Unknown Secrets

  • @ Aikofox
    Vella shook her head as she followed him. She didn't really think about their direction, just that she want to now the best way to breach th subject, "Ok... and how should I bring it up? I doubt telling him that I have a better idea than his will go over well..." She sighed, "You know him better than I do. What would work best?" She shrugged, "Then again... I can alway try using my feminine wiles to get my way."

    Logan stood, never releasing her hand, and tugged her closer. He sort of crowded her, his free hand lifting to press to her cheek, "Leah, I'm serious. I need you to promise me this. I don't care who he wants you to visit... you come to me. No one should be asked - forced - to do that. I'll take care of it." He wasn't going to let her go until she promised.
    April 28th, 2015 at 06:04am
  • @ Jaguar's Heart

    "Feminine wiles might work," Oberon agreed, resisting the urge to sprout fangs at the thought of Vella with Richard. "Just tell him you had an idea. Don't put it as better or worse, maybe ask him if he ever changes things up. And don't compare it to some kind of Vegas show. He wants a Vegas spot so bad but can't get it, it puts him in a bad mood." He reached the RV a moment later, giving a perfunctory knock before entering.
    She was saved from answering by Oberon's entrance. Nearly jumping out of her skin, she took advantage of the distraction to slip free and past him, running out the door with only a brief, hurried greeting to Oberon and Vella. Leah ran back to her own RV, trying to puzzle out Logan's behavior. What did he think he could do? And why was he so upset, anyways? It wasn't like handing her out that way was unusual. Right?
    April 29th, 2015 at 04:18am
  • @ Aikofox
    Vella and Logan
    Vella blinked in surprise as Leah suddenly streaked past her. She turned to watch the woman go, then sighed, shaking her head, "I should go after here, huh?" She turned back to Oberon, "I'll see you at the show." She then turned and jogged back to her RV, stepping in, "Leah?"

    Logan watched Leah go, still fuming. Now that she was gone the sparks came back to his collar and he began to pace the small bed room, unhappy rumbles growing louder and louder with every step.
    April 29th, 2015 at 04:25am
  • @ Jaguar's Heart

    Leah wrinkled her nose, hissing softly at the invasive stench of male, tiger, and sex that coated her little RV. She sighed, starting to clean up when she noticed her favorite towel discarded and damp on the floor. She picked it up, hiss turning to a growl as she picked up Oberon's scent all over it. That...that..."Jerk!" She cried, throwing the towel across the room. Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes. She liked Oberon, she really did, but this was her home, and he just invaded and did...things! She threw the windows open, hoping it would air out during the show before she went to the closet to get a clean outfit. When she heard her name from the doorway, she paused, taking a breath to smooth out her expression into a smile before turning to one of the objects of her ire. "Yes, Vella?"
    "What was that about?" Oberon asked, watching Leah bolt out, then nodding to Vella as she went after her. He turned back to Logan, shocked at the normally placid bear's agitation. "Logan? Logan, calm down, talk to me, big guy. Did you two have a lover's spat or something?" He knew nothing had happened, Leah's scent was all over, enough to curl his whiskers, but there was no scent of sex to go with it.
    April 29th, 2015 at 04:47am
  • @ Aikofox
    Vella froze at the entrance to the Rv, staring at Leah. She could see female anger - had taken that expression and tone herself many times - to know when to be cautious. She shook her head, glancing around the RV, "Something wrong?"

    Logan snarled at Oberon, "Did you know Richard sends Leah to men when they've done something he likes?" He turned and paced again, sparks still going, growls emitting, "He just... gift wraps her! As if she's some sort of... of.... present for good behaviors!" The last was practically roars and he spun again and glared at Oberon.
    April 29th, 2015 at 04:53am
  • @ Jaguar's Heart

