Love Me Two Times ||Closed||

  • Ethan Chandler.

    Ethan Chandler. (115)

    United States
    Lorelei Schwartz||19|| Played by lord voldemort;

    Abbot Kahn||24|| Played by Life is a Cabaret.


    Hanna Muller||18|| Played by Life is a Cabaret.

    Johan Tener||27|| Played by lord voldemort;
    March 10th, 2015 at 05:25am
  • Ethan Chandler.

    Ethan Chandler. (115)

    United States
    Hanna was in her kitchen, helping her mother prepare the meager rations they had for dinner that night. They were acting as if nothing unusual was going on, like there wasn't a Jew currently sleeping in the spare bed in her room. The only sign to the contrary was the abnormal amount of plates her mother had dropped in the last half hour. "Do you think he'll wake up soon..." she started, ignoring the sharp intake of breath from her mother at the sound of her voice. "Quiet, saumensch," her mother yelled, hitting her over the head before returning to her cooking. The Jew had arrived the night before, her parents hadn't told her he was coming, they just took him and brought him to her room. He was barely conscious, and has been sleeping ever since. But Hanna was fascinated by him, she couldn't wait for him to wake up so she could speak to him--find out his story.


    It was twelve o'clock in the morning and Abbot finally spotted his destination. It had taken his two days to get here, sneaking through streets, taking back alley ways, and making sure he didn't get caught by SS officers on his way to safety. But now he had the house in sight and it would only be moments before he was safe. Or at least safer than he had been in quite a while. His parents had arranged this safe house for him. It has originally been for them too but they were taken by the Nazi's before they could make use of it. The last words they had said to him was to hide and run to the safe house. He walked up to the house, looking around to make sure no one was watching, before knocking twice, knocks which would be just barely audible if someone had known to listen for it.
    March 30th, 2015 at 01:32am
  • Ethan Chandler.

    Ethan Chandler. (115)

    United States
    @ lord voldemort;
    March 30th, 2015 at 01:33am
  • maxim adam bemis;

    maxim adam bemis; (100)

    United States
    @ Life is a Cabaret.
    Abbot awoke to the smell of food, his empty stomach growling lowly in response to the savory smell. Food was scarce in time of war and it had been a good few days since the boy had even the chance to graze on something. Cautiously he pulled the cover from his lanky form his widened eyes not daring to turn away from the door that kept him hidden from the family that took him in. Abbot knew he should have been generous, and there was a small portion of him that was, but he couldn't help but be hesitant to trust the family. What were they getting out of this? It wasn't as if they were familiar with each other. He wouldn't let his guard down until he knew this wasn't a trick - a show for the Gestapo. Before standing to his feet he took one last glance towards the bedroom door, almost as if he expected a herd of the Nazi Police to come stumbling in, when his cautions were silenced he allowed himself to relax, he mustn't allow himself to disrespect the family that took him in - they were risking their lives every second he stood in their home. Abbot wasn't entirely sure if he was allowed out of the room. What if the family had guests? So, instead of peaking his head out, like his inner curiosities were begging, he decided to look around he small room he was currently being harbored in. The Jew doubted that this is where he would be staying - his new home would probably be an attic, or hidden room, all options were unpleasant but he knew anything was better than the Ghetto, or a work camp. He wondered whose room he was standing in the middle of. He was sure they told him when he arrived, but he didn't remember much. He was both physically and mentally exhausted when he showed up on the families doorstep. It wasn't supposed to just be him. His parents and youngest sister were supposed to be arriving as well, but like the rest of his large family they were taken away - leaving just him to survive the madness that surrounded Germany. At the sudden loud shout Abbot flinched, his eyes returning to the door with haste - his heart rate increasing by the silence that followed the feminine shout.


