You Can Wear the Crown but You're No Princess

  • Zaxil

    Zaxil (100)

    United States
    "Okay luckily that's my specialty" Emil asked everyone to leave him alone with the princess and magically created a dark blue table and created pinkish meat for Erika while for himself making a greenish food looking light flattened dough with cheese on it. "Sorry for us having to eat here don't really know a place to eat quietly" Emil created a chair for the princess and placed a floating piece of green magic in the air for him to sit on. "Oh yeah you wanted wine too". Emil snapped and a glass of wine formed on the table though the color of the wine constantly changed colors in a rainbow. "I find wine more fun to drink when it comes in different colors."
    April 20th, 2015 at 01:37am
  • GingerLife

    GingerLife (100)

    United States
    Erika's mouth dropped. "No wonder they choose you to lead them," she took her seat. She had never seen someone conjure so many different things with just magick. "Does it taste like red or white though?" she asked observing the color of the wine.
    April 23rd, 2015 at 04:05am
  • Zaxil

    Zaxil (100)

    United States
    "it's a very special magick wine" Emil smiled ,"it tastes like whatever your preference is I would be lying if I say it didn't take years to learn how to do that"
    April 23rd, 2015 at 04:09am
  • GingerLife

    GingerLife (100)

    United States
    Erika took a sip and smiled. "Wow," she sat down and began eating. The food was perfect but she felt guilty for enjoying it. She was still a captive no matter how well they treated her. Erika sat back in her chair, her father would be so disappointed in her if he knew she was enjoying a meal that was illegal by his rule.
    April 23rd, 2015 at 08:23am
  • Zaxil

    Zaxil (100)

    United States
    "Sooooooo..." Emil paused for a bit "what's the capital like for you?" He looked down for a moment and took a bite of his food."I mean I've been there before a few years back, but what is it like for someone of your standing?"he looked up and smiled at Erika
    April 28th, 2015 at 06:35pm
  • GingerLife

    GingerLife (100)

    United States
    "The capital was my home and I think I only have been outside the palace grounds and in the town on few occasions," Erika took another bite of her food. There wasn't much to her life there, it was spent learning about being a princess who will one day be a queen or watching plays that would come to visit from other countries. She didn't know what to tell him.
    April 30th, 2015 at 06:26am
  • Zaxil

    Zaxil (100)

    United States
    "So you don't know much if anything about the life of your followers?" Emil looked into erikas eyes "well then I have a question that's been on my mind for a while since we captured you and it's not just why do the prettiest people have to be royalty" Emil smiled at Erika while not breaking his gaze.
    May 12th, 2015 at 06:22am
  • GingerLife

    GingerLife (100)

    United States
    Erika felt herself turn bright red and hope he didn't notice he pink sparks that just came out of her finger tips. "" Why was he being so nice to her and going as far to tell her that she was pretty. She had to look away from him and at the floor as she responded with "Thank you, and to be honest I've never met any other royal women besides my mother who passed when I was young so I can't answer your question," she then looked back up at him, she knew he was handsome and powerful but was he trying to trick her or did he mean it?
    May 12th, 2015 at 06:32am
  • Zaxil

    Zaxil (100)

    United States
    "Well I have only met one royal woman and that's you, but still" he smiled again and looked confused " huh there was a small increase in majik in the air must have been someone accidentally using there power oh well. Now what was I talking about oh yes how you're the most attractive royal woman I met"
    May 12th, 2015 at 06:40am
  • GingerLife

    GingerLife (100)

    United States
    "I- you know I'm not allowed to use magic?" She asked. Only someone with royal or noble sources could have known that. "The lord doesn't wish it to be in this world, the prince I'm promised to has none in hopes that our children won't either," which in the end she did not want to marry someone she was always going to be more powerful then but she knew she was going to have to do her duty to her lord and her country. "It's getting late, and even though this may be southern castle it is still winter and this place will become very cold at night. I'm guessing by how gracious of a captor you have been you will allow me to sleep in my own room, probably with guards stationed outside. But those guards will freeze out in that hallway and while you have showed me kindness I'm worried the guards won't have the same response as you this leaving me very comftable with the idea of them in my room where there's a fire place," Erika bit her lip, she wished she could ask him to come stay with her, she had a lot of wine and it was hitting her hard, she had never been called pretty before and she wondered what else this man had to say, and where he was from. "If your men are staying in the castle I suggest they camp in the ballrooms, they're are two fire places in each and the body heat will keep the room warm."
    May 12th, 2015 at 06:50am
  • Zaxil

    Zaxil (100)

    United States
    " oh so you are a magick user" emils eyes lit up " it's rare to find one of such high status but that's besides the point your right. While I trust my men to show you a degree of kindness I doubt that they will like to freeze while everyone else is warm I'll have them sleep where you suggested though that means that I will have to continue watching over you tonight if that is okay?" Emil stood up popped his nuckles and removed some of the magick food he had eaten
    May 12th, 2015 at 07:07am
  • GingerLife

