you are my light, no need to hide

  • social skill

    social skill (100)


    One day you will find someone who will love you like you deserve
    But tonight I'm the only one left and I'm betting it's a fact that you will never learn
    Once I sink my teeth, your skin's not so tough
    I'll leave a tiny cut, there'll be a lot of blood
    But once you wipe it up you will feel better about our entire situation

    Moss Holloway, 19 + Hudson Arlington, 430
    Spencer Alby, 415 + Marcel Bridges, 19

    March 24th, 2015 at 01:50pm
  • moon deer.

    moon deer. (100)

    United States
    Moss had been home from school for a couple or so hours now and had finally finished homework and all of the studying that he cared to do for the day. While getting up early for morning classes was pretty much the worst, it was always nice to have the rest of the day to do whatever he wanted. Like see if there was anything new on netflix or maybe take a nap. Moss typically didn't go out unless his friends wanted him to go and do something, or he needed food ot something else important. Otherwise he was perfectly fine just at home. He made sure that he had his phone close and that it was on and the ringer up just in case someone did need or want him for some reason before he settled down onto the couch under a blanket and turned on the tv.

    Spencer was always either with Marcel or his little vampire family, there was no in between. At the moment he was with the vampires, who weren't being particularly interesting as most of them were sleeping. It was kind of like with cows or horses, they liked sleeping when others were too. Since he'd been here he'd been fed and gotten to socialize with everyone and he was happy and now he was ready to go back and see Marcel instead. So with a few goodbyes to the few that were awake, Spencer set off. They never minded him coming and going anymore, though they had at first, it'd been this way for long enough that they weren't worried anymore despite him having to leave their territory to get to the human.

    @ die katze
    March 25th, 2015 at 04:05am
  • social skill

    social skill (100)

    Hudson had absolutely no reason to do this, absolutely none that was justifiable enough that is. He was sure 'Because I felt like it' wouldn't go so easy with Moss but who cares? Hudson doesn't, nope, not at all, and that's why he had fire off ten text in a row, not even a minute between each to Moss before he slammed his fist on the others door loudly, enough for the door to rattle and for the neighbors around to get suspicious and curious. "Open the door Moss, or I'll rip it off its hinges" he growled, hitting the door once more. He was coming under the pretense of 'needing a cup of sugar' like he has seen others on the television do, but in reality he wanted to pester the little human since his family was getting on his nerves at the moment specifically about him always going off and smelling like human and yet being thirsty for blood.

    Marcel had spent the majority of his day on his play station and switching to his laptop every few hours for some 'variety' since he didn't even have a lecture today, nothing but spare time he spent cozied up in his small apartment with a few lingering thoughts towards Spencer but he didn't call or text, didn't want to bother the other since just yesterday they had spent fourteen hours of the day together. If he had it his way though he would have made the other sleepover so they could have watched netflix all night and fell asleep eating breakfast once again. Curled up on his bed with his laptop on his stomach Marcel lazily tapped the space button as he looked over his tumblr dash, the window right by where his bed was pressed against slightly open to let some of the chill air in.

    @ moon deer.
    March 25th, 2015 at 05:36am
  • moon deer.

    moon deer. (100)

    United States
    Moss had eventually settled on a disney movie since there was no new things that seemed like anything he might watch. Maybe ten minutes or so into the movie, Hudson started his barrage of text messages that was almost impossible to try to get a reply into really. When he finally did have enough time to finish one, the bang on the door sent away all thoughts of doing so and instead he was up and trotting over to the door to open it up for the vampire. In the little bit of time that Moss had known Hudson so far, most of the fear that he'd felt at first had melted away, though a little bit of it still remained admittedly. So while he was sure he wouldn't actually take the door off, he still made sure to be over there before he would be able to. "Hi, hello, yes come right inside." he said all at once, smiling some as he opened the door a little wider to let the other in and past him.