    Leah shook her head. "Oh, no, nothing's wrong." And there wasn't, really. Vella could sleep with whoever she wanted, even Oberon. After all, Vella lived here too. And where else were they supposed to go, she and Logan had been in his trailer. She just needed to put on a happy face and deal with it. "Hang on, let me change, then we need to head over if we don't want to be late!"
    Going very still, Oberon watched Logan pace as he processed the words. He took a deep breath, resisting the urge to growl. His tiger was on edge, recognizing the threat in front of him, and Logan's revelations had him thirsting for blood. "I thought that shit had stopped years ago," He said, far too calmly. "She told you it was still happening?" Apparently, he needed to have another conversation with the humans.
    April 29th, 2015 at 05:07am
  • @ Aikofox
    Vella shook her head and stepped further into the room, "Leah, talk to me. Something's wrong. What's got you all upset?" She tilted her head and stared at Leah, "And we're going to stay here - no matter how long it takes - until you tell me." She looked at the towel that was still in her hands, "Is it about the towel?"

    Logan was in the middle of another pace turn when he froze. He slowly turned to face Oberon, very still, "You knew about this?" He snarled, sparks now flying further, "You knew Richard did this and let it go?" He didn't head the use of past tense... just that Oberon had known.
    April 29th, 2015 at 05:14am
  • @ Jaguar's Heart

    "I said it's nothing, now come on, Vella, we need to hurry." She dropped the towel into her dirty clothes hamper, there was no way she could use it now that it stank of wet tiger, and grabbed a clean outfit. She then backed up towards the bathroom, resisting the urge to wrinkle her nose as she closed the door behind her and locked it.
    Oberon met the bear's anger calmly, staring him down. "I didn't let it go. I found out about it years before you came here, and I put an end to it. Killed a few shifters, even took out a couple of the humans. I couldn't touch Richard, so I got to those making the demands, and they stopped. I told her that if it ever started again, she was to tell me immediately if it ever started up again. Obviously she didn't."
    April 29th, 2015 at 05:26am
  • @ Aikofox
    Vella shook her head as she looked at the closed door. She sighed, then fixed her outfit a little before leaning back against the RV's main door. She waited for Vella since she was already dressed and clean, knowing that there was something wrong.

    "Well, she didn't, but it sure as hell isn't going to continue." He ran his hands roughly through his hair, "Damn. How could he do that? She's already got problems with what's right and wrong... this doesn't help." He lifted his head and met Oberon's gaze, "She had a small panic at the thought of you and Vella having sex in her RV."
    April 29th, 2015 at 05:39am
  • @ Jaguar's Heart

    Leah finished changing and paused, listening. Vella was still there. Darn it. How was she supposed to deal with this? It was none of her business, anyways. Just as Vella could do what she wanted, so could Leah. This was her home. She'd been here first. She didn't deserve to be accosted just because she didn't want to talk. Taking a breath, she steeled herself and opened the door. "What are you still doing here, we need to go, or we'll be late and Richard will get mad!"
    "No, it isn't. But Richard doesn't view us as people. We're animals, pure and simple. Slaves to be used however he wants, and there's nothing we can do about it." He scowled, hands fisting. A muscle jumped in his jaw as he clenched his teeth. "Leah's been so screwed up by that bastard, I just don't know what to do anymore." He wasn't surprised by anything Logan said. "I've done everything I can think of to teach her to be a shifter, but Richard's influence is just too strong."
    April 29th, 2015 at 05:56am
  • @ Aikofox
    Vella shrugged, "I'm waiting for you." She said, "On more than one account. Look, I've lived with enough women to know when they're pissed... and to know that it's better to talk about it then let it fester. So out with it. Whether I can fix it or not, we'll find out, but it's better to get the issue out in the open."

