
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    varkatzas.' characters || Casey Mathers, 21. and Brooklyn Asters, 20.

    Dandy Darling;'s characters || Hazel Bradford. and Greyson Mitchell.
    March 16th, 2015 at 01:00am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ varkatzas.

    (Oh, also, Hazel and Greyson will both be 20)

    "Anyone else tonight, Angie?" Hazel questioned while dropping off the paperwork to the latest patient that had been released. Luckily, it had been a minor allergy attack and only a prescription needed to be filled out, which also meant less paperwork for her. Considering that only five people had entered the E.R. during her shift, she had ruled it a slow night but considered it a blessing as well. "Nothin' else, Hazel. Go relax for once, huh," Angie replied then took the papers from the counter, chewing on the piece of gum in her mouth like a cow. A tight smile formed on her lips, and Hazel gave a half-hearted laugh to ward off the curse that almost slipped out of her mouth. Angie was just another one of her coworkers that she tolerated. Giving a small nod, Hazel turned to buy something from the vending machine as the seconds slowly ticked by. She moved down the hallway while rummaging through her pockets for loose change to find a set of quarters. Scanning her eyes across the selection, she opted for the cookies to give her a small spike of energy and inserted the change into the vending machine. The coils started to move as the package started to move forward but suddenly stopped halfway, preventing her cookies from falling. "God dammit," She muttered to herself, banging her hand against the side of the machine. Her efforts were to no avail though, and she made her way back to the front desk with a groan.


    Greyson's eyebrows furrowed as anger swelled throughout his body from the information his parents had just presented. "You've gotta be kidding me. This must be some sort of sick joke," He practically screamed at his parents, wanting to believe that this was not true. After all the expectations he had lived up to, it was never enough for his parents. "You will marry her, Greyson. This is the best decision for your people," His father explained, showing no signs of regret for using his son as a political pawn. This arrangement between the two packs had been decided weeks before Greyson had even realized it. It was all to end the war that had been raging on for ages, especially since their pack could no longer risk the casualties. "I really doubt that I could be of any use to the pack while married to Brooklyn. You'll be lucky if I can even stand being in a room with her for two seconds let alone the rest of my life," He continued to argue while his jaw was firmly set. Knowing that it would be a waste of his breath, Greyson exited the hut while letting his arm swing to knock down anything in his path. At this point, he could have cared less about what happened to all of the small trinkets and memorabilia that they had lying around. Any person could identify when Greyson was having one of his episodes from the rage in his eyes and the way he carried himself. It was the time when everyone vanished inside of their homes out of fear of his anger management issues.
    March 16th, 2015 at 01:41am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Of all the ways this could have ended for Casey, this was one of the options he would have willingly paid to not have to deal with. And yet, here he found himself... having to pay for it. God damn it. When Casey had gone to deliver a large amount of drugs (he was going to make nearly $1000 on this deal), he ignored the feeling in the pit of his stomach. Mostly because, well, when you were staring a potential grand in the face, you figured any consequences didn't matter. Casey had arrived to the large house and after getting his shift together, he climbed out of the vehicle and made his way up to the house. Before he had even bothered to knock, the door was being pulled open and he was being greeted by a man in a well dressed suit. His eyes narrowed a bit but he pushed the feeling away to the side. One, two, three, and a fourth step in was all he needed to clue into why he should have listened to his gut. A man walked out from the kitchen, Jared, a guy who he had had a few run ins with. Glancing behind him, he noted his exit had been blocked by the man in the suit and another.

    "Really, Jared?" He drawled, eyes narrowed angrily. His jaw was tense, a vein popping in his neck.

    Taking the initiative, Casey launched himself toward Jared. He got in a few good hits before a sharp pain gained his attention. Looking down, he let out a small growl when he watched Jared pulling a knife from his side. Alarm bells going off in his mind, he knocked Jared back just enough to give him enough time to make a run for the door. He elbowed his way to it and was down the front steps before he could think much, climbing into his SUV and taking off.

