What are you doing to me?

  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    "I'm glad I took you. You have been a pleasure to 'show off'." Jett glanced up at the stage, as she commented. "What?" He narrowed his eyes. "What makes you assume I'm not enjoying myself? I'm having a great time, Camille. It's been memorable." He said with a weak smile as the occasional odd person would walk over and shake his hand in congrats, as Jett would take it and pat their shoulder or air kiss them if they were female. He felt relief that Camille didn't feel the need to comfort him as he continued to sit quietly. He didn't think her touch right now was going to help with his concentration to keep his thoughts trained. He said just as Walter took back on the stage and people straightened in their seats and turned their attention. Walter tapped the microphone before speaking. "So, to start off the night, we will have a few commemorations before we have crew members and CBC news, photographers for some magazines, plus a couple publishing companys come in so please, feel free to help yourself to any beverages and snacks before the buffet where there will be live music and dancing after the sun goes down." Walter cleared his throat, before calling up a specific doctor who walked up on the stage being patted and congratulated on his way up before he started speaking. He knew Walter too, as he told his story of how they met and made an agreement to go together to places in need. Then, the doctor thanked them for listening and took Walters hand, squeezing it and giving it a hard shake as people clapped and the photographers ran forward with big equipment and snapped pictures of them in a gripped handshake both the doctor and Walter smiling wide for the camera and staying still.

    @ Jinx...
    August 28th, 2015 at 08:35am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camie blushed as he said she has been a pleasure to show off. She was glad to hear it because she wanted to be there beside him. She bit her lip as he looked at her and accused her of assuming. "I was just saying that you didn't seem to be not that I said you weren't. I am glad that you are." She said and took the glass offered to her by a waiter. She sipped the drink and followed Jettley being polite. Between people she talked with Jettley about things she could get him to say. At one point a doctor came up and gave a speech. She smiled listening and applauded appropriately. Then she turned to Jettley. "Do you know him?" She asked and looked at Jettley hoping he would want to dance later. She loved to dance even if she wasn't very good.
    August 28th, 2015 at 08:57am
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    His eyes drifted off the stage for a second as he turned to Camie, his intense eyes locked to hers that soft sadness gone as he put one firm hand on her knee and squeezed it assuredly. "I'm fine. Don't worry about me." He casually leane in a little closer. "I would kiss you to assure you, but that wouldn't look good for Mr. Kaiden." Then, Jett returned to his own spot and continued his thing. "Formally, yes. That's the chief of surgery at the Lizotte hospital." He explained. Then, Walter called up a women who happened to be his wife as she started her commencement on Walter himself, then moved on to talk about how thankful she was for everything. After about 15 minutes, Walter instead of shaking her hand pecked her and the cameras freaked flashing like wild. Then, Jett knew his cue. Standing up, all eyes turned to him respectfully, he buttoned his jacket as he walked with a masculine grace that cannot be faked up the stairs to the table.

    @ Jinx...
    August 29th, 2015 at 07:56pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    Camie smiled. She blushed at the hand on her thigh. She nodded and smiled. She giggled when he said he would kiss her but he had an image. She shook her head and then watched him pull away. She smiled as he talked about the doctor. Camie getting to know all these people he knew one way or another. "Wow he sounds very accomplished." she said and watched a Walter's wife came up and talked. She was fascinated and in awe of the relationship between Walter and his wife. She wants that one day. It was adorable and yet so strong. She bit her lip knowing she would never have that with Jettley and though the thought made her insides curl with dislike she still knew she could live with that. What Camie was afraid of was how short their time together really was. Every day she asked herself if it was the last days he would see him. When Jettley left her side she clapped smiling up at him. she was so excited to hear what he had to say. She smiled watching him as he moved so sure of himself across the stage to the microphone and she never expected any less from him.
    August 30th, 2015 at 04:12am
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    People applauded as he stepped up to the pedestal and adjusted his jacket and posture so it was firm and powerful. Walter stood at the side with a old mans smile and the cameras were trained on Jettley. "It is such an honor to be speaking at the MTEWP on this very day. Myself and the MTEWP have been very close, both partner wise, and personal wise. I owe them more then I could possibly give, and I can fully assure you Walter." He looked over at Walter. "That my donations won't stop. Because when I was young, you gave me life. No child at age 5 should want to leave their home, would choose starvation over a warm place with food and basic needs." His eyes were looking that sort of sad again, it was clearly a sensitive subject that brought horrible memories. "But I did, because it's what brought me here today with the great help of the MTEWP. Congratulations, old man, and all members of the MTEWP. I am always in debt to this foundation." Walter then came, and took Jett's hand like the doctor, giving it a shake as he thanked Jett holding it and both looking to the camera. Jett put on a confident camera look, but it was not smiley. He was dominant in every way, the way he carried himself and dealt with work. A loud applause came during the pictures as Jett walked down the stairs unbuttoning his jacket and making his way to his seat people stopping him and giving him words as he gave a couple words back and nodded. Finally, he was at his seat and looked over at her so real, that hardness gone and instead, he was a sad, 5 year old Jett sitting on the street.

