Hidden Oaks

  • TwistedLove

    TwistedLove (100)

    United States
    Hidden Oaks may seem like any other town and in some ways it is but there is one thing that makes it completely different. The town and most of its people are hundreds of years old. The town appears and disappears every few years taking a few new towns people each time to keep the town living. Hundreds of years ago on the brink of dying of from a mysterious sickness the now mayor of the town sold his soul and those of the towns people in exchange for eternal life and survival of the town and after the deal was made the town disappeared from the world. Rumors of its existence have been whispered around when people in the area disappear without a trace.

    The students and staff of Edgewood High School on their way to a class trip break down in the little town of Hidden Oaks. Will they unlike the people before them find a way out or will they add to the town’s population.

    The town is completely cut off from everything in the outside world. They have no television, no phones, no internet and no cell phone connections.

    Character's played by Emzy
    Bohen Gage
    Age: 17
    Role: Student
    Gender: Male
    Orientation: Bisexual
    Bio: Bohen is the type of guy who is super smart but lacks the ambition to ever apply himself. He grew up with rich parents who weren't ever around and decided a long time ago that he didn't have to be extra special for anyone. He was fine being average even though he has always been more than that. When they get to the town, he is more than mesmerized about the towns uniqueness and especially the people in it.

    Age: 19
    Role: Towns People
    Gender: Male
    Orientation: Gay
    Bio: Fox has been trapped in Hidden Oaks since the sixties and he has tried his best to suck up to the mayor to leave. He is sly, cunning, and very sneaky. Fox wants nothing more to than to weasel his way out pf the town.
    Extra: Fox has the habit of biting his lip whenever nervous or unsure of things. He also has a leather braid bracelet on his wrist at all times that he can be caught messing with when in doubt as well.

    Kass Hallam
    Age: 30
    Role: Teacher
    Gender: Male
    Orientation: Straightish
    Bio: Kass hadn't always anted to be a teacher. He used to want to play music and surf the day away. that was until his best friend Teagan went missing. They had gotten into a huge fight while he was in his first year of college on Spring Break. She had gotten so mad, she left and she's been missing ever since. Her going missing triggered something in Kass to drop his music degree and become serious with his life.
    Extra: Kass has 3 tattoos: a music cleft on his inner wrist, a Led Zeppelin quote on his back, and over his heart is his best friends name.

    Dixon Corbin
    Role:Towns People
    Bio: Dixon was a young college freshman on a road trip with his best friend before they were in a car crash. He was brought to the town for treatment and told his friend was dead. When he got up to leave a week later, he soon found out that he couldn't. Dixon has a hard shell and comes off as an asshole and a jerk. Who wouldn't when you had the perfect life taken away? He feels like he has to push everyone away so he doesn't lose anyone else.

    Character's played by Airy
    Teagan Myers
    Age: 19
    Role: Townsperson
    Gender: Female
    Orientation: Pansexual
    Bio: Teagan had a pretty normal life she was the rebel daughter of a doctor and a pastor, their youngest of five and the only girl. She disappeared in 2003 just after her 19 birthday on her way home for a visit and to get away from college for a little while. Kass Hallum had been her best friend since freshman year in high school and they went off to college together in the big city. From the moment she'd met him it was them against the world and she liked that until they got into a fight over something or another and she decided to go back home on her own the last words she can remember saying to him were 'I never want to see you again.' She had made it about a day into her trip when her car broke down and she had to walk a couple miles to the nearest town to get help but she was never found, her car was found right where she left it and there was a week long search for her, only her shoes that she'd dropped were recovered. She hasn't aged a day since she vanished and she still thinks about Kass and her family every day that goes by as she lives in the hell hole.

    Cyrus Caldwell
    Age: 27
    Role: Townsperson
    Gender: Male
    Orientation: Pansexual
    Bio: Cyrus was born and raised in Hidden Oaks and he would have died there had the mayor not done what he had. He's spent quite a bit of time contemplating the idea of living forever when he had been only days maybe hours or minutes from death. He wasn't entirely sure he'd be okay with it or with condemning anyone else to live the rest of their lives in the town but it got easier.