    It wasn't a terribly long walk to Marcel's place, though it always seemed a bit longer when Spencer was constantly on alert. But before he knew it he had the apartment building in sight and was feeling a lot better, even though he definitely was not in the clear yet. However the last two blocks did still end up proving to be safe enough. Having been through it plenty of times already, Marcel's apartment window being open was pretty much an invitation in and so he made his way over. Getting to it was hardly a problem, and after tapping on the glass first a couple times to let the other know he was there and not scare him too badly, he was pulling it open more and climbing inside. "Hi." Spencer greeted simply then, moving so he could be up closer by him. "I thought I should come back and see you. Did you miss me?" he added just almost sheepishly, as if he thought that he wouldn't have wanted him, even though he knew that that couldn't possibly be true.

    @ die katze
    March 25th, 2015 at 08:29am
  • social skill

    social skill (100)

    Hudson wasn't sure how Moss could just smile at him when he was coming in so unexpected, that is with the raw texts he had just sent with words like 'open the damn door' and 'I'm coming over' and the dumbest of '........' which he had no decency and texted six times. He would have knocked the other over the head for it, anything much more aggressive than complying. "You should have opened the door sooner, you knew I was coming, I sent you warning text" he hassles the other like always, stepping inside the others home and went straight to the couch he could tell the other had just been on with the flung over blanket. "I need sugar" he adds, nearly forgetting the lame excuse he had been meaning to use. "So what are we gonna watch?" Hudson them asks, as if he had been invited and this was such a common and casual occurrence between the two- which it oddly was. The barging in was at least.

    Marcel's hand had a spasm at the sudden knock on his window, his heart hitching up a beat and nearly coming out his chest from the scare. Honestly he had a door right outside the apartment, a nice one with a ringer that he knows Spence knows how to use but the other seems to resort to the strangest things. Letting out a heavy and purposely sigh Marcel sat up and propped his back against the wall, eyes narrowed at the other hand hough he was so glad to see him. "I have a door you know, the window wasn't left open for old, wrinkly vampires to crawl into my apartment by" he teases the other, his gaze softening as he pats the spot by him. "You know I've missed you dummy, it's always better having you here" he adds in the softest of voices only used towards Spencer, his cheeks heating up the slightest bit.

    @ moon deer.
    March 25th, 2015 at 02:50pm
  • moon deer.

    moon deer. (100)

    United States
    Moss kind of huffed as he closed the door, "So you want me to just stand with the door open until you get here from now on?" he questioned, more on the playful side of being annoyed since he was getting pretty used to Hudson's shit. He followed him back over to the couch and picked up the blanket before got back into his respective spot and put it over both or their legs now. "You need sugar?" Moss repeated slightly confused, but instead of questioning further he leaned up and kissed Hudson's cheek very quickly. "There you go." he added a second, smiling again but mostly because he was pleased with himself being so clever. "I just turned on The Fox and the Hound, so, that." the boy answered before hitting play, since he'd paused it before he got up because he wasn't a heathen, and starting the movie back up for them.

    "You say that, but would you really have preferred me to make you get up instead?" Spencer asked, deciding not to acknowledge the old and wrinkly comment Even though he actually was kind of old. But really, coming in through the window was just so much quicker and easier in his opinion, here they were together already and not having to walk all the way to the door and then back to the room. He made himself comfortable enough in the spot beside Marcel then, leaned up against the wall and close enough for their arms to be touching. Spencer made a quiet noise of agreement as a replacement for 'I missed you too' before he answered, "I think it's better being here too." not that he didn't love his family, it was just different with Marcel. More nice and calm and safe feeling. At least until he started getting hungry, then he was always afraid of staying.

    @ die katze
    March 25th, 2015 at 08:35pm
  • social skill

    social skill (100)

    "Yeah I need sugar" Hudson played off, giving Moss a funny look from the side, ready to get defensive if the other tried to call him out on his flimsy excuse to secretly just see the other. Furrowing his brows Hudson narrowed his eyes and gave Moss a scrutinizing look before his face crumbled into a fake look of disgust because he was not going to show how cute and clever that fucking was. "I don't need any of your human germs on me Moss, don't know what you have" he grumbles not as childish enough to wipe his cheek though he was tempted too, just for a little show. Instead he leans back in the couch and ignores the excuse of sugar, casually dropping his arm over the back of the couch and around Moss' shoulders. "I remember when this came out in the eighties" he mumbled, wincing at his own comment because damn, was this boy even born during that time?

