What are you doing to me?

  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camille was unable to go back to her office though because Mr. Kaiden was there again standing over her looking into her with those eyes that told it all and yet revealed nothing. Camille looked away when he said nothing for a good minute. He was quiet and when he finally spoke she looked up at him and nodded. "Of course sir." she said and straightened her shirt. Camille nodded agreeing with him again as she started to walk out of the classroom. "I agree. And with you're generous donation sir more children will eat before class." she said and beamed at the thought knowing it meant less kids in her office complaining of stomach pains before lunch. Camille lead him to the cafeteria and smiled at him. "Joey was very thankful for the meal plan Mr. Kaiden. He is set up for the rest of the year. I know he would say how thankful he is." she said softly and frowned a little. Honestly if they had a school councilor and a principle that actually listened to his staff then there would be a lot more kids that were safe right now. But it was not her place to cause problems. She went to the counter where Georgia was and she smiled at the bulky set woman. This woman had a heart of gold under all that steel. "Ms. Grey! Back so soon..." she trailed off as she looked up at Mr. Kaiden. "Well I am guessing this isn't the usual... Is there anything I can get you?" she asked looking between the both of them.
    June 12th, 2015 at 05:30am
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    "Your lead, Ms. Grey." he motioned forward with his hands as she took him around. His eyes trailed the busied walls filled with graduates from each year and awards before falling back forward. They were rushed to an large eating area, and he took a step in the line with her. "I'm glad. That is what the donation is for, after all." He offered politely as they met Georgia at the cafeteria. She was a buffer woman with a friendly face. "Hm." He scratched at his stubble. "What do you recommend Ms. Grey?" He said watching her with eager eyes. It was disturbing that people ate here. Though there was nutrition and proper food, it wasn't enough for someone like her. Not for these kids. How could she eat here everyday. He coughed to choke back his thoughts, still slightly disturbed.

    @ Jinx...
    June 12th, 2015 at 05:47am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camille grinned. "I told you Mr. Kaiden please call me Camille." she whispered and looked at Georgia. She had her own lunch still in the faculty fridge. "Umm well for breakfast there is eggs and toast but for lunch I am sure Georgia could make you some fish sticks and broccoli." she said knowing the meals for the day. It was hard to find food these kids would eat and was with in the school budget. Camille leaned against the counter looking at him expectantly. She blushed as he looked disapprovingly around the room. She knew it wasn't the best place to eat but some food for these kids was better than most of them got at home.
    June 12th, 2015 at 06:59am
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    He tried to keep his disturbed thoughts inside, leaned over, and grabbed a yogurt smiling and nodding his head at the cafeteria lady. "Don't mind me." He said as he snatched a plastic spoon and popped a $50 near the cash register to her. "Do you like yogurt?" He said. It was unlike him to converse with people, but it really was an important question. Peeling off the paper top, he dumped it in a nearby trash can and took the spoon stirring it all up as he watched her. "You're blushing against Ms. Grey. Or Camille." He smiled politely and set the yogurt down as they took a sit. Classes would be starting soon he assumed. He hated school. Adjusting his tux, he was receiving calls on end from his building, his phone buzzing but each time he ignored it. He really should be getting back to work. What was he doing here again,

    @ Jinx...
    June 12th, 2015 at 07:15am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camille turned red as he said her name. "Umm yes. I guess I am." she said and bit her bottom lip unknowingly as she watched him adjust his suit. "Umm yes... I like yogurt." she finally answered his first question. "I am assuming that you do as well Mr. Kaiden?" she asked softly finding herself captivated by his eyes. Camille was surprised that Mr. Kaiden was sitting here in the mostly empty cafeteria eating a yogurt. She din't know what to say to him. There was so many things to ask but yet she was afraid to scare him off. Something made her think that despite his front of being so tough there really was a real reason for him to easily become cold and run off.
    June 12th, 2015 at 07:24am
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    "Yes, but I think you like yogurt more." He grinned playfully and pushed the yogurt to her. Even playful, there was a part of his tone that was serious when he instructed her. "Please, help yourself." He said, eyeing her curiously. She'd be fucking PERFECT. Except she needed to gain a couple pounds and maybe build a little muscle. "Eat it." He said, when she just gazed at him as if she didn't hear him. He wasn't sure if he was making her uncomfortable, but he folded his arms on the table and with his sharp blue focused eyes he waited impatiently for her and something about his strong muscular portion gave off a hint he was not to be argued with. Yes, he was the boss.

