Royal Family. [closed]

  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Lennox carter. 21. Played by Divergent.
    Maddox Smith. 23. Played by Queens of winchesters;
    Easton Smith. 19. Played by Divergent
    Kim. 19. Played by Queen of Winchesters.
    March 24th, 2015 at 04:18am
  • QueenProgrammer

    QueenProgrammer (100)

    United States
    Kim snuck inside the Castle and found Easton very quickly. She grinned at him and motioned for him to come over to her. She grinned when he came over to her and grabbed his hand, dragging him toward the kitchen so they could grab some food and then sneak out the kitchen door.
    Maddox walked into the Castle with Lennox and motioned toward the throne room a couple feet away. "That's where I make most of my big decisions," he laughed as he started to lead her to the dining room so that they could have dinner with his family. "My parents don't know you're coming so try to play it cool and act like I just dragged you here from some play we were at or something," he said quietly.

    @ Divergent
    March 24th, 2015 at 04:27am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Easton smirked when he saw Kim, then followed her to the kitchen. He grabbed some food then sneaked out the back of the palace. "Come on let's get out of this shit hole." He said. He went with her then made their way off the property. When they were far enough away he sat down on a bench. He handed her some food then started to eat his. He was glad he had finally ditched dinner. He loved hanging out with Kim. Easton also knew that his parents probably didn't want him there anyway. They always said he was annoying and got in the way of things.
    Lennox smiled as she walked with him. She glanced into the throne room, "So that's where you get to play boss." She teased. She glanced around the hallway they were in. It was amazing how much detail was in the ceilings. She turned around slightly as she tried to take all this in. She looked back at him when he spoke again. "At a play, got it." She said with a smile. She watched as he opened the huge doors to the dining room. She stepped inside with him, feeling his mom's instant glare.

    The queen stood up, "Maddox who is your friend?" She asked as she crossed her arms. The girl certainly wasn't someone she had suggested to her eldest son. She looked over at her husband who seemed okay with this.

    @ Queen of Winchester;
    March 24th, 2015 at 04:43am
  • QueenProgrammer

    QueenProgrammer (100)

    United States
    Kim started to dig into her food, sighing quietly as she stared out at the lake that was in front of them. Sometimes she felt like she was a bad influence over Easton but before she came along he was already doing drugs and going out to parties every night. What her goal was was to get him off of the drugs and try to help him realize that he needed to get his life together if he wanted to be somebody in life even though she had already screwed that up for herself and was subjected to being a tattoo artist.
    Maddox cleared his throat as they walked into the dining room, smiling at his mom lightly. "It's nice to see you too, Mom," he told her as he walked over and pulled out a chair for Lennox. After she sat down, he sat down himself and licked over his lips slowly. "Mom, this is my girlfriend, Lennox," he introduced. He knew that his mom wouldn't approve of her and he didn't really care about that. He just wanted to be happy and if his mom didn't accept that, he would give up the throne.

    @ Divergent
    March 24th, 2015 at 04:54am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Easton looked over at her after he finished eating. "Let's hit the clubs tonight." HE said as he stood up. He pulled a blunt from his pocket and lit it. He took a hit then held it out to her. "I'm glad you came to get me baby." HE said as he leaned down, kissed her softly as he put the blunt in her hand. HE loved the taste of her lips, "God you amaze me." He whispered against her lips. He pulled away and looked down at her, "Come on." He said, offering her his hand. He took her trash from her and threw it away. Even though he was the rebel of the royal family he was still a gentleman to everyone he met.
    Lennox sat down, thanking him. She bit her bottom lip lightly as he introduced her. His mom did not look happy at all. She looked over when his dad said it was nice to meet her, "It's nice to meet you too. your highness." She replied. She looked back when his mother asked what she was doing for a job, "I'm in school for art history." She replied. Her eyes narrowed as his mother laughed at her. Lennox was so tempted to flip out but she kept her cool. She had to be good so she could have Maddox. He meant a lot to her.

    @ Queen of Winchester;
    March 24th, 2015 at 05:03am
  • QueenProgrammer

    QueenProgrammer (100)

    United States
    Kim placed the blunt on the ground and stomped it out, frowning at Easton as she stood up. "You should really stop doing drugs," she told him quietly. She grabbed his hand and started pulling him down the sidewalk, smiling up at him. "I'm trying, hun. I really am and you're making it really hard," she told her boyfriend quietly. She knew he wanted to rebel against his family and be the bad seed but sometimes she wanted him to be a little less bad. "We should go visit the shop."
    Maddox smacked his hand down on the table at his mothers outburst, glaring at her. "Are you serious, mom? At least she's going to school for something," he snapped at his mom. "You weren't born royal and you didn't go to college," he said to her angrily. He was tired of his mom being the biggest hypocrite he had ever met because she always judged everyone he brought home when she was the worst woman his father could have ever married.