    Marcel had to suppress a smile, Spencer knowing him a little too well and was making a very valid point. He absolutely hated having to get out of his bed when he didn't really need to and having the other just slip through his window was much more convenient, took him just a second to sit on the soft bed and be with Marcel. "Fine, yeah, you're right, but think about the people outside catching you climbing into my apartment like a creep, I don't need cops showing up and asking if I'm alright and why you were doing that, I don't think saying that it's quicker than a door is a good response" he teases the other, relaxing into Spencer's side and slumping his body against the other. "Are you hungry? I've been meaning to try a new suagr cookie rcooki-need to make you soft" he says digging his fingers into the others sides.

    @ moon deer.
    March 26th, 2015 at 03:28am
  • moon deer.

    moon deer. (100)

    United States
    Hudson liked it, he knew he did. But instead of trying to argue and try to convince him to admit it, Moss went with, "You think I'm diseased or something?" taking his eyes off of the tv to look at the vampire and add a disappointed sounding, "Hudson, I am hurt." Could vampires even get sick from humans? Or at all? Were there vampire doctors? He would definitely have to remember those questions for another time, because they were actually pretty important ones. He had since gone back to watching when the other spoke up again, and he couldn't resist teasing and asking, "Now exactly how old were you then?" It was really easy to forget that Hudson wasn't just like in his twenties or so, but then he didn't quite act that old either. "Did you go and see it in the theater?" Moss decided to ask too, because that was kind of an important question too. To him, anyhow.

    No, Spencer didn't really want or need the cops coming around either come to think of it. Not just for Marcel, but what if they watched and waited and grabbed him up one day? He didn't particularly want to be arrested or told that he couldn't come around. Of course he could still try his luck at sneaking over, or meet the boy somewhere else all the time, but neither of those seemed nearly as good as just being to come on over. "I guess not," Spencer finally answered after a few moments with a little shrug, "I'll come through the door next time I promise." he added. It was next to impossible not to laugh a bit then both at Marcel's comment and because the fingers in his side tickled. He pushed his hand back away and drew in a small breath of air, as if he'd not been able to breathe before he could talk again "I kind of am, I suppose. At least for anything you want to make me. But let's not go rushing off to the kitchen just yet, okay?" he replied, slumping against the wall some and leaning to Marcel just the slightest bit more.

    @ social skill
    March 26th, 2015 at 06:36am
  • social skill

    social skill (100)

    "Aren't all humans? "he asked blandly though he was just hoping, he had never been a human before-born to his vampire parents- but he has lived long enough to know that not everyone has something contagious and deadly, it isn't the black death anymore anyways. And even if they did he wasn't able to get sick, his immune system and just body overall worked in overdrive, what was a deadly disease to them was a mere sneeze to him. Plants on the other hand were deadly. "I don't know, I think I was close to 400, uh, 396 or so." he mumbled doing the quick math in his head before nodding. "Yeah, I was 396, and yeah I went to the theaters to see it, the entire pack did. We took up more than half those seats" he honestly loved going to the theaters even though they where hell expensive now a days, what even happened to it being a dime. These humans were creating a mess with the economy.

    Marcel was also worried about the other vampires, the ones in a different group than Spencer. He didn't want them to think he was trying to infiltrate or start problems between the two groups. "I just want you safe, yeah?" Marcel added because it was the truth. If he could he would move to the neighborhood that Spencer lived in but he had a yearly contract for the apartment and his parents lived just ten minutes out from here. Maybe one day if they ever start dating-just the thought makes Marcel roll his eyes because yeah, as if Spencer would be interested in him, a weak in comparison human who couldn't possibly understand the others life. "Alright we can stay here for a little longer, but I'm actually really hungry" he mumbled, dropping his head against Spencers shoulder. He was possibly the laziest person ever, he wouldn't get out of bed for just anything.
    March 26th, 2015 at 01:29pm
  • moon deer.

    moon deer. (100)

    United States
    "No, not all of them." Moss assured easily, quiet for a moment or so before he added a bit playfully, "So you don't have to be afraid of kisses from me anymore, alright?" as if he was just going to give them to him all the time. Maybe ones that were meant to tease or annoy sometimes, but for now nothing more. He almost wanted to ask what it was like to be that old, but decided that that would maybe be a little more rude sounding than he'd mean for it to be and kept his mouth closed about it. "All of you?" Moss asked then, not able to keep himself from smiling maybe a little too much up at Hudson. "That is the most precious thing I have ever heard of." he added. He could just imagine a bunch of possibly scary and dangerous vampires going to the theater together to see a disney cartoon and it warmed his heart. He wondered if any of them cried, but didn't actually ask that one either. "Did you all do that sort of thing often, go to the movies? Or, do you still?"

