you didn't see that coming?

  • "Someone needs to put you in your place." Amalia said, a slight grin tugging at the corners of her lips. "If it bothered you that much, you would say so." She figured he was right. These people were too busy with whatever they deemed important that they forgot to leave time for some fun every once and a while. It made perfect sense. She frowned slightly in response to his later words. "You shouldn't be so hard on yourself. You did a good thing. You're fast, but, from what I gather, these expectations you have...they seem impossible. I am not saying that you aren't capable of doing some nearly impossible things, but that? You can't know that, and you shouldn't beat yourself up over it either." She said quietly, resting a hand lightly on his shoulder. "I hear Barton named his son after you. That shows just how much of an impact your actions had on him. You saved his life. If you hadn't, that baby would have never met his father."
    May 7th, 2015 at 08:02am
  • Pietro chuckled, "yeah, that's what my sister does, I don't need someone else covering that." He shrugged his shoulders, "yes, I would. Have said something already.." Pietro sighed softly as he ran a hand through his hair, "can we not talk about this? I rather not discuss my weaknesses right now. Or what I can't do," Pietro walked around looking around at the training room, trying to clear his mind. "Is that so? How have you heard all of this and I'm just now finding about it?" Pietro didn't know why Barton would name his child after him. They didn't even know each other well. It was strange.
    May 7th, 2015 at 09:13am
  • "If I remember correctly, Wanda and I both used to put you in your place." Amalia said, smirking slightly. "Yes, but you said something after I made that comment." Yeah, she was kind of being a bit of a smart ass, but that was just who she was. Maybe that was why uptight Hill didn't like her very much at all. She frowned slightly at his later words. "We don't have to talk about it, but you're the one who brought it up, must be something that's bothering you..." She didn't really like where this conversation was going at all. "My guess is you haven't been awake for very long. I've been here at the training facility for about a month...I'm surprised I haven't run into your sister at all, though that might have been done purposely..."
    May 7th, 2015 at 03:10pm
  • Pietro shrugged his shoulders, "I guess you did." He forgot how much of a smart ass she was. He sighed softly and continued to walk around, "you're right I did bring it up, I shouldn't have brought it up so soon." He had just gotten reacquainted with Amelia so Pietro shouldn't be talking about these sort of things just yet. "More than likely, but I'm going to look for her I'm not letting them keep us apart"
    May 7th, 2015 at 03:19pm
  • Amalia frowned. She didn't like knowing that he was beating himself up over all of this. Sure, it might've been several years since she'd last seen him, but that didn't mean she cared about him any less than she had when they were younger. Pietro and Wanda, they were all she'd had. She'd follow them both blindly into a battle, that's why she took part in Strucker's experiments. "I know that it's been a while, but I do want you to know that you can still talk to me...about anything. If you don't want to talk about this now, we don't have to, but understand that I'm here for you when you're ready." She told him. "SHIELD isn't going to be too happy about that...I'm not saying you shouldn't look for your sister, I think that you should."
    May 7th, 2015 at 03:30pm
  • Pietro didn't want his sister to be upset because of all of this and he knew that she would be. He didn't have any control over this and he would tell her he tried his damn best to get to her. All he could think of was how she must have taken this. Hard. Pietro looked over at Amelia and nodded, "I understand and thank you for being so kind," He looked over at the agents who were guarding every doors. "Well, SHIELD. Will just have to let me be.. Sometimes it feels like a prison doesn't it?
    May 7th, 2015 at 03:53pm
  • Amalia knew how important Wanda was to Pietro and vice-versa. That was why she just didn't understand why SHIELD was keeping the two of them apart. It didn't make any sense to her at all. "It's no problem." She told him, shrugging her shoulders. "I'm not so sure that they I said, most of them are very uptight. kind of does..."