    @ Divergent
    March 24th, 2015 at 03:46pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Easton frowned at her, "You realize i was not done with that." He said as he kept walking with her. He shrugged, "I guess we can go to the shop." He said. He walked with her into her shop and glanced around. Easton really wanted to party and annoy his mother. He looked at Kim and smiled at her. "What's with you trying to be a good person?" HE asked her.
    The King frowned, "Maddox don't speak to your mother like that." HE said, looking at his son. He knew his son was one to defend someone at the first chance. That's why he would be a great king. He looked at his wife, "Don't say anything back to him." He said.

    Lennox looked at them then took a sip of her water. She looked over at Maddox after his mom got quiet. She was so relieved when they were done eating. Lennox walked out with him, "That was awful. They hate me." SHe said, looking up at him. Lennox took his hand, "You want to go get some coffee?" She asked him. She liked being able to go to the local cafe with him. It was better than dealing with his mom's glares.

    @ Queen of Winchester;
    March 24th, 2015 at 04:07pm
  • QueenProgrammer

    QueenProgrammer (100)

    United States
    Kim shrugged a shoulder lightly at his words and smiled ever so slightly. "I want to be a better influence on people and I don't want to grow up and have kids that follow in my footsteps," she said with a soft sigh, thinking about the conversation she had with her father a couple days prior. "My dad wants to meet you," she said as she avoided his gaze so she didn't have to see his reaction which was most likely not going to be a good one.
    Maddox walked out of the dining room with Lennox and shrugged a shoulder slightly at her words. "You were fine," he told her with a small smile. He started to walk to the front entrance with her as she mentioned the coffee shop, smiling to himself. "Coffee sounds great," he told her quietly. He brought her hand up to his lips and kissed the back of it.

    @ Divergent
    March 24th, 2015 at 04:11pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    [I'm gonna answer our text one once my phone charges tehe]

    Easton looked at her, "I um...sure." He said as he rubbed the back of his neck. He was nervous about meeting her dad. THough her dad was probably more nervous about meeting the prince. He stepped towards her, "When did you want me to meet him?" He asked as he took her hands. He wanted to make Kim happy and if she wanted him to meet her dad then he would.
    Lennox smiled as he kissed her hand. She walked with him to the coffee shop and sighed. Lennox sat down with him after they ordered their coffee. She looked at him as he spoke, knowing there was people outside taking pictures of them. She had gotten use to the paparazzi that came with being with the future king. "So is your mother going to hate me forever?" She asked.

    @ Queen of Winchester;
    March 24th, 2015 at 04:16pm
  • QueenProgrammer

    QueenProgrammer (100)

    United States
    [Okay! Cute ]

    Kim looked up at Easton and smiled lightly. What he didn't know about her father was that he was a tough guy and it was hard to get his approval even if he was the Prince, which made her scared for her boyfriend. "He wants you to come over for dinner tonight," she said to him quietly as she leaned up and pressed her lips to his gently. "I'm more scared for you than I have been for any guy I've dated before."
    Maddox chuckled at her words and shrugged a shoulder lightly as he stared out the window watching the paparazzi while waiting for his coffee. "I don't know. My mother has a lot of hatred in her bones for whatever reason," he sighed as he looked back at her with a small smile. "But my dad doesn't hate you and neither do I so that's all that matters."

    @ Divergent
    March 24th, 2015 at 04:31pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Easton smiled, "Alright so i will be at your house for dinner. What time?" He asked as he kissed her softly. He was glad that she was actually asking him to do something like this. He couldn't believe she wanted him to meet her dad. HE would definitely have to change for the occasion.
    Lennox smiled, "Well then i guess your mom will just have to get use to me." She said as she kissed him. She sat back in her chair as the coffee came. She put some sugar and cream in the cup. Lennox looked at Maddox, "So what all do you have to do this week?" she asked him. She knew he was pretty busy throughout the week.

    @ Queen of Winchester;
    March 24th, 2015 at 04:36pm
  • QueenProgrammer

    QueenProgrammer (100)

    United States
    Kim shrugged a shoulder lightly when he asked that and smiled as she kissed him back. "Around 6," she told him as she slid her hands up his chest before wrapping her arms around his neck. "I'm warning you, you have to be careful. He won't care what you're wearing as long as you don't have your pants sagging," she shrugged. "He's a really cool person, born and raised in America until he moved here when I was born. But he's protective of his only little girl."
    Maddox took a sip of his coffee, black like he liked it. He sighed quietly at her question and frowned to himself as he tried to think about what all he had to do that week. "Well, there's a lot I have to do. I can show you my planner if you'd like," he suggested since he wasn't really one for looking at his planner to see what he had to do. He liked to be surprised which was why he was always told if he had to make a speech.

