i'll help you stitch up your wounds.

  • Saint Rev

    Saint Rev (100)

    United States
    Killian heard Charlotte's voice, inhaling deeply before he turned on his usual charismatic pirate persona, giving her a small ghost of smile as he looked at her. "I was wondering if the good sheriff would try to use you to interrogate me," he spoke. "I still don't plan on saying anything so you should just tell the Swan you failed." He refused to speak about any of Cora's plans anymore than he had with her already.
    Felicity walked into Granny's dinner, hating the looks and glares she knew she was getting. She knew everyone hated her almost as much as her father now and it was definitely putting a damper on her happiness. The redhead could tell it was affecting the entire Charming family too, Snow was more quiet than usual, Emma followed her around whenever she could and Henry, well Felicity was never sure the boy even knew she existed and now he did and he probably hated her.

    "Can I get a tomato soup and grilled cheese to go Ruby," she asked. The redhead paid, sitting down and waited for the food. She looked around noticing everyone was staring at her and finally snapped. "I gave up my happiness to keep the person I loved safe," she snapped. "I broke my own heart and now that I have David back I won't allow any of you to judge me for wanting to be happy." She took her food since it was ready and stormed out of Granny's.
    October 3rd, 2015 at 04:15am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "Still hellbent on getting your revenge on the crocodile, I see." Charlotte said, unfazed by his persona. She'd spent years with him. It wasn't something that would likely phase her, though it did, unnoticeably, get under her skin. Gods, he was just so infuriating. She was suddenly reminded why else she was avoiding him, other than to avoid a conversation about Morgan. "Need I remind you that you won't be getting that precious hook of yours back unless you do talk?" She asked, punctuating her words with a raised eyebrow as she crossed her arms. This was why she didn't want him in Morgan's life. Time hadn't changed him. He was still the same person who had left her to rot in Wonderland. She wouldn't let her son get hurt the way that she had. She couldn't do that to him.

    Meanwhile, just outside the hospital room, Morgan was standing with Henry who had shown up much to Emma's dismay. Little did Charlotte know that her son was much more observant than she had originally thought, and with the help of Henry, he'd figured out exactly who the man his mother was talking to was. He didn't just know his father, he was his father. "What're you doing here, kid? Regina'll kill me if she finds out you snuck out this late at night." Emma said, though it was obvious that she wasn't surprised to see him there. Not even a little bit. "Morgan and I need to figure out what our first move is. We're going to try to get his parents back together. Maybe, if we do that, he'll stop helping Cora!" Henry said in his over-enthusiastic Henry-fashion.
    David was heading towards Granny's to get a cup of coffee. With Cora in Storybrooke, he and Emma had been spending a great deal of time at the station trying to figure out what she and Hook were up to. Granted, things were normally rather tense between father and daughter, but the mutual motivation to keep their loved ones safe was enough to ease those feelings a little bit. He was surprised when he reached the restaurant to see an all too familiar redhead storming out. "Woah, what's the rush?" He asked teasingly, resting his hands lightly on her arms. That's when he noticed the expression on her face causing a frown to form. "What's wrong?"
    October 3rd, 2015 at 01:39pm
  • Saint Rev

    Saint Rev (100)

    United States
    Killian's jaw clenched when Charlotte mentioned his hook. It was definitely a sore subject for the pirate since it was constant reminder of what he had lost. For Killian the piece of metal had become such a constant in his life he felt weak without it, like a knight without their suit of armor. The pirate exhaled through his nose, his hand clenching and unclenching into a fist before he looked at Charlotte again, his confident demeanor and usual smirk playing on his lips again.

    "She's better off without the crocodile," Killian stated. "That sherrif of yours should be thanking me. For all you know he could have ended up killing her in a fit of rage like he did Mila."

