The Oddest Couple

  • They Call Her B L A C K W I D O W

    They Call Him W I N T E R S O L D I E R
    March 20th, 2015 at 05:57am
  • Natasha knew how badly Steve wanted to find his best friend Bucky, but she had some business to settle with him first. While the information that she provided for the Captain was legitimate, she did make sure to take him for a ride. Send him misleading information to places where Bucky had once been and not where the Winter Soldier may be heading. So it was with surprising ease that she located the man first. Though she was a master spy, so maybe to other people with Steve it would have been more of a daunting task.

    It took her no time to find his hideout and just as easily as it was to find him she came into his hotel room. "You owe me a bikini." She said with a smirk, gun aimed at the man's head.
    March 22nd, 2015 at 10:04pm
  • Sargent James Barnes had left the district after the whole mess with HYDRA had ended badly. He also could remember bits and pieces of his old life, after visiting that museum he was sure of who he was and who his friend was. Still, he had to stay unwraps for the time being. He decided to stay some hotel where no one would find him or so he thought.

    He raised his eyebrow when a redhead, the redhead, the spy came looking for him. He stood up and walked ov r, not afraid ovbiously. "You think Steve will appreciate you killing me?"

    [sorry it took me so long hope it was okay !]
    March 23rd, 2015 at 03:29pm
  • (It is no problem at all. I have had a crazy busy weekend. Lol so it's all good.)

    "Do you think I care what Steve thinks?" Natasha asked as she took a step closer to the tall man. A part of Natasha didn't even know why she did this. Why she threw Steve off Bucky's trail so she could find him first. Maybe a part of her just wanted someone to relate to. Some one who was abused and used like she was before redepemption was given to her.

    "I care more about myself and the things done to me." She placed the barrel of the gun on Bucky's chest. "I think it's only fair that I return the favor." She then lowered it to his waist. "What do you think? "
    March 23rd, 2015 at 06:32pm
  • Sargent Barnes stood right in front of her, "well, you should since he's saved you more than a couple times. It would be a shitty thing to do to someone killing off their best friend?" He had become more of himself after the whole incident with Hydra happen after he saved Steve from drowning.

    Barnes looked at Natasha, "you do strike me as a selfish person so that's not surprising." He let out a laugh before taking her gun rather quickly and pointing it at her head, "why are you really here? You would've have shot me dead by now.."

    [aew we still doing mine? Lol I completely forgot to ask about that! XD]
    March 25th, 2015 at 06:04pm
  • [Lol I forgot about that too, got too excited with the other stuff XD you can start it if you want and I'll reply. So what exactly did you want to do for the ladies?]

    Natasha wasn't phased when Bucky took the gun from her. They were both trained exceptionally, so she wanted to tell herself that she allowed him to take it. Not that she would have fought. The gun was simply there to draw the attention to that spot, not is her main weapon. She shrugged at the comment about being selfish. "I would rather like to think that I am a woman that knows exactly what she wants and what it takes to get it."

    She took a step back and away from Bucky, taking a seat on a nearby corner table. She crossed his legs, eyes always on the man before her. "I came for a little fun. I wanted to know what Hydra's toy was up to and just exactly it was that Steve saw in you." She shrugged again. "I guess you can just call me a curious kitty." Natasha leaned forward, her breast slightly pressed between her arms, giving Bucky a seductive look, just for fun. "So what has the famed Winter Soldier been doing with his freedom?"
    March 25th, 2015 at 10:55pm
  • [i was thinking to change it up. I want an OC instead of poison ivy lol and maybe Harley Quinn can kidnap my OC because she's pretty and tries to teach her to be bad or whatever lol.]

    Sargent Barnes looked at the redhead she was so infuriating and he wanted her to leave. Like right now, the way she was talking to him annoyed him. Barnes walked over and glared at the woman in front of him, "yeah, if that's what you want to call it.. What do you want if you're not here to kill me.. Not that you could,"

    Barnes walked over to Natasha, "I don't know what you think I am but I parted ways with Hydra. I did their bidding because I was programmed to do so. Not my choice." Sargent Barnes walked over, "you don't know anything about me I'm sure Steve hadn't mentioned much " he hoped not anyway. Bucky sighed rubbing his face, "trying to lay low why do you care?" He noticed the way she was sitting.
    March 28th, 2015 at 10:55pm
  • [Sorry for the late reply, busy and what not. But yeah we can totally do that. Did you want to add that on to here or did you want to start a new thread?]

    "I know more about you than Steve does." Natasha sat back and brushed her hair behind he shoulder. "I know everything you did. I know that you are so far from a man could do even beg for redemption." Natasha hopped of the table and laid a hand on Bucky's chest. "I know what you went through. Something that no matter how much to explain it to Steve, he will never understand. I know that there are many things that you can't tell Steve. I know you better than anyone else, ever since you did this to me." Natasha took a warm hand, not the cold metal one, and slipped it under her shirt to rest Bucky's hand on the large mangled bumps of a nasty scar that he left there many years ago. "I don't let people do things like that to me and have them walk away."
    April 2nd, 2015 at 08:21pm
  • [ill do a new thread xD]