    @ Divergent
    March 24th, 2015 at 04:50pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Easton smiled, "I will go home and get ready. Then i will meet you at your place." He said as he kissed her. He hugged ehr tightly, "I will see you at 6." He said to her. He walked out of the shop then went back to the castle. He pulled on a pair of khakis and a blue button up, rolling up the sleeves. He put his tie on, sighing at how much looked like his older brother.

    Lennox shook her head, "You don't have to show me that." She said as she took a sip of her drink. She liked that he wanted her to know those things, but she felt like she shouldn't. "Who makes your plans anyway?" She asked.

    @ Queen of Winchester;
    March 24th, 2015 at 09:31pm
  • QueenProgrammer

    QueenProgrammer (100)

    United States
    Kim sighed quietly to herself as she told everyone to close up the shop since she owned it. She made her way home, walking in and smiling lightly at her dad when she walked in, telling him Easton would be there. She watched as he stood up in his sweatpants and t-shirt, always one for being casual even while at work. "Please be nice," she begged him as she hugged him tightly.
    Maddox shrugged a shoulder and chuckled a bit at her question. "My assistant," he admitted while looking out at all the cameras again. "He schedules all of my meetings and appearences," he said with a soft sigh. "As well as my father."

    @ Divergent
    March 25th, 2015 at 12:10am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Easton sighed as he got out of his mercedes and walked to Kim's house. He knocked and waited for her to answer. He watched as she answered, "Hey." He said softly. He stepped inside with her, not sure where her dad was. Easton didn't get questioned by his mother tonight because he left looking decent.
    Lennox smiled at him, "Do you ever get tired of doing all of this?" She asked. She knew that sometimes he complained, but there was times when he really loved it. Lennox smiled as she ran her fingers through her hair.

    @ Queen of Winchester;
    March 25th, 2015 at 03:08am
  • QueenProgrammer

    QueenProgrammer (100)

    United States
    Kim smiled and kissed his cheek when he walked in, taking his hand and leading him to the dining room where her father was bringing out some meatloaf. "Dad, this is Easton. Easton, this is my father," she told him quietly. She watched as her dad nodded at her boyfriend like he usually did before going to get the rest of the food. "He'll warm up to you."
    Maddox shrugged a shoulder lightly and chuckled to himself. "I get tired of it a lot of the time but who doesn't get tired of their job?" he asked her with a smile on his face. "I wouldn't trade it for the world though."

    @ xxKitanaxx
    March 25th, 2015 at 01:56pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Easton stared at her dad when he just nodded at him. He looked at her, "I think he doesn't like me." He said softly. He sat down once the food was set up and sat with his perfect posture. Easton looked at the food, "This looks really good." He said to her.
    Lennox smiled, "Yes but not everybody's job is to be a king." She said as she kissed him softly. She took his hand and held him. Lennox kissed the back of her hand and grinned. She loved that she was with him.

    @ Queen of Winchester;
    March 25th, 2015 at 08:29pm
  • QueenProgrammer

    QueenProgrammer (100)

    United States
    Kim smiled and shrugged a shoulder lightly at his words. "I helped him prepare it," she told him. She leaned over and whispered in his ear, "He has to warm up to you." She sat back up right and started to eat her food, listening to her dad talk about the race that day. He had always been a big racer and before he moved to where they were now, he raced on his own.
    Kim's dad sat there, eating while telling his daughter about the race that was on TV. He looked at her boyfriend and coughed a bit to cover up a laugh. "You race, kid?" he asked Kim's boyfriend.
    Maddox smiled at Lennox and sighed happily as he tried ignoring all the lights flashing in their eyes. He took a sip of his coffee and licked over his lips. "I want you to come to this party we're having," he told her quietly.

    @ xxKitanaxx
    March 26th, 2015 at 05:44pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Lennox smiled, "what kind of party?" She asked as she ran her fingers through her hair. She had always like doing things with Maddox. He was afraid of not fitting into his life though.

    Easton looked at her father, "yes sir, I have. I've seen many throughout the world actually. Though this country has some of the best tracks." He said. Easton had a stern face that he always wore. It was something he had inherited from his father and shared with his brother.

    @ Queen of Winchester;
    March 26th, 2015 at 06:23pm
  • QueenProgrammer

    QueenProgrammer (100)

    United States
    Kim sighed quietly at Easton's words. When they finished up with their dinner, she got up and grabbed her boyfriend's hand, pulling him to their sitting room. She knew her dad would go and watch some TV so she wanted to be alone with him. "I don't think you two are going to get along," she murmured to him.
    Maddox smiled at her as he brought her hand up to his lips, kissing the back of it gently. "It's sort of a ball type of thing but it's to get everyone familiar with the older me," he said, hoping that it made sense to Lennox.

    @ xxKitanaxx
    March 26th, 2015 at 06:34pm