    @ Jinx...
    June 12th, 2015 at 07:44am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camille was in shock at his playfulness. She almost gasped as he pushed the food to her. He demanded her to eat and she bit her lip again hard. When she released it she went to argue but she only got out one word before his raised eyebrow stopped her in her tracks. She picked up the spot and took a bite. She looked at him seeing a please and almost received look in his eyes and for some reason she wanted to please him so she slowly continued to eat. "Mr. Kaiden... I feel that you know much more about me than I you. Why don;t you tell me what you do for fun?" she asked and gave him a sweet smile taking another small bite to please him and hopefully gain points for an answer.
    June 12th, 2015 at 07:52am
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    "We just met Camille." His tongue wrapped her name complimenting it highly. "It would be my pleasure to get to know you, but unfortunately I'm a very busy man with little time for things like this, and I'm not much on talking." He licked his lips and smiled in that cockish way again. "Well, I like running Kaiden Corporations." He stated. "It's a multimillionaire marketing service, but I like playing with things like investing in little business, and of course I like buying my toys. Oh, and I like yachts. Anything with the ocean, really." His muscles relaxed as he spoke of the ocean. It was his getaway from life. "Now I wanna ask you a question." His muscles tensed again and his jaw wavered causing a sharp jaw line to appear on his cheek defining his cheekbones. "I want to know what your calorie intake is." He shuffled in his seat. "You're not getting your nutrition properly, just so you know." He said crossing his arms an obvious hint of bossy.

    @ missysipi
    June 12th, 2015 at 08:09am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camille blushed once again. "I mean.. of course you are Sir... I didn't mean to imply..." she broke off as he gave her a smile and it sent chills down her spin in all the right ways. She listened to him talk and found herself being soothed by his voice like the ocean as he spoke about it with such affection. She had never been out on a boat. Suddenly he changed yet again he had her reeling with his shift. "Excuse me?" she whispered having just fronted the yogurt. She turned deep red. "I uhhh. I don't know I never really tried to count it." she said softly watching him turn stubborn yet again. "Why is it important? Why do you need to know anyways?" she asked sitting up straight a bit of a spark hitting her blue green eyes. They lit up like the setting sun over the ocean. Camille sighed and shook her head. He had her all kinds of confused and her stomach was tied up in knots.
    June 12th, 2015 at 08:21am
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    "Please." He offered with a gentle twitch on his lips. "Mr. Kaiden is just fine." He said, a twinge of disappointment was felt in his dick, but it was not seen. "Ms. Grey, it may not be directly implied but I just assumed." He said doing that arrogant cocky smile and head tilt again. He knew he was a pretty boy, and hated himself for it. "Right." He tucked his hands in his fitted black pants. "Well, I would take my suggestion and I think you really should start Ms. Grey. Looking at your weight and height, I would assume you should be receiving at least 1700 calories a day." His eyes scanned her body. "Do you eat organic?" He slimmed his eyes. It really was bothering him. Eating organic was more of a wealthier benefit, and she didn't seem to be in his place. "No. Don't answer that." he fished out his phone and tapped on the screen right in front of her and then held it up to his ear, one hand still dug in his pocket as he focused his eyes on her. They were a dazzling blue green shade, and he found himself looking at them occasionally as he spoke. "Max, yes. We need one weeks of groceries. For delivery, yes."

    @ Jinx...
    June 13th, 2015 at 04:57am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camille was shocked at him. There he stood going on about something and now here he was agin talking about her weight. She had thought she was just fine looking but he obviously thought her malnourished. "What!" she was shocked as he ordered groceries right there in front of her. "Mr. Kaiden!" Callie shook her head and sat down again. She ran a hand through he hair. This over powering man was pushing food onto her like she wasn't capable to provide for herself. Camille bit her lip. "Please. It is Camille." she whispered looking down trying to recover from this but feeling like it was going to take a while. No one had ever tried to take care of her before.
    June 13th, 2015 at 07:51am
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    Jettley looked up and frowned. "Camille..." He whispered out of his phone. "I am trying to do something friendly for an acquaintence, and I don't associate with people often. Please accept this as a gift. It's strange, I know." He said, understanding the feeling of accepting things from others. "My driver, Max will deliver it. It should be good for a week. Now, are you a lean beef or extra lean beef person?" He said covering the phone so there conversation would not slip through to Max. She looked extremely flustered, but she would get over it. He wanted to reach out and tuck her hair back in, he loved it when his woman were intimidated by him. It made him feel masculine and wanted.