    Of course Killian knew better from what Cora had told him, Belle was Rumplestilskin's happily ever after and he would fanned if the crocodile got one after everything he had done. "So did the boy follow you here or are you alone?"
    Felicity pulled away from David's touch even though she wants nothing more than for him to hold her and make everything okay again like he used to. She felt tears fall down her face, caving into her emotions even though her head screamed no and she hugged him. "Why do they all hate me for wanting to be happy," she mumbled. She was viewed as a villain in the small town now simply because she wanted a chance at the happiness she once had.
    October 3rd, 2015 at 05:08pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "As much as I dislike Gold, I don't see that happening anytime soon. He truly loves Belle." Charlotte said. She didn't understand why he was still off on this revenge complex. It had been going on for years now, and he had yet to move on from it. She didn't understand why he couldn't. Getting revenge on Rumplestiltskin wasn't going to bring Mila back. None of this would. And then he mentioned Morgan, whether or not he did so to change the subject was beyond her, but it was successful for the time being. "He's outside with Emma."

    "And what's this new plan of yours called then?" Emma asked, knowing that Henry had a name for every single one of them. She didn't want to break it to them, but she wasn't so sure that getting Morgan's parents back together was a good idea. She knew Charlotte pretty well, and though she hadn't spoken to her on the matter as of late, she had asked about Morgan's father once or twice before, before Hook came to Storybrooke with Cora, and she didn't have many kind things to say about him. She wouldn't tell Morgan or Henry that though. "We're still working on the name." Henry told her. "Does your mom know that you know?" Emma asked, glancing over to Morgan. He shook his head. "And do you plan on telling her?" Morgan shrugged his shoulders.
    David hugged her tightly, his chin resting on top of her head as he held her close. "They just don't know you the way that I do." He told her quietly. "They'll come around eventually though, I'm sure of it." He hated seeing her break down like this. He wished there was more he could do for her in this instance. He could tell everyone off, but what exactly would that do? It probably wouldn't change anything. They'd all still see Felicity the same way and that was something that he hated.
    October 3rd, 2015 at 10:49pm
  • Saint Rev

    Saint Rev (100)

    United States
    Killian scoffed, he knew how the Crocodile worked better than anyone besides perhaps Cora. He didn't believe Rumplestilskin had any feelings whatsoever for Belle. He believed that Belle would be used and killed by Rumple just as he felt had been done to Mila. The pirate visibly swallowed, looking at the door, the thought of his son so nearby again terrifying him slightly. Did the boy figure out why his father was or was he still ignorant to the fact his father was a pirate? "Does Morgan know," Killian asked. "Has he figured out who I am?"
    Felicity cried in his arms until she felt like she had no more tears to shed, quietly sniffling in David's arms as she listened to the soothing thumping of his heartbeat. The redhead didn't want to lose him ever again, he kept her grounded and he made her happy but the longer they were together the more she noticed everyone around them ostracized her and David.

    Felicity moved out of David's arms, wiping the dried tears from her cheeks and sniffled audibly. "Maybe it would be better for everyone if you just went back to Snow," she suggested. "At least that way one of us can be happy and not hated anymore."
    October 3rd, 2015 at 11:54pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "As far as I know, he hasn't." Charlotte said, crossing her arms. And he isn't going to. Those words were unspoken, though she suspected that they were fairly obvious, spoken or not. She was adamant on not letting Killian be a part of Morgan's life. In fact, she full-blown refused to let him be. She wouldn't let her son get hurt the way that she had, and she wasn't going to let herself get hurt again either. "If you aren't going to tell me where Cora is, there's no point in me being here. I don't have anything to say to you." She refused to admit that she'd been concerned when Emma first told her he was in the hospital, however she'd explained everything that had happened not long after that, and she wasn't so concerned anymore.

    "Look kid, I don't know your father that well, but I would like to think that I know your mom. She'd want you to tell her the truth, even if it might upset her at first." Emma told Morgan. Morgan nodded wordlessly, letting out a soft sigh. "You're right. I'll talk to her." Emma smiled. "Can I trust you two to stay out of trouble until your mom's done in there? There are some things that I need to try to piece together." She still had no idea who this John Doe was, or how he'd managed to get into Storybrooke in the first place. She'd left the guy's phone with David and the others, though something told her that they wouldn't have gotten very far with hacking into it. "We'll be fine, mom. We still need to think of a name for our plan." Henry told his mother with a slight grin.
    David frowned at her words. "Felicity, no." He said. He wouldn't do that to her, not when he'd just gotten her back. "I care about Snow, but I care about you too. I don't care what everyone thinks of us, and you shouldn't either. They aren't important. What's important for me is making sure that you're happy. This will all blow over eventually, I'm sure of it." He wasn't about to give up on them so easily. In fact, he had no intention in doing so at all. "We'll figure all of this out, I promise." He pressed a kiss to her forehead.
    October 4th, 2015 at 12:13am
  • Saint Rev