    When he rounded the corner, he took the time to rip his shirt (more than it already was), and pressed it into the bleeding wound. Casey gritted his teeth against the pain in his side and waited a few minutes - only for the creeping sensation up his back was enough to spur him forward. To a place that was not going to end well for him, he wasn't fucking stupid. You go to the hospital, the cops were called, and questions were asked. Questions that Casey could never answer.

    A few minutes later, Casey was pulling into the hospital's parking lot. Parking, he climbed out of his vehicle and gritted his teeth from the pain in his side. And the pain that he would have to deal with, cleaning his truck. The thought was enough to cause him to kick his tire before making his way into the emergency room. Casey was moving slower now, his skin paled to the point he looked sickly. Reaching the desk, he coughed to gain the girl's attention. Offering up his charming smile, Casey opened his mouth to speak, "Can I please check in?" He asked, as if this was an every day stay at a hotel.
    Brooklyn was not the least bit happy with the news that she was expected to be Greyson's mate, that the relationship was to end the war that had gone on between them. She had been raised well enough to know that she would do exactly what her parents wanted not only because they were her parents but because her alpha had asked it of her. She couldn't say she was happy because all of the rumours around Greyson - he had anger issues that could match those of his father. Shaking her head, she forced a light smile before excusing herself from the room. She didn't want to be near her parents right now. She made her way upstairs where she readied herself for the so-called dinner that they were attending at the Mitchell's.

    An hour and a half later, they were walking up to the Mitchell's. There were so many differences between the two packs,s he wasn't sure she could even do this. The Asters were more inclined toward the human side, the Mitchells... well, they were more inclined toward their animilistic side. Shivering as she looked up to the hut, she nodded when her mother asked if she was alright. Entering the home, she tensed at how...basic everything seemed. She was a spoiled girl, that was certain. Introducing herself to each of the pack members that she had never had come into contact with. Just watching how her father was acting, he seemed put off and uncomfortable, was enough to have her on edge as they sat down.

    "And will Greyson be joining us?" Her mother asked causing Brooklyn's attention to shoot to the other couple.
    March 16th, 2015 at 08:38pm
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ varkatzas.

    Opening her mouth to explain how the vending machine had just swallowed her change, Hazel snapped her head in the direction of the doors to see a man with a bloodied cloth pressed against his side. Screw whatever she had to say. This took precedence. "Get the trauma team down here! He's losing blood quickly!" She yelled to the surrounding nurses while they contacted the nearest doctor. Hurrying the gurney to the patient, they placed him down onto it and moved to roll him into one of the nearest operating rooms. "Sir, I need you to stay with me. What is your name?" She instructed as she helped along the process, seeing how paled he had become. It was a surprise how he had been able to walk into the E.R. without passing out on the ride. Hazel reached out to peak underneath the cloth and saw the deep stab wound before pressing it down for pressure. "It's a stab wound," She informed anyone in the immediate area, quickly moving into the room. "Sir, you're going to need stitches to close up that wound. Are you allergic to any type of anesthesia?" Hazel questioned then reached out to stick the IV into his arm for the fluid. "Where is the blood that we need?" She continued on where the others shrugged their shoulder, assuming that the other had. If she was going to be able to save this man, everyone needed to move at least twice as fast.

    Soon, the doctor arrived into the operation room, and Hazel had prepared everything for the procedure. The thread, needle, blood bags, etc. Anything that the doctor could have possibly needed during the surgery. This why was the doctors found Hazel to be the most reliable and capable nurse and were more than willing to work with her. Some saw her as uptight, but she believed that she was doing her job efficiently and effectively. "Doctor, it's a stab wound. It looks pretty deep," She explained while placing another IV into his arm for the blood to circulate. Luckily, they had some O left over since any type of blood could take it. "Thank you, Hazel. Administer the anesthesia. He is going to be fine, but we need to get this operation moving," He nodded then waited until the male on the table slipped under the effect of the anesthesia.