    Logan shook her head, "I doubt we can change the past, but I can sure as hell change the future." She stalked past Oberon, slamming out of the door, "If she won't tell me when he's sent her, others will." There were more than enough shifters here that were scared of him. He'd tell them to keep an eye out and let him know when she was sent... then he'd stop it then and there. That and he planned on her always having someone with her.
    April 29th, 2015 at 06:01am
  • @ Jaguar's Heart

    "But I'm not angry," Leah said, forehead wrinkling. "Now come on, we really need to go." She moved to step past Vella, hoping the taller woman would let her past. "You don't really know me very well yet, but you'll find I'm not the kind of person to let myself be bothered by things for too long. It causes stress and ruins your day, and I just don't have time for it. I'd much rather look on the bright side, you know?"
    Oberon sighed heavily as the larger man stormed out. Better Logan than Oberon. He was tired of fighting. Let the bear pull his own weight. And if it was for the benefit of their little submissive, then all the better. It would give him a chance to rest and focus on other, more pleasant things. Things like Vella. With that happy thought, Oberon changed quickly and then headed to the big top. Time for the show.
    April 29th, 2015 at 06:11am
  • @ Aikofox
    Vella studied her for a few seconds before shaking her head, "Right." But she shrugged anyway and turned, opening the door, "Even happy people have unhappy moments, Leah." She said over her shoulder before she walked from the RV, heading in the direction of the show. She figured she'd wait until after the show to bring up the idea of a new... act.

    Logan was still fuming as he entered the main arena. He just couldn't get the image of all those men forcing themselves on Leah... and Leah not knowing that it was wrong. He glared at Richard whenever the man was in the vicinity, glared at anyone who even glanced in Leah's direction. She'd said humans and shifters. How many were here? How many had hurt her in that way? Even if she didn't know she'd been hurt.
    April 29th, 2015 at 03:47pm
  • @ Jaguar's Heart

    Leah closed the door behind her, trying not to feel guilty about Vella's words. It wasn't like the human really cared, after all. After all, she'd seen Logan's bear last night, had seen her cheetah in the shows, and Oberon's tiger, she was probably still a little wierded out and wanted to keep the harmony. But then, hadn't she slept with Oberon, the big bad tiger, just last night? But then she liked Oberon. She didn't like Leah. She shook her head, trying to rid herself of the circular thoughts. She entered the big top and glanced around at the others while she waited for their turn. People were shuffling around and the morning events were well underway. Time to put her game face on.
    Oberon was one of the last to arrive, stepping out of the way of one of the elephants as they exited the main ring. He glanced over his little ragtag bunch, pleased to see that no heads had been knocked while he'd been getting dressed. He hadn't thought Logan would act out right under Richard's eye, but the bear rarely got this angry, there was no telling what he'd do.
    April 29th, 2015 at 08:14pm
  • @ Aikofox
    Vella waited for her cue, not even glancing over as Oberon entered. To her, their little 'get together' was over. It was now time to start working. She looked at the gathering crowd, noticing that there were more here now than last night. It made her wonder how many there would be tomorrow. Sure, it was a day were most went to church... but people would still come, right?

    Logan continued to glare and snarl at every shifter or human near him. Eventually everyone just gave him a wide birth. He didn't look at Leah, though, because he knew that if he did... he'd loose the little bit on control he had. The collar - at this point - was only a nuisance. Sure, he kept his bear hidden so that it didn't spark and give him away... but all it would take is the smallest thing to set him off again.
    April 29th, 2015 at 09:11pm
  • @ Jaguar's Heart

    "Calm down," Oberon murmured to his friend. "Save it for later." He'd noticed the berth that everyone was giving him and knew that if it didn't stop soon, Richard would be alerted and then they'd all be in trouble. "We can't have you rampaging in the middle of the act. Think of the kids, and what Richard would do to you." He paused, hoping his judgement of the situation was right and that his next words would work. "It would break Leah's heart if anything happened to you. Look at her, she's already worried enough as is."
    The cheetah girl worried at her lower lip, shifting from foot to foot. Was Logan really that mad at her? He wouldn't even look at her! She just wanted to tuck her tail and hide. She fought back the tears that pricked behind her eyelids. This day was just not very good at all! And it had only just started. But she was saved from further anxiety as their act was announced and she followed the others out to the ring.
    April 29th, 2015 at 09:28pm
  • @ Aikofox
    Vella and Logan
    Logan tried not to look at Leah - he really did - but at Oberon's words his eyes slid to her. The damn tiger was right. She looked upset. Hell, even the smile she put on looked fake... at least to him. He took a deep breath - fighting the urge to punch Oberon in the face... just because - and walked out with the others. He went through the motions, all the while keeping an eye on Leah. He was on the look out for any person acting too friendly to her.

