Welcome To The Freakshow. [Closed]

  • TwistedLove

    TwistedLove (100)

    United States
    @ xxKitanaxx
    "I wasn't going to let him kill you Cass." Aspen said as he held her close. "There's no leaving here anyways Cass. The only way out is death." He murmured rubbing her back softly. "I'd rather do that than be the reason you died."
    April 8th, 2015 at 06:53pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Cass frowned, "What is going to happen to you? He's going to make you do awful things Aspen and you can't say no." She said, shaking her head. SHe hugged him tightly and buried her face in his chest. "This is all my fault." She cried. She hated that she had ruined his life.
    Kingston smirked as he led Sorena into the big tent, "I have a surprise for you." He whispered in her ear as he led her onto the stage wearing a blind fold. He watched as all the people who worked with him walked in. He smirked as the strong man who was now tied to a pole. Kingston looked up at Aspen and CAss as they walked in. Kingston took her blindfold off, "I know." HE whispered in her ear. Kingston jumped down from the stage and looked at everyone, "I just thought we could have a learning experience for everyone. To make everyone aware of what happens when you betray me." He said. Kingston walked over to the strongman. "Hendrix here was actually a murderer in his real life. I have to say when he shot that kid was my favorite moment." HE said, laughing. He pulled the bullet out of his pocket, "Amazing what something so small can do." He said. He frowned as the man went to talk, "Silence!" HE yelled as the man's mouth became sewed shut. He ripped the guys shirt off then held the bullet up. He watched as it left his hand in slow motion. "The entrance is never so bad." HE said as the bullet broke his skin "Its when it enters the muscle's and bones. That's when it hurts the most." He said as he listened to the strong man scream. He turned and walked towards Sorence, "See what you make me do!" HE yelled at her as the bullet worked its way through the man. "I'm bored of you!" He yelled at the strongman, stomping his foot. "This is my show!" HE yelled. He move his hand quickly, completely ripping the skin from the man's body. "Goodbye." He said as he watched the man burst into flames.

    @ TwistedLove
    April 8th, 2015 at 07:59pm
  • TwistedLove

    TwistedLove (100)

    United States
    "It's okay Cass. I made my choice and if I could protect you I'd do it all over again." Aspen murmured running a hand through her hair. He cared about her and now it was obvious how much. He could have denied but knowing that he would have caused her death would have been worse than being Kingston's new puppet. "I'd do anything for you Cass." He murmured as he kissed her forehead.
    Sorena entered the tent her heart beating fast. She bit her lip holding back a cry as she saw Hendrix tied up to a pole. She wanted to scream, wanted to run but she kept her feet planted in place. She was going to die she was sure of it only she didn't have a vision didn't have anything to warn her if she had she probably would have taken off last night and seeing Hendrix tied up with a bullet slowly going through his chest made her regret not leaving like he had wanted but he said that every time he saw her alone and every time she'd turned down running off with him and this time she regretted it. It wasn't like she was in love with him at least she didn't believe she was but he didn't treat her like she belonged to him and he made her believe that one day she could be free only as she saw the skin being ripped off him that dream died. She knew it was all her fault she didn't need Kingston's words as reassurance. She nearly puked at the sight of Hendrix just before he burst into flames, his screams echoed in her head. "You're going to kill me." She whispered softly not even aware that her thoughts had vocalized themselves as she tried to stay on her feet.

    @ xxKitanaxx
    April 8th, 2015 at 08:43pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Cass smiled as she snuggled against him. "I hope that he doesn't do anything to hurt you." She said as she looked up at him. She didn't want him to make Aspen a monster. She liked Aspen the way he was. He was so amazing and he treated her so well.
    Kingston walked over to her, "I'm not going to kill you." He said as he rubbed the back of his neck. "You are going to spend the rest of your miserable life thinking about how you killed him." He said as he pulled her close. He ran his fingers through her hair, "And you thought that you could go against me." HE said.