    "You can not utter a word of this to anyone," Matthias, a colossal man with a head graying hair, warned his oldest offspring with a stern look. "Vater..." Lorelei started, clearly confused by her father's orders. There were rumors of families hiding Jews in their homes, but the teen never imaged that her family would be on of them. Did her parents not know that the crime was punishable by death? "You listen to your father, Lorelei." Her mother warned, her trembling hands nearly dropping the third plate. Lorelei couldn't wrap her mind around all of this. Were her parents truly harboring two Jews and their son? Just like the majority of the nation she, up until recently, believed that her parents loathed all Jewish people - in fact, they were just calling the neighbors Jew Scum. Was it an act? "You will ask no more questions." Her father's voice was loud as he settled narrowed blue eyes on his petite frame. "We only told you, because your mother saw no way around doing so. I warned her that you were n-." Whatever insult that was going to be thrown in her direction was quickly silenced by the light knock on the door. Lorelei felt sick, her knees trembling as she looked in-between her mother and father. Had somebody already turned them in? "Get the door!" Her father's words were a whisper, but still threatening. "If there is anyone around you will greet them like your family." Her mother warned as Lorelei turned the corner, her heart threatening to beat out of her chest. This was foolish! How could her parents be so willing to die for complete strangers? "Coming!" If it were the Gestapo, or some form of police, she didn't want them to become impatient. Composing herself, so she wouldn't look so frantic, she unlocked the door and pulled the door open only far enough to poke her head out. It was only a boy, she pursed her lips. Her parents said three - not one. Was he the Jew? He had the characteristic, but still... "Come, come in!" She smiled, though she honestly felt like throwing up her nerves. Pulling the door open wider for the stranger she cautiously looked around - happy to note that it vacant.

    [ so sorry that this is completely terrible. Facepalm ]
    April 3rd, 2015 at 10:22pm
  • Ethan Chandler.

    Ethan Chandler. (115)

    United States
    Hanna helped her mother finish up dinner, not opening her mouth to speak again. He father came home not long after dinner was finished, with a big cheesy smile on his face. She couldn't tell if it was for show or if it was genuine, because her father was a cheery guy, she very rarely saw him without a smile on his face. And while they were all frightened of the possibilities, she could tell that her father was secretly happy to be helping the Jew. In the safety of their own home he was open and honest about his feelings on what Hitler was doing. He would probably house all of them if such a thing were possible. "Good evening, schön," he said to Hanna who was sitting at the table as he walked in, he kissed her softly on the forehead and then moved onto her mother. "Dinner smells delicious." He was clearly lying, they had been eating the same terrible soup for months, and it was anything but delicious. Dinner went by with hardly a word spoken by Hanna or her mother, Josef spoke the whole time, about his day and about work. Nobody mentioned the elephant in the room. When they were all finished and Hanna went to put away the dishes she was stopped by her fathers hand on her wrist. "I'll help your mother clean up tonight," she raised an eyebrow at him, he never helped with the dinner process, her mother wouldn't hear of it. She turned to her, waiting for an objection, but instead she motioned her over to the the pan. She took a rather large bowl and filled it with soup which she then handed to Hanna, "take this to the boy, if he's not awake yet just put it by his bed side. Either way you are free to keep to yourself for the night, one of us will come check on him later" she said in a flat voice, but one which didn't leave any room for questioning. Hanna nodded and headed to her room, slowly so as not to spill any soup, and also because a part of her was nervous for some reason. She opened the door and slipped inside, almost dropping the bowl on the ground when she saw that Johan was up. Silently she walked over and put the bowl beside him, stepping away and looking down at her hands. "I'm sure you're hungry, my mother wanted me to bring you that, it tastes god awful but it's food," she said, pulling a strand of curly blonde hair behind her ear and then taking a seat on her own bed. "How are you feeling?" she asked, peeking up through a curtain of hair. She hadn't spoken to a boy alone for quite sometime, never in her room, and definitely not with one so much older then her. 'And handsome' she thought, but then blushed deep red. She shouldn't have these thoughts, especially about a Jew, she would be arrested in a moment if anyone new.


    Abbot took a step back when the door was opened to reveal the face of a beautiful German girl, but that thought was fleeting because a second later he stumbled forward, falling to his knees inside the house. His body was weak, he hadn't eaten for nearly a week and he had been walking none stop, trying to get there. And it wasn't as if he was well-fed before, everything had finally caught up with him. After a moment he stood up, the rooming starting to get blurry around him. He heard the door shut and looked up to see the girl standing there with her parents. Their faces looked grim, the man especially was very intimidating and he felt rather scared of him. "I'm so sorry, mein herr," he said, looking specifically at the very large German man. He was so grateful to this family for taking him in, and felt bad about the first impression he had made. He put a hand to the wall, rubbing a way beads of sweat from his forehead. "I'm sure you've noticed I've come alone, unfortunately my parents couldn't make it here, but we had gotten together as much money as we could. I know it's not a lot, but I hope it helps with my keep some what," he said in a shaky voice, offering up the meager amount of money and focusing most of his attention on not passing out. He could at least make it to a bed first, or where ever it was that he would be sleeping. He was expecting a basement or any attic, but was so grateful for anything he could get. They didn't owe him anything, they were doing all this out of the kindness of their hearts. He just hoped he was right and this wasn't a plan to get him into the custody of the German soldiers. But he had no space in his mind for that possibility. His father had apparently fought in the last war with this man, he was doing it to help a friend, and he had to believe that was all there was to it. He just hoped he'd still being willing to help now that his friend would no longer be staying with them.