    Sargent Barnes watched as the fiery redhead kept on talking to him. He frowned he hated that this woman thought she knew him. Truth be told she only knew The Winter Solider, not James 'Bucky' Barnes. She didn't know the real him, the person he chose to be not the person who he was forced to be. "Let's get one thing straight, you know the Solider. You don't know anything anout who Bucky is, that certainly isn't me and I'm not proud of what I've done and I sure as hell didn't deserve all the brainwashing. If you feel the need to kill me go right ahead. Just give Steve a message for me..." He looked straight at her, "that I'm sorry that I failed him."
    April 3rd, 2015 at 07:09am
  • Natasha took a step back and just started laughing. "You seem a little obsessed with death. Didn't I already say that I wasn't going to kill you?" She adjusted her shirt where she had placed Bucky's hand. "No, I just want to have a little fun with you." Her face got serious. "I'm having some personal trouble and would really appreciate it if the Winter Soldier came out and played with me."
    April 3rd, 2015 at 10:12pm
  • James just stared at the redhead, "not obsessed with death. So why are you here? You keep beating around the bush and aren't telling me" his eyebrow rose as he looked at Natasha, "fun means different things to different people so what's yours?" He didn't like the way she talked, talking like killing people and others was fun, "why should I help you?"
    April 4th, 2015 at 02:04am
  • "I'm beating around the bush because I rather be doing something else to you than asking for your help." Bucky was handsome. More than handsome. He was sexy. it was not just his looks that attracted her to him but it was also knowing that there was finally someone else that she could relate to that wasn't some psychotic. "You have no reason to help me, but you owe me one. I kept what left of Hydra off that spectacular ass of yours, least you can do is help me track down someone. Assassinate him with me if you're so inclined. I don't ask for help, but I can make an exception for you." Natasha sighed looking. "Look. I gotta go back to Kiev and I much rather not go alone and there is no way that Steve would ever accompany me on somethibg like this. So come on bring the Soldier out to play. You know you miss it." Natasha smirked at him.
    April 4th, 2015 at 02:58am
  • James raised an eyebrow, she was a feisty redhead, he was certainly surprised by her words. "You.. Rather do what?" He asked with a small smirk playing in his lips. He wasn't going to deny that Natasha was attractive, why should he? He pressed her against the wall wanting to kiss her but didn't he just states at her."all right, I'll help you with conditions, one of them is that you don't tell Steve about any of this. Two, help me get Hydra off my back I just need to clear my head before I go find Steve. I don't miss the Solider. I don't enjoy killing innocent people."
    April 4th, 2015 at 03:26am
  • At Bucky's question Natasha could tell that it was likely a very long time since he even had a kiss. "I don't go around telling people my business, especially the boy scout." She smirked up at Bucky, loving the way he pressed her up against the wall. "I can help you." She said with a low voice, her eyes on his, moving down to his lips. "It's been a long time, huh?" She asked but didn't give Bucky time to reply. Natasha grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him down to her level, planting a deep, probing kiss. She ran the tip the very tip of her tongue along his lips, this one time asking to be allowed in. She'd take it slow with him, no need to scare him off.
    April 5th, 2015 at 05:51am
  • Bucky certainly found the redhead attractive, she was very beautiful, he grinned, "good, I don't need him preaching at me whenever he finds me. Or I let him find me." He grinned, "oh you can can you?" He watched Natasha as she grabbed him by the collar and pull him to her level. "You're quite feisty aren't upu?" He chuckled. Bucky's hands went straight to her hips when she kissed him it was a nice soft kiss l, he kissed her back and opened his mouth to let her tongue enter his. This certainly wasn't something he'd expext to happen but he wasn't complaining.
    April 5th, 2015 at 06:30am
  • His replies, what a turn on. As much as she hated that this had to happen to him, that he had to become the Winter Soldier, she did love him like this. It was so sexy and honestly if there was ever a man that could be on level with her it would be him. Natasha kissed Bucky for a moment longer, her tongue curling around his, tasting him. She gave a small moan and then pushed him away. "Pack up, flight leaves in two hours." She turned away from his, swaying her ass as she walked. Anything to tease and flirt with the Soldier. This was going to be fun.
    April 5th, 2015 at 07:19am
  • Bucky looked down at the redhead and kissed her more passionately as he gripped tight to her hips. All he knew was that he and Natasha had shared experience and he wanted to make her his in every way possible. It would be a challenge Bucky knew that but he would be up for that. He was pushed back and sighed, "you tease," he mumbled and slapped her ass before going to pack how things.
    April 5th, 2015 at 07:38am
  • Natasha smirked at Bucky. "You think I give it up just that easily." She continued to tease. Natasha sat on the bed and watched as the Soldier packed. She was eye his ass, one of his best assets. "When was the last time you had sex?" She asked, though at the moment she had no intentions to waste time with something like that. She had other things to do for the time being.
    April 5th, 2015 at 09:18am
  • Bucky chuckled, "no, I suppose you don't and I wouldn't believe it is you tried." Bucky turned around and looked at the petite redhead, "not that I should be sharing of this with you, but what's your interest in that?" He crossed his arms as he watched her. "I'm ready when you are?"
    April 6th, 2015 at 05:16am
  • "Simple," Natasha started as she headed for the door, "I need to know how gentle to be." She winked at him, before opening the door and stepping out. "Things have changed a lot since the 40's." She teased. It felt nice that now it wasn't just her flirting with him, that Bucky was flirting back a bit. As they left the building Natasha pull out the keys to an expensive black Tesla. She unlocked it and opened the trunk for Bucky. "Last little perk I got from SHIELD. After this we fly commercial." She frowned, it had been a good while since she last flew commercial, it was always private jets or the SHIELD hover craft. "Get in."
    April 6th, 2015 at 05:50am