    @ TwistedLove
    April 8th, 2015 at 08:53pm
  • TwistedLove

    TwistedLove (100)

    United States
    @ xxKitanaxx
    "He can do what he wants to me as long as he doesn't touch you." Aspen said sitting down with her in his arms a small smile on his face. He knew he'd do things that he hated and would probably hate himself but he couldn't let anything happen to Cass not now not ever.
    Sorena stiffened as she he pulled her against his body. She felt sick and this was a simple reminder that this was her life there was no trying to be on her own and the only way out was death that was the only way out of Kingston's show. He knew her well enough to know that she wouldn't be able to live with herself and the fact that it was a painful horrible ugly death made it worse. It would repeat in her mind constantly. "I will never be stupid enough as to think that again." She whispered softly a few tears falling from her eyes.
    April 8th, 2015 at 09:23pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Cass looked at Aspen, "I don't want to see him hurt you." She whispered. She had become very attached to Aspen and she didn't want to lose him. Cass rubbed his back and rested her head on his shoulder.
    Kingston laughed and kissed her cheek, "Why don't you come to my place and get some rest?" HE suggested as he urged her on. HE had big plans for Aspen tomorrow. He wanted to see how far he could push his new best friend.

    @ TwistedLove
    April 8th, 2015 at 09:36pm
  • TwistedLove

    TwistedLove (100)

    United States
    "Don't worry." Aspen whispered as he looked into her eyes he leaned down and placed a kiss on the corner of her lips. "I'd do anything for Cass. I love you." He admitted softly before looking away quickly not wanting to know if she didn't care about him.
    "Okay." Sorena whispered softly with her eyes closed. She moved the way he had directed her already knowing the way to his place of course it was better than everyone else's it was Kingston's of course. She didn't like how pleased he was with himself but he'd won of course he was happy.

    @ xxKitanaxx
    April 8th, 2015 at 09:51pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Cass smiled at what he said, "I love you too." She said as she snuggled against him. She looked at him, "Is he really going to leave me alone?" She asked. She wondered if that worked for the rest of the guys in the carnival.
    Kingston walked with her then sat down on his bed. He got up then got dressed. Kingston sighed as he laid down, "Come here." He said as he opened the covers for her. Kingston smirked as he waited for her.

    @ TwistedLove
    April 8th, 2015 at 09:58pm
  • TwistedLove

    TwistedLove (100)

    United States
    "He has to. One thing he has yet to do is go back on his word." Aspen said softly with a smile as he ran a hand through her long black hair. He didn't have to worry about Kingston hurting her anymore which was a relief and one less thing to worry about.
    Sorena nodded slowly as she got into bed with him pulling the covers over back up. She moved so that she was laying beside him though she wished that she wasn't she wished to hide from him but she couldn't. He was possessive and she had known that so ultimately it was her fault that Hendrix was dead no one else was to blame. She wasn't really sure what he wanted from her at this moment and she was surprised he wasn't angry anymore but she was still cautious.

    @ xxKitanaxx
    April 8th, 2015 at 10:18pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Cass smiled as his fingers went through her hair, "He still scares me." She whispered. She bit her bottom lip lightly as she thought about things that Kingston would do if he did get mad at CAss. What if he turned Aspen against her.
    Kingston turned his light off then put his arm around her. He closed his eyes, holding her tightly. He wasn't going to let her talk to any other men now. He had to find another strong man though. Not that it would be hard to do.

    @ TwistedLove
    April 8th, 2015 at 10:25pm
  • TwistedLove

    TwistedLove (100)

    United States
    @ xxKitanaxx
    "He scares me too." Aspen admitted as he kissed the top of her head. He could finally hold her and not worry it was a little, okay it was really nice. He didn't have to stay up worried all the time and although it did come with a price he wasn't worried at the moment.
    Sorena closed her eyes laying her head on his chest quietly as she allowed him to pull her close. She was pretty sure this was all because he'd found out about Hendrix and she was probably going to be on a very short leash. She started absentmindedly tracing little drawings on Kingston's chest until she fell asleep.
    April 8th, 2015 at 10:57pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Cass smiled, "we should get some sleep." she said. She moved away from him then laid back on his bed. She looked up at him and waited for him to lay down. She liked that she didn't have to sneak around to see him.
    Kingston slept silently and held onto her. He woke up the next morning and smirked when he saw her. Kingston kissed her forehead and smiled. He sat up slowly, looking out the window. Kingston rubbed the back of his neck and groaned.

    @ TwistedLove
    April 8th, 2015 at 11:03pm
  • TwistedLove

    TwistedLove (100)

    United States
    @ xxKitanaxx
    Aspen nodded as he laid down beside her with a smile. "Good night Cass." He whispered as he pulled her close happy to be able to hold her hell if he could he'd never let her go.
    "Good morning." Sorena said softly as she stretched getting out of bed. She walked over to Kingston wrapping her arms around him from behind. "Did you sleep well?" She asked softly laying her head on his back.
    April 8th, 2015 at 11:13pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Cass woke up the next morning and looked at him. She kissed his cheek then got up. Cass went back to her trailer and got dressed for the day. She started on her make up and sighed. She hated that she had to do the show again.
    Kingston smiled, "Pretty good. What about you love?" He asked as he took a sip of the drink in front of him. He turned around and hugged her. "You have to get ready. We have a show to prepare for." He told her.