    Greyson moved into the forest while his feet met any rocks that it could find, allowing his anger to dissipate into the environment. This was completely ridiculous. Not even taking into consideration how Brooklyn would feel, he already knew that this marriage could not happen. All that continued to run through his mind was how unfair the whole ordeal was. About a tree and one hundred rocks later, he sat down on the ground with a groan of exhaustion. There was no longer any energy for him to use to rip apart his surroundings, leaving him with only the words in his head. It was not his fault that his pack mates could not win the war, and, now, he had to take the consequence. Knowing that the sun was about to set for the night, Greyson trudged back into his territory where the smells of cooked meat filled the air. Greyson had to admit that after all of that anger he could eat anything.

    "What's for dinner?" He muttered while walking inside of his family's tent to see that the Asters' had joined them. A frown immediately crossed his expression to showcase his displeasure in the situation, but no words came from his mouth from the look his father shot him. "Ah, speaking of him. Greyson, please, take a seat. We have guests tonight," His father calmly instructed. Greyson clenched his jaw while making his way over to the seat beside Brooklyn that had been conveniently left open, easily sliding into it. The only reason why Greyson had showed little resistance was because of the food. Otherwise, he would have just walked out on the entire affair.
    March 16th, 2015 at 11:32pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Growing up the way he had, Casey had learned long ago to think through panic and fear. There were far too many situations that he had been in that, if he hadn't thought through it all, he would have been six feet under a long time ago. He had begun using drugs by the time of 12, and by the time he was fourteen, he was a low level dealer. As the years had worn on, he had worked his way to being his supplier's right hand man. Usually. But then, he still hadn't made the leap to be a supplier quite yet. Too much fucking stress to deal with. That was the excuse he gave himself every time that he thought about it. He glanced up when he heard a woman yell and for a moment, he studied her. Tanned skin, light brown hair. Swallowing the lump that had suddenly formed in his throat, Casey wiggled onto the gurney, only to be wheeled away moments later.

    "Casey Mathers," he muttered through gritted teeth, just silently thankful that he had reached the hospital before it was too late. Sure, he had done a lot of stupid shit in the past but he certainly wasn't ready to die quite yet. "No," he answered her question about anaesthesia, only to let out a harsh laugh. "I hate needles," he muttered under his breath, more to himself than anyone as the IV was placed into his vein. Closing his eyes, he relaxed the best that he could as he felt his side begin to go numb as the drug took affect. He refused to open his eyes at this point, mostly because he didn't care to watch his side sewn up.

    His hand shot out suddenly to grip Hazel's wrist, his eyes opening and fixing her with a hard look. "No cops. I don't have any answers for them," he said quickly before slowly releasing his grip on her wrist.
    Brooklyn's eyes shot to the sound of Greyson entering the rather large tent. SHe made eye contact for the briefest of moments before she looked down to the food in front of her, on a japanese kotatsu. She shouldn't and just by the hand rest on her knee from her father was proof enough so she chose to go silent as opposed to saying anything to Greyson. She was a quiet girl who preferred to avoid conflict if she at all could. She cleared her throat and forced a smile to her lips, turning her attention to Greyson's parents. "You have a lovely home," she murmured, figuring it couldn't hurt to be polite.

    Conversation started between the two sets of parents, and Brooklyn shifted awkwardly in her seat. She bit back a sigh and chanced a glance toward Greyson, "Perhaps we should go for a run together once we're finished," she suggested, figuring it would be as good of a chance as any for them to try and get along.
    March 17th, 2015 at 12:50am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ varkatzas.

