Change is Inevitable

  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Finnick Odair && Valeria Lockhearst
    March 11th, 2015 at 11:36pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Valeria pulled her knees up to her chest while she sat in the window seal attached to the room she was in. She honestly couldn't believe that this was happening again. She couldn't wrap her mind around how this was okay, or how she was supposed to do this. It'd been hard enough taking part in the games when she was younger, but now here he was expected to just be thrown into the arena again. And this time it was with people knew, and cared about. "I really didn't think it was possible to hate the capital more than I already did." She told Finnick, who over the years she'd become the closest with.
    March 12th, 2015 at 12:08am
  • QueenProgrammer

    QueenProgrammer (100)

    United States
    Finnick nodded his head as he walked over to sit down next to Valeria. He sighed quietly and ran a hand over his face as he stared out the window to see what was going on in the outside world around them. "And it pisses me off that they let Katiness and Peeta out of this because of their baby. It doesn't ven make any sense. They were just trying to stop the games like the rest of us," he said quietly. He wrapped an arm around Valeria's shoulder and held her as he sat there. "We'll figure something out, I'm sure. It'll just have to be before the next two days."

    @ Hemmings.
    March 12th, 2015 at 12:19am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "I wish it could be as simple as us all just agreeing to not fight. But there's no way we'd ever get some people on board with that." Valeria said leaning into Finnick and sighing. The sad part was she knew that was true, there was no way they'd ever somehow be able to convince every person to just not fight. Yea they'd all held hands the night before to show they weren't happy about this, but that mean it was going to stay like that. Honestly everything about the games, and the capital, and all this messed up shit in general made her sick to her stomach. "Well I hope we can think of something." She said softly willing to do just about anything to find a way to fix this.
    March 12th, 2015 at 12:36am
  • QueenProgrammer

    QueenProgrammer (100)

    United States
    Finnick nodded his head in agreement and stood up for a moment as he started to think about what there was for them to do. President Snow had basically pimped him out to the whole entire capital and maybe if he could get the wealthy people he had been with to agree with the rest of the people in the Games. Especially since he had known all of their secrets and even though he kept them all, he was willing to blackmail everyone so that they could possibly get out of the games. "Let's blackmail them."

    @ Hemmings.
    March 12th, 2015 at 12:52am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Valeria looked away from the window and over to Finnick. "Are you serious?" She asked him as if he wasn't, but thinking about it it might've actually worked. Plus she sure that between the two of them they could come up with enough secrets to blackmail everyone. After all it wasn't like Finnick was the only one President Snow had decided to basically sell to the capital. That was just kind of his thing, he liked pretty things and it wasn't like she could've really said no. She still had people she cared about too much to see them get hurt, so to keep them safe she just did what she was told. That didn't mean that she was okay with this though, being sent back into the arena. Especially after you weren't ever supposed to have to go back after you'd won. "I'm in."
    March 12th, 2015 at 05:00am
  • QueenProgrammer

    QueenProgrammer (100)

    United States
    Finnick nodded his head as he started to pace, trying to think up what he could about certain people that were a big part of the Capital that he had been with and that he had secrets of. He walked over and grabbed a pen and piece of paper before he started to scribble down a series of people's names and secrets next to them that they could use against President Snow and everyone else. "Come here," he told Val softly while motioning her over to him.

    @ Hemmings.
    March 12th, 2015 at 06:29pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Valeria moved away from the window seal she was sitting in and made her way over to Finnick. All she could really think was that no matter what this plan had to work. Not only did she want this to work for her own sake, but for the sake of everyone else too. None of them deserved to be thrown back into the arena, of course she didn't even think that people deserved to be thrown in the arena to begin with. And she wasn't going back in there. She could hardly find it in herself to think about what would happen if they did make it back in the arena. Because just the thought of having to fight for her life again, and against others who'd done the same thing was enough to bring her nightmares back.
    March 19th, 2015 at 05:50pm
  • QueenProgrammer

    QueenProgrammer (100)

    United States
    Finnick grabbed Val's hand and started pulling her toward the door so that they could go talk to President Snow. He walked out the door after telling the people that were pretty much there to watch him and Val that they had to go talk to someone about something and to mind their own business. He got out of the room and started heading for the room where he knew the gamemaker was being held, taking a deep breath. "We need to do this in a smart way."

    @ Sirius Black..
    March 19th, 2015 at 07:24pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Valeria nodded her head in agreement. They needed to be smart about this if they just went in there and started spitting out secrets there was no telling how that might blow up. There were a lot of different ways this could play out really, and more than that she knew there was a chance that this plan wasn't going to go the way they wanted. She didn't want to think it would fail because this was the only plan they had and there wasn't nearly enough time to think of something else. "Whatever we do we have to make sure it works." She said softly giving his hand a small squeeze, honestly she didn't know what they'd do if they failed.
    March 25th, 2015 at 04:30am