    Saint Rev (100)

    United States
    "Why would I tell you where Cora is love," Killian asked. "If I did she would kill Morgan and you to punish me. You claim I'm selfish but love I refuse to lose you like I did Mila." Killian was speaking from his heart letting his feelings for Charlotte he still had be known yet again. He knew she wouldn't believe him because she had no reason to. The pirate had ruined his future with Charlotte and Morgan because of his bloodlust but he would rather damn his crew and himself to Davey Jone's locker before letting anything happen to either of them now.

    "I still love you Charlotte and I will keep you and the boy save even if it means following Cora's orders so you are," he stated.
    "It isn't just us anymore David," Felicity mumbled. "It isn't even just you and Snow anymore. You have Emma, Henry and the rest of Storybrooke who look to you for guidance." She felt fresh tears prick her eyes, several beginning to fall down her face as she moved away from David. "A hero like you loving a villain like me doesn't even happen in fairytales David. Please, just go home to her and make everyone happy again."

    It pained Felicity to her very core to say what she was but it also hurt to be the cause of so much trouble for David. Sure Henry would come around eventually, he saw the good in everyone in Storybrooke, his adopted mother was the Evil Queen and he still loved her but not everyone was as kind hearted as Henry. "It's been an entire month and the glares have just gotten worse and more obvious. I've dealt with that almost my entire live but I can't bear the thought of you having to because of me."
    October 4th, 2015 at 12:49am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "Let's get one thing straight, I'm only here because Emma asked me to speak with you. The man who hit you with his car shouldn't have been able to cross the town line but he did. The last time someone crossed the town line, it was Emma." Charlotte said, hoping she appeared unphased by his words. She hated knowing that his words even somewhat affected her. She wasn't going to let him back into her heart again. She couldn't. For her sake but also for Morgan's.

    "You've already lost me, Killian. You lost me the moment you chose vengeance over me. You lost me the moment you left me behind in Wonderland. You might not have lost me in the same way that you lost Mila, but you did lose me." She said quietly, shaking her head at his later words. "If you truly loved me, you never would have left. You made your bed a long time ago, it's about time you lay in it."
    "Don't you see, Felicity? You're not a villain, you never were. Rumplestiltskin being your father doesn't change anything. You possess light magic. You're the farthest from being dark. I've seen your heart, and I know you." David told her. "I know that the others can't see you the way that I do, but I think that in time they will. They don't know you the way that I do. They don't know you as long as I have. If we end things right here, right now, we'll be giving everyone exactly what they want. I can't do that, Felicity." He couldn't lose her again, and he wouldn't. He refused to do so.
    October 4th, 2015 at 01:27am
  • Saint Rev

    Saint Rev (100)

    United States
    "What do I have to do to prove my love," Killian snapped. "Have Cora rip my heart out and crush it in front of you?" He tugged at the handcuff again, making a face of discomfort when all it did was dig into his skin. "If I could go back and not go I would but I can't change the past anymore than I'm sure you wish you could change who the boy's father is." Killian turned away from Charlotte the best he could. not wanting his anger to get the best of him anymore than it already had. If he had known she was pregnant he would have never left her.
    "She gave you everything I never can David," Felicity exclaimed. "Why do you still love me when she has done more for you?" The redhead was trying to make him leave her now. She knew deep down he would be way happier with Snow in the long run.
    October 4th, 2015 at 01:51am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "I don't want you to prove anything to me, Killian. All I want is for you to stay away from me and my son!" Charlotte exclaimed. She was frustrated with herself. She didn't want him to do any of that. She didn't want him to get himself killed to prove anything to her. She still cared about him, whether she was willing to openly admit to it or not and she knew that he was wrong. She knew that she didn't want someone else to be Morgan's father because she still cared about him. She still loved him, but she couldn't admit that. He couldn't know. If he knew, he could hurt her again, and she couldn't have that. "You're right. You can't go back. There's nothing you can do to make it up to me either. You made your choi--" She was cut off when the door opened. Glancing over, she saw Morgan standing there, Henry not far behind him. "I thought I told you to stay outside." She said, sighing softly. "You did, I heard you yelling." Morgan said.
    "I don't need anything else, Felicity. I just need you." David told her. He was telling the truth. he loved her and she was all he really needed. "Because it doesn't matter to me. Yes, Snow gave me a lot of things like a family, but I love you. We have a history. My love for you is different from my love for Snow. You have to understand that. I didn't have my chance with you, but I want it now. I want a chance with you, if you'll let me have it."
    October 4th, 2015 at 02:18am
  • Saint Rev