    Clarity Livingstone
    Age: 16
    Role: Edgewood Student
    Gender: Female
    Orientation: Straight
    Bio: Clair is the youngest of seven kids and although she may not show it she comes from money. Her father is the 10 generation Livingston from Hidden Oaks though she doesn't know the whole story. He father's Great Great however many grandparents lived in Hidden Oaks since the beginning of the town but the left when their oldest daughter Patience died she was one of the first to go in the town. They left and never looked back and they lived away from most people until Edgewood was formed though it was a couple miles away but still one of the closest towns around them. For generations they stayed on their land just outside of Edgwood and lived in peace by themselves. Clair is a little smart ass and being the baby she's used to having everything her way and everyone in her family looking out for her. She and Blake don't exactly see eye to eye all the time considering she's always trying to prove she can handle herself and deal with people but he treats her like a child who can barely walk. She's stubborn and hard headed and just wants the opportunity to be able to be on her own. She gets distracted often and likes to wonder off.
    Although she and Blake don't exactly see eye to eye they are extremely close. They fight and goof around like best friends and that's because they are.
    Extra: She looks exactly like her ancestor Patience Livingstone.

    Blake Livingstone
    Age: 18
    Role: Edgewood Student
    Gender: Male
    Orientation: Bisexual
    Bio: Blake well he's a little weird and is always glued to his sisters side for the fact that she can be a little to spontaneous for his liking. He may be a little to over protective of his sister but that's his job because no one else will do it and he doesn't want anything bad to happen to her. If you can get his attention away from Clarity you would find he's a pretty calm guy that's smart and amazing at art. That is his passion and one day he would like to be a tattoo artist.
    March 11th, 2015 at 08:19am
  • TwistedLove

    TwistedLove (100)

    United States
    Teagan watched with little interest as the towns people scurried around getting the last little details finished for the new arrivals. She just rolled her eyes as she sat in front of one of the buildings knees pulled in front of her and chin on her knees. She hated these times well to be honest she hated everyday of being here and she'd done everything imaginable to get out a few people tried killing themselves only to wake up fine the next day. "It's a school bus not a fucking automobile or wizard device." She muttered annoyed as a few people talked excitedly. She was pretty pissed knowing that more people would be stuck here forever with no hope and no future just like her. "Don't start with me Cy." Teagan growled as one of the originals approached. "I don't want to help and if you have a problem with that then you can go fuck yourself or kill me. Oh ya I can't fucking die." She hissed her eyes piercing and angry.

    Cyrus chuckled at Teagan's reaction she was always pretty fun to piss off. "I was going to tell you that the Mayor want you to move out of the front." He said to piss her off again.
    "I don't care what the fucking mayor wants." She hissed earning a chuckle from himself.
    "You're to easy Teagan." He said laughing as he walked away checking to make sure things were in their proper place. He was pretty happy with teasing a few people who hated being there but it wasn't as if he'd asked for this but it was his life he had to find entertainment somewhere and it wasn't as if anyone was getting out ever and who knows if they managed if they'd still be alive. "Hey that goes over there." He called to someone who'd tried changing the arrangements. He really hoped they got here soon before someone like Teagan screwed it all up.

    "Catch me if you can" Clair called as she took off running down the street if you could call it that it was more like a dirt road. "I see a town!" She screamed back running faster something pulling her towards the little town ahead. "Civilization!" She cried happily it had been miles and miles of nothing before the bus broke down and she was pretty sure they'd die there but they found people. She stopped just as she came almost close enough to touch people just so she could catch her breath. She'd outrun her brother so she was pretty happy and the town looked as if it was preparing for something fun.

    "Clair!" Blake called when he noticed she'd slipped away. "Fucking A." He muttered when he saw her no where in sight and heard her voice from a little while ahead. He grabbed their bags rolling his eyes before walking quickly to catch up. He heard her mention that there was a town and sighed in relief. Thank god they wouldn't be completely stranded and could still get to their trip. It took a few minutes before he caught up with his sister grabbing her by the wrist. "Don't go on your own you don't know what kind of people they are." He whispered in her ear as she rolled her eyes. "Not the undead kind." Clair said a smug look on her face man did he loath her sometimes she always made everything difficult.
    March 12th, 2015 at 05:11am
  • EmzyStilinski

    EmzyStilinski (100)

    United States
    Bohen walked slowly behind the group with music blasting through his ears. He only decided to go on this trip to get awat from his empty house and now he was stuck in the middle of fucking nowhere. He could say he had better things to do but that would have been a lie. “Hurry up, Bo. There’s a town ahead!” shouted Mr. Hallam shouted from the rest of the group and Bohen trudged on.