    "Okay, Mr. Mathers. You're in good hands, so just relax," She attempted to reassure him with a smile, giving the nod toward the doctor to start the procedure in a few moments. Administering the anesthesia, she placed the fluid into the IV and watched as it disappeared into his system. A small laugh escaped through her lips at how he was reacting to the situation. Despite a stab wound, he was still scared of the needles as opposed to the fact that he could bleed out. "Only two tiny needles. No need to worry," Hazel reached out to take the shirt that was pressed against his size, revealing the gash beneath it. Considering what else she had seen in the ER, this was nothing too horrifying. She was about to step away to begin the operation when Casey's hand shot out to grab her wrist, pausing her movement. "But.. Mr. Mathers.." She trailed off since it was only standard procedure for her to do so, especially when there was a wound of this caliber. Casey could have skipped out on the ER in fear of the cops, but he decided to ask for their assistance anyway. A part of her knew that he made a huge risk by coming to them. As the doctor turned his back to pick up the needle and thread, Hazel leaned down to whisper in his ear,"Fine. No cops, but this is the only time." She pulled away to assist the doctor and the rest of the surgery went without a hitch. In total, Casey had received twenty-five stitches to close the wound, and they wheeled him into one of the nearby rooms. It was Hazel's job to watch over Casey's health until he woke up and was cleared by the doctor.


    With his acute sense of hearing, Greyson caught Brooklyn's soft words and narrowed his eyes in her direction. His home was definitely the least lovely thing out there. He considered living under a rock to be more appealing than this. "Not really," He murmured quietly enough for only her to hear with a sigh before starting to dig into the kotatsu, not wanting to share anymore words. Throughout the dinner, Greyson could see her attempting to make conversation with him from the shifty eyes and awkward body language. It was not going to work on him though. There was no way he was going to play nice in the sandbox with her. "Or we could not," He responded back with a mouth full of food, not caring if it was impolite. "Actually, that would be great for Greyson," His father interjected with a stern glance in Greyson's direction. Holding back a roll of the eyes, he merely nodded his head to agree with his father and sucked up his ego.
    March 17th, 2015 at 02:14am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ varkatzas.
    April 3rd, 2015 at 03:38am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    (I'm so sorry, i've been sick and then I went away for four days to celebrate the lady's birthday and ah Shocked )

    Casey forced a smile to his lips, despite the pain in his side at her words. She was cute, he couldn't deny that. But he had more important things to worry about at the moment... like a gaping wound in his side. But when she agreed not to contact authorities, he visibly relaxed. He offered her a smile, assuming that was all that he was going to get to offer her in thanks. She had just saved him a huge headache, he was sure of it. He didn't remember much else until he was opening his eyes an hour later. He winced at how bright the lights were and closed them quickly, taking a moment before he blinked them open again. Slowly, his eyes adjusted. It wasn't more than another few moments before he was sitting up and looking around, debating on just how to go about getting out of here. He didn't have time to waste on getting cleared by the doctor. He had business to tend to. Moving to stand, he bit back a groan at the harsh throbbing in his side. It was numbed and still, somehow painful.
    Brooklyn glanced up to him with a slight frown, opening her mouth to respond to him before just deciding against it and going silent instead. She had glanced to him after speaking and she couldn't help the small, indignant noise at the back of her throat from seeing his half-chewed food. She couldn't say that was something she was used to. Her head shot down and she shifted her food around on the plate, suddenly finding that she had lost most of her appetite. She cleared her throat when his father spoke, her back straightening a bit as she listened to him - she wasn't about to blatantly disrespect an alpha in arguing with him so she simply nodded. She would shift her food around for a moment before cutting it up a bit smaller - to make it seem like she had been eating despite not having taken a bite in nearly ten minutes. She chewed on her lips, trying to contain her nerves and stop the slight shaking of her hands. She didn't know how to react to Greyson. "Whenever you're ready, we can go," she murmured quietly, pushing her plate a bit forward to show she was 'finished' with her meal.
    April 3rd, 2015 at 04:32am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ varkatzas.

    (It's fine! I hope you feel better and had a nice time)

    About an hour afterward, Hazel wandered over toward Casey's room to check on his condition. The rest of the night seemed to be uneventful and most of the staff had left for the night. Expecting him to sleep be unconscious, she received quite the shock to see him up and about, especially after the meticulous surgery. "Mr. Mathews, where do you think you are going?" She questioned, placing a hand on her hip. Hazel stood her ground before the door as if she were a guard, knowing it was her duty to prevent him from leaving. "The doctor has not cleared you yet, and you certainly are not ready to be discharged," She continued on while glancing over her shoulder. Hopefully, no one would walk by to notice their predicament. "I already told you that the cops would not be informed. The least you could do is give your body the proper rest it needs," Hazel attempted to convince him, lowering her voice slightly.


