
  • blue robin

    blue robin (100)

    United States
    Jace moved over next to her, looking down at her camera and then at her. "Have you always liked taking photographs?" He asked her, looking down at the last picture she took on the screen, his shoulder brushing hers as he looked at the picture and then back up at her. He still couldn't believe how beautiful she was for a mundane, with her hair and skin she almost looked like she could be from the fae. Jace looked back out to the ocean and saw the glimmering tails of the mermaids, and he pointed. "Look at the dolphins, Lux," He commented, grinning as he returned his gaze back to her.

    Tessa looked back to see Rowan, as he was lingering right back in her peripheral vision. She was amazed when they got to the pier and the sunset was in full view, and she looked over to remark to Lux how beautiful it was when she saw Jace was beside her instead. She looked over to find Rowan's eyes on her and she smiled, tucking a small bit of hair behind her ear before going over to him. "So, how long have you lived here, exactly?" Tessa asked with a smile, looking up and noticing how big of a height difference they had, and how she was so much shorter than he was.
    June 12th, 2015 at 05:21am
  • anchors aweigh.

    anchors aweigh. (100)

    United States
    Lux nodded her head, "Ever since I was little," she confirmed. Her father was a photographer, so she grew up in dark rooms and spools of film, images printed on flimsy paper that hung from clothes pins on a wire to dry. It was fascinating to her. Then with computers, she could download her images onto photoshop and fix her mistakes or improve upon her image before printing it out. When he informed her of the dolphins, Lux looked over to them, a grin on her face as she took a few photos of the dolphins swimming and playing. "They're so... so majestic."

    Rowan ran a hand back his hair, "I was born and raised here. I don't think I could ever leave this place," he said, glancing down to her. She was beautiful, so much more than this sight of the mermaids playing in the ocean and the sun setting. She was so much more beautiful than any of that. One of his first memories was being able to swim alongside the mermaids, his mother not too far away to make sure that he would be safe. "Where did you move from, darling?" he asked her.
    August 5th, 2015 at 02:18am
  • blue robin

    blue robin (100)

    United States
    He watched her take several pictures and he was intrigued by the way she looked at the world through her eyes. The angles and ways that she took her photos was unique, and he was interested in how she was able to look that way. "You have a wonderful eye," Jace commented, sensing that some of the mermaids were moving closer in the hopes that they might be able to chat with him and Rowan.

    Tessa smiled at him, listening to him speak. "Lux and I grew up together about eight hours away from here, and we used to come here on vacation every summer. We've always wished to move here one day, and well, here we are," She told him, leaning against the railing and looking out over the water and watching the sun set. "The water looks so nice right now. Do you want to just jump in? I really want to," Tessa said, looking over to him with a mischievous grin.
    August 5th, 2015 at 03:43am