What are you doing to me?

  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camie stayed still as he touched her but her breath quickened as his thumb ran over her lip. She wrapped had arms around her and looked up into his eyes that she wished more than anything that she could read. "Angry is to simple an emotion for the complexity of my emotions..." she looked down. "But yes I am calmer." she said and looked back at him. "May I ask a request before we leave?" she asked and shivered as she stood under his gaze. When he was quiet to let her speak she asked her desire. "May I have one more dance tonight?" she asked.
    September 7th, 2015 at 08:00am
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    "I know what you're feeling. You're blushing, I can feel your pulse and I can hear your breaths." He cocked his head to the side. The attention to them was almost diminished which was refreshing, as everyone else was in a drunken stooper. Jett was sick of attention. "Yes?" His fingers left her lips, and instead slid under her chin and he clenched his jaw a strong jawline being shown off. Without taking a moment to hesitate, he took her, folding her hand in his he took a step with her as they danced.

    [minus the kiss in the dance video lol]

    @ Jinx...
    September 7th, 2015 at 08:18am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi

    Camie blushed as he spoke. Yes she was also desiring him as well but there was more then her sex drive here. That he did not see and it was probably a good thing. She felt his fingers holding her chin to steady her gaze on him and she smiled gently. He seemed nervous as she asked for something but then almost in relief he pulled her close and into a dance. He made her feel eloquent and she loved to dance with him because she got to touch him. He was in control but he let her touch him. Camie smiled as the song finished and she took a moment for the fluttering in her belly to stop. It was an amazing feeling to dance with Jettley and she was truly privileged for it. "Thank you." she said and hoped to keep hold of his hand just a little longer but she didn't cling to him because that would scare him off. Camie was content now to stay or go it was up to him and she would follow.
    September 7th, 2015 at 08:32am
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    "It was my pleasure, Camille." He gave her hand a squeeze. A few guests had already left the party, but Walter and the Telly's were still seen here and there. Jett handed an envelope to a busboy and told him to give it to Walter and to wish them the best from him. Music continued to play. Jett let go of her hand, and lead her with the hand on her back as usual. He clicked something on his phone, and as they walked towards the parking lot his limousine pulled up. Jett opened the door and helped her in with his hand. The champagne was gone from when they had arrived. Jett leaned back and ran a hand through his hair his eyes focused on something outside his window. His hand reached to her lap and his fingers ran down from her thigh to her knee where it stayed. "I need to fuck you." He said casually. "I need to fuck you so we can move on to the contract. I need to teach you what to do to me." His eyes never left the window.

    @ Jinx...
    September 7th, 2015 at 09:09am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camie followed as she always did at his side. She smiled at him and got it. She buckled up and waited for him but then his hand was on her and he ran his fingers down her leg. She moaned softly and bit her lip. She blushed knowing that this night had made her wet and prepared for him if he wanted her tonight. She heard his words and shivered her eyes opening. He didn't look at her though and she had no idea why. He had so much power over her with just his eyes. "Yes... And we'll train slowly right?" she asked in her own way reminding him of her innocent status. Camie bit her lip hoping that he realized she wasn't going to want anything but him on the first time. Nothing but his hands to hold her down, nothing but his kind hands on her body. She didn't want punishment at all or any pleasure pain all she wanted was for her first time to be somewhat normal though she knew he wouldn't want her to touch him and she would do her best.
    September 7th, 2015 at 04:40pm
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    Jett turned around to face her as her chest rised and he could see her face pinken. His eyes were so gloomy and dark he was almost unrecognizable. His dark eyes that were so menacing stared into hers knowing exactly what she was feeling but gave nothing away. His hand slid up from her knee back to her thigh. "I don't know about that." His voice was low and gruff. Glancing over, he looked out at the city and back to her. They still had a small ways to go. Clicking a button on the side, he held it and spoke to Max. "Max, take a detour back to my property please. We aren't going to the apartments anymore." Max's voice was returned on the speaker. "Yes sir, Mr. Kaiden." Releasing the button, Jett used his free hand to run through his hair.

