Unknown Secrets

  • @ Aikofox
    Vella and Logan
    Vella spun as Oberon walked up, immediately poking a finger into his chest, "You! Fix this!" She said, still glaring, "I want out of this costume and into something comfortable. And a nap! I want a nap!" She sighed, looking back at the door, "Damn it, Leah! Open the damn door!"

    Logan shook his head and looked at Oberon, "I don't know what's going on." He was still on edge, but the knowledge that Leah was locked up safe in the RV helped to keep him a little calmer, "But your woman is making demands again."

    Vella spun to Logan and attempted to shove him - even though the idiot never moved - "I'm not his woman!"
    May 1st, 2015 at 12:47am
  • @ Jaguar's Heart

    He looked down at the finger poking his chest, one eyebrow raised. He reached up and took her hand, pulling her to face him. "Calm down, Vella. Let me try and talk to her. I can usually get through to her. I think I know what's going on." At least, he hoped he did, considering the conversation with Logan earlier this morning. That and the cracked windows gave him an idea. He walked up to the door and gave it a sharp rap. "Leah? Kitten, talk to me. I know you've gotten used to being alone, but you have to remember how to share, Vella lives there too, now. I understand if you're mad at us, but will you talk to Logan, at least?"
    The sound of Oberon's voice had her hissing, her inner cheetah furious and scared all at the same time. Which was ridiculous, there was no reason to be scared of Oberon. He kept her safe. He'd never given her a reason to be afraid of him, from day one he'd always been there for her. But right now she just wanted her home back! And Logan was upset with her. She just wanted to be left alone, which was silly, she knew, but she couldn't help it. The last person to room with her had rarely spent time with her, not wanting to be associated with the cowardly cheetah. So she'd gotten used to the RV as her haven, even if it was regularly invaded by shifters looking to pick on her. She'd thought she'd be happy to have a roommate. But spending time with Logan was better, she'd found, and then Vella and Oberon had...she squeezed her eyes shut. "Go away!"
    May 1st, 2015 at 01:47am
  • @ Aikofox
    Vella and Logan
    Vella sighed and shook her head, "Fine. I'll take care of this." Reaching under her shift Vella located the hidden slit at the underwire she'd cut into it when she'd purchased the garment. From there she pulled out small, hair-pin like wires. They were stiff and exactly what she needed. She then got to work on the door lock, grinning when it snapped open, "Finally!" She walked right in, ignored Leah, and headed to her suit case, "Pants... pants... pants.... aha!" She pulled out her sweatpants and an overly large t-shirt that she'd stolen from her last fling. Not caring who looked Vella stripped to her underwear - replaced the wire - and put the comfortable clothes on (removing her bra then, since she wasn't that much of a slut. She sighed in relief, then dropped onto her bed, "Alright. Now you can all argue and fight."

    Logan stared at the open RV door, at the resting Vella, then at Oberon, "What have you gotten yourself into?" He asked, shaking his head before he glanced at Leah. He was still standing outside... but she looked so angry and upset. Why? The last time he'd seen her she was running from his Rv... oh. That must be why she was made. Something he said or did. He sighed and turned, walking off a few steps. He wouldn't leave her alone, unprotected, but he'd give her her space.
    May 1st, 2015 at 02:09am
  • @ Jaguar's Heart

    Leah and Oberon
    Leah squealed in surprised outrage as Vella burst in on her. She dove beneath the covers if her bed, trying to hide away from the world, but it didn't work. Vella was still there, and Oberon had followed her in, and Logan was still so mad at her he didn't want to be near her! "Get out get out get out!" she cried, voice muffled by the blanket.

    "Leah, calm down," Oberon said, stepping inside. He watched Vella change, head tilted as he appreciated the view, distracted from the issue at hand.

