i'll help you stitch up your wounds.

  • A wide grin found its way onto Killian's face as he looked at Charlotte. She hadn't told his son about her past much. It could work to his advantage. "We always see me to find trouble without even try," he chuckled. "And your mother she could handle herself in a sword fight better than most men I've known."
    Gold turned and faced David, pointing his cane at him. "What will you say when you see her," he asked. "Will you apologize and grovel or perhaps a cliche kiss on the mouth," he mocked. "My answer is no. I want you nowhere near her."

    Felicity shut her eyes tightly, feeling herself slowly becoming normal, becoming human. She struggled to escape the room she was in, managing to use the last of her magic to appear in Granny's. She looked at her father, glaring at him before she stormed out of the dinner, hating that now she wasn't magical she wished she was.
    August 20th, 2015 at 07:50pm
  • Charlotte wasn't so sure that she was going to like where this was going. It was obvious that she hadn't told Morgan much about her past. She'd seen no reason to when he couldn't exactly remember anything other than his time spent here in Storybrooke. "Is that true, mom?" Morgan asked, glancing over to her, obviously in awe over what he was being told. "It's a slight exaggeration, though I was pretty good." She told him, a small smile gracing her lips.
    "And what makes you think that you have a right to say who can and cannot see her?" David argued, not believing what he was hearing. "You've never been a father to her, there's no reason for you to start now." He was going to see Felicity whether he was allowed to or not. Gold wasn't going to tell him what he could and couldn't do. He was about to say something more when Felicity appeared inside the diner, just a few feet away from where he and Gold were standing. David watched her glare at Gold before storming out of Granny's. "Felicity!" He called, following after her.
    August 20th, 2015 at 08:03pm
  • "You even beat me a few times love," Killian reminded her. "You had skill." He moved to sit down at a table littered with books and propped his feet up, causing a few of the books to drop to the ground.
    Felicity turned around and faced David, tears falling down her face as she did. "What," she snapped. "What more do you want from me? I have no magic anymore David. I'm useless." The redhead didn't even know why she was angry, maybe it was because now she had a taste of being normal she hated it. The redhead was way too used to having magic at her disposal. "Why aren't you with your wife David," she asked.
    August 20th, 2015 at 09:20pm
  • "I'm sorry, what was that? I don't think I heard you properly. I could have sworn you just admitted that I beat you a couple of times, but that couldn't be right, could it?" Charlotte said, a faint smirk tugging at the corners of her lips. It was so easy for her to just fall into conversation like this with him, like nothing had changed. Though so much obviously had, she just hadn't caught herself doing so yet. "You must know my mom pretty well then." Morgan cut in.
    David frowned when he saw the tears rolling down her cheeks, though he winced a bit when she snapped at him. That wasn't the sort of reaction he was expecting in the slightest. "You're not useless, Felicity and you know it. You've always been so much more than your magic." He told her. He didn't know how to answer her next question. He wasn't sure of how he was supposed to go about this. "Because I need to know why you did it. I need to know why you let me go off and fall in love and marry someone else."
    August 20th, 2015 at 09:28pm
  • Killian smirked, knowing his statement had made her smile. Never before even when she had beaten him did he admit defeat always claiming some pathetic excuse as the reason she won a sword fight against him. "I may have," Killian replied.
    "I couldn't control my powers," Felicity replied. "Bo was going to kill you and your mom." She moved so she was standing in front of David, timidly reaching out and traced his bottom lip with her thumbs. "I saw you two together in a dream," she replied. "She gave you something I never can Emma and your daughter is the Savior, David," Felicity spoke. "She's was born of true love. Snow is your true love David not me."
    August 21st, 2015 at 01:47am
  • "Oh, you might have? Because I'm pretty sure that you definitely did." Charlotte said, still smirking. He never admitted defeat, there was always one pathetic excuse after another. For that split second, she was letting her guard down. She didn't even realize she was doing it, and she also didn't realize that she was actually still pretty pissed off at him. Extremely, in fact. But she wasn't thinking about that right now. In fact, it was the last thing on her mind.
    "She might be my true love, but I loved you before I loved her, Felicity." David told her. "We were supposed to get married Felicity. It was supposed to be you and me, and if you hadn't made me forget my feelings for you, and left, it wouldn't have mattered. None of it would have mattered. Because I loved you. I still love you." He knew that he had a wife and they had a beautiful daughter, but he couldn't help how he felt about Felicity. He'd never fallen out of love with her, and now that his memories were completely in tact, as far as he knew, he loved her like he always had.