    @ Jinx...
    June 13th, 2015 at 08:45am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camille blushed and ran a hand through her hair and nodded once. "Alright but just this once..." she said softly finding his explanation entering enough. He didn't have a lot of friends did he? Camille frowned at the thought but let it go. "Umm just lean." she said to answer his question as she looked up at him. He looked strangely at her and she found herself becoming very still waiting for him to do something. Camille was overwhelmed in his presence and yet she felt something else. He made her think that there was so much more to him that what met the eyes. Camille bit her lip wondering if this brave feeling was going to do her any good. "Of course Mr. Kaiden... if you do this you will have to come over for dinner one day." she said softly. "Since it it is such a generous gift." she said and shifted in her seat looking up at him.
    June 13th, 2015 at 09:00am
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    "No, not just this once." He snapped angrily, but his jawbone quickly relaxed when he realizes he snapped at her. Clearing his throat, he adjusted his jacket. "If you want to maintain a healthy lifestyle, you have got to have a steady diet." He explained, his fit toned but still professional body spoke words he couldn't say. "Lean, Max." He said into the phone. A loud bell rang and she flinched, and even then Jett couldn't hold back a humorous smile. "Thank you, Max." He said and hung up jabbing his phone into his jacket. "Camille.." He said. It would be tempting to see her home. He wanted to see her room, her bed... As his thoughts trailed, he snapped out of it and frowned softening the lines on his forehead. How he would like to fuck the shit out of her. "I'm not a person you want to be friends with." He said sternly.

    @ Jinx...
    June 13th, 2015 at 09:15am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camille blushed. "Mr. Kaiden..." she tried to sooth because she was surprised by his outburst. She flinched at his tone as he ordered into the phone. "I can take care of myself." she said softly trying not to offend him. She shook her head. "Sometimes what you want isn't the main priority." she stood and took a step toward him. "And how will I know if I want to be friends or not if you don't give it a chance." she said and smiled softly. "I am not afraid of you Mr. Kaiden. Though it would be nice to know your first name." she said getting the realization that he liked it when she called him Mr. Kaiden. "A lot of people are afraid of you but... I am afraid you broke that fright in my by taking care of Joey." she said softly and watched as the kids started to poor into the room for lunch. She bit her lip knowing there time was almost over. It was unlikely Mr. Kaiden would stay.
    June 13th, 2015 at 09:34am
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    "No you clearly, cannot." He pointed at her waist with a look of disapproval. "That, is not taking care of yourself. I want to help you." He said crossing his arms. His own words made himself uncomfortable. "My name is Jettley Kaiden. Just google it. I prefer my clients and business persons refer to me as Mr. Kaiden." He said. "And that is what we are." He was surprised she had said something like that him. "What I want... It IS the main priority Camille." He said, his self centering obvious and going on strong. It was frustrating to explain what a mistake it was. "You will know, right off the bar. I'm not friend material. You seem like a great woman Camille, and I do wish you my best.. But I am strictly made for business and business only. and fucking..., he thought. She wasn't afraid? Well, she should be. She didn't know him. She would run at first sight... "Joey?" He squinted his eyes. "I did NOT take care of him. I donate 75% of my earnings to charity, Ms. Grey." He said. "I am helping, but that doesn't make me caring."