    Saint Rev (100)

    United States
    Killian looked at Charlotte and then at his son, it pained him to wonder what he had looked like as a baby. He had missed so much of his son's life and there was no way he could fix any of it. His lust for revenge for someone long dead that he didn't even love half as much as he still loved Charlotte had ruined him and his chances at happiness. "The stranger has nothing to do with Cora," Killian stated. "I know that much." He took a quick glance at his son, swallowing hard as he held his tongue so he wouldn't reveal who he was to him. "I think it would be best if you leave, love."
    Felicity stood in front of David, her left hand moving up to cup David's jaw in her hand as her right moved and was placed on his chest where his heart was. "I could make you forget everything again," she murmured. "You were happy with her and if you let me I can help you have that again." The redhead looked into David's blue eyes, her own light brown eyes looking into his for any sign of emotion in his eyes that would give her permission to do it.
    October 4th, 2015 at 04:28am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "It's nothing, sweetheart. Everything's fine." Charlotte assured Morgan with a weak smile. Then Killian spoke, and her attention shifted momentarily from her son. She nodded wordlessly in response to his words and she remained silent for a few brief moments before speaking. "C'mon you two, it's getting late." She finally said as she ushered Henry and Morgan out of the hospital room, not glancing back even once. "Are you sure you're okay, mom?" Morgan asked her once they were outside. "Yeah, I'm fine, kiddo. Promise." She ruffled up her son's hair affectionately.
    David frowned. "If I wanted that, I'd tell you, Felicity. I don't want to forget everything anymore. Problems can't always be resolved with magic, and this is something that only proves that further." He didn't want to forget and lose a chunk of his life. He wanted to remember everything, no matter what the cost of it or the consequences may be and that included dealing with everyone in Storybrooke having a sudden dislike for him.
    October 4th, 2015 at 05:07am
  • Saint Rev

    Saint Rev (100)

    United States
    Killian looked away from Charlotte, focusing on the ceiling as she walked from the room. He wished she would just forgive him and love him again but he knew she probably never would. He also knew his son would probably never know who he really was unless he found out himself and that made his heart ache. He had always dreamed of having a family with Mila and Baelfire and he had been so close to having that with Charlotte. He had ruined his dreams and he would never forgive himself for it.
    Felicity leaned forward, pressing her lips to his as he hand reached into his chest. If he wanted to stay with her he deserved to remember everything including the fact she had once been fertile and had been carrying his unborn child. The redhead held his heart in her hands, consuming it in a bright blue orb of their memories together. "Remember everything," she told his heart. "Remember and decide who will truly make you happy." The orb disappeared after the memories sank in and Felicity put David's heart back in his chest, saying nothing before she turned and walked away, scared he would yell at her after he remembered everything.
    October 4th, 2015 at 05:56am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "Did he tell you anything?" Emma asked her as Charlotte approached the blonde and the others. "Just that he knows that Cora has nothing to do with that stranger crossing the town line." She said. She wasn't about to mention the rest of the conversation she and Killian had had. It had nothing to do with Emma's reasoning for bringing her here in the first place. And it wasn't something she wanted Morgan hearing either. "I can take Henry home if you'd like. It's late, and I'm sure you'll be here for at least a little while longer." She added as an afterthought, not really wanting to think too much about any of the conversation she'd had with Killian. "If you wouldn't mind, that would be great." Charlotte nodded. "It's fine. If you need anything else, give me a call." And, with that, she led both boys out of the hospital.