    August 21st, 2015 at 03:37am
  • Killian grabbed an apple from the bag they were in, wiping it on his sleeve before he took a huge bite. He looked at Charlotte a twinkle of happiness in his eyes that echoed through the smile on his face. Maybe just maybe he could make things right with Charlotte. All he had to do was get her to open up to him again.
    "You have your happily ever after David," Felicity spoke. "I loved you enough than to realize you'd never have that with me." The redhead ran her hands over Charming's jaw, pulling her hand away quickly when she saw Snow watching them. "What you feel for me will go away," Felicity stated. "Go be with your family. Its the only way to stay safe from whatever Cora is planning."
    August 21st, 2015 at 01:55pm
  • "And now you have nothing to say, of course." Charlotte said, shaking her head slightly, a ghost of a smile crossing her features. As angry as she still was at him, though it didn't seem like it so much right now, she knew, deep down, that she still had feelings for him. Time clearly wasn't something that could change that. That's when the realization dawned on her, she'd let her guard down. She was still angry at him, nothing had changed that either. Clearing her throat, she stood, making her way over to one of the windows they'd blocked temporarily. "It appears as though things have cleared up out there. I think it's safe for the time being."
    David frowned. "How can you be so sure of that?" He asked her. "I loved you, and I still do. You can't tell me that, just because you think you're a villain, means you don't deserve a happy ending too. You never were one, Felicity. How many times do I need to tell you that?" He was one of the few people who saw her for who she really was. "How can you be so sure of that?" His voice was soft. "And what about you? Am I just supposed to stop caring about you?"
    August 21st, 2015 at 09:48pm
  • "Its always quietest before the biggest storms love," Killian stated. "You should know that very well by now." They had spent years at sea together and dealt with many ship damaging storms.
    "I love you enough to let you be happy," Felicity replied. "You are happy with her David. You ruled together and brought wealth to the kingdom it hadn't seen in years." She wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him tightly, knowing she couldn't look him in the eyes as she told him the biggest lie she ever would. "I saw what our future would have been. You would have loathed me and left me."
    August 21st, 2015 at 10:19pm
  • "Since when do storms stop you?" Charlotte asked as she began to shift the bookcase by the door. She wasn't about to sit here and wait. The longer she stayed here, the more likely she'd be to let her guard down, and that wasn't something that she could afford or handle at the moment. She wasn't going to let Killian back into her life, let alone her heart. She just couldn't bring herself to do that.
    "That's only because I couldn't remember the feelings I have for you. You took them away from me, but now they're back." David told her. As happy as he'd been with Snow, there was no point in denying the feelings that he had for Felicity. He hugged her back, expecting her next statement to be anything but what it was. "I could never loath you." He said, shaking his head. He refused to believe it.
    August 21st, 2015 at 11:54pm
  • "When those storms can rip my heart from my chest and crush it in front of me," Killian stated. He was never one to show fear or be scared but today at that very moment he was worried he would lose his life as well as risk watching Charlotte and Morgan lose theirs.
    "If you leave her I'll hate myself," Felicity murmured against his chest. "I watched you and her together. You were happy then and you are now." The redhead had dreamed of David kissing and holding her like he once had since her memories had returned but she refused to become a homewrecker like her mother had chosen to be when she ran off with Killian.
    August 22nd, 2015 at 12:22am
  • "Still doesn't seem like something that would have stopped you before." Charlotte said simply, as she shifted the bookcase over so that she and Morgan could leave. "Even if it is the calm before the storm, there's no sense in sitting here. C'mon Morgan, lets go home." She just couldn't be there anymore. Maybe it was stupid of her to want to leave when they didn't know what Cora was planning, or she didn't anyway, but this was all just more than she could handle right now. She knew that she'd have to give Killian an explanation later on, but now wasn't the time or the place.
    "I was happy when I was with you too." David told her. He didn't want to give up on this. He did still love her, even if he was married to Snow. He knew that she was his true love, but then why were his feelings for Felicity still so strong? He didn't get it. "That doesn't mean I could ever loath you. Felicity, you know how I've felt about you, you know how I do feel about you. I don't see anything that could ever happen that would cause me to hate you." He said, shaking his head slightly as if in disbelief.
