i'll help you stitch up your wounds.

  • Charlotte hated lying to Morgan. The truth was, she didn't know for certain if she and Killian would end up working things out. She wanted to believe that they would, and she of course had hope that they would, but she knew there was also a chance that it might not happen. She couldn't tell Morgan that, and for his sake she really did hope that everything worked out with Killian. "I hope that you do soon. I just want you two to be happy. I want us to be a family." Morgan told her. "I know, kid. I do too." She said, throwing an arm over his shoulders.
    David nodded. "If you're sure that we can trust him." He wasn't about to trust the Dark One completely though. He would to a certain extent for Felicity's sake, but he wasn't going to be stupid about it either. If there was any sign of trouble whatsoever, and it seemed as though Felicity's father was up to something, he wouldn't allow for his son to be anywhere near him. He'd give it a try but only because Felicity thought he could help their son. That was the only reason.
    Emma was somewhat surprised when the protection spell seemed to have worn down enough for them all to go through. Maybe trusting Gold wasn't a mistake after all. She followed the others further into the cave. Soon they seemed to have reached the center of it. And there was Pan and Henry, Henry's heart in his hand, outstretched to Pan, and Gold was nowhere in sight. "Henry, wait!" Emma shouted. "Well, look who it is. The savior, the evil queen, the pirate and Snow White. How wonderful." Pan said gleefully. "Henry, you need to get away from him. Don't listen to a word he says." Emma said. "No, mom. I have the heart of the truest believer. It's what's going to save magic..it's going to save all of you."
    July 25th, 2016 at 07:52pm
  • Hook looked from Pan to Henry, wondering what Pan's game was. Why would he need Henry's heart. The pirate sheathed his sword and took a few steps closer to the young boy. "Whatever he's told you is a lie," Killian stated. "That's all Pan ever does." If there had ever been a time the boy who never grew old had told the truth it would have genuinely shocked the pirate. "He's using you Henry," Hook stated. "To what means I don't know but whatever he's asking if you lad it would be best not to listen."
    "I want to believe he can be better," Felicity stated. "I want to believe he can still be the person Baelfire told me stories about." Rumplestilskin had once been a loving, kind and compassionate man before the powers of the dark had twisted his fear into paranoia and he had been corrupted with darkness. "I know what I'm asking is a lot," she mumbled. "I just want to give him a chance to be a good father and a good grandfather not just to our son but to Henry as well."
    July 25th, 2016 at 08:01pm
  • "It's not going to save any of us, Henry. This was never about magic. You have to believe us. He's only interested in saving himself." Regina chimed in. Henry shook his head. "That's not true!" He said. "Of course it isn't, Henry. Don't listen to them. They know nothing." Pan said. Emma didn't know what they were going to do. They needed to get through to Henry before it was too late. "If you give him your heart, Henry, it's going to kill you!" Regina said. "Every hero gets tested, Henry. Remember that." Pan told him. That's when Emma knew what to say. "Henry, I know what being a hero looks like, and this isn't it." Emma said. She knew she was slowly getting through to him now. "Why would they lie?" Henry asked Pan. "Because that's what adults do, Henry. You know that better than anyone." Henry frowned. And Pan spoke again. "They don't care what happens to Neverland, Henry. They're being selfish. They know that if you do this, you'll have to stay, and they don't want to lose you." Emma spoke once more. "Henry, you have to trust us." She said quietly.
    David nodded. "I know, we'll give him one chance. One chance and that's it. If he screws things up for himself then so be it. I won't let him endanger the lives of my family." He told her. He knew that this was difficult for Felicity, but he also knew that she'd be rational about this if she had to be. Gold might be her father, but she knew just as well as he and everyone else did what the man was capable of. And he knew that she cared about her family just as much, and that was why she was giving her father a chance in the first place.
    July 25th, 2016 at 08:10pm
  • Killian watched Henry, noticing the internal battle the young boy was having between whatever Pan had told him and what they were all saying. The pirate visibly swallowed as he listened to Emma's words, hoping if anyone could get through to him it would be his mother. Of course if anyone knew how Henry must have felt at that moment it would be Emma. She was the one labeled as the savior. Killian knew that must be a heavy title to wear.
    Felicity nodded in agreement with what David said. She would only give her father one chance of Neal was involved. Of course the redhead would probably keep giving her father multiple chances when it came to her personally. "Do you think they're okay," Felicity asked. It was the first time since she had Neal she was thinking about Henry, Emma and the rest of her family.
