently with his shoulder.
    Levy grinned over at Micheal. "Thanks. It was nice seeing you in a different environment. I'm glad I didn't get you into any trouble." She said with a smile as she looked out the window taking a peek into the backseat to see the guys had already passed out. "You looked like a natural behind the bar and it was really nice of you to drive us back home."
    April 20th, 2015 at 07:04am
  • Double
    April 26th, 2015 at 06:52am
  • Brina scrunched her nose at him, "Knew it." She joked, nudging him back lightly before settling comfortably against the couch and waited for the movie to start. The previews featured other scary movies, which she was sure Josh would try to make her watch when they came out. Even though she hated scary movies she watched a lot of them. Cough thanks Josh.
    "Thanks," Michael said, giving her a large smile before directing his gaze back to the road. "I've been working there since I got into college." He had been working there for about two years. "It's no problem, just wanted to make sure you got back safe." Michael gave a look behind him to find both drunk idiots knocked out. He was glad they didn't throw up beforehand, it was one thing he couldn't deal with. "Plus, I feel kind of responsible for you." He glanced over at her quickly before looking back to the road. She really did look gorgeous. He was glad no one hit on her, Michael might've gotten fired for starting a fight. "Just don't make it an every weekend thing." One weekend was one thing but every weekend and he wasn't about to let that slide as easily.
    April 26th, 2015 at 06:59am
  • "See you're a mind reader." Josh said with a grin as he nudged her before leaning back to watch the movie. He smirked over at Brina it was always fun to watch her when she watched scary movies it was pretty funny.
    Levy laughed slightly as she looked over at him. "It's not an every weekend thing. Just before finals they like to get me to relax I tend to go a little crazy before test." She admitted as she fiddled with her fingers.
    (I'm sorry I've been really busy this past week.)

    @ jawbreakers
    April 28th, 2015 at 11:33pm