    @ TwistedLove
    April 8th, 2015 at 11:20pm
  • TwistedLove

    TwistedLove (100)

    United States
    @ xxKitanaxx
    Aspen woke up and Cass was gone he almost freaked out until he remembered they had a show they all had to get ready for and a slight relief washed over him. He got ready changing into his show clothes and going to check and make sure his knives were all set and ready for him.
    "I slept fine." Sorena said softly her arms going around his waist. "Okay. I'll go get ready." She murmured softly kissing his cheek before she left out the door. She kept her eyes on the ground as she went to her tent getting dressed in her eccentric show attire making sure all the coins were in place and her skirt was wrinkle free.
    April 8th, 2015 at 11:44pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Cass walked out of her trailer then frowned when she saw Kingston headed her way. She was glad when she saw him cut away into the trailers. Though she got scared when she realized he was going to Aspen's trailer. She walked to the main tent and sighed as she sat on the stage.
    Kingston stepped into Aspen's trailer and stared at him. "Enjoy your night?" He asked as he locked the door without even touching it. "Unfortunately i have bad news." He said as he walked towards the man. "You are my property now. Which means you have to do what i saw. I have yet to rip the good from you because i figured id let you have one good night with Cassandra." He said. "However last night is over and she has to get to the new you." He said. He placed his hand on Aspen's chest and started to rip the good from him. He smirked as he pulled away and saw the darkness in his eyes. "Don't play nice with the others. You are better than them." He said, laughing as he walked out.

    @ TwistedLove
    April 8th, 2015 at 11:50pm
  • TwistedLove

    TwistedLove (100)

    United States
    @ xxKitanaxx

    Aspen cried out as he felt something being ripped from him. All the good that he had was gone in an instant and all he could think was why the fuck was he so nice to all the assholes around. He was smarter than most of them put together. "Of course I am." He stated as he stood up with a smirk and followed out after Kingston towards the main tent.
    Sorena stood in her usual spot ignoring the glaring stairs from others about the death she'd caused. She said nothing and her eyes focused on the ground as she mentally prepared herself for her act.
    April 9th, 2015 at 12:00am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Cass sat on the stage with her feet dangling. She looked up when Aspen walked in with Kingston. He looked different and she couldn't tell what it was. Cass bit her bottom lip lightly as Kingston walked by her and then looked at Aspen. She went to grab his hand, "What's wrong?" She asked softly.
    Kingston smirked as he walked in with Aspen, "Let's get this show on the road!" HE yelled. He looked at the sad faces, "Oh please like any of you cared about him anyway. Get over yourselves." He snapped. He walked by Cass then went over to Sorena. HE touched her cheek, "IT's okay love." He said. He looked over at Aspen and smirked, "Now i have helpers." He said. He looked back at her, "You can join us one day." He said.

    @ TwistedLove
    April 9th, 2015 at 12:03am
  • TwistedLove

    TwistedLove (100)

    United States
    @ xxKitanaxx

    Aspen pulled his hand back from her. "I've just realized my place." He said simply though his tone lacked any emotion as he looked at her his eyes cold as he tried to recall why he'd given up everything though it wasn't so bad it didn't feel bad at all. He felt great.
    Sorena frowned as she watched Aspen chewing on her lip only looking at Kingston as he approached. She cringed internally at the thought of everything she was being ripped away. She'd die before she allowed that to happen to her. She nodded simply though as she pressed her face into the palm of his hand.
    April 9th, 2015 at 12:16am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Cass frowned as he pulled away from her. She never felt more distant from him in her life. "Oh." She said softly. She could tell that he wasn't like he was before. It was all her fault now.
    Kingston smirked as he kissed her. "now let's get to work!" He yelled at the two on the stage. He looked at Aspen then looked back at Sorena. He walked over and sat down in the front row, "Impress me!" He yelled. He looked at Aspen and Cass, motioning them to come over and sit with him. He looked at Sorena, "Come sit love." He said.

    @ TwistedLove
    April 9th, 2015 at 12:18am