    @ Jinx...
    September 7th, 2015 at 07:31pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camie saw how he looked at her and she inhaled sharply. His hand ran back up her leg and she closed her eyes not able to think straight. "You have to be gentle with me Jettley. Just until I am fully trained." she said and was quiet as he talked to Max. "Apartments?" she asked wondering if that was what he called her home or if he had something else in mind. She smiled watching him run a hand through his hair. "I love when you do that. You're hair looks so sexy." she said and giggled wishing she could touch him and be closer to him but instead she just bit her lip watching him. He was he was having an internal war and she wasn't allowed to help.
    September 7th, 2015 at 09:23pm
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    "It doesn't work like that. I can't be gentle if I'm going to train you, I have to do what I know best." It was quiet for a few seconds, but a soft giggle broke it. "I'm afraid if I call it what I really think you won't be happy with me. Then we'll have to turn around which is quite a burden." Leaning back, he released her leg with his hand and instead put it behind his neck as he leaned back and relaxed inhaling a breath of fresh air. He wasn't tired... more like sullen. "Just my hair?" He narrowed his eyes and turned to her in mock offense.

    @ Jinx...
    September 8th, 2015 at 01:45am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    "Maybe it can. Maybe you could let me help you train me... so you don't scare me off or hurt me to bad... You might enjoy planning out my training with me." Camie said and smiled softly watching him. She giggled as he gave her that look. "Oh Kaiden..." she shook her head her eyes wanting. "Everything about you is sexy. Everything about you draws me closer like a vampire to his prey. And I don't mean just your looks. The way you speak, the way you dance, the way you look at me... all the ways you look at me." Camie was having a hard time staying away from him now but she had to hold on a little longer. "You are amazing in so many ways. But I just need to know that you can slow down and train me like... like you were my friend. I have looked online at what other submissive have said about choosing their next dominant." she blushed and turned more to him pulling her skirt up a little so she could. "They say he is controlled and yet kind. They say he looks at his submissive as his equal. They say it is about trust and communication but most of all they say he is your best friend because he knows everything about you." Camie bit her lip. "I know you are not like other dominants. And I don't know why but I don't ask. I try to be good except when it is important. Okay except for tonight. I was a little jealous... unrightfully so seeing you with her but that is going to take time for me to control. I keep reminding myself that you are not mine. And even though I haven't signed the contract I know... I know I am yours." Camie said and shivered. She bit her lip. "Signing the contract doesn't change much except it gives me some security that you will only be with me until our contract is terminated... still it doesn't make you mine or keep you from being around other women. But now I am way off track. The point is that since you are not like other dominants I need a little more assurance especially since I am not a submissive... no Jettley.... I am a virgin. So let me ask you this please..." she looked up at him. "Have you ever been with a virgin before? Because there are some things that are very different about a virgin." she said blushing deeply and fidgeting nervously.
    September 8th, 2015 at 02:08am
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    He turned to her confused. It was so obvious she didn't have a clue what this kind of relationship was like. She was following off of what she had seen in movies or heard of, but once you were in it, you were there living the reality. "I don't plan out training, Grey." He said in a full serious tone, the entire edge of the wine and playfulness of him wiped out within a second. He wasn't going to joke with something that was his life. "I fuck, get a feel where you're at, and I do what I need to do. Associating my stuff with a submissive is not my forte, I control it." He said, then it got quiet and he desperately pulled her face to look at him and till with that same urgency he pulled her lip out between her teeth. "You can't, absolutely can't fall in love with me Camille. You can't be jealous, you can't want to go on dates or this will never work. You can't fall in love with me, I am not lovable. I am a fucker, and I don't know how to make this more straightforward to you. You can't Camille, or this is over with you being hurt not on good terms like I want. You shouldn't be jealous of other women... Right now, you're my focus and whether or not I fuck around is not something you have to be worried about. I get health checks on a monthly basis and all my women are free of STI's and what we have will only be 100% safe." Jett pinched her knee so she would look up at him. "No. I have never been in a relationship outside of what I know. People in these things, are naturally not a virgin. You're my first." He said, and though he said it out loud that she may be a virgin and as uninterested as he was in taking it, he wouldn't let it get in the way of what he wanted. It was under his breath what he said next, but he knew she could hear with how close they were together. "Damn fucking right you're mine. All of it."