    Vella did the act, a little weary about the mood Logan seemed to be in. He never really did anything wrong... but the energy coming off of him was definitely different. Still, she had a show to do. She went through the motions, bowed at the end, then made her way into the shadows, trying to give Logan his space.
    April 30th, 2015 at 05:57am
  • @ Jaguar's Heart

    Determined to distract herself, Leah threw everything into the performance, trying to ignore the mood. Everyone was so on edge that it wasn't the best, but the audience loved it anyways. They always did. Their cheers definitely lifted her mood, but one glance at Logan sent it plummeting once more. He was so upset. When they finally shuffled out of the ring, she took advantage of the confusion, racing back to her RV before anyone could stop her. She ignored the remaining stench of the night before and locked the door behind her. She knew she should feel bad for locking Vella out, but right now she just wanted to be alone.
    By the end of the show, Oberon was feeling cranky. He'd hissed at Sebastian a few times too many, even swatting the big idiot once even though the mock fight wasn't until the evening show. That had almost started something bad, but he pulled his anxious tiger back in time, glad that the lion was able to do the same. He walked off stage after the show, arms crossed as he watched the others shuffle out. He didn't see Leah. That was odd. She usually liked to stay and watch.
    April 30th, 2015 at 07:33am
  • @ Aikofox
    Vella ad Logan
    As Vella slipped out she made her way back to the RV. She hadn't seen anyone else around her and figured Oberon wasn't following... and that the upset Bear-Human was probably still at the tent. She definitely didn't want to be around him... but when she got to the RV it was locked. She frowned at the door, then gave her own little growl, "Damn it, Leah! This is why we should have talked!" She slammed her fist on the door, then spun around. Only she didn't make it far. Instead she slammed right into a large, hard chest. She bounced off a little, then blinked up at a still angry Logan. Her eyes narrowed and she glared at him, "Don't snarl at me. I'm getting to the point where I don't care if Oberon still has my knife. I'll find something to cut you with."

    Logan's gaze shifted to the door, "Where's Leah?" His voice was rough with the amount of control he put in to keep from snarling.

    Vella rolled her eyes, "Locked herself in there... Which is selfish!" She screamed at the door, "I told her to talk to me earlier, but nooooo," She drug out the word, "All I get is 'I'm fine'."

    Logan's eyes snapped back to Vella, "Watch your tone."

    Vella snorted, "Nice try, Bear-Guy. You might have everyone else running scared, but not me. You pissed her off, you upset her, and now I can't get into the RV to change out of this stupid outfit. So you fix it." She shifted, tried to shove him closer to the door. When he didn't move she huffed, "Why are you just standing there? Go fix it!"

    "... the door is locked."

    Vella blinked, "So? Break the damn thing down. I don't care. I just want a nap!"
    April 30th, 2015 at 03:54pm
  • @ Jaguar's Heart

    While on his way back to the RV, Oberon overheard the commotion, and like the curious cat he was, went to investigate. "What's going on here?" He asked, looking from Vella to Logan. Vella was obviously upset, Logan was still in a bad mood, and Leah...Leah was still nowhere to be seen. He glanced at the RV, noticing the cracked windows. With an only slightly sheepish grin, he commented, "She really didn't like smelling us in there, did she?"
    Leah stripped out of her uniform, rooting through the closet for something clean to wear. So she was dirty and stank, but at least it was her stink spreading through the vehicle and masking the lingering smells of last night. She pulled out a shirt, smiling at the threadbare and wellworn garment. She slipped the large t-shirt over her head and was just climbing into bed when she heard the banging. She nearly jumped out of her skin, eyes wide as she stared at the door. She could hear the voices through the cracked windows. Vella was sooo angry. But Leah couldn't really deal with her right now. Not when she could still smell it.
    April 30th, 2015 at 10:50pm