you didn't see that coming?

  • Amalia laughed quietly. "You say that as though there is nothing for you to learn." She said to him. "I think that there is much that I can teach you and much that we can both learn from SHIELD and the Avengers." She wouldn't have agreed to Coulson's offer if that wasn't the case. She didn't have much of anything else anyway. "I still don't really understand why they won't let you see her. You will soon though, I am sure of it."
    May 4th, 2015 at 04:21pm
  • [uou know what I don't understand,. Why he had to die.. He could have saved all three. Like he's supposed to be so fast. Like the Flash he saves people all the time.. It just doesn't make sense. It's dumb really. Then I remember what you said about Whedon. Facepalm this has been bugging me all weekend lol.]

    Pietro laughed,"no of course there's plenty for me to learn otherwise I wouldn't be here.. With my speed I'm sure I can be useful for something." He thought about why SHIELD was refusing to let him see Wanda, "I .. No I won't try and justify their excuses why should I? She could be in the same building for all I know."
    May 4th, 2015 at 04:33pm
  • [I don't get it either...I think that he might not have though? Like maybe he did somehow survive? I mean we didn't see a funeral or anything like that, and when he got hit by one bullet he shrugged it off so his metabolism could mean that he can heal like Steve and Bucky do...if he did die, in the comics Wanda can bring people back from the dead, so maybe the Russo brothers will have her realize that she can do this and bring Pietro back? Or maybe Doctor Cho brings him back with that technology of hers? I don't know, haha]

    Amalia nodded. "They wouldn't have asked you if they didn't think that you showed some type of potential." She told him. She didn't think that she would ever really understand why SHIELD was keeping the twins apart, it just didn't make any sense to her at all. "You have no reason to justify their excuses...and she might be. Like I said earlier, I think that they will let you see her soon."
    May 4th, 2015 at 04:41pm
  • [thats true he might not have died. Who knows this thing just really weird. How can someone with his abilities die that way.. That's an interesting theory though! Let's just hope he comes back then.]

    Pietro looked at Amelia and nodded in agreement, "that's true, I suppose it's for the best that I'm here." Why would SHIELD want them apart? If they work so well together. He sighed, "I'll see her soon, I'll make sure of that" he looked over at Amelia "what should we get started on doing first?" He had to stay focused on the task at hand.
    May 4th, 2015 at 06:33pm
  • [Yeah, and he's such a crucial character in the comics, so I can't see the Russo brothers not bringing him back...I honestly think that Whedon didn't really show a funeral or anything in case they wanted to bring him back seeing as he's not directing anymore films, so he can't exactly completely kill him off, you know?]

    Amalia nodded. She didn't understand why SHIELD would want to keep the twins apart, but they couldn't keep them apart forever. If they were interested in both of them, and clearly they were, the two would see each other again eventually, and hopefully that would happen sooner rather than later. "I'm not really sure...Hill didn't really tell me anything."
    May 4th, 2015 at 06:55pm
  • [Good! Hey are they directing Cap 3? I cant remember if they are lol. True... they just might I mean the show brought Coulson back that's different but still. Yeah]

    Pietro followed Amelia to their training ground "how long have you been with SHIELD and who found you... I mean what happened? If you don't want to talk about it thats fine I just eant to know what happened. " he hoped he hadn't crossed the line or anything.
    May 4th, 2015 at 07:15pm
  • [Yep! Thank God! I'm crossing my fingers that they bring Pietro back then, because Wanda's already on the cast list, but if not, I have a feeling they might bring him back for the next Avengers]

    "At least a year, maybe two." Amalia told him. "They found me at the Hydra base. I guess Strucker didn't realize that SHIELD had infiltrated it, not right away anyway. There weren't many agents, when they found me, we were in and out like that." She snapped her fingers. "I was only recently brought here to the training facility. Before that, I was at a non-disclosed SHIELD facility."
    May 4th, 2015 at 10:25pm
  • [Yay! Let us just hope. ]