    A few days passed without much of anything. Charlotte hadn't seen or spoken to Killian since their conversation at the hospital. To her knowledge, Morgan still had no idea who the pirate was to him. Morgan and Henry had been spending a lot of time together. Emma had her hands full with this complete stranger being in town, so he'd been staying with them quite a bit. Little did Charlotte know, but that worked out perfectly for the boys. They were able to figure out their first plan of action. "So, I'm going to go down to the docks without telling my mom and hope that my dad will be there. Won't my mom be worried?" Morgan asked Henry as both boys walked back towards the school after lunch. "That's exactly what you want! She'll think that you ran into Cora or something, it'll be perfect." Henry exclaimed enthusiastically. "When should I go?" Morgan asked his friend. "Why don't you go now? Your mom will wonder when you don't come back in after recess. The sooner we start, the sooner we can get your dad to stop working for Cora." Morgan nodded. "Alright...thanks for helping me, Henry." He told his friend. Instead of accompanying him back into the school, he exited the premises and headed towards the docks.
    David was in shock. He didn't know if he should be angry or upset. He couldn't believe that she would keep such memories away from him. In his shell-shocked state, he didn't utter a single word to the redhead. Instead, he watched as she walked away, a wide-eyed expression on his face as he did so. He didn't know if her hope was that he would hate her for keeping these things from him, however he also didn't know, if that were the case, if it had actually worked. He just had no idea how he was feeling right now. He needed time to think this all through before he went to see her.

    David took a few days to himself to figure things out. It was easy to do seeing as he was helping Emma figure out how and what this Greg Mendel was doing in Storybrooke. Once he was certain that he had his head on straight though, he headed over to the cabin where he was certain Felicity would be. They had a lot to talk about, and he had no reason to delay the conversation any further.
    October 4th, 2015 at 01:38pm
  • Saint Rev

    Saint Rev (100)

    United States
    Killian stood in the deck of his ship, getting antsy and decided to go for a walk. He needed to clear his head especially since he had yet to find a way or a reason to speak to Charlotte again.The longer he stayed in Storybrooke the more he missed the way things used to be with her constantly at his side, their playful bickering, the passion their love had. Killian took a generous swig from his flask of rum, swallowing it down as if it was water, the kick of the alcohol no longer affecting him as it once had.

    The dark haired pirated left his ship and began his walk along the docks, hoping to ease the battle his mind and heart seemed to be having constantly since he had seen Charlotte in the hospital. He wanted to find a way to prove his love for her and to attempt to start making up for the mistakes of their past.
    Felicity heard the cabin door, her body tensing slightly as she waited for David to start yelling at her. When he didn't start right away she turned and looked at him. The redhead looked at David, moving to sit before she acknowledged him. "Have you decided to go back to Snow," she asked.
    October 4th, 2015 at 04:56pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Charlotte had no idea that her son had gone off on his own after recess. He was in Mary Margaret's class with Henry, so it wasn't likely that she'd know he was missing right off the bat. However, maybe ten to fifteen minutes after class started up again, and she was in the middle of a spelling lesson, Mary Margaret came to the room. "Morgan's not with you?" She asked, surveying the room for a moment and not seeing the boy in question. Charlotte had gone over to see what her friend wanted, telling the students to take a small break for the time being. "No, he's not with you?" She asked, frowning. "No, he didn't come in with the others after recess. Henry doesn't know where he went. I assumed he came to talk to you." That was when the worry began to set in. This wasn't the first time Morgan had done something like this, however, with Cora now in Storybrooke, she couldn't help worrying that the woman had discovered her son's connection to Killian.

    Morgan hoped that his mother wouldn't be too upset with him for wandering off like this. Of course, it was all a part of his and Henry's plan, and it would all be worth it in the end once his parents were back together and his dad was no longer working for Cora, but that didn't necessarily mean he wanted his mother mad at him. The whole goal of this little stunt was just to get his parents to talk more. He knew that his mother was doing everything in her power to avoid his father at all costs, and he hoped that that was something that would soon change.
    David could see how tense she was. While he was upset that she would take those memories away from him, he wasn't about to yell at her. Arguing wasn't going to help resolve this and it certainly wouldn't change things either. That was why he was hoping to just talk to her instead. Try to figure things out. That was all he was looking to do right now. "Why do you always think that you're the second choice for me?" He asked her, a slight frown tugging at the corners of his lips. "There is nothing about Snow that sets her up higher than you."
    October 4th, 2015 at 09:47pm
  • Saint Rev