    GingerLife (100)

    United States
    "Not a user, it only happens when I'm shocked. All I ever learned was how to repeal sickness from myself, it's the only type I'm allowed to use," Erika then realized the ending what he had said. "As long as you promise to keep your eyes off me when when I'm changing and you don't try anything that would ruin me, then yes," she knew everything he was doing was wrong and she was being tempted but how could she allow him to sleep on the hard floor after everything he's done for her tonight. "I have a very large bed, as long as you don't try anything you are welcome to sleep on it, and bring more wine, I feel like we have more to talk about," she stood up and smiled at him. Emil was completely different than she thought he was going to be.
    May 12th, 2015 at 07:15am
  • Zaxil

    Zaxil (100)

    United States
    Emil snapped his fingers and the wine began floating as they walked through the corridors to the princesses room. He then snapped his left hand and a small flame appeared in it to light the way through the keep. He tried not to stare at the princess because of her beauty and his wonderment at how powerful she could potentially be if she learned to control her majick. "So... You've never tried experimenting with your majick I mean... I understand thAt it's viewed as being against the lord and all but there is a lot of amazing things that could be done with it."
    May 12th, 2015 at 07:28am
  • GingerLife

    GingerLife (100)

    United States
    "It's a curse for me to have it. The less I lose it the more I prove to the lord that I love him and deserve happiness after my death," she quoted what she told whenever she asked her teaches to train her more. She changed quickly and poured herself another glass and rested it at the side of the bed so they could drink in bed.
    May 12th, 2015 at 07:34am
  • Zaxil

    Zaxil (100)

    United States
    emil put up a quick magick spell and made a sort of cloth pants and removed his shirt without realizing his scars were visibly showing and he quickly formed a shirt and hoped Erika did not see them. He poured himself a glass and say on the side of the bed. " sounds like someone has had to tell themselves that they couldn't train in majick a lot but I won't pry as to why" Emil flicked a small spark off his finger and lit the fire in the room"comfortable"
    May 12th, 2015 at 07:40am
  • GingerLife

    GingerLife (100)

    United States
    "And I won't pry about those scars," but she was dying to know. A powerful man around her age who was seasoned in battle and could take hits, he was what she dreamed the prince she promised to would be but on the occasion they met he appeared to not even know how to hold a sword. "But I am going to ask where you're from and how did you end up being the leader of the army that wants me and my family dead," that's right, she had almost forgotten through the wine, she couldn't be with him, he was in the end much lower than her and on top of that, wanted to kill the man who raised her.
    May 12th, 2015 at 07:48am
  • Zaxil

    Zaxil (100)

    United States
    " well I was born in the major city the child of two Innkeepers in the poorer side of town. I remember that we were happy for a time being but then one night one of the lords knights came in to the inn"Emil looked down" he claimed that we hadn't been paying the tax which we had been but then he said the tax was raised. My parents were upset one thing led to another and then..." Emil paused for a bit and touched his back" long story short that day was the first day I discovered I could use majick and then when the edict came in to make majick users second class I joined the rebellion worked my way through the ranks and was called a prodigy." Emil smiled smally" maybe my parents would have been happy to see my majick. But who knows the past is he past what matters most is moving forward " Emil took a swig of the wine And smiled softly at Erika
    May 12th, 2015 at 08:02am
  • GingerLife

    GingerLife (100)

    United States
    (OOC: I'm laughing a lot right now because I'm drunk on wine and so is Erika at this point)

    Erika frowned and took a large gulp of wine finishing off her glass. "I'm so sorry. I know there was something wrong with the knights, my father warned my to stay away from all the ones who were not directly in contact with us," Erika looked over at him. "I bet your parents would be proud. You seem to be on one of the strongest majick users in the country," Erika couldn't help it at this point,crawled d over to the side of the bed he was sitting on and sat next to him. "If only things were different," she said aloud putting her head on his shoulder. She didn't care about any of the politics of war right now or her father or the priests, she couldn't shake that she was feeling something for Emil she hadn't felt before, whether it was one of his spells or something else she didn't want the feeling to go away.
    May 18th, 2015 at 05:39am
  • Zaxil

    Zaxil (100)

    United States
    Emil whose face was now beginning to get reddened since he was rather weak to alcohol smiled at Erika" hopefully they would" he said he then put his finger to erikas nose and let out a small spark just strong enough to only tickle her nose
    May 18th, 2015 at 06:06am
  • GingerLife

    GingerLife (100)

    United States
    Erika giggled and smiled up at him. "I believe both of us may have had to much wine tonight," she laughed. "Lets get into the bed, just please stay with me," she was looking into his eyes and with her mind cloudy from the wine she just wanted to look at him, to be next to him tonight. The girls who were once in her court had suitors they had spent nights with and they always talked about feeling like the outside world didn't matter and for the first time Erika was feeling that too. There was something about him and she had no doubt in mind that if things were different she would be promised to him not some prince who is only good at flute playing.
    May 18th, 2015 at 06:18am