    Spencer just nodded his understanding and agreement, because it made enough sense. He knew he would be worried for Marcel too, if he was the one doing the sneaking in the window that was for sure. Even if he didn't live with a bunch of other vampires, or maybe especially then, he couldn't decide. "Just a couple minutes or so." Spencer promised. Of course he would have liked to stay longer, but he wasn't about to keep the other from eating just because he wanted a little extra closeness. Especially since it probably wouldn't be hard at all to get Marcel to snuggle back up when they were ready. "Have you eaten yet today?" the vampire asked after a minute, hoping that the answer would be yes. Even if it were just something really little he'd be happy and maybe probably not feel about making him wait.

    @ social skill
    March 27th, 2015 at 10:18am
  • social skill

    social skill (100)

    Hudson tried to not make a face, tried to not lean against Moss even more and smile down at him with the promise of enjoying every kiss. It wasn't like he liked the other, in the sense of wanting to date him, or at least he doesnt think he does. All growing knows is that Moss has one of the nicest (cutest) looking faces he's ever seen in his long life and he always smells good, delicious and ready to eat which stirs something low in Hudson's stomach that he won't admit too. He's gone fat enough befriending the human, something that he's never done with good intentions."Stop that, no it's not. We're big, horrible monsters okay, don't call us cute" Hudson said jokingly, exposing his sharp fangs and giving a little hiss. Had to keep up with the image after all. Leaning down low Hudson blew some air into Moss' ear, "Not anymore, bit too grown for that, almost 500, can't be going around watching cartoons" They could get away with it back then, but now a days everything was about fear and blood, having control and being seen as controllers of this section of the town.

    "Don't even know why you wanna lay here doing nothing" Marcel mumbled, grabbing his phone from the desk by the bed and unlocking it, enjoying the press of Spencer's body against his even though it was just their sides. "Dad came around earlier, tidied up the place and made me some food" he said, tilting his head back and smiling up at Spencer,"He asked about you, asked why you weren't around-said it was weird not seeing you on my couch" After two years Spencer had easily made his dent in Marcel's life. His parents were fond of him, his friends all liked him, and there wasn't a day that they didn't go without at least talking to each other, a text at minimum. It was weird how it didn't take them long to infuse, just a month into knowing one another and Marcel was already baking the other cookies with the words 'asshole' and 'prat' on them.
    @ moon deer.
    March 27th, 2015 at 01:29pm
  • moon deer.

    moon deer. (100)

    United States
    Moss couldn't help his little laugh then, "Okay, okay, so you're big and scary monsters, who just happen to do really cute things." he said. Except for they were cute themselves. Well, Hudson was pretty cute anyhow, he couldn't much say for the others. He didn't know if they would be as keen on the idea of sitting on the couch and watching disney movies with a human as he was. "Aw come on, you're never too old for cartoons! Not even at 500." Moss persuaded, though still a bit playful in his tone. "You could take me with you and they'd probably think I was your kid or something." he added somewhat offhandedly as he turned his attention back to the movie. Honestly, he didn't think Hudson actually looked old enough to be able to be his father. Of course was probably because his real one had grey hair and actually looked his age.

    It was a combination of liking the closeness and being a little lazy himself, honestly. But Spencer had just walked for a good twenty minutes and climbed in the window all in the name of seeing Marcel so he thought he deserved to be lazy for a little bit. He was glad that he'd been fed at least, thought it was really nice and kind of cute too that his dad would come over and do that, and also that he would ask about him. But then again for not even being together, they were pretty much married already. "Did he?" the vampire smiled, "That's nice to hear." It really was good, kind of comforting even, to know that Marcel's dad or both his parents liked him. He liked them too of course, and all in all it was a good situation and one less thing that he had to be worried about. After not too long later after just sitting and resting, Spencer finally decided it might be alright to get up. "Okay come on," he prompted sitting up and leaning forward off of the wall, "I'm ready for those cookies now."

