Wild Heart

  • Image
    Ryder Stevens
    Age: 29
    Gender: Male
    Gang: The Invisibles
    Appearance: Ryder isn't the tallest guy at 5'8. He isn't scrawny, but he isn't built either. His body is lean from the fights and constant smuggling of drugs he does. Ryder is normally seen with a light, scruff, beard that's purposely made to look unkempt in an attractive fashion. His hair is a golden brown and always has the front swoop(as seen in picture). His body is riddled with scars, and small tattoos. They may be insignificant to others, but to him every tattoo has a meaning or a story behind it. He will constantly wear different variations of the same outfit: Jeans, white v-neck tee, a leather jacket with The Invisibles emblem on the back, and work boots.
    Description: Ryder is a fairly chill gang leader. But he doesn't take shit from anyone. The minute someone crosses him he will go out after them. He is loyal to his gang as well as extremely brave when it comes to protecting them. He stands up for what he believes is right and moral. He doesn't tend to fight as an immediate solution and tends to have that as a last resort.
    Orientation: Bisexual. Won't admit it, and leans towards women 80-20
    Relationship Status: Single
    Family: None he talks to.
    Pets: None
    Vehicle: Sleek black and silver Harley Davidson
    Theme Song: In The End Linkin Park

    Madeline Lavoie
    Age: 24
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: Madeline likes to wear beautiful dresses that hug her curves, cut off jeans and baggy sweaters when she's not busy being held captive by gangs. She has long brown wavy hair that is usually pretty easy to keep tamed. She often likes to keep a bit of make up on her face. She has a few tattoos, though most of them are hidden in places her clothes would have to be off in order to see.
    Description: Madeline is a very bubbly and outgoing woman. She's sassy and speaks her mind no matter what the costs. It usually gets her in some pretty tough situations, like the one she's now, but she usually considers it being worth it. She doesn't like going down without a fight, especially when it comes to her well being, or the well being of someone she cares about. She's also one who tends to fall too deeply for someone far to quickly, which tends to be a problem.
    Orientation: Straight.
    Relationship Status: Single
    Family: None that she knows of.
    Pets: None
    Vehicle: None.
    Theme Song: After Midnight - Dorothy
    May 6th, 2015 at 04:18am
  • Ryder had just found out he was a father, with a five year old daughter. Which was pretty surprising news to him. He never expected to be, or wanted to be a dad. Neither he nor anyone in his gang knew how to take care of a child. So he pondered the though fro about five minutes before coming up with his brilliant solution. Kidnap a woman from the other gang, she had to know how to take care of a kid. The gang planned it for a week or so before launching the attack. Everything went exactly as planned. As they were driving back Ryder headed into the back of the large vehicle to see the girl he took, taking the tape off of her mouth. "Please tell me you know how to care for children." He said desperately.

    @ Voskos
    May 6th, 2015 at 04:47am
  • @ BadStreetBoys
    Madeline winced when a man came and ripped the tape off of her mouth, rolling her eyes and glaring at him. She really didn't feel like talking. "Maybe," she said, sighing heavily. "Am I really being kidnapped to babysit? This is a big ridiculous don't you think?" she grumbled, shaking her head and moving around a bit in her seat. She started fiddling with the ties around her wrists, skillfully getting them undone and tossing them to the side of the van. As long as she got a nice hot shower, some food, and nice clothing she didn't really care what they were kidnapping her for. Madeline was starving. All she could think about was a big juicy burger and a nice soda. Or maybe some beer, a beer sounded real good to.
    May 6th, 2015 at 06:59am
  • Ryder ahrugged slightly. "It was the best thing I could think of, to be honest." He said with a nervous laugh, rubbing the back of his neck. "We'll supply you with housing, food, money, water, all the stuff you need really." He said and but his lip. Ryder really did want what was best for the little girl, it worried him somehing would happen to her. "Are you hungry now? Do you need something? We can get it. We just gotta get home soon she'll be awake, I don't know how to take care of her." He admitted sheepishly.

    @ Voskos
    May 6th, 2015 at 12:38pm
  • @ BadStreetBoys
    Madeline thought for a moment, biting down on her bottom lip before nodding slowly. "Yeah, I'm hungry," she said, crossing her arms over her chest. She shook her head when he admitted that he didn't know how to take care of said child, sighing deeply. She had a feeling that she was in for a very interesting ride here. She'd never been kidnapped to take care of a kid before. "You don't know how to take care of her?" She questioned, raising a brow.
    May 14th, 2015 at 05:41am
  • Ryder leaned into the front seat, telling the driver to stop at a well known fast food joint. "What are you gonna want?" He asked and grabbed a pen with paper, undoing her hands and handing the items to her. Ryder rolled his eyes at her question. "Of course I don't. Why else would I have kidnapped you?" He looked at her and bit his lip sighing. "Please I need to take care of her and I don't know what to do. Her mother died she needs a mom. Not me. I'm gonna endanger the five year old more than she needs to be." He looked at her pleadingly. Ryder was desperate, but he could force if needed.

    @ Voskos
    May 14th, 2015 at 12:44pm
  • @ Voskos
    May 17th, 2015 at 05:32pm