    @ Jinx...
    September 10th, 2015 at 05:56am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camie was angry at what he said. So angry she pushed his hand from her knee. "I already told you Jettley I am not going to be the perfect submissive. I am not like them. Why would you tell me to do my research if you won't listen to a word I say?" She shook her head and looked at him softening a little. "And you are wrong. You are very lovable. You are and don't question me on it. But as of now Jettley no I don't love you. It is much to complicated for that. I like you, your company and yes your body. But it doesn't give you any right to be so uncompromisable. I am a virgin and as so there are certain leniencies that you will have to allow me. There are things that you have to adjust to as there is much more for me to. So maybe you need some time away from me to wrap your head around this fact. You might not like it but I am not about to go out and sleep with some fella just to resolve this situation as you call it." She said and crossed both her legs and arms facing front. She was mad again. He had a way with words that just made her so angry. Camie ran a hand through her hair and looked away from him. "So if you want to give me a so called reality check let me give you one. I am a virgin, I am not a submissive, I will fight you and above all even if I sign this contract I am never fully yours." Camie said and looked at him pointedly. "Despite what I want or don't." Camie said her eyes gentler again now.
    September 10th, 2015 at 07:28am
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    The moment she shoved his hand, his eyes shot at her with a sharp glare. "That is why I'm here. If you sincerely do not think you can handle the contract, then you shouldn't be here. We are not going to do things your way." Jett shook his head at her and clenched a hand shut. "No. You cannot do that and I have told you more then once. You cannot like me for more then my body. Anything outside is to be outside of our relationship. I am trying to compromise, but you're just so fucking stubborn! Being a virgin does not give you exceptions to my expectations. I need you to despise me if you find me lovable. You need to quit it or this will never work as much as I think we both want it to." Surprisingly despite the argument they were having, he roughly sat his hand back to the place on her knee where it was moments ago before she pushed it away and gave her a intense look that said everything he wasn't going to say to piss her off. "Don't fucking ever push my hand away again." he said with an unexpected hurt at her actions that was unknown within him.

    @ Jinx...
    September 11th, 2015 at 02:10am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camie shook her head. "Maybe I should!" She yelled when he said maybe she should walk away. She was shaking now. She felt the tears and shook her head. "Don't you ever tell me what to feel or not to feel and if you don't want me to push you away then never ever say you are unloveable ever again!" She crossed her arms. "Everyone is love able to some one and it is people that don't understand that... that hurt people... That hurt children." She said angerly and looked at him her eyes stubborn. Camie was panting already. "Damn you Jettley you make this as difficult for me as it is for you." She said. Camie ran a hand through her hair and pulled at the ends. "There is hardly a thing you have conceded to. But there are some things you have... But it had to fight you. I... I don't know if I can do this. I am scared of you and yet I am comfortable with you." She said and sighed still so angry and yet a sadness was falling over her.
    September 11th, 2015 at 02:52am
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    Jett snorted, glancing out the window with hooded eyes. In the name of god he was finally god damn back on his property. He turned to her furiously. "Stop giving me cheesy shit Camie about love. I don't believe in it and I don't need to hear it, it's not going to make me understand why people love me. If you don't want to do this then it's your choice, but part of it is that the dominant is in charge and you have to suck it up if you're the submissive, but I would never force any women to make that choice and clearly you're not ready to take up the challenge. Call me when you want to fuck." He said, the emotion in him wiped out just like that. It was frightening how he could turn a 360. Opening the side door, he slid out of the couch but didn't close the door as the cool night air took over the vehicle. He could be seen leaning over the front window talking to Max calmly in something not able to be made out where she was. It was like it hadn't affected him at all. It was ridiculous how well he could hide emotions.
    September 11th, 2015 at 04:40am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camie sat there panting like she had just been slapped. Her mouth was open and her eyes shocked. She was to shocked to cry but she knew they would come. She got out making up her mind. She bit her lip and took a deep breath. Why was she doing this she had no idea. She got out and moved over to Jettley and waited for him to look at her she nodded calmly to a tree jut a short walk then walked over there. She stood there waiting for him. When he joined her she looked up at him. "Fine. If for one night you could do anything to me would you take that? I want one night and you can do anything." she said her eyes scared but she wanted him in ways she didn't understand. "After that one night I will leave. I won't sleep here or were ever it is. Then we can figure the rest out... Can you do one night?" she asked. She was basically giving him the right to do what ever as long as she didn't sign the contract for that one night and after that they could decide if this was something they wanted to pursue. Camie had to trust him in action not just words. She realized that by surrendering this one thing to him he might find himself able to give her the one night full of all his terrible desires.
    September 11th, 2015 at 05:37am
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    Jett leaned out of the window, and Max shifted uncomfortably in his suit. "Go ahead, sir. I'll be here." He said, rolling up the window so they could speak. Jett looked in the dark and spotted her as she made a walk to the tree her dress trailing with her. He stood by the tree all composed and gave her a hard look. "No, I won't do that to you. I can do one night, but you cannot. I already spoke with Max, he will take you home. It's his job." Jett leaned against the tree and looked up putting a hand behind his neck. It was silent for a few moments, and he when he looked at her again it was honesty, honor, and a shit load of pride that was presented. "You can't fall for me Camie, ever." He warned. "Promise me you won't."

