Tell Death Do Us Part

  • TwistedLove

    TwistedLove (100)

    United States
    May 12th, 2015 at 10:08pm
  • Starcrossed

    Starcrossed (100)

    United States
    It had been late Thursday afternoon when Matt got a phone call from his mother. Luckily he had rolled out of bed about an hour before she chose to make her call. He needed all the sleep he could get when he worked nights down at the bar. The ecstatic tome of her voice always put in on edge when she called out of the blue. He even checked his calender to make sure he hadn't missed his father's birthday again but no, there wasn't a thing she should be calling about. "Does it have to be this Sunday?" He asked, pouring himself another cup of coffee. He had to jerk the phone away from his ear when she started to gibe him an earful about complaining. "Alright, Mom. I'll be there Sunday, dressed to the nines, no questions asked... Yes I have to work tonight... No, Cali won't be back in the country for another month... Alright. I love you." He said and pressed the end call button on his phone before setting it on the counter. He was pretty sure his mother had lost her damned mind but then again, that was up for discussion. At least according to his sister, it was. With a sigh, he kicked back the last of his coffee and headed for the shower. He had a couple hours until he needed to be at the bar but until then, he had a few things to take care of.
    Emmalyn stepped out of the office doors and headed straight for the nearest Italian restaurant. Her sister had called to say that their father was in one of his moods and that meant to avoid work on the lunch hour. Besides, her boss wasn't in today as it was so he would really wouldn't care if she had shown up to the office, as long as her work got finished. Walking into the restaurant, her mouth began to water at the delightful aroma. She was starving and couldn't wait to get her hands on some breadsticks. She sat down, ordered and pulled her phone out to call her best friend, Faith. The girl was currently planning the wedding of the century. Or so he thought with the amount of money that was being spent on the whole affair. Emmalyn really didn't think it was wise to waste all that money on-hopefully-a one time affair. It just didn't seem wise to her.

    @ TwistedLove
    May 14th, 2015 at 01:03am
  • TwistedLove

    TwistedLove (100)

    United States
    Cat had known this day was coming for awhile and considering she came from a lot of money it was smart on her parents end or rather her grandparents and so on. No one in her family had gotten to choose who they were going to marry it was a condition on being included in the inheritance to insure that well their family wouldn't get screwed over. Her older siblings had both married but they chose love over the money which she supposed was romantic but she thought it was stupid. They had no security and if they got a divorce there was no going back and trying to get back into the family that was just how it went and she wasn't stupid enough to rely on love she'd thought about it once but as soon as he found out she'd get cut out of all the money if she married him he was gone but she was young and stupid then barely 17 then but she'd grown up a lot in the past 7 years. She sighed as she got ready she had to leave her loft looking nothing less than impeccable as per usual she wouldn't get caught looking like death on camera or even at any of her usual place word would get around and she couldn't have that.
    Aster was laid sprawled across his bed hung over and still pissed no amount of alcohol could fix his anger. He groaned slightly when he heard keys in the door and the door slam shut. "Aster! Get your ass up! It's already noon and mom is pissed!" His sister Adeline screamed in her high pitched voice that really irritated him. "Mom brought this for you. She said you had to look nice and you normally look well.... not. So get dressed now." She added tossing the clothes onto his bed and shutting the door as she waited in the living for him. Groaning he got out of bed changing into the ridiculous monkey suit his mom wanted him to wear he was not a suit guy in the slightest. "Happy?" He muttered as he left his room fixing his stupid tie though he didn't have much time as his sister yanked on his arm pulling him out of his lace and to the street where a taxi waited for them.

    @ IfNotNow
    May 14th, 2015 at 08:23am