    August 22nd, 2015 at 04:01am
  • Killian grabbed Charlotte's arm to stop her. He wasn't one to ever admit he was scared and at that very moment he was. He was scared to lose her forever if he lost sight of her for even one second. "If anything happens and you need me my ship is at the docks." He looked towards Morgan, getting down to his eyes level and gave him a small smile. "Listen to your mom lad she knows what's best even if you don't think so at the time."
    Felicity was quickly losing all the self control she had held for the past couple decades she had been away from David. She reached out, cupping his face in her hands and pressed her lips to his. The redhead silently hoping and praying that letting her emotions truly be known didn't put David in danger again.
    August 22nd, 2015 at 04:40am
  • Charlotte paused momentarily when Killian grabbed her arm. She nodded wordlessly, unsure of how to respond to his words. She could tell that his words were genuine. He meant what he was saying. She knew that she probably still at least owed him an explanation about Morgan, but he had to understand that she just didn't really trust him anymore, as genuine as he was actually being right now. She watched him talk to Morgan for a few seconds before exiting the library.
    She took him by surprise when she kissed him, much as she had the first time she did. However, this time David remembered how he felt about her. He kissed her back softly, hands resting lightly on her hips and drawing her in closer. He knew that he had Snow, but that didn't get rid of his feeling for Felicity. Not even by a long shot. He doubted that there was anything that would get rid of them, and he didn't want them to go away either.
    August 26th, 2015 at 02:57pm
  • Killian talked to Morgan for a little while longer, simply taking in his son's face as he continued trying to process the news of it. He had a son he had unintentionally abandoned to get revenge. If Charlotte ever forgave him he sword to himself he would never stop making it up to her and Morgan. Before Charlotte walked out of the library he grabbed her arm. "Is he mine," he asked barely above a whisper. He didn't want Morgan to find out that way.
    Felicity pulled away from the kiss tears that held many emotions falling down her face; happiness because she had him back yet sadness because she knew he belonged with Snow. She rested her forehead against his chest, clinging to him tightly as she silently cried. "Feelings or no feelings Snow has always been able to protect you in ways I never could."
    August 26th, 2015 at 06:40pm
  • Charlotte watched as Killian spoke to Morgan, a pang going through her heart. Part of her really did want to let him back into her life for the sole fact of not wanting Morgan to grow up without a father like she had, but she just couldn't bring herself to do it. She couldn't bring herself to let him back in in fear of him hurting her again, or causing Morgan pain as well. She was protecting her son, and she always would. She paused briefly as she went to walk out of the library when Killian grabbed a hold of her arm once more. Setting her lips in a straight line, all she did was nod in answer to his question before walking out.
    David frowned when she pulled back and he saw the tears rolling down her cheeks. He was certain that they'd attracted an audience in the people who had been inside Granny's with them earlier, but he didn't care. He was still kind of trying to process everything that had happened today. Holding her close, he rubbed small circles into the small of her back, resting his chin on top of her head. "That's a lie and you know it, Felicity."
    August 27th, 2015 at 07:39pm
  • Killian felt like the world stopped all around him. He swallowed hard, watching Charlotte and Morgan walk away. He ran his hand over his face, reaching for his flask and took a generous swig of the rum inside. Now he had to tread even mot carefully while running errands for Cora. He had two lives he needs to protect with his now.
    Felicity turned her head, listening to the soothing rhytm of David's heartbeat when her eyes meet Snow's. The redhead knew just how perfect the two of them were together. She sniffled, moving to wipe her tears away as she pulled away from David. "You should read Henry's book," she mumbled. "Look at how much happier you are with her before you decide."
