Hold On Tight

  • tendo choi

    tendo choi (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Doug pushed himself back towards the computer, watching what Pietro was pulling up on the screen quietly. It could be where Remy was being kept, but it could also just be yet another empty warehouse. The only way they'd know for sure either way would be by going out there, and of course it could always be a trap or a distraction.

    Remy sat down on the bench and leant against the side of the van, wondering how far Maximus' control extended. Would the man have to come into Serval with him? If so, then it'd be much harder to get in and out undetected, which was bad for the Inhuman but good for Remy and the team.
    June 3rd, 2015 at 09:21pm
  • Saigocage

    Saigocage (100)

    United States
    With the surveillance cameras now on the location, Pietro was able to tell where the warehouse was. "I'm going to check it out. Don't follow." He quickly suited up and then was gone. Usually he would wait for Lorna to give orders, he honestly respected and admire her leadership, but right now everything felt too personal. He needed to deal with all of this on his own.

    Maximus closed his eyes and began to meditate. He was working at digging through Remy's mind, looking for anything that he could use against Pietro.
    June 3rd, 2015 at 10:04pm
  • tendo choi

    tendo choi (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    "Dammit!" Lorna cursed. If this wasn't evidence that her brother actually like having Remy around then she didn't know what was. Admittedly it could be put down to annoyance that Maximus was messing with them, but she doubted it. Regardless of Pietro's motivation though, he had still run off on his own again and it would take the rest of team time to get there.

    Remy fought back, but he soon realised that brute force wasn't going to do him any good. Instead he started imagining scenarios that had never happened, hoping that Maximus wouldn't be able to tell that they weren't in fact memories.
    June 3rd, 2015 at 10:39pm
  • Saigocage

    Saigocage (100)

    United States
    (Remy you get mind controlled a lot, dont you? XD)

    When Pietro arrived at the warehouse, he saw that no one was there at all. There was no sign of people having been there in years. He could see that outside of the warehouse there were several tire tracks leading in all directions. "Nothing here." He spoke into the comm. "Found a bunch of fresh tire tracks though. Going to follow them."

    Maximus, not really knowing too much about Remy, started believing the images that Remy was showing. They did seem real from what he would expect of the King of Thieves. "Interesting life, my dear Remy."
    June 3rd, 2015 at 10:56pm
  • tendo choi

    tendo choi (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    (He was an X-Men, it's probably expected. XD)

    "Keep us updated," Was all Lorna said, resigned to the fact that there wasn't much they could do to stop Pietro.

    Remy kept up the fake memories, slowly moving on to more recent events. Pietro began appearing in them once he reached the founding of X-Factor, but he didn't realise quite how much the speedster appeared in them, too focused on keeping up the pretence that they were all real memories.
    June 4th, 2015 at 12:04am
  • Saigocage

    Saigocage (100)

    United States
    (Ooh poor Remy XD)

    Pietro was chasing after all the tire tracks. Once he reached a van he would stop them, search them, but they were turning out to be decoys for wherever the one with Remy was going. "Nothing." He spoke again in the com, "Just decoys."

    An evil grin started to spread across Maximus' lips. "Ah I see that you have grown fond of Pietro. Must be such a challenging thing to do with someone as unenjoyable as him." He felt that this would make the battle between the two all the more sweet. It was not much longer before the van pulled up to a hill just at the outskirts of Serval Industries. "Here we are, Mr. LeBeau." The van's doors were opened from the outside. "Bring Luna to me."
    June 5th, 2015 at 09:05pm
  • tendo choi

    tendo choi (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Remy got out of the van and started sneaking towards the main building that housed X-Factor's quarters. He was still hoping that this part of the plan would lead to either Maximus' control weakening enough for Remy to fight him off or that one of his teammates would be able to stop him, but for now at least he didn't have any choice but to hunt down Luna. It didn't take him too long to get inside, avoiding every camera and every person who might know something was wrong, and was soon stood in the doorway to Luna's room.
    "Hey cherie."
    June 6th, 2015 at 12:01am
  • Saigocage

    Saigocage (100)

    United States
    Maximus stepped out of the van as well, but he did not go any further. He knew his control would hold, though he did not know about Remy's ability to guard his mind. Through the mind though he was able to see what Remy was doing. It didn't take him long to get through all the security undetected and end up in Luna ' s room. The perfect bait to ruined Pietro's life.

    Luna looked up from her bed where she was laying down and coloring. "Hey uncle Remy. What are you doing here? Dad is looking for you." She quickly got up noticing that his emotional aura was a bunch of conflicting swirling colors.
    June 6th, 2015 at 08:11pm
  • tendo choi

    tendo choi (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    "I'm hiding from him because I'm planning a surprise for him, but I need your help," Remy smiled down at Luna. He looked up and down the corridor but there wasn't any sign of the rest of the team.
    "Where's everyone else?"
    June 6th, 2015 at 11:00pm
  • Saigocage

    Saigocage (100)