    Fox sat coolly in the middle of the square as he watched the rest of the town run around. He could see the new people trudge towards their town. Of course, he wanted nothing more than to stop them but what would that do to his position in the town? He worked hard to get where he was and he wasn’t going to risk his own freedom for someone else. Fox watched the town some more before he spotted Dixon walking past him. “Nice ass, Dix. Gonna show it off to the fresh meat?”


    “Just to make you jealous,” Dixon said as he walked towards the edge of town toward Teagan and Cyrus. Of course, he wanted nothing more than to hideout somewhere rather than watching more people get stuck in the hopeless town. It was unnatural. If he hadn’t got stuck, he would be some high paid athlete with a wife by now. Maybe even a kid but no, he was stuck in the hell hole that they called Hidden Oaks and had been for almost nine years.


    Kass watched as the class hit the edge of the town and sighed in relief. He didn’t know what he would do with a handful of teenagers stranded on the bus. He also didn’t want them to end up like her. As if it were a reflex, he scratched the old tattoo over his heart and proceeded forward. As he saw the first town member, he waved slightly and explained their situation.

    @ TwistedLove
    March 12th, 2015 at 06:17am
  • TwistedLove

    TwistedLove (100)

    United States
    Teagan rolled her eyes at Dixon and Fox. It didn't matter how long any of them had been here they hated it all the same. "I'm not gonna be at that in Cy. Last time I did I ended up with a knife in my leg you deal with them when they finally realize what happened to them the moment the walked down that street." She nodded towards the group that had formed. Her eyes landed on a blonde though she couldn't really see their face. "I'm going to go break things. Yell at me if they start acting crazy it's always funny." She said with a smirk grabbing her bag with breakable things she took from around town. She walked up to a tree breaking off a branch before setting her breakable stuff up just behind the tree line so she could still watch them and hopefully freak them out enough so they would leave her alone.
    Cyrus sighed as he watched Teagan walk away rolling his eyes. "I don't know how she keeps finding things to break." He muttered shaking his head before he realized that she'd taken something from him. "Tea?! What did you take from my room?" He called seeing her head peak through with a smirk.
    "A phone, a glass thing, mirror, and a gross cup!" She called disappearing back behind a tree and a moment later came a pretty loud smash. At least it wasn't anything to important and before he could think much more about what she'd taken he was called to great the newbies. "Hi I'm Cyrus and I'll take you guys to the inn. You can stay there while we try and see about your bus." He said with a charming smile before taking a couple of steps forward. "I can show you around after you get settled or you can look around town on your own." He said knowing that they couldn't get out now and the celebration would begin soon.
    Clair just stood there for a few moments taking it all in. "Is there a party?" She asked grinning as her eyes darted all over the place. It was smaller than Edgewood and probably three times as old but it looked kinda cozy and families nothing to crazy or Amish so she wasn't freaking out in a bad way. She started bouncing on the balls of her feet and she was tiny compared to everyone else not even standing at 5 foot but she made up for it in energy. She didn't notice the way the guy was looking at her she was to excited to look around.
    Blake looked at Mr. Hallum with an apologetic look. He already could tell she was going to get into trouble. "I'll apologize now for her." He said frowning when he noticed the guy staring at Clair and in turn he glared. Of course she was going to be on her own one day but she was not going to be some small town little wife he wouldn’t let her follow with tradition. "Lead the way." He muttered trying to grab Clair before she took off unfortunately she was to quick for that.
    "I'm going to look around first." She called out before taking off.

    @ EmzyStilinski
    March 12th, 2015 at 07:27am
  • EmzyStilinski

    EmzyStilinski (100)

    United States
    Bohen made it to the town a pulled an earbud out of his ear as he watched tone of the town members speak. He almost seemed old-fashioned like he had an old soul which intrigued Bohen. Bohen started to follow Cyrus to the inn while looking at the town. It was very different from anything he was used to. It was small and quaint and there was something about it that Bohen couldnt put his finger on. There was something about Cyrus that Bohen couldn’t put his finger on but he wanted to find out. “So, what’s the name of this town?”