    Greyson took ample time to devour more than a fair share of his food, eating anything within sight. Anything to prolong their forced interaction. Every few moments, Greyson's father would proceed to give him a side-glance that urged him to leave the room with Brooklyn and reminded him that there was no way out of this marriage. Their merging was inevitable. "Okay, I'm done. Let's go," He grumbled then sulked out of the room to go for a run. At least it was better than having his father give him those disapproving eyes. Stuffing his hands into his pockets, he made no effort to even check to see if she was following behind him. This whole entire marriage was ridiculous for him, and he could even feel the tension in the air between the two families. It was only was matter of time before the deal crumbled. Continuing to move, Greyson brought her to his favorite running path and was hoping to let off some of his pent up anger.
    April 3rd, 2015 at 05:02am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Casey was moving slower than he would have liked, just managing to have gotten his legs over the edge of the bed with a groan when Hazel appeared at the door. He cursed under his breath as he glanced up to look at Hazel with a frown. He had hoped he would get out without anyone noticing and yet, here they were in a predicament where that wasn't the case. He moved to his feet after another moment, containing the groan that wanted to sound from his lips at the strain on his side. "I don't have time to sit around, nurse. I would have hoped you would have realised that..." he trailed off, looking at with a frown of disapproval. "Got shit I need to tend to," he answered with a slight shrug. He took a few steps forward, "Just turn your back and you won't have any problems with your bosses," he said, giving her a hard look now, almost daring her to argue the point further. He wasn't particularly used to being told no.
    Brooklyn stood immediately and followed after Greyson, a few steps behind a moving hurriedly. When the seemed to reach the path, she quickly pulled her hair back into a messy bun so she wouldn't have to worry about it being in the way. She wasn't going to bother shifting into her wolf form to run - it was something she rarely ever did and around someone she wasn't particularly comfortable with? There was no way in hell that it was going to happen. She started out at a slow jog before quickening, pumping her legs and easily following the path that was laid out before her. When Greyson took a sharp turn, she would quickly follow. Letting out a growl of frustration when she began to lose his wolf form, she hesitated for a moment before shifting. It was all that she needed to catch back up to him, frustrated that he thought it was alright to just leave her behind. Hey! she shouted, wanting to knock some sense into him at least. Enough that he would at least acknowledge her existence.
    April 6th, 2015 at 10:00pm
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ varkatzas.

    If Hazel had a penny for every time a patient used that excuse, she would be a rich woman. "Mr. Mathews, you are not going anywhere," She stated with a small smile, still blocking the door. It seemed that Casey was out of luck, because it would go against all of her principles to bend the rules again. Seeing the daunting look, Hazel merely countered it with a calm demeanor. "You are going to get back into bed and rest because that is what you need right now. I'm sure whatever you have to do can wait, especially since you almost died from the blood loss," She continued on to explain the severity of the injury. He would have to get through her if he wished to leave the hospital. "It's not about what my bosses want, but it's about me doing my job. Oh, and saving your life," Hazel stated, gesturing toward the bed. Although, she did have to commend him for even being able to get up from the bed without medical assistance.