    United States
    Seeing the look of question in Luna's eyes through Remy's eyes, Maximus suddenly remembered the horrible thing that Pietro did to his own daughter. Quickly he controlled Remy to have more of a happy emotion going on, knowing that Luna could probably see that something was happening. At the mention of a surprise for her father she was about to question why anyone would do something like that for her dad, he never was the one to recieve surprises, but Remy's emotion changed to that of happiness and she figured, okay maybe X-Factor really is good for her dad and these people actually care about him. "I'll help." She quickly set her things aside, knowing that her dad didn't like her leaving a mess in her bedroom. "I think Auntie Lorna and the others are in that computer room looking for you and Pietro is out in town looking for you. You really are good at hiding Uncle Remy. Should I tell them you're here? That way they can help us before dad gets back."
    June 7th, 2015 at 06:45pm
  • tendo choi

    tendo choi (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Remy smiled at Luna again when she said she'd help, before shaking his head when she asked if she should tell the others he was here.
    "No, let's wait for a little bit longer. Then they won't accidentally spoil the surprise for your dad before we're ready."
    June 7th, 2015 at 08:28pm
  • Saigocage

    Saigocage (100)

    United States
    "Okay." Luna bounced over to Remy and took his hand. "So what are we going to do for dad?" She was a little concerned, not used to people being this nice to her dad, but she was happy.
    June 7th, 2015 at 09:16pm
  • tendo choi

    tendo choi (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    "You know how his favourite show is that British car show?" Remy asked, leading Luna out of her room and towards the lifts, "I thought we could take him to a race. I got the tickets but I need your help getting him there without him getting suspicious."
    June 7th, 2015 at 09:51pm
  • Saigocage

    Saigocage (100)

    United States
    "Oh wow! That's a great gift, Uncle Remy!" She squeezed his hand, feeling so happy. "I'll keep the secret, I promise. Just tell me what I need to do."

    Pietro had chased after two more vans. Still finding no sign of Remy nor Maximus. He was back at the the warehouse and followed the last tracks. After a moment of following he was quickly seeing where it was going. "Lorna," He spoke on the com, "I think Remy and Maximus are in Serval."
    June 7th, 2015 at 10:36pm
  • tendo choi

    tendo choi (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    "We're going to go out to my bike." Remy broke off and then grinned down at Luna, "You don't mind going for a ride on a motorbike, do you?"

    "Surely security would have picked something up if that were the case?" Georgia said, before noticing the looks Doug and Lorna were exchanging. At her questioning look, the latter explained, "If anyone can get in here undetected, Gambit would be the one to do so."

    "What do you think they're after?" Doug asked, frowning down at the screen in front of him as he simultaneously brought up all the security feeds for HQ.
    June 7th, 2015 at 11:13pm
  • Saigocage

    Saigocage (100)

    United States
    "I don't know but be on your guard. I'll be there in a few." Pietro said. It took him only moments to reach the van he looks inside and found Maximus sitting not too far away. "Maximus! What is your problem!?" He ran up to him and was about to punch him when Maximus shouted. "I have your daughter." Pietro froze in his tracks almost stumbling to stop so suddenly. "Find Luna now!" He screamed into the com.

    "Daddy doesn't like me going on fast stuff like that. He says it's too dangerous."
    June 8th, 2015 at 12:38am
  • tendo choi

    tendo choi (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Lorna heard her brother shouting at Maximus, then there was a pause, before Pietro was screaming in her ear. She instantly turned on her heel and ran to Luna's room but found it empty.
    "She's not in her room."

    Doug pulled up security footage from outside X-Factor's quarters and rewound until he saw Remy and Luna leaving.
    "Gambit left with her a few minutes ago," He reported into the comm, before tracking their path via the many cameras that operated inside the building. Remy made it difficult, but he was limited by the fact he had Luna with him so Doug managed to track them until he found a live feed.
    "They're just leaving the side exit!"

    Remy was unaware of the sudden activity going on inside.
    "Well it'll be our little secret then," He said conspiratorially, winking at Luna as they walked outside.
    June 8th, 2015 at 08:46pm
  • Saigocage

    Saigocage (100)

    United States
    Luna was a little nervous, she wasn't the biggest fan of disobeying her father. But she had learned that sometimes her father didn't make the right choices. "Okay."

    Pietro was gone as soon as Doug said where they were. Maximus only smirked as he watched Pietro run off. He strengthened his hold on Remy's mind, communicating with him that Pietro was coming for him and that they were going to fight. To kill Pietro if at all possible.
    June 9th, 2015 at 09:25pm
  • tendo choi

    tendo choi (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Lorna flew through the corridors, hoping to reach Gambit and Quicksilver before anything serious happened. The other team members ran after her.

    Remy turned towards the direction of the van and braced for that impact that was surely about to follow. The small part of his mind that was still him hoped that Luna would realise something was happening and get out of the way. He knew Pietro wouldn't hurt her, but if she wasn't in the way for him to worry about, he stood a better chance of taking down Maximus.
    June 9th, 2015 at 09:36pm
  • Saigocage

    Saigocage (100)

    United States
    Luna was about to ask where they were going when suddenly Remy was gone in a huge gush of wing. "Uncle Remy?"

    "How could you touch my daughter?!" Pietro shouted, throwing a punch at Remy's face as he tackled him. He knew that Remy was being mind control, but none of that mattered, because all he knew was that someone was attempting to hurt, even kidnap his daughter.
    June 9th, 2015 at 09:57pm