    Dixon’s eyes laid on a girl as soon as she walked into town and smirked at the adventurous look on her face though it would be gone soon. He watched as she darted off and coyly went after her to keep her company. Of course, he knew that she was now stuck here seeing as she ran off into town first and he wanted to curse at the wind. He mde it about half way into the square berfore he caught up with her. “Exploring I see?”


    Fox watched as a girl had already bounded into town and the look on a certain boy’s face which meant brother or boyfriend but seeing the slight resemblance, he bet on the latter. He also saw Dixon slip away as well. ‘and that is why is labeled as a playboy.' Fox thought as he walked to the side of the boy and smiled charmingly. “I can help you look for her if you want?”


    Kass nodded politely towards Cyrus and motioned for his students to follow him as they vntured into town. As soon as the last student walked towards Cyrus, Kass heard a loud crash. “Oh, I hope that wasn’t one of my students. Better yet, i hope that wasn’t Clarity,” he mumbled before going to check it out.

    @ TwistedLove
    March 12th, 2015 at 08:05am
  • TwistedLove

    TwistedLove (100)

    United States
    Teagan hissed as piece of glass flew up and hit her hand. "fuck." she muttered as she sat down on a stump and started to pull the piece of glass out tossing it on the ground. She heard a few twigs snap under the weight of someones feet and he eyes shot up locking with a pair of familiar brown eyes but there was no way it could be him. No way that he would be stuck with a bunch of bratty teens as their teacher. "Can I help you?" She snapped as she stood up whacking the mirror with stick in her hand as she tried shaking the uneasy feeling in her stomach.


    Clair looked over at the guy that had approached her peeking back to make sure Blake was out of sight. "Exploring sure I like to call it pissing off my brother." She said with a grin on her lips as she held out her hand. "I'm Clarity but just call me Clair." She said with a smile before hearing the familiar voice in the distance. She grabbed onto the the guys hand and pulled him between two buildings as she watched her brother pass thankful he was distracted with someone else to be completely crazy in his turning up every rock looking for her routine.


    Blake sighed looking at the guy. "Honestly I could look for her for hours and not find. " He admitted shaking his head. "She does it on purpose I could turn over every object in town and not find her." He muttered looking at the guy with a small smile. "I'm Blake. If you want you can help me attempt to look for her. She'll show her face when she gets bored." He stated as he walked down the street tracing her path. It's not like she could cause to much trouble on her own.

    Cyrus looked over at the only kid that had followed him seeing the others had wandered off but it's not like they could get away. "It's Hidden Oaks." Cyrus said leading the way to the inn. "What's your name?" He asked as they rounded a corner. He caught sight of a few people in random directions but didn't pay them to much attention as he looked a head and back to the boy beside him. He seemed curious maybe a bit to curious.

    @ EmzyStilinski
    March 12th, 2015 at 09:02pm
  • EmzyStilinski

    EmzyStilinski (100)

    United States
    @ TwistedLove
    Im super sick right now and trying to get college work done. Just letting you know.
    March 19th, 2015 at 03:16am
  • TwistedLove

    TwistedLove (100)

    United States
    @ EmzyStilinski
    March 19th, 2015 at 03:27am
  • EmzyStilinski

    EmzyStilinski (100)

    United States
    @ TwistedLove
    Bohen smiled lazily. "Bohen but some people just call me Bo," he said as they walked further into town. This was a town that Bohen could get used to. It was way better than the trip anyway. "So, how long have you lived here? You seem to know your way around."


    Dixon smiled slyly at the closeness between him and Clair. He eyed her brother walking past with Fox and shook his head lightly. Typical. "Well, I'm Dixon," he said as they emerged from behind the buildings. He looked around to see where everyone was and smiled. "Follow me. "


    Fox smiled at his words and nodded. "Well, my name's Fox and yes like the animal" he said with a small laugh. Of course, that wasn't his real name but no one here but the mayor knew that. "So, I guess we can take this search as a tour also?"