    It would be a lie for Greyson to say he did not enjoy her frustration the least bit, smirking as she growled. Every time she attempted to speed up to catch up to him, he easily increased his speed to maintain the distance. He would make her shift into her wolf form. A grin spread across his face at the mere thought and willed his legs to move faster through the trail, hearing the sound of Brooklyn shifting behind him. Despite hearing her call out to him, he pretended to be too absorbed in his run and completely ignored her existence. Reaching the end of the trail, Greyson started to slow down to a fast walk as their neared their starting point and glanced over his shoulder to see her catching up. Not half bad He mused, turning to take in her wolf form. It pleased him to see that she had shifted on their first meeting, considering how some females were too uncomfortable to do so.
    April 6th, 2015 at 10:49pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Casey's legs trembled the slightest bit - his body was weak compared to how he was normally. It was a shame. It made him angry because he had worked so hard for what he had that he wasn't willing to give it up without a fight. That was just the way it was though, Casey was a proud man and that wasn't something that was ever going to change. He held his hands up as if to admit defeat and moved to climb back into the hospital bed that formerly had belonged to him. It was only a matter of time until he had to leave. "Your job is to help me, you're not required to save my life, nurse. It'd be foolish to think you can," he answered back with a sick sort of chuckle. Mostly because he knew there was no hope of him reaching old age. Not in his line of work. Raising his gaze to hers after a moment, he raised an eyebrow. "When does the doctor say I can be released?" Time to start distracting her long enough for him to get away.
    Brooklyn didn't slow. Not one bit. She understood what she was about to do was wrong but surely, no one could blame her for it. No one could blame her for being angry at Greyson. When he slowed just enough, she spurred herself on and launched her body at his just as he turned. Teeth barred, they began to roll on the ground before she jumped back - away from him. She glared long and hard, her muscles tensed as she glared at him. She was supposed to be submissive to him and in any other circumstances, she likely would have been. But he had pressed her buttons just the right way. Respect your alpha she snarled, turning to trot away from him now, wanting nothing to do with the bastard.
    April 6th, 2015 at 11:26pm
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ varkatzas.

    Hazel sighed with a small shake of the head, helping him back into the bed. "Whenever he says you can be released," She responded since she could never make the call. Attaching all of the needles back into his arms and hands, she made a mental note to keep a watchful eye on him. "It's in the job description, by the way. If I don't save your life, I'm not doing my job correctly," She mumbled, reaching over to readjust the monitor on the opposite side of the bed. Hazel grazed her eyes on his body to make sure everything was in its proper place before settling on the stitches. "Someone clearly has something against you," She commented then, wrote some notes down on her clipboard. It was mostly about the current state of how his body was responding to their treatments. "I'm going to give you a little something for the pain. Might make you a bit drowsy, so get some rest," Hazel warned before injecting some morphine into his IV. It was mostly for the pain, but she did not trust him alone in the room by himself. If he was knocked out for the night, she would be more at ease.


    Greyson barely caught himself as she charged at him, sending him spinning onto the ground. The wind was knocked out of his lungs, and he was disorientated in the split second. He had not expected her to do that. She was supposed to be submissive and that angered him. Springing back onto his feet, Greyson countered her gaze with the same glare. He watched her retreating form for a moment before charging after her, resulting in a similar position. This time, he held her down under his enormous weight. You will never have an ounce of my respect nor ever be my alpha. He growled, pausing for a moment to allow the fear to register. All of the anger that had been pent up from his parents, from his pack, and not to mention her were all displayed in his eyes. After a moment, Greyson allowed her to move and left with the last word.
    April 10th, 2015 at 11:51pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Casey's eyes narrowed a bit at Hazel's reply, having at least expected some sort of answer from her. He let out a sigh and closed his eyes, reaching his free arm up to run a hand down the side of his face. He let out a short laugh at her observation and nodded his head, "Yeah. You're telling me," he answered back with a slight shrug of his shoulders before letting out a small groan of pain from it stretching his side. He perked up a bit at the mention of something for the pain - he had no doubt what it was going to be and grew wary at the prospect of falling asleep. What did this lady not understand about him having things he needed to tend to? It wasn't all that long before he started to succumb to the affects of the drug and his eyes were fluttering shut, damn. She must have given him a fair amount if he was nodding out so quick. "No visitors," he said as he was drifting off, his eyes half open as he looked up to her. He knew he couldn't trust any visitor - mostly because he wouldn't know who it was.
    Brooklyn let out a surprised yelp as she went tumbling to the ground, twisting under him in an attempt to get out from under his form. But it wasn't happening. No matter what way she turned, she couldn't get out from under his weight. She glared up toward him, baring her teeth to hide the fear that was flowing through her veins. Greyson came from a line of fighters, she didn't. Not so much any way. So when he was angry, she doubted any sort of fight would take long or end in her favour. Respect your parents she was angry. When he let her up, she turned and ran faster than she had before - she just wanted to get out of here now. Being around him made her uneasy. She had no intention of returning to ever see Greyson again. Never.
    April 13th, 2015 at 10:39pm
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ varkatzas.