    @ Jinx...
    August 30th, 2015 at 07:31pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camie smiled seeing him become a stone wall knowing there was something behind that wall he did't want anyone to see. He spoke and she listened carefully and she was shocked. No wonder he freaked about her eating food. She bit her lip finally understanding so much but the mother she had meat she wouldn't have done that to him... right? Camie watched him and soon pictures were snapping and she realized how big of a deal it was to Jettley that he brought her here. Camie stood clapping as they finished and she waited for him to come to her. he took another drink offered to her and sat watching as people got in his way to talk to him but her eyes never left him. He sat down beside her and the wall he held up crumpled and she wanted t jump at the chance and kiss him but instead she offered her hand to him hoping he would hold her hand. If not for his sake then for hers. She smiled gently though there was a thing of sadness in her eyes. Yes his story was sad but he had overcame it many times over with his success. "That was beautiful Jettley. Thank you for bringing me... May I kiss your cheek Sir?" she whispered the last part wanting to congratulate him but not wanting to make him uncomfortable again, not tonight.
    August 30th, 2015 at 08:16pm
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    Jett turned to her, feeling a stare of eyes at him. He looked behind him, seeing his mother who was in tears and got up from her seat to clap and even afterewards, she blew him a kiss. Jett's emotion were swept away as his eyes glanced at her hand, and he took it lifting it to his lips and giving it a kiss before setting it back in her lap his eyes staying with her during that time, and they were as blue as could be. "Not here. They're watching, and I don't want to make it formal. We can celebrate later." he said into her ear with a mere whisper so his words were for her, and only her and no press or photographers or guests could hear. Only one more person was called up after Jett, and after all the speeches the sun was already going down. People stood, and servers folded chairs so there was room for the tables. Wine and beer was offered everywhere, and people were laughing and enjoying themselves as tables were being replaced for the supper. Jett rested his hand on her hip as he took his second glass of the night as he lead her around and many people stopped to congradulate him again, telling him how his speech was moving and this and that. Jett took a drink, looking down at her as he swished the dark red liquid in his mouth, his adams apple bobbing as he swallowed.

    @ Jinx...
    September 2nd, 2015 at 02:41am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camie nodded. She smiled and stood beside him accepting the bit of accession he offered her. She wondered what they were celebrating exactly and how they would but for now she would just be happy to be by his side. Camie stayed with Jettley as the room was transformed of the night. She smiled watching him and bit her lip watching him swallow. "Is it good?" she asked softly wanting to reach other and take a sip from his glass but instead she simply stood there looking up at him. Camie looked around at the beauty of the place as the sun started to set. Dinner was announced when it was ready and she followed Jettley to their table. She sat beside him and placed her shaw over her shoulders to give him some comfort for now. She knew she would be cooler sitting down so it wasn't to much of a problem and she would take it off again to dance later.
    September 2nd, 2015 at 03:07am
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    He looked down at her with a tease and a reminiscence of a playful smile. He was himself again, and that heart wrenching look was pulled from him thankfully as the night went on. "Very." He said, his confidence showing through with his strong hand on her side and a low husky voice that told her exactly that he was not someone who dated. He took his glass of wine with him as everyone was seated, Mr and Mrs. Telly sat together at a table for two, likewise them, and Walter sat with his wife and child, but the whole ground was covered in tables and chairs so t was hard to spot anyone else. Jett watched her carefully, his eyebrows pulled together in a soft yet rough look.

    @ Jinx...
    September 2nd, 2015 at 03:25am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camie giggled as he returned to his old self. She smiled and sat down with him watching him. "What is that look for Mr. Kaiden?" she teased and crossed her legs as she looked at him sipping the wine they were serving with dinner. She was glad when they set a plate of food in front of her. She picked up her fork and took a bite watching him waiting for what he was going to day about why his eyebrows were all like that.
    September 2nd, 2015 at 03:38am
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    His eyes left her and relaxed as food was set in front of them. "If I told you here, I'd be in some trouble." He flashed her one of his very rare but cringe worthy perfect smiles as he picked up his utensils and cut the meat, putting it in his mouth as he watched her and chewed. After, he picked up his napkin and wiped his mouth still watching her. It was horrible having her across from him dressed like this. His dress shoes underneath the tablecloth gave her a small kick, and when she looked up at him he looked at the trees where they argued earlier his intense eyes heated beneath the blue.