    May 7th, 2015 at 04:06pm
  • Pietro crossed his arms, "even without having any abilities these agents are so annoying and uptight and I can probably get myself out of here but what would that accomplish? Them moving Wanda to another location and making it more complicated for me." He nodded, "where's our prison food I need energy! I have to eat constantly fast metabolism and all" he chuckled.
    May 7th, 2015 at 04:21pm
  • Amalia nodded. "I think you're best option is just to wait it out. They can't keep you and Wanda apart for much longer. Not when you're both in the same training facility." She told him. She laughed quietly in response to his later words. "Seeing as Captain Rogers and Agent Romanov aren't here right now, I can't see why we'd have to stick around here much longer. We can probably go get some food. There has to be a cafeteria or something somewhere around here..."
    May 7th, 2015 at 04:29pm
  • Pietro listened and nodded when Amelia spoke, "you're right, I have to keep calm and be patient sometimes it's difficult." He followed Amelia and sighed softly, "we can always just run off but again, I want to see my twin I'm sure it's been rough. I just want to know if she's okay.. I worry too much about her I can't help it. Im still see than her.. Twelve minutes is twelve minutes" he grinned.
    May 7th, 2015 at 04:56pm
  • Amalia nodded. "You'll see her again soon, I'm sure of it." She told him, offering a small smiled. "Yeah, except I'd be at a slight disadvantage here. Not all of us can run super fast, you know." She laughed quietly. "I can see that that's something that you still don't let her forget."
    May 7th, 2015 at 05:03pm
  • Pietro nodded, he knew he would see her soon enough, "well, I could always carry you" he winked. "No I don't I let her know often when she's arguing with me though sometimes that doesn't go over well" he laughed as they walked to a cafeteria.
    May 7th, 2015 at 05:52pm
  • Amalia laughed. "Yeah, no." She said, shaking her head. "I can imagine that it wouldn't." She laughed once more, walking to the cafeteria with him. "Alright, you can get your food now, happy?" She told him once they reached the cafeteria.
    May 7th, 2015 at 06:25pm
  • Pietro shrugged his shoulders, "no siblings are without their bickering we could go on and on about that." He smiled "actually I am. I'm staving!" He walked over and looked through the food. "I don't know what some of this is do you?"
    May 7th, 2015 at 06:39pm
  • Amalia laughed. "Yeah, I guess you're right." She said. "You two did always bicker a lot..." He was right though, it was just what siblings did. "It's basic cafeteria food. Sandwiches, wraps, burgers, chicken fingers, mac and cheese. Stuff like that." She shrugged her shoulders.
    May 7th, 2015 at 06:54pm
  • Pietro smiled "and that's never going to stop I came to that realization quick." He looked at the food and nodded, "well I recognize some of it.. " he shrugged and started putting food on his plate. "Right now, I don't care I'm just hungry" he laughed.
    May 7th, 2015 at 07:03pm
  • "It usually doesn't." Amalia told him, smiling slightly. She grabbed a tray and started putting some food onto it. She wasn't all that hungry, but figured that it would probably be a good idea if she ate something. "Why did you just have me list off everything if you don't care?" She asked, laughing quietly.
    May 7th, 2015 at 08:29pm
  • Pietro smiled, "she'll be pleasantly surprised to see you I'm sure." He chuckled a few moments later, "I don't know, I guess I wanted your opinion on what you thought was good or decent at least."
    May 7th, 2015 at 08:39pm
  • Amalia smiled. "You think so?" She asked, grabbing a bottle of water once she had put some food onto her tray. "But if you could care less what you eat, why does what I think is good matter?" She let out a quiet laugh of her own. "You are ridiculous sometimes, drăguţ." She shook her head slightly, an evident look of amusement on her face.
    May 7th, 2015 at 08:48pm
  • Pietro nodded, "I know so, she's always liked you so I'm sure this will be a lovely surprise." He followed her to a seat after grabbing some water, "I guess you're right. I'm ridiculous ? That's good to know I'll have to work o. That" he laughed.
    May 7th, 2015 at 08:57pm