    It only took moments for Hazel to see the sleep overcoming his system, detecting the fluttering of his eyes. She softly sighed while placing the pen back at the top of the clipboard; her work here was finished. Despite starting to turn to leave, her eyes darted back at the request. He certainly had many demands as a patient and was too cautious. "If that's what you'd like, I could have that arranged. Just get some rest, Mr. Mathews, you need it," She instructed. Although he did not have that much of a choice. Exiting the room, she made her way to the front desk and explained the situation. It would be some extra work for the secretaries to make the note, which they did not appreciate. Suddenly, a couple of men burst through the front doors in a similar fashion to Casey's. They were rugged and were imitating just from their body languages. "Casey Mathews. Any patient check in with that name?" A man questioned, leading the group to the front desk. Hazel could see the others cowering in fear, knowing that she would have to step up. "No, sir, it's been a slow night. No one by that name has checked in, but we will let you know, if you leave your name and number," She offered, keeping a calm demeanor despite her heart wanting to burst. The man examined her face for a moment as if to detect a lie, but she refused to crack. "No. We'll just check another hospital and come back later," He responded and turned on his heel, ushering for others to follow him. As soon as the doors slammed shut, Hazel let out a large breath and attempted to pull herself together.


    Greyson could clearly hear the anger seeping through her words, pleased with the way he wound her up. Watching her retreating form, he returned back to the camp to rest for the night. It seemed that whatever pact that they had just fell through, but it was for the best. There was nothing his parents could do to control him, especially as the future alpha. He would inevitably have the pack. Plus, there was certainly no way that a woman was about to tell him how to conduct himself. She could barely keep up with him on the run let alone help control an entire pack. He entered back into his abode with his human form to see the disapproving look from his parents. They must have heard from Brooklyn's parents about what he had done. "I told you that we didn't get along," Greyson shrugged his shoulders lightly.
    April 14th, 2015 at 04:54am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ varkatzas.
    April 17th, 2015 at 12:31am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ varkatzas.
    April 29th, 2015 at 10:50pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    (I'm sorry this took so long Arms)

    Casey slept through the night. He stirred once, and looked around, contemplated trying to leave only for a brief moment before he was fast asleep once again. When the sun was too bright to ignore any longer, Casey had woken up and was in the process of rubbing the sleep from his eyes with one hand when he heard the familiar buzzing of a phone call. His eyes snapped to his phone and he didn't need to pull it from its place where it rested on the table beside him to know who was calling. Moving to sit up, he hesitated for just a moment, wondering if it would be best to just try and drop off the grid. His chance of successfully doing so were slim so without much more hesitation, he leaned over to grab his phone. He groaned as the skin around his wound stretched and pulled uncomfortably. His fingers moved quickly over the keys and soon enough, he was listening to the voice mail just let. "Tsktsk. Casey, I know you have better manners than this. Ignoring my phone calls? That's quite rude..." THe voice trailed off and Casey ended the call, not wanting to hear the rest of it. His attention turned to the door when it was opened by who he assumed was his doctor, "I want to leave. Now," he spoke, leaving no room for argument as he made to start getting out of bed.
    Brooklyn didn't head directly home - mostly because she was confused and upset with pretty much everything that happened this evening. She didn't know how to tell her parents she didn't think it would work with Greyson - he was just so rude that she couldn't comprehend being with him. He hadn't been the least bit nice to her, not once. Eventually, she knew she had to go back home so she did. Her parents were waiting, as she had expected, and she spilled the run's events to them - excluding the part where she had tackled Greyson because she knew they wouldn't approve of such an act.