    The scent of Oberon's arousal was too much. Groping around, Leah grabbed the stuffed pony she'd found abandoned by a circus-goer and threw it as she popped out from under the blanket, nailing the distracted Oberon in the face. "Out! Stop it, you're disgusting! It's bad enough my home still stinks like the two of you, I don't want to smell that! If you're going to do that again, do it in your own RV, away from me!" Tears leaked unbidden from her eyes, and she glanced towards the RV door, but Logan was out of sight.
    May 1st, 2015 at 02:17am
  • @ Aikofox
    Vella snuggled further into the bed, then frowned at the heightened despair in Leah's voice. She sat up and looked at her, "Oberon? Leave." She said before standing and shoving him out the door, not really paying attention to see if he caught himself on the step or just fell out. She slammed the door in his face, then turned to Leah, "Alright, I think it's time for a little girl time." She walked back into her room, fished for her computer and DVD, and grinned when she found them. She brought them back to Leah's bed and collapsed beside the woman. Without saying anything else she opened the MAC, signed on, inserted the DVD, and relaxed on the bed as the opening credits to Jurassic Park began playing, "Now, watch this, chill out, then we can talk."

    Logan could still hear Leah from the RV. He was about to go in there himself and toss everyone out for her when Oberon came out of the door in a rush. He stared at the tiger, brow lifted, "Uh... though you could usually get through to her?"
    May 1st, 2015 at 02:33am
  • @ Jaguar's Heart

    "Just go away!" She sobbed, diving back under the covers. Why couldn't these people understand that right now she just wanted to be left alone! She didn't want to talk, she didn't want to watch movies, and she didn't want girl time, whatever that meant. She just wanted this morning to have never happened!
    Oberon stumbled out, but caught himself before he fell. He looked sheepishly at Logan. "Hey, I didn't say always. Besides, I think I'm the main reason she's upset. Well, Vella and I. I guess it took us having sex in her den for her shifter territoriality to come out. Also, I don't think she's mad at you." He shrugged, seating himself near the door. He could hear what was going inside. Was that really Jurassic Park?
    May 1st, 2015 at 02:40am
  • @ Aikofox
    "Funny thing about life... it doesn't go away," Vella said softly, turning to look at the lump of blankets that was Leah, "And you either deal with it... or let it rule you." She shrugged, "I learned that if you let it fester and rule you... everything gets worse. Look, we're in this together whether we like it or not. Us being RV-mates is only going to work if we deal with problems as they arise. So, I'm going to assume that this problem has something to do with Oberon and myself... Do you have a romantic thing for him? Because I swear, I had no clue and never would have slept with him last night if I had known."

    Logan frowned, "She has to be upset with me." He said, walking over and sitting next to Oberon, not even noticing the movie, "I mean, she ran out of the RV this morning because of me and she doesn't want me around..." He sighed, "I'm not going to leave her alone, though." He glanced around, "Not again."
    May 1st, 2015 at 02:50am
  • @ Jaguar's Heart

    The blanket flew back as Leah popped up like a whack-a-mole. "What?! Ew! No! Gross! You can have him! No! Oh my lord!" She tried to scoot away, but she was pinned against the wall of the RV. "Oberon's like a brother to me and will you please get off my bed!" Reflectively she kicked out, her shifter strength catching Vella full in the side and knocking her and the computer both off of the bed. She indulged herself in a hiss, baring her teeth at the human. "You have your things, I have mine, so stay off! Don't you humans have any decency at all!? This is my home! You just barge in, take over and stink up the place without even asking and you even let Oberon use my favorite towel!" She was crying now, great, wracking sobs that shook her whole body. She curled into a ball, pressing her face into her knees and wrapping her arms around her legs.
    Oberon sighed. "She probably ran out because she didn't like the conversation. She's a cheetah, she doesn't confront her problems, she runs away from them and pretends they'll go away. She's sweet, but she's a coward. And you getting all uber protective of her certainly isn't helping. She expects me to be the grumpy one, not you. She wasn't expecting it."
    May 1st, 2015 at 03:07am
  • @ Aikofox
    Vella and Logan
    Vella flew off the bed and crashed into the sink cabinet. With the RV being so small she didn't go far... but there was force behind it. The wind was nocked out of her, dishes and object fell, and her computer snapped, both it and probably the DVD inside broken. Her main worry though was her inability to catch her breath. Once she felt she could stand she did so slowly, groaning with pain, "I swear to all above I'm going to kill you for this." It was an empty threat, but right now her side and ribs hurt and her lungs burnt with every breath.