    All Kass saw when he heard her words was the back of her head and sighed. "No, sorry. I was making sure that crash wasn't one of my students already causing havoc," he said as his hand flew up to where his old tattoo sat. "I'm Kass by the way. Kass Hallam."
    March 30th, 2015 at 05:58am
  • TwistedLove

    TwistedLove (100)

    United States
    @ EmzyStilinski
    Cyrus thought for a moment he was sure it was over a hundred years but did not know exactly how many not that he would say just yet anyways. "My whole life actually." He said sure that that was the safest bet he wanted to have at least an hour without freaking out.


    "Alright I'll follow you Dixon." Clair said with a smile. She was happy that he wasn't like most of the people she knew of course he didn't know her or know just how easily she could cause trouble. "Where are you leading me to anyways?" She questioned her curiosity rising. Most normal people would probably have alarm bells going on in their heads at a random guy leading them away from people but Clair was just the type of naive soul to be trusting to just about anybody.


    "Cool." Blake said peeking around a corner but giving up she'd probably broken into someone's house by now to hide. "Sure why not." He said with a shrug deciding to leave Clair for the moment he'd clean up her mess later.


    "Can't really do much trouble here." Teagan said as she pulled back her wooden stick getting ready to break the cup when she heard his name and she froze just before she hit the cup. It couldn't be him? What would he even be doing as teacher? It took everything she had to turn around hoping with everything she had that it wasn’t him. Her eye's locked on him as she stood there staring at him. He was older but his eyes she could never forget those eyes. "No, no, no, no, no." She murmured softly to herself taking a step back. He wasn’t supposed to be here and now it was to late for him to turn back.
    March 30th, 2015 at 09:35am
  • EmzyStilinski

    EmzyStilinski (100)

    United States
    @ TwistedLove
    I just found this and would continue it if you want.
    January 23rd, 2016 at 04:27pm
  • TwistedLove

    TwistedLove (100)

    United States
    @ EmzyStilinski
    Yes!! Cute I would like to continue it too
    January 23rd, 2016 at 05:41pm
  • EmzyStilinski

    EmzyStilinski (100)

    United States
    Bohen sighed. He wondered if he actually enjoyed it. Born lived in the same place his whole life and it was lonely and boring. Of course, if he actually had someone to share his existence with, it probably wouldn't have been that bad. "Do you enjoy it? Living here your whole life must get boring. "


    Dixon lead her farther away from everyone to the edge of the other side of town. He ignored her questions until they were at an old abandoned building. "You'll see," he said before going inside and climbing the stairs to the roof. It was his sanctuary. You could see past the edge of town, not that you could see anything.


    Fox took his hand and lead him to the main street. It had been awhile since he had someone interesting to talk to. The closest thing he had was Dixon and he was straight so it didn't do anything for him in some senses. That and Dixon could be an asshat. "Well, the town isn't much and after awhile it gets boring but it's quaint I guess. "


    Kass was confused by her behavior until she turned around and then he couldn't breathe. It couldn't be Teagan, could it? Not unless she hadn't aged in a decade. Her hair was the same vibrant pink and no one could look that close to her. "Tea? "

    @ TwistedLove
    January 23rd, 2016 at 06:57pm
  • TwistedLove

    TwistedLove (100)

    United States
    Cyrus shrugged slightly as he thought for a moment. "New people show up from time to time. I've wondered what it's like anywhere else." He admitted softly. All he'd ever needed was there maybe not all he wanted but it wasn't to bad.


    "Are you going to kill me?" Clair asked her voice breaking slightly though she wasn't scared. It just was odd but she sort of liked it. Her eyes widened as she saw the sight. "It's pretty. The forest just has no end." She noted. She didn't even see the road the came in on. "That's odd."


    "What do you do for fun?" Blake asked as he followed fox allowing the other to take his hand. "How long have you lived here?" He added as he looked around the town though it wasn't huge it was different though.


    Teagan was torn between being happy that she could see him after all this time and sad that he was condemned to live this life. She nodded slowly as she dropped her stuck on the ground and couldn't help herself as she ran towards him jumping on to him. Her arms wrapped around him. "You got old." She mumbled softly.

    @ EmzyStilinski
    January 24th, 2016 at 02:11am