    @ Jinx...
    June 13th, 2015 at 10:00am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camille gasped at his statement and she blushed suddenly feeling inadequate. "Help me? Why?" she whispered. "Jettley..." she whispered testing it out before he eventually scolded her. ""Business? Us?" she laughed. "Oh dear." she shook her head nervously. He was a strange man and he was making her stomach knot. "Well Mr. Jettley Kaiden if that is what you call a donation making sure a kid has everything that he needs then excuse me for thinking you still took care of him, intentionally or not." she shook her head. "I think we should leave here so the kids can eat." she said and walked briskly out of the lunchroom making it outside in an attempt to get to the office. She was suddenly stopped by Jettley hough just outside the door. She looked up at him. "Mr. Kaiden... Jettley... I want you to realize that I have different view of the world than you do. It doesn't make me right, nor does it make me wrong but I expect you to accept it as my view and not try to change it." she said and stood taller beneath his gaze. There were several things she stood for and this was getting to close to one of them. She believed that everyone deserved love and she wouldn't let him convince her that even he didn't need it. He may believe that he was built for business but he still had a heart so he deserved love to, even if it was only as a friend, or an "acquaintance".
    June 13th, 2015 at 10:18am
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    He was taken aback by her word choice. She certainly was a brave one, and that definetly was a good quality he looked for in his submissives. It actually made him proud and he encouraged behaviour like that, so he didn't scold her. "Yes, that's probably a good idea." He followed her out so ready to leave the school. Just being in there made him feel wrong. She turned her heel and walked away, but he wasn't done yet. They had minutes before she had to go to class. Grabbing her elbow he spun her around his eyes dark and shaded. His posture was tall and aggressive again and his grip on her elbow just a little too tight. "I did not mean to offend you Ms. Grey." He said, feeling as if she was upset. "I'm not trying to change your opinion. You love it here, and I don't. If I had any other choice I'd be anywhere but here, but by saying we can't be friends, I'm actually doing you a favour. I want to help you because I can." so when I fuck you a thousand times you won't break just by a look. he thought, but hushed the thought away. His imagination was going places it really shouldn't and he wasn't liking that he wanted her but couldn't get her. It was a frustrating feeling he couldn't shake and would take a lot of fucking to get rid of her etched in his mind.

    @ Jinx...
    June 13th, 2015 at 07:41pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camille raised and eyebrow at him, his hand harsh but yet somehow reassuring. She reached over and touched his hand knowing he would either soften his grip or withdrawal it. She smiled softly. "Mr. Kaiden if you had offended me you would have heard a different set of choice words." She said and dropped her hand back to her side. "But like I said my view is different than your and you saying we can't be friends... to me is inconsequential. Frankly I see it like this, you need a friend and are frightened of the commitment that comes with that. I understand and even though I will get hurt being your friend it is something I believe you need, and everyone... Even you Mr. Kaiden, deserve a friend. Call it my way of giving what I have an abundance of, just as you do with your money." Camille said and smiled sweetly at him. "You can only run to stop me. But I don't think you will." She whispered and smiled. "I expect you for dinner one night Mr. Kaiden. You will have to come make sure the food is being eaten." She said stopping and wondering if he knew her address. She smirked. If he did then that solved that problem and she wasn't going to give it to him. "Pick a day and let me know... You know my door at he nurses office is always open." She said hardly suppressing a giggle. She then stepped back from him and walked around him to go to her office. She could be witty and demanding to in her own way. She was quiet perceptive though and often it resulted in her not having a lot of people close to her.
    June 13th, 2015 at 08:47pm
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    He didn't accept her touch, withdrawing his hand from hers but without his eyes leaving her. "Ms. Grey." He grinned so hard his lips parted to reveal his teeth, and it took a lot of effort to hold in a chuckle. "You are assuming I am so scary that I am friendless? Don't be ridiculous. You do not need those choice of words and pretend that you know me, because you really don't. We only just met, Camille." His smile was still not wiped off, returning his humor to her sweetness. "I am an owner of a corporation. I speak to tens to hundreds of people a day, some many times a day. I am not alone Ms. Grey, you do not need to be concerned for my emotional well being." Saying those words aloud just made him have to straighten his jacket to yet again hold in another laugh. "If you don't know who I am, I do not have a lot of time. Again, I'm not trying to offend you Ms. Grey, but I don't think I can make it to dinner unless it's on very short notice." It was quite demeaning of him to say something of that sort, but he crossed his arms and stood tall just showing off his built masculine vibe with that same confident attitude. Oh, he definitely knew he was a god with the hooded dark eyes and attractive smile along with a small dimple on his chin. He knew it and he used it to his advantage. "I will have to stop in one of these days, though, Ms. Grey, and hope you're spending my donation well." he mentioned lastly before they both turned opposite ways, and he could feel one last glance at his back before he left the hell hole and went to Kaiden Corporations.

    @ Jinx...
    June 15th, 2015 at 03:24am