    Saint Rev (100)

    United States
    Killian walked around the dock and down the beach shore for a little while before he returned to the docks and sat down on a small bench placed there. His head was far from clear from all the thoughts were racing through his head still most of them dealing with Morgan and Charlotte. Killing ran his hand through his jet black hair, sighing softly as he looked out into the ocean. For the pirate the sea seemed to be the only thing he loved that he had never hurt or betrayed.
    "Emma is the first thing that comes to mind," Felicity spoke up. "She's alive and our baby never even got a chance to breathe." For the redhead that was one thing that made her want to hate Snow even though she never had the heart to. She had given David a healthy baby and she had made happy in ways she felt she never could.
    October 5th, 2015 at 05:19am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    It didn't take long at all for the panic to set in. Charlotte had no idea where her son was, and with Cora out and about in Storybrooke, the panic only seemed to worsen. She needed to find Morgan. She needed to know that he was safe. She hoped that he hadn't gone far, though, in times like this, she couldn't help thinking the worst. "I'll keep an eye on your class. Go find him, keep me posted." Mary Margaret told her, remaining calm as she knew that was what Charlotte would need in this instance. "Alright, thank you." She turned to her students. "Class, Ms. Blanchard is going to watch you for a little while. Be good." Her words were rushed and she didn't bother waiting as she left the school in search of her son.

    Morgan hoped that what he and Henry had planned would work. He couldn't get his parents back together if his mom wouldn't even talk to his dad without an argument of some sort starting. He knew that they'd gotten into one, or had started to anyway, at the hospital. If they couldn't even talk, how could they possibly get back together. He knew his mom still had feelings for his father, he was a very observant and perceptive kid, that much was obvious. Beneath the anger, there was sadness. His mom wanted to trust his father again, but she was hurting. Morgan didn't know what had happened to his parents or why his father had left his mother, but he hoped that they could work things out. Maybe they just needed this little push. It didn't take Morgan very long to reach the docks, and he was certain his mother would find him soon enough, though he hoped his father would first. That was the best scenario he and Henry had hoped for.
    "That wasn't your fault Felicity." David told her, shaking his head. "You can't blame yourself for what happened. Just because Snow and I were able to have a baby doesn't mean she's any better than you are in my eyes. It doesn't mean that she's more deserving of my love." He didn't understand why she couldn't see herself the way that he'd always seen her. He always saw the good in her that no one else could. He didn't care that her father was the Dark One. He hadn't know that about her until after he'd gotten to know her and after his mother had taken her in. It didn't matter to him. She was still the same, good person in his eyes.
    October 5th, 2015 at 04:59pm
  • Saint Rev

    Saint Rev (100)

    United States
    Killian had been staring out at the ocean for several hours when he heard footsteps on the dock. He looked up, shocked to see Morgan walking around by himself. "Morgan," he called out. Killian walkes over to Morgan, hoping Charlotte knew he was here or they's both get an ear full. "Does your mother know you're here?"
    "Everything good in my life always gets taken away from me," Felicity stated. "Our child, you, my brother." The redhead felt tears fall down her face and sighed softly as she wiped them away. "I'm scared you'll finally realize I'm not worth all the trouble and leave me."
    October 5th, 2015 at 05:22pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Charlotte had searched everywhere for her son. Well, almost everywhere. There was one place she hadn't checked, and why she hadn't looked there first was beyond her, the docks. Morgan had a love for the sea, yet another constant reminder of who his father was. Their house wasn't far from there either, so, although she'd checked at home first, maybe he'd gone to the docks instead. She could only hope.

    Morgan knew that, when his mother did find him, he was bound to get yelled at. He knew that though, and he expected it right off the bad, so it wouldn't be much of a surprise to him at all when it did happen. That was when he heard someone call his name. Looking around, he spotted his father sitting on one of the benches along the docks. "Not exactly..." He said, almost sheepishly.
    David frowned. "If I didn't think you were worth it, I wouldn't be here right now, Felicity." He told her. "Snow's important to me, as are Emma and Henry, but you're important to me too. I love you, and I swear I'm not going anywhere any time soon." He just wished she could see that he wasn't ever planning on leaving her. He wished she could understand how he felt about her and how much he cared about her too.
    October 5th, 2015 at 06:39pm