    @ social skill
    March 28th, 2015 at 05:22am
  • social skill

    social skill (100)

    Hudson stopped himself from smiling because if he was open about his group then their little 'bad guys' image would go to shams. They often did things, now in secret, that little kids do like watch disney films and eat delicious sweets with such cartoons on them. Back in his own room Hudson has one of the original One Hundred and One Dalmatians movie posters from 1961 from a early release, and quite a collection of stubs from the movies he went to fifty, sixty, and seventy years ago. He definitely will never be taking Moss to his home, and let alone his room. "First you tell me that I'm not too old for cartoons and then you tell me if we went out I look old enough to look like I was your dad?" Hudson asked with a smirk, his hand wrapping around the back of Moss' neck and giving him a gentle squeeze. "Thanks Moss, you've really made me feel good about my looks" he scoffs, slipping his fingers into the soft hair at the nape of the boys neck, giving it a light tug.

    "You know my dad kinda loves you, both of my parents do. I'm sure they'd love to take you in as their own child" Marcel has grown used to his parents asking for Spencer or asking things about the other, they absolutely adored him for so many reasons. There was a few months the year prior that they kept asking if maybe Spencer was Marcel's special someone but they gave up after the fifth angry groan. He often got questions about Spencer from his family or friends who have meet him, from 'Are you two together?' to 'Is he single?', he wasn't sure which bothered him the most. Probably 'Is he single?' because as far as Marcel knows Spencer is and he doesn't like the thought of his cousin or friend trying to date him."Now I don't wanna get up" Marcel grumbled, having falling slightly asleep during the span of those quiet minutes. He didn't feel like getting up anymore, he was still hungry but he'd preferred to just curl up and knock out for another nap before he does.

    @ moon deer.
    March 28th, 2015 at 02:39pm
  • moon deer.

    moon deer. (100)

    United States
    Moss felt no real remorse over the dad comment really, but he figured he should maybe try to take it back anyhow. Wouldn't want to damage the other's self-confidence or anything else now would he? He leaned his head back this time to look at Hudson since feeling his hair tugged at, so as to not pull on it anymore on his own. "I didn't mean it," he assured grinning, "you don't actually look old enough. You're pretty much a spring chicken as far as I'm concerned." He still wasn't too old for cartoons though, that part was honest. And maybe Hudson really actually was a spring chicken, like, how old were some of the other vampires probably? Like thousands of years old? There was a chance that he was still real young by their standards, and he could always remember that whenever Moss wanted to make him feel too old.

    "Yeah, maybe they would." Spencer smiled and agreed, because he really probably wouldn't be surprised if Marcel was right honestly. "Your parents are really nice." he added just a moment later, as if the statement weren't already obvious. And he was really glad about that too, because there were much much worse places that Marcel could have come from, but instead he'd gotten to grow up with some of the most kind people he'd ever met so far in his 415 years. Which was saying something, because he'd met quite a few people. "Marcel, you are such a little shit." he said, repressing a groan the best he could. "Am I going to have to carry you?" Spencer asked. Even though if he really didn't want to get up, he probably wouldn't make him bit only because Marcel didn't make him do it when he wasn't ready to get up and really he could probably wait a little longer.

    @ social skill
    March 29th, 2015 at 09:19pm
  • social skill

    social skill (100)

    Hudson couldn't even pay attention to the movie, not that the movie was the reason he came here for. It was just one of his favorites, always pulling at the strings of her a heart no matter how many times he has seen it before. Glancing down at Moss Hudson made a funny face, "A spring chicken?" he questions completely and utterly confused, a little insulted even because was Moss really calling him a damn chicken? People for this time have the strangest sayings and no matter how long he has been around he will always be amazed and confused. "You're hurting my feelings again Moss, you're such crap" he groaned, slipping his fingers out of his hair and pinching his cheek,"Shut up you don't make any sense, what kind of word even is that?" Hudson slipped his arm around Moss' neck and then pulled him down till he was face against his chest, hushing the other with quiet little sounds."No more speaking, you're cuter when you're quiet"