    [Not at all! It was great! Clap]
    April 9th, 2015 at 05:39am
  • Ethan Chandler.

    Ethan Chandler. (115)

    United States
    @ lord voldemort;
    April 9th, 2015 at 05:40am
  • maxim adam bemis;

    maxim adam bemis; (100)

    United States
    Jonah couldn't help but feel like a sitting duck as he waited for word from the family who took him in. It felt as if he had been waiting for hours. Had the man of the house changed his mind? He wouldn't blame them if they had thought twice about their actions. Jews were trash, but a Jew lover wasn't much different. They family could be tortured, murdered, anything the mighty police force thought necessary. It made him sick to the core. What had he done to deserve this treatment? What had any of them done? It wasn't fair, it wasn't humane to treat one another in this way. His people, the Jews, were no different than any other. His lanky form flinched backward in response to the bedroom door being pushed open, his heart thumped so wildly in his chest he almost feared it would burst free. How could he live like this? He felt as if the Gestapo would uncover him any second, any little noise left him in a fit of terror. Flustered and embarrassed that he made a fool of himself in front of one of the kind Germans he took a seat on the edge of the bed he awoke in, "My apologies miss, you startled me." His teeth caught his lower lip in a nervous fashion as he gingerly took the soup bowl. "Any food is better than no food," He was just grateful that the family thought to even bring him a bowl. his stomach felt as if it were caving in on itself, he was starving. When was the last time he had even ate something? It felt like it had been a decade. "I cannot thank you, or your family, enough." He felt his throat tightening, but swallowed the lump that was forming. He couldn't cry, at least not in front of others - he had to appear strong, had to appear unfazed. Briefly glancing up from the soup he smiled wearily at the blonde - she was beautiful, Jonah was sure he had never seen someone quite as attractive in his life. The tips of his ears burned in embarrassment - as if a German, especially one as young and beautiful, would look twice at a dirty Jew. The boy, much like the girl who sat across from him, didn't have much experience with the opposite sex - before the war he spent his time on his father's farm, or doing odd jobs to keep food on the table; he was never given much time for girls, or socializing. "I am..." His lips twisted into a frown as he studied the murky soup. How could he answer that? He gave a simple shake of his head in reply to the innocent question. He was miserable, Jonah knew he would never be the same if he survived the war. "Has it been decided where I will be staying?" He questioned instead, quite keen to keep the subject off of his feelings, or anything of the sort.


    The woman had not been expecting the Jew to be so handsome - she was expecting some middle aged, dirty man...but this boy didn't look too old, he was clearly older than herself, but not what she had anticipated. As the boy collapsed to his knees Lorelei couldn't help but release a startled gasp, quickly closing the front door before anyone saw. Her hands itched to help the stranger, but she couldn't bring herself to do so. She was weary of him, of his kind. She didn't loathe the Jew race, but she knew being kind to them only attracted trouble. "Matthias, this is barely enough money to feed ourselves!" Her mother huffed, the brims of her eyes seeming to water as she studied the money in her father' hands. Nervously, Lorelei looked between her father and mother. Would they kick the poor Jew out? She studied the boy, not able to help the pity she felt for him. She couldn't imagine what he could have been through in the past few days. Why couldn't his parents make it? Were they murdered or did they just change their minds? Her father, who had remained silent until now, gave the boy's shoulder a gentle pat. "There is not need for apologies, Kahn." Her father, who was usually stern, gave the boy a gentle smile - his eyes shielded from whatever emotions he may have been feeling. Was he upset that his war comrade could not make it? "Matthias," Her mother hissed, clearly still displeased with the money - or lack of. "It will be fine," Her father spoke with a frown - they would make do. They could ration and trade if things got too tight around the house. "There is a spare bed in Lorelei's room," Her father turned back to the Jew, his frown softening - hoping to not startle the boy. "You will stay there until you are well rested and then we will move you to the attic, but we can speak about this some other time, now you must rest." Lorelei couldn't help but feel strange. He would be staying in her room? The young woman had never had a boy in her room, "Will you need assistance or can you walk on your own?" She asked softly, biting her lower lip as she peaked up at the older boy through her thick lashes. She didn't want to make the boy uncomfortable, but she could tell he was having a hard time standing up. "Once you are settled, I can bring you some dinner, if you would like." She imagined the stranger must be starving, but she didn't want to assume.

    [ Okay good! I wasn't sure c: ]
    April 9th, 2015 at 08:01am