    Logan leapt up as he heard the crash, not even responding to Oberon as he ran into the RV. He came in just as Vella mention killing Leah and lost more control. His collar began to spark as he rounded on Vella, snarling and growling as he positioned himself between her and Leah.
    May 1st, 2015 at 03:17am
  • @ Jaguar's Heart

    Leah and Oberon
    Leah chirped, jumping at the crash and scuttling backwards to press herself into the corner. As Logan, followed quickly by Oberon, barged in, she looked around wildly, pulling her blanket (which now also smelled of Vella) close round her. "I'm sorry!"

    Oberon looked around, taking in the scene. He darted around in front of Logan, putting his hand on his friend's chest. "Cool it, Logan!" He snarled, ready to protect Vella. Over his shoulder, he asked, "Vella, are you okay? What happened? Are you hurt?"
    May 1st, 2015 at 03:22am
  • @ Aikofox
    Vella and Logan
    Vella sucked in another crackling breath, "Outside." She managed, hoping that the fresh air would help. She stumbled out, almost falling down the steps, before she leaned back against the RV. She still couldn't breath well, but it was easier with the fresh air and the pain lessened a little when wrapped her arms around her ribs, "Fuck..." She hadn't really thought about the dangers of hanging around shifters... not until now.

    Logan was able to gain a little more control once Vella was out of his sight. He took a deep breath, then turned to Leah. She was backed up on the bed... as far away from him as possible. Oberon's words crept up on him... but if they were true, then why would she cower when he was near? And she wasn't a coward... she'd just never been allowed to find her strength. He glanced back out the door. Maybe she'd found it now.
    May 1st, 2015 at 03:55am
  • @ Jaguar's Heart

    With a last look at both Leah and Logan, Oberon stalked after Vella. "Handle this," he growled at Logan, then he slammed the door behind him. Hopping down the steps to land beside Vella, he asked in a much softer and gentler voice, "What happened? Let me see. Did you fall?" It never once crossed his mind that Leah was somehow involved. After all, she was harmless.
    Leah flinched and squeezed her eyes shut at the angry thud of the door. After a moment, though, she peeked through her lashed, eyes darting around the tiny room before settling on Logan. "I kicked her..." she whispered, horrified. "It was an accident! I didn't mean to! She...she was on my bed and wouldn't leave me alone and it was mine and she wasn't supposed to be there and I just kicked and now she's hurt because of me!" Full realization of what had just happened dawned on her and she started to shake. She was in so much trouble. Richard was going to kill her for real this time!
    May 1st, 2015 at 04:06am
  • @ Aikofox
    Vella glared at Oberon - as much as she could - and sneered, "No. She fucking kicked me off the bed. My computer! She cried, standing, then groaned and fell back against the RV in pain, "Fuck." She drug in a shaky breath, "Fuck."

    Logan sighed. He figured that, even if she was upset with him... she needed someone to calm her more. So he got to work, picking up the mess off the floor, then looked at her, "Leah... breath." He crouched at the foot of her bed, "Focus. What happened? She was on your bed?" He was trying to understand, trying to figure out how to make her better, "Leah, look at me."
    May 1st, 2015 at 04:19am
  • @ Jaguar's Heart

    He stared. "Leah kicked you? Submissive, don't-hurt-me-I'm-more-human-than-shifter-Leah?" Oberon felt as if his world had been tipped on its head. He stared at her, then back at the door. "I have to apologize to her. I had no idea she'd take it this hard." He'd gotten so used to Leah's eccentricities and behavior that he hadn't thought to think of her as a cat. Leah always acted so different, he'd thought she'd at most whine a bit to him in private. He grimaced, thinking about how disrespectful he'd been. He'd betrayed her trust, behaving no better than the hyenas who had trashed the RV just a few days earlier.
    Leah bit her lip, glancing up at him. "Richard is going to kill me," she whispered. "I just wanted her to leave me alone. I didn't mean to hurt her. Honest. It was an accident!" She let out a sob and threw herself at him, arms wrapping tight around his neck. "I hurt a human! I don't want to die, Logan! I don't want to die!"
    May 1st, 2015 at 04:40am
  • @ Aikofox
    Vella groaned, closed her eyes, and rested against the RV, "I should have known better. All this time... even knowing you're shifters, I never really took it into consideration." She sucked in a breath, "I'm going to have to find a tent.. or something. Give her her space." She shook her head, "I was treating her as if she was human." She flinched as her ribs screamed in pain.