    Marcel perked up at the thought of being carried. Sure he was a grown and was on his way to being twenty really soon but it was always fun to be picked up and carried around like the little lazy prince he was. "Oh, well since you just technically offered I'd love for you to pick me up" he quirked up and stretched out his arms, smiling lazily and lopsided at Spencer. He was certain the other would pick him up, what was a hundred and something pounds to a vampire anyways? Rolling away from Spencer Marcel grabbed three chocolate bars from his drawer and poked the older man in the thigh, "Come on now, I'm not gonna carry myself Spencer, a king must not raise a finger" he said in a posh, British accent as if he was one of the royals from there.
    March 30th, 2015 at 12:26am
  • moon deer.

    moon deer. (100)

    United States
    Moss was more than ready to poke fun at Hudson for not knowing what spring chicken meant, and then more for getting offended by it because it was probably the nicest thing he'd said in the last few minutes and he seemed more upset over it than anything else. He wasn't literally calling him a chicken, and even if he was it would be the best chicken, but he had no time to explain that before Hudson had ahold of him. Trying to push away didn't really do much of anything since the other had that whole vampire strength thing on his side, but Moss wasn't entirely ready to give up so soon. "Get off!" he complained the best he could while being somewhat muffled. "You're so rude!" followed shortly after. Because 'you're cuter when you're quiet' what was that shit about? Moss would like to think that he was cute quite a lot, and certainly not only when he was quiet. Hudson must just not appreciate him enough, that had to be the real problem.

    Spencer sighed dramatically at Marcel's response, though he couldn't keep the smile totally off of his lips. "Okay, I guess I can carry you." he agreed, because really, honestly, how was he supposed to say no to that face? He got out of his spot fully then and climbed off of the bed, stretching a bit while he waited for Marcel to get into the drawer. Spencer scoffed this time, but nevertheless leaned down and easily scooped him up off of the bed bridal style. "The king of what? King lazybones of the lazy kingdom?" Spencer teased as he starting carrying Marcel out of the bedroom. He had to turn a bit to fit through the door way, but did it expertly and managed not to hit either of them in the process. The walk to the kitchen was not a long one in the least and it was a matter of seconds before they were there. "My liege." he said, as he sat the other down in the middle of the floor.

    @ social skill
    March 30th, 2015 at 04:37am
  • social skill

    social skill (100)

    Hudson didn't let his grip loosen even when Moss started to struggle to push back, it was much easier watching the movie this way and it was quite funny having Moss muffled into his shirt. There was no way in hell that Moss would be able to escape unless Hudson just let him go and he wasn't even planning on doing that, maybe not till the movie ended. "I'm rude? You'e the one not letting me watch this movie in peace so shut you mouth" Hudson scowled the other with faux annoyance. Hudson used his other hand to pat the top of the boys head as if he was some soft puppy, kinda was really."I'm going to lock you in your own closet if you don't stop wiggling around kid, and I'll leave you there too. Who knows when you'll get out" Hudson probably would lock Moss in a closet but he didn't think he had it in him to leave the boy in there for very long.

    "Yeah, and you're my right hand man, my knight in no armor because you'll look like shit" Marcel kept smiling as he was picked up, resting his head against the others shoulder as he unwrapped one chocolate bar and broke a piece off, eating it as they made their way into the small and open kitchen, just a island table separating the kitchen and living room. "What's a liege?" Marcel asked off offhandedly as he got up onto his feet in the middle of the floor, breaking another piece of chocolate off and offering it to Spencer this time, shoving all of the chocolate bars into the others hands instead because he'll need his own two to start mixing up the cookie batter."So in my culinary class we were assigned to make cookies that contain at least one nut and one fruit and I was thinking Raspberry Almond Lindzer and I need you as my taste tester"
    March 30th, 2015 at 05:25am
  • moon deer.

    moon deer. (100)

    United States
    Moss didn't give up on his attempts to get away until Hudson's threat, when he slowly lessened then and then soon gave up. Both because he was getting a little tired and because he really didn't want to rick getting locked in the closet. He let out a small while after a few seconds of trying to be quiet, because there was no way that he was going to be able being help like this until the movie was over and he still wanted Hudson off. "I'll stay quiet if you let go, I promise." Moss assured as a last attempt. And he really would, he'd snuggle back up into the couch like he had before the other had come and would watch the movie peacefully and maybe fall asleep or something. But nothing that would distract either of them anymore, that was for sure.