    July 25th, 2016 at 08:41pm
  • "Henry, we love you. You have to trust us." Emma said, hoping that would somehow manage to be enough to really get through to her son. For a brief moment, she thought that she had. "I love you too, but I have to do this. I have to save magic." He said before thrusting his heart into Pan's chest. Just like that, his body lay limp on the ground, and Pan rose, a gust of green smoke blasting out across the entire island. "Henry, no!" Emma ran over to her son along with Regina, both of them falling to their knees by their son. There was nothing they could do though. They were too late. Pan had disappeared. If they were going to save Henry, they'd need to find Pan and get his heart back. "Go back to the ship, inform the others about what has happened. We'll find Pan." Emma told Hook.
    David frowned. "I hope so. I know they'll stop at nothing to get Henry--" That's when it happened. There was a blast of green smoke. David looked to Felicity and frowned once more. "That can't be good." He said. He refused to believe that Pan had won, but that still wasn't a good sign. It was a clear indication of some very powerful magic.
    July 25th, 2016 at 08:48pm
  • Killian frowned as he looked down at Henry's body. He hoped there was some way Regina could save the boy because he wasn't sure what he could do since he had no magic. He tried to follow the green smoke Pan and disappeared in, frowning as the trail died out as quickly as it had begun. He ran his hand through his hair, going back into the cave to see what was being done for the boy.
    "Something went wrong," Felicity stated. She could sense the magic and it was powerful and very dark. She carefully handed Neal to David, moving to sit up in the bed as she tried to see if she could stand on her own two feet. Felicity was still exhausted from giving birth but if there was a chance her nephew needed her she needed to try and help.
    July 25th, 2016 at 09:51pm
  • Emma watched as Regina placed some kind of a ward over Henry. "It's a preservation spell. This should keep his body virtually the same until we can get his heart back from Pan." She explained. Emma nodded and looked to Hook when he reentered the cave. "Neal is going to take him back to your ship. Regina, Mary Margaret and I are going to see if we can find Pan. You should go back with Neal too." She told him.
    David frowned. "Something went very wrong." He said. He watched as Felicity tried to stand up. "You should be resting." He knew she would want to help if she could though. That was when Charlotte reentered the room with Morgan in tow. "Woah, hey what do you think you're doing?" She asked Felicity. "I'm sure you two saw the green smoke and all but you just had a baby, Felicity. You need your rest. I understand that you want to help but you're no good to anyone if you pass out from exhaustion."
    July 26th, 2016 at 04:15am
  • Killian nodded, having planned on going back to the ship anyways to check up on Charlotte and Morgan. With Pan on the lose and the crocodile all but disappearing into thin air his first priority was his family again. He refused to risk their lives for the rest of the people that were with them. Killian helped Neal carry Henry, keeping a watch out for any Lost Boys on the way. The last thing they needed now was the Lost Boys to try and ambush them while they were carrying Henry.
    "It's Pan," Felicity exclaimed. "He did something!" The redhead set her feet down on the wood floors of the cabin, holding onto the frame of the bed since she was feeling shaky on her feet. She knew if Pan did something whatever it was would be horrible for everyone that had come to Neverland on the Jolly Roger. "What if he hurt Henry or my father," she questioned. The redhead let go of the bed frame, only managing a few steps before her feet have out from under her. She felt tears begin to fall down her face, hating how helpless she felt.
    July 26th, 2016 at 04:26am
  • "You won't be any help to either of them if something happens to you because you pushed yourself too far, Felicity." Charlotte said, reaching out to help the redhead when her feet gave out on her. "I know that you want to help, but everyone will understand. You can offer your input and help in other ways but you physically being there and helping isn't really an option right now." She helped her back over to the bed. That's when she heard footsteps above deck. Turning to look at David, she spoke. "Make sure she stays in bed. I'm going to go see who just boarded the ship." She motioned for Morgan to follow her out and was ready to draw her sword when she walked above deck and spotted Killian and Neal carrying an unconscious Henry. "What happened?" She asked, frowning.
    "She's right you know." David said once Charlotte had left the room once more. "Everyone will understand why you aren't out there fighting Pan. They understood before and they'll understand now, Felicity. Right now, you need your rest." He could see that this all was really bothering her, and it was completely understandable, but she needed to rest up. It was the best thing that she could do for herself and the baby right now.