    August 27th, 2015 at 08:07pm
  • [I figured we could do a time skip for Killian and Charlotte to the whole thing with Rumple and Belle at the town line? I didn't know if you wanted to do a time skip for David and Felicity just yet, so I figured I'd leave that up for you to decide Cute Hope you don't mind, and sorry for being absent for like a month...this semester is already totally kicking my ass Facepalm]

    It was late, though Charlotte was up grading the most recent spelling test she'd given out to the class anyway, so she was awake. A decent span of time had passed since she had last spoken to Killian, and to be completely honest, she was trying her best to avoid him at all costs. She didn't want to face him. Not when he knew that Morgan was his son now. She was still afraid of getting hurt again, so she'd been doing everything in her power to avoid him, and it seemed to be working rather well too, though that was about to change. Of course, she wasn't really expecting for her phone to start going off, who would really be calling her at this hour? Eyebrows knitting together in confusion, she grabbed her phone, seeing Emma's name flashing across the screen. "I'm hoping that you're not looking to go on a Granny's run at this hour." She said, a faint smirk tugging at the corners of her lips. "I wish that was why I was calling you." Emma said, and without actually giving her reason for calling her, Charlotte could tell that something was wrong. "Listen, something happened at the town line. Hook is in the hospital. He got hit by a car not long after shooting Belle. I've been trying to get some information out of him, but he's not exactly the most cooperative person out there. Do you think that you can make more progress than I could?" Charlotte sighed, getting to her feet. "I'll be there in a few minutes." She didn't want to admit it, but the first thing she'd been after hearing Killian was in the hospital was worried.
    David frowned. "I've seen the book before, Felicity. I'm familiar with the story, I lived it. But my memories were altered. You made me forget things. How can you be so sure that I wouldn't have been just as happy with you?" He hated to think that, but he was just so confused right now. He didn't want hurt Snow, but his mind was a jumbled mess. Instead of two conflicting realities, he now had other memories and feelings to add to the mix too. He'd grown used to having memories as both David Nolan and Snow's Charming, but now, well, this just made things all the more complicated, and he didn't know what to do anymore.
    October 3rd, 2015 at 02:11am
  • Killian groaned out his pain as he attempted one last time to tug his wrist free of the handcuff the blonde sheriff had used to keep him in the hospital bed he had originally woken up in. Its aggravated him to no end that he was trapped in one place against his own will for longer than a few moments. The pirate could only hope that Emma didn't get Charlotte involved. That was the last thing he needed, the mother of his child involved in his private business especially when Cora was still out and about somewhere. He wouldn't risk his son or Charlotte life's especially now that he had the crocodile exactly where he wanted them.
    Felicity swallowed hard, opening her eyes and looked into David's eyes. She leaned forward, hoping Snow didn't hate her for what she was about to do next. As the redhead leaned forward and kissed David she teleported them to her father's cabin. David was right they never had really gotten a chance at a happily ever after because of her foolish choice. Now she had a chance to have David back and she decided to enjoy it while it lasted.

    "Promise me if I give us a chance again I won't come back from it with an even more broken heart," she mumbled.

    [It's fine, working two jobs has been kicking my butt lately myself. If you want we can have Felicity and David skip about a month or so in your next post.]
    October 3rd, 2015 at 03:08am
  • Charlotte hadn't seen or heard from Killian, not that she was hoping that she would, since the library incident. She shouldn't have been surprised by this, of course he would continue on with this revenge complex, it was his only reason for coming to Storybrooke in the first place. She never really understood why he was so hellbent on getting his revenge though. She understood that Milah had been important to him, but exacting his revenge wasn't going to bring her back. With a sigh, she slipped on her jacket and grabbed her keys. "Mom? Where are you going?" Morgan. How she could have nearly forgotten about her son was beyond her. "Emma needs my help with something." She really didn't want to go into detail about what had happened, how could she possibly begin to explain it to Morgan? There were things that he didn't know, a lot of things actually seeing as she was still refusing to tell him the truth. "Can I come?" Of course, that didn't mean things would be easy for her. Why would that be the case? "I shouldn't be long, but I suppose so." She mustered up a small smile. It wasn't long after that that she was heading to the hospital. "The hospital...what are we doing here?" She sighed softly. "It's a long story, definitely one for another day." She ruffled his hair up lightly before heading inside. It didn't take her long to find Emma. "Just wait outside." She told her son before heading into the room. "You never think things through, do you?"
    David still, a month after everything had gone down, didn't entirely know what to make of everything with Felicity. He'd promised not to hurt her in anyway if she gave them another chance, and, because of that, things with Snow were awkward and tense at best. It didn't make things with Emma or Henry any better either, and a majority of the people in Storybrooke seemed to be acting much colder towards him as of late. He supposed it made sense. His actions didn't exactly scream that of someone who would be a town favorite, but he needed to see how things would work out with Felicity. He needed to at least give them another chance. And that was precisely what he was doing.
    October 3rd, 2015 at 03:24am