    "It's just another thing to call a king." Spencer answered with a shrug. He took the candy that Marcel offered him and ate it, setting the other bars onto the counter so they wouldn't just get all melted in his hands. He too sat on the counter then, making sure it was where he probably wouldn't get in the way before hopping up high enough to get onto it the first try. "That sounds really good, and I would be honored to be your taste tester." the vampire assured. There were perks for being friends with Marcel he supposed, like getting to have treats like this. Eating human food wasn't entirely necessary to live, they only really needed blood, but that didn't mean they couldn't have it. It was just for fun really, to get a different taste and texture in their mouth or maybe to please a human friend or for just because they wanted to.

    @ social skill
    March 31st, 2015 at 11:25am
  • social skill

    social skill (100)

    Hudson didn't actually want to let Moss go, preferred the other to be pressed against his chest because this way he's positive Moss can't do anything unless he permits it, but it is kind of rude and although it's fun he didn't want to suffocate the boy. "Alright, but I swear, if you do something stupid or distract me I'm sure I can fit you into your own oven" he threatened, loosening his arms and letting the other go, ruffling his hair as he goes to muck it up enough that it could stick out in a funny direction. It was awfully casual with Moss, so comfortable and unusual, he didn't have to be frowning all the time and Moss never told him to go out and cut someones finger off, not that he wouldn't if the boy did tell him too. "Why don't you make yourself useless and get me something to fill me. Got an cup of blood here?" he asked with a smirk, knowing very well that Moss doesn't,"Kidding, but really, get your bum up and get me a snack...Please"

    Smiling Marcel watched Spencer get onto the counter, jabbing his thigh with his pointer finger,"Has your mother never taught you to not sit on counters? What if you break it?" he teases, smiling a little shyly because he adores how lovely Spencer could be sometimes, nearly always agreeing to do him such favours even though they were small. "Tell me a joke at least while I work my butt off baking for you" Marcel said as he went into the fridge to grab the milk, butter, eggs and other ingredients, humming softly to himself. Although he didn't major in baking or culinary art he does love baking, something awfully calming about it and hey, at the end he gets a massive treat he ends up sharing with Spencer and forcing him to take the leftovers off to his group because Marcel sure as hell wouldn't finish off a batch of forty cookies by himself.

    @ moon deer.
    April 1st, 2015 at 03:14am
  • moon deer.

    moon deer. (100)

    United States
    Moss didn't thank the other for letting him go or agree to the condition, simply sat back up properly and tried to fix his hair while giving Hudson a look. He settled back down comfortably into the couch then when he was satisfied that his hair was alright again, and was good at being quiet this time until the other spoke again first. "You think you can just come into my house, threaten me, try to just boss me around like you own the place?" Moss challenged, just playfully enough for it to hopefully be noticeable. Hudson had at least said please though which made him want to just get up and go do as he was asked because of the tiny bit of politeness. But then at the same time, that was not what he wanted to do at all. Moss didn't know how smart adding, "Bite me." was, but it was out before he could stop it, and he had just enough confidence that Hudson wouldn't even do anything about it to not regret it really.

    Spencer barely hesitated in giving back a, "Nope." While he didn't remember much about his mother, he remembered that they didn't have counters to sit on anyway so how could he even know? And he got to do it at home without anyone badgering him about it so they were the real ones to blame honestly. "Do you really think I'm heavy enough to break it?" he asked next, since he really doubted he was close. If he actually did, maybe it was a good idea for Marcel to try and find somewhere else to live. "You think you need a joke? Okay, um...okay, what do you call a grizzly bear with no teeth? A gummy bear." Spencer offered, that being the only joke he could remember so quickly. And since Marcel didn't specify that it should have been a good joke, he was actually pretty pleased with himself for the moment.

    @ social skill
    April 1st, 2015 at 11:03am