    @ Jinx...
    September 11th, 2015 at 05:57am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camie didn't answer him. She shifted and looked down for a moment thinking. "If I can't do one night then I will sign the contract." she said looking up at him. "It's a win win for you Jettley. And don't tell me I can't do it." she said and moved in front of him looking up at him. "This is what I want on your terms. I am trusting you... please...." she said softly looking into his eyes afraid she would loose her nerve. Camie bit her lip and shook her head. "If not tonight fine but in the week. I will go home if that is what you want." she said and stepped back. "But I want you to think about it Jett... and when you dream of me. Remember that anything you do to me in that one night... will either make me sign... or make me run. Either way you don't loose anything but one night." she said and leaned in kissing his cheek quickly not touching him to do it before she started to walk back to the limo her body shaking. What had she just done?
    September 11th, 2015 at 06:12am
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    Jett let out a frustrated sound. "Compromise." He said the word loud and clear, his natural musky voice still enveloping the word that separated what she wanted and what he wanted. Jett looked at her his beady eyes hard to see in the dark in the tress. "If you want to compromise, then in order for me to give some flexibility, you must give me more. Answer my question." He said, referring to the question she had left unanswered and tried to brush off moments ago, though her avoidance would not fool him. He felt cold blood run through him as she leaned up and touched him with her lips and he flinched. She was just so intimate and emotional he wasn't sure it would work at this point. When she stepped back and turned around back to the limo, he had snatched the red fabric of her dress and pulled her back into him as he could feel her stumble in surprise. "Answer my question." he said, taking her face and pulling her lips to his. He kept his eyes opened and trained on her as he licked them and suckled her tongue.

    @ Jinx...
    September 11th, 2015 at 06:24am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camie was so surprised when Jettley flipped her back to him. She gasped looking up at him her eyes closing as he kissed her. She arched into him her hands on his arms to steady herself. Camie moaned. "Okay." she said as she pulled back. "I won't.... I won't fall for you Jettley." she said and let her hands fall to her sides as she found her balance. "Is there anything else you want for one night?" she asked softly trying not to make it sound like a challenge but she knew he took everything the wrong way so all she could do was hope he would consent. She let she was giving so much more than him but that was how it goes to be with Jettley Kaiden right?
    September 11th, 2015 at 06:33am
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    Looping a finger around her halter he pulled at it. "Good." He said feeling reassured. She was small compared to his built body and height and when he stepped away from the tree he walked back to the limo with her. Tapping on the window, it rolled down and Max looked curiously at them. "Go home to your family." Jett patted the window rim. "I will take Ms. Grey home." He said. Max looked relieved that he didn't have to drive all the way back. He thanked Jett formally, and took off with the limo. Jett focused his attention back to her. She asked if he wanted anything else for one night... Jett grinned. "Your signature."

    @ Jinx...
    September 11th, 2015 at 06:50am