    July 26th, 2016 at 04:40am
  • "Pan tricked him," Killian answered. He led Neal downstairs, wanting Henry laid flat in one of the cabins so he'd be comfortable when he woke up. Once he set the boy down he looked at his father. "I can keep an eye on the lad if you want to see how your sister and the baby are doing?" The pirate knew it would mean a lot to Felicity for Baelfire to meet his nephew, especially since they had all thought he died before they had got to Neverland.
    Felicity stated at the small sleeping baby in David's arms, taking Neal from his father carefully to make sure he stayed asleep. "Will you go with her," she asked. "I don't want Charlotte to be at risk because I didn't have enough strength to back her up." She ran her finger over her baby's cheek, smiling down at her son lovingly. Felicity was still in awe that she had a family of her own finally with David.
    July 26th, 2016 at 04:50am
  • Charlotte frowned. "And where are the others?" She asked. "They're out looking for Pan right now." Baelfire told her as he carried Henry down the stairs to one of the cabins that Killian was leading him to, Charlotte and Morgan in tow. Charlotte could tell he was somewhat hesitant to leave Henry, and there was a short internal battle before he agreed and set Henry down. "She's just that way, second door on the right." Charlotte told him, watching as he left the room. That was when Morgan spoke up, obviously worried about his friend. "Is he going to be okay?" He asked.
    "Charlotte can hold her own." David told her. "From what I've heard, she's just as handy with a sword as Hook is." He still didn't know very much about the brunette, beyond the history she had with the pirate and that she and Felicity had known each other once, but he'd heard enough to know she could handle it herself. And when there was no real commotion, he knew whoever had boarded the ship wasn't a threat anyway. He looked over to the door when he saw someone walk in, noticing Felicity's brother.
    July 26th, 2016 at 07:21pm
  • "Once we find Pan he will be," Killian promised. He ruffled Morgan's hair, mustering up the best reassuring smile he could. "Everything is going to be fine lad. Pan won't get far with Henry's heart." If there was one think the pirate had a small inkling was true in what he had said to his son it was that Oan wouldn't get very far. The boy had several very strong magic users on his tail and two of them were Henry's mother's and Killin knew the saying well, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned and Emma and Regina definitely had been.
    Felicity smiled when she saw her older brother walk into the room. "Neal I'd love you to meet someone," she spoke. The redhead waited until her brother walked further into the room and lifted her tiny bundle of joy up slightly so her brother could see him. "I'd like you to meet Neal Baelfire Charming," Felicity stated. Her hazel green eyes looked at her brother after she said her son's name, hoping Bae didn't mind it. She had afterall decided on the middle name when they had all thought her brother had died.
    July 26th, 2016 at 07:34pm
  • "Emma and Regina aren't going to let Pan get away with this without putting up some sort of a fight, kid." Charlotte assured Morgan. She knew that much was true, and she hoped that they would be successful in defeating Pan once and for all. That was how things were supposed to end up. Henry wasn't supposed to get hurt. "What happens after that? Then we all go home?" Morgan asked. Charlotte nodded, a small smile gracing her lips. "Then we all go home."
    David noticed the surprised expression on Neal's face when Felicity told him the name of his nephew. "You named him after me..." He said slowly, obviously still a bit taken aback by the whole thing. "I don't really know what to say." He chuckled slightly. David smiled. "Say that you're okay with it. We both sort of figured that you would be."
    July 26th, 2016 at 08:09pm
  • Killian looked at Charlotte, his face going blank of emotion as she promised there son after they got Pan they could all could go home. There was no home for the pirate in Storybrooke now since he had been living with Charlotte and Morgan. He wanted to believe he could somehow prove to her everything he had done in Storybrooke had been done because Charlotte and their son had been threatened but he knew better. Charlotte could be stubborn and unless she wanted to forgive him she wouldn't.
    Felicity watched her brother, seeing the shock in his face. If anything all she wanted was her brother to approve of the name because if she didn't she was scared he'd just up and leave again. Of course the redhead knew better because of her nephew but with how often the redhead had been abandoned when she was younger there would always be that fear anyone she loved would leave her with no warning.
    July 26th, 2016 at 08:28pm
  • @ Saint Rev
    Charlotte noticed when Killian got unusually quiet, and she knew the reason behind it too. They hadn't really had time to talk since their argument back in Storybrooke. While nothing was set in stone right now, it was easy enough to see that the mention of going home only reminded him of what had happened. Killian had been living with her and Morgan for a few weeks prior to the argument, and now it was hard to determine whether or not things would go back to being as such once they all got back to Storybrooke. She had also complicated things a bit further when she kissed him recently. "Morgan, would you mind giving your father and I few minutes alone?"