    Excusing herself, she told them she was going to head over to a close friend of hers', but really, she took to the forest and make quick work of getting to the water fall nearby. It was the one place she enjoyed and was purely hers, she had never brought anyone here and probably never would. Shrugging out of her clothes (down to her undergarments), she dived into the spring to enjoy the rest of the evening in relative peace.
    May 2nd, 2015 at 07:31pm
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ varkatzas.

    (It's no problem! :D)

    "Mr. Matthews, you have twenty five stitches," The doctor stated while a small frown, ushering him back into bed. It was obvious that Casey had other plans though. "Okay, sir, let me just check your stitches and then you can leave. At least," The doctor stressed as he closed the chart, placing the pen back into his chest pocket. A few moments later Hazel wandered in to inform the doctor of the couple of suspicious men that had wandered in looking for Casey, making sure to keep her voice at the minimum. Glancing over in his direction, she stepped away and cleared her throat. "Okay, Mr. Matthews. I will release you from our care, but I want you to return within the next few days to check those stitches," He ordered, opening the chart to sign at the bottom of a page. Once the doctor left the room, she offered a small smile in his direction,"Looks like you got your wish. You're free to go. The clothes that you came in were completely tattered, so we had to throw them away. We will give you a new pair. Did you have any questions before I leave?"


    His parents were less than thrilled to hear of his actions, especially coming from Brooklyn's parents. They started to question his compatibility with their daughter, but Greyson's parents reassured that it would never happen again. Confined to his room for the night, Greyson paced about unable to find some rest. How could they do this to them? He was the future alpha of the pack. There was nothing his parents could do to keep him contained, resulting in the tossing of various furniture. The whole room had been destroyed by the time that Greyson was finished releasing all of his energy and frustration. His parents could hear the rummaging from down the hall, especially with their acute sense of hearing, Both parents acknowledged their son's aggressive behavior, but they believed that it was a positive quality in a leader, if channeled in the proper way. They knew that Brooklyn would be able to calm Greyson down, and Brooklyn's parents knew as well. She just had to get past that tough exterior of his.
    May 2nd, 2015 at 11:01pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Casey had been ready with a reply when the doctor spoke but before he could speak, he was offered the freedom he was after. So like a good little boy, he laid back down and didn't fight the doctor one bit while he checked out his stitches. When Hazel stepped into the room, his attention snapped to her and while he couldn't hear the conversation, he lip read enough to know what she was talking about. It wasn't surprising to him, not in the least bit. His body tensed in reaction, knowing that when he got home, his welcome home party would be less than pleasant. "I don't need clothes. I'm going home. FIrst." he added the ending word because he had a sneaking suspicion that Hazel knew something wasn't quite right about the situation and she seemed somewhat concerned for him. Offering her some sort of peace of mind was the least he could do for her after everything she ahd done for him. "The men that came in. What did they look like?" A forward question as he slowly moved to his feet, his eyes trained on her to detect any hint of a lie. He only hoped she would tell him - it would be for her benefit more than his. After all, if they figured out Hazel lied to them? It might not be pleasant for her and he needed to put an end to the problem before it started.
    Brooklyn had spent the night curled up in a small dip in the mountain beside the waterfall, sleeping peacefully once she exhausted herself swimming. When she awoke at the first sign of light, she quickly made her way home. Her parents would be worried by now, it wasn't too uncommon that she stepped away but for so long and over night, it was. Greeted by them the moment she stepped inside, Brooklyn told them promptly that she would be making her way back over to the Mitchell's. She would try to make peace with Greyson. Again. Not necessarily because she wanted to but because they wanted her to. And that was what mattered. Right?

    After showering and prettying herself up in a dress and flats - her hair pulled back, she made her own way back to the house from the day before. Head tilting when she reached the edge of their property, she listened for Greyson. Sighing reluctantly, she made her way to the front and knocked gently - not wanting to set Greyson off again.
    May 4th, 2015 at 04:15pm