    Logan caught Leah and held her tight, "Hey, hush." his tone was rough with his bear fighting for control, collar sparking again at the thought of Richard hurting her, "I'm not going to let him hurt you." He brought her in close, "You're not going to die. You thin they'll get through me first?"
    May 1st, 2015 at 04:45am
  • @ Jaguar's Heart

    "No, Vella, it's not your fault. It's mine. I'm a shifter, I know how shifters think. I didn't treat her like a cat, I treated her like a human. You didn't know any better. I did." He sighed, shaking her head. "And you're not getting a tent. That's your place too, you can stay there. But you can stay with me when she needs her space. Now come on,I'm taking you back to my place to look at those ribs."
    Leah clung to him, mewling in terror. "He'll kill you too! Logan, I'm scared. I just wanted to be left alone." She pressed her face to his neck, tears pouring down her face. "Why did I do that? Why did I hurt her? I don't hurt people. I don't hurt humans!"
    May 1st, 2015 at 05:06am
  • @ Aikofox
    Vella sucked in a deep breath, then stood. She gave another groan of pain, "How far is your RV again?" She was not looking forward to the walk. That... and she wasn't sure if she wanted to stay here with Leah. She wasn't afraid of the girl... but intimidated? Hell yeah. That and she was definitely in the mind set to give as good as she got... and she couldn't with the pain she was in.

    "Shhh, shh," Logan murmured again, "He won't kill me. Or you." He held her closer, "And I'll talk to Vella, convince her not to go to Richard." He'd give Vella whatever she wanted, do whatever she wanted. As long as she didn't tell.
    May 1st, 2015 at 05:23am
  • @ Jaguar's Heart

    "Here." Oberon gently lifted her into his arms and carried her back to the RV. He nudged the door open and set her on the bed. "Can you pull your shirt up and let me see the bruise? I'm going to grab an ice pack real quick." He stood and went to the freezer, pulling out a gel-pack. He headed back over, hoping that she wasn't hurt too badly. Even as the weakest of them, Leah was still a shifter, something ordinary humans couldn't stand up against.
    "Do you think that'll work?" Leah swallowed, trying to calm herself. "I hurt her. Why would she help me? I yelled at her and got angry and hurt her. And even if you do convince her... What if...even if you convince her, Richard notices? He'll find out. He always does." She snuggled into his arms. "He always does."
    May 1st, 2015 at 05:58am
  • @ Aikofox
    Vella sighed as Oberon left her on the bed. She struggled to get the large shirt off, then stared at the large bruise on her right side. It spanned from hip to armpit area and covered her entire side. She had more little bruises along her chest and opposite side from when she hit the cabinet. She groaned again, then gingerly rested back on Oberon's bed, "I thin you're going to need more than one ice pack."

    Logan shook his head and pressed his lips to her temple, "It'll work. We'll figure it out. Vella took our secret as shifters pretty well... I'm sure she'll understand." He began to gently rock her, hands rubbing up and down her back, "It's okay. I'll fix it." He'd do what ever he needed to do to fix it.
    May 1st, 2015 at 06:11am
  • @ Jaguar's Heart

    Oberon looked back and grimaced. "I think you're right. Hang on." He emptied the freezer of anything that could be used as an ice pack and carried it all over. He set the load beside her and crouched in front of her. "Don't hit me, just tell me how this feels." As gently as he could he explored the bruises, making sure there were no serious injuries.
    She sighed, sagging against him. Logan would fix it. She had to trust in him. "Okay. Okay. You'll fix it. You're going to fix it." She loosened her death grip and allowed herself to slide back to sit on the edge of the bed. "Thank you, Logan, I...I'm sorry I upset you before. You really are the best."
    May 1st, 2015 at 06:48am