    "Of course I'm okay with it, I just wasn't expecting it at all, I guess." Neal said, chuckling slightly. David knew Felicity would be happy about that. He knew that her brother's approval was important to her, and he could also see that she was worried he'd leave again. Something told him that she'd be sticking around now though. He had Henry and Emma. Of course he'd stick around.
    July 26th, 2016 at 08:58pm
  • Killian watched as their son left the room, knowing more than likely the boy would end up eavesdropping by the door. A small ghost of a smile formed on the pirate's lips at the thought before he turned his focus back to Charlotte. Hook tried to keep his face completely neutral, prepared for Charlotte to tell him he wasn't going to be allowed in Morgan's life anymore.
    "Did papa come back with you guys," Felicity asked. She had heard several sets of footsteps come on deck and she could only assume Killian and her brother were two of the sets she heard. She saw the grim look form on her brother's face and panic began to form on her own. "What happened with Pan," she asked. "We saw the smoke from here."
    July 26th, 2016 at 09:16pm
  • Charlotte was almost certain that Morgan would end up eavesdropping outside, but this was a conversation that needed to be had regardless of that fact. Once he had exited the room, her gaze shifted over to Killian. She really wasn't all that certain of where to begin. There was so much that she knew needed to be said, but it was difficult for her to figure out where to start. "We left things in a pretty bad place back in Storybrooke..." She said quietly. "I just figured this was a conversation we should have before going back..."
    Neal's silence and the expression on his face was enough of an answer to Felicity's question. "He tricked Henry." He said. "What do you mean he tricked Henry? What happened?" David asked. He had known that things probably hadn't gone as planned, but he wanted to know exactly what happened. "Pan let Henry think that he was doing the right thing. He tricked him into thinking he was saving magic."
    July 27th, 2016 at 04:23pm
  • Killian was honestly dreading the conversation he was about to have with Charlotte. He expected her to break his heart in ways he knew he had already broken hers before. The pirate ran his fingers through his dark hair, leaning against a nearby wall before he looked at her again. "Is it safe to assume I'm living on my ship again," Killian asked. "Or should I assume I'm not allowed to see you or Morgan at all?" If Hook were being completely honest with himself it infuriated him when Charlotte was stubborn because this time what he had done had been for them not just him.
    "What happened," Felicity asked. "What did that bastard do to my nephew?" The redhead began to panic, her body going completely tense and rigid. What had happened to Henry? Did Pan kill Henry? There were so many questions she had and Felicity was scared to ask any of them because she didn't think her heart could handle the answers.
    July 27th, 2016 at 04:42pm
  • Charlotte frowned. "Killian..." She started. She hated this as much as he did, but knowing that he'd been working with Cora behind her back, regardless of his reason for doing so, made her really think about how quickly she'd let him back into her life and into Morgan's as well. She wanted to trust him, Gods did she want to trust him, but it was easier said than done when she had Morgan to worry about. "You have to understand what you working with Cora looked like to me...I understand that you had good intentions but that doesn't change how it looked..."
    "He convinced Henry to hand over his heart. Emma, Regina and Snow are out looking for him now." Neal stated. He wished that Pan hadn't managed to get into Henry's head at all. He knew how manipulative he could be though. "He thought he was doing it to save all of us. He thought that he was saving magic, but he was only helping Pan, no one else."
    July 27th, 2016 at 05:21pm
  • "I know how it bloody well looked," Killian snapped. "It looked like I was ready to abandon you again but you know me better than that Charlotte!" He stood up straight no longer leaning against the wall of the ship and looked directly at her. "That first time in Wonderland if I had known you were pregnant I would have never left," he stated. "Now that I know about Morgan I would never do anything selfish to lose you or him!" Killian could understand why Charlotte had assumed the worst and he hated that he could understand her actions. He just wished she could understand his. "What was I supposed to tell Cora? Hm? No thanks I'd rather you kill the love of my life and son so I don't look like a villain in her eyes again?"
    Felicity let out a frustrated groan. "Why did your nephew have to decide to come now," she asked Neal. "I could be out there helping them." She handed her son over to his father, making another attempt to try and stand on her own two feet. They needed her out there if Pan was on the lose with Henry's heart.
    July 27th, 2016 at 05:33pm