    Pietro had his arms crossed while he listened to Amelia and nodded every so often to show he was listening. "I wonder if they msde connections that we knew each other. Hill doesn't like to talk she's kind of uptight " he mumbled leading Amelia to s training room. "I guess they want us to do something. "
    May 4th, 2015 at 11:54pm
  • Amalia shrugged her shoulders. "I'm assuming that is why they wanted me here." She said. She still didn't understand why it was okay for her to know that he was alive but not Wanda. That was actually kind of really screwed up. "Kind of uptight?" She punctuated her words with a raised eyebrow. "I guess so...I wasn't told what the experiments did to you."
    May 5th, 2015 at 12:30am
  • Prieto wondered what SHIELD was planning on doing with him and Amelia since telling everyone else they're alive wasn't a priority. He chuckled "okay, maybe she is completely uptight. She doesn't like me much because of what happened with ultron." Prieto smiled at Amelia "would you like to see?"
    May 5th, 2015 at 02:32am
  • Amalia laughed quietly. "That's a much more accurate description." She said. "She and I don't get on well at all." She didn't like many of the agents, they were all very uptight, but Hill was more so than any of the other ones she had met. "I'll show you, if you show me." She grinned slightly.
    May 5th, 2015 at 02:59am
  • Pietro nodded, "seems like all these agents are though, the Avengers are not like that at all, they work for SHIELD as well. Though..they mostly do as the please so that's probably why." Pietro grinned and nodded, and quickly ran around showing off his skill
    May 5th, 2015 at 05:40am
  • Amalia nodded. "I've only met Tony and Steve, but they seem a lot less uptight than everyone else around here is." She said. She supposed she could understand why people were like that, but would it kill them to crack a smile every once and a while? "Is that supposed to impress me?" She asked teasingly, watching as he ran around. While he was still running around, and obviously showing off, not that that surprised her because this was Pietro after all, she removed the gloves that were on her hands and shot a blue beam out of one of them, freezing over a small portion of the ground that she was certain would be in his path. She smirked, crossing her arms.
    May 5th, 2015 at 02:12pm
  • Pietro was as big a show off as some of the other Avengers, still he couldn't help it when he showed off. As he was running he quickly took notice of Amelia who was doing something with her hands as he started coming to a stop. He realized what she was doing and he chuckled after almost tripping over it. "Nice trying to kill me? I'm not trying to impress you no." He shrugged. Pietro walked over to her and smiled,, "Steve and Tony are nice enough, the others are too. Less uptight." He crossed his arms, "my sister I think got the better powers if you ask me out of the two of us but still I don't think I'd trade it for anything else."
    May 5th, 2015 at 04:18pm
  • Amalia laughed quietly. "No, I'm not trying to kill you, just putting you in your place since you were clearly showing off." She grinned slightly. "Good to know seeing as everyone else around here seems pretty uptight." She let out another laugh. "What did the experiments give your sister?"
    May 5th, 2015 at 08:23pm
  • Pietro laughed softly, "we just got reunited after a decade and already your teasing me... " He nodded, "everyone seems to be too busy to have a laugh or a drink after that chaos overseas i would like to relax. " Pietro looked at Amelia and sighed, "she can manipulate people say to her will.. illusions that sorta thing..
    May 6th, 2015 at 01:05am
  • Amalia laughed quietly. "Did you expect anything less?" She asked, punctuating her words with a raised eyebrow. "That's understandable though. I don't understand how they can be so uptight." She could see being serious when it was necessary, but all the time? Not really. "Yeah, she definitely got the better powers." She teased, grinning slightly.
    May 6th, 2015 at 01:42am
  • Pietro chuckled "no, I suppose not. That's good though." He shrugged his shoulders, "they just need to get out more, uptight people I mean. .." he watched Amelia with a smile. Her playful matter hadn't changed and he was glad, "I think you're right. . She wouldn't gotten herself almost killed."
    May 6th, 2015 at 04:24am
  • Amalia laughed quietly. "Good, I really haven't changed that much." She said before nodding in response to his later words. "Yeah, I don't think that many of them do." Although a decent amount of time had passed since she had last seen Pietro or his sister, she hadn't changed all that much herself. She frowned slightly at his words. "Hey, from what I understand, you saved the lives of two people."
    May 6th, 2015 at 03:41pm
  • Pietro crossed his arms and nodded, "that explains why you still tease me.. You're much worse than Wanda" he chuckled. "Probably not, they want to be part of something important they forget to have fun once in awhile." He couldn't help but think he could have gotten out of there saving all three of them. "I did and I could have easily avoided getting shot too..."
    May 6th, 2015 at 04:31pm