    @ Jinx...
    September 2nd, 2015 at 03:40pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camie giggled and nodded. "Very well." she said and picked up her own fork and started to eat. This was very good. Camie looked up at him catching his heart wrenching smile and she bit her lip. She wanted that mouth on her but she had to wait and she didn't like it any more than he did. Camie jumped a small whimper escaping when he kicked her. She looked at him and frowned. She wondered what it was. Camie leaned forward. "Are you wanting me to go over there?" she whispered and then sat back and took another bite go her food. Honestly she should eat before he got any crazy ideas. Camie felt her gut pull at his gaze though. She was wearing the shaw so why was he acting so strange?
    September 2nd, 2015 at 06:00pm
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    Jett gave her a sharp look, that said exactly what he thought before moving the heat away from her and to his food the intensity so strong it seemed like it could heat the food. Slowly, he set down his fork without finishing his food which was the first and very unusual for him. Clearing his throat, Jett straightened his bow and leaned forward across the table, a distance still keeping them apart but somehow his divine scent could still intrigue women from afar. He watched her, licking his lips as she looked up at him. Chatter surrounded them, but he continued watching her.

    @ Jinx...
    September 3rd, 2015 at 03:18am
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    Jett gave her a sharp look, that said exactly what he thought before moving the heat away from her and to his food the intensity so strong it seemed like it could heat the food. Slowly, he set down his fork without finishing his food which was the first and very unusual for him. Clearing his throat, Jett straightened his bow and leaned forward across the table, a distance still keeping them apart but somehow his divine scent could still intrigue women from afar. He watched her, licking his lips as she looked up at him. Chatter surrounded them, but he continued watching her.

    @ Jinx...
    September 3rd, 2015 at 03:21am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camie still didn't know exactly what he wanted but the sharp look made her stand. She smiled softly. "Excuse me." she said gently and then walked over towards the trees. She got to the trees and leaned up against one figuring Jettley would come after her one way or another. Why he wanted her over hear she didn't know but she sighed waiting for him. Camie could feel his look register deep in her gut still and all she needed now was him here to touch her. She wondered what he was going to say.
    September 3rd, 2015 at 04:46am
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    He folded his napkin and set it on the tablecloth as she stood up, and he waited to see where she was going. Before he stood, he could feel his mothers look from a mile away as she peered curiously above the heads. Jett pulled his chair back and stood up taking off his jacket and slinging it across the top of his chair as he made his way a ways away from where all the guests were enjoying their meal and into the light ferny covering of the spruce trees. He could see her against one as he moved with such a majestic grace that could not be learned towards her in quick strides and he stood before her. The corner of his lip twitched as he once again tucked her hair back away from the people. He could do what he wanted here without an audience... Anything he wanted. Jett looked down to the floor for a split second as his eyes blurred, but when he looked back up his wall was set back securely. "I don't want what you know about me to affect how you think about me. The past is the past, and I don't need any apologies." or should he say he didn't deserve them. Jett put a firm strong hand underneath her jaw as he moved it up to her ear and he was holding her face "Promise me you won't think differently of me, no matter what."

    @ Jinx...
    September 3rd, 2015 at 05:46am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camie saw Jettley and she felt her pulse jump. He looked so good. He came over and looked down and she bit her lip. He looked back at her and his hands were on her. She moved how he wished and smiled at him. He was concerned she would see him different. She wanted to sooth him but didn't. "Jettley..." Camie shook her head a little. "You are still you no matter what happened. "It just makes a little more sense... or less sense depends on how you look at it. But that won't cause me to look at you differently. You're still intense and smoldering and you still do the same things to my body as you did before I knew anything." she leaned her head into his hand. "Nothing as changed." she said and smiled. "But just so you know I am here for you if the past ever haunts the future." Camie said and bit her lip. "Just as I am here when you scare me, or delight me." she smiled and chuckled a little before she was serious. "So I promise to look at you the same." she said and shifted. "Now will you please kiss me? I have been wanting those lips all night and have been restraining myself." she said and smirked but her eyes pleaded.
    September 3rd, 2015 at 05:59am
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    He blinked and let out a small sigh. For all he knew, she could be bullshitting about seeing him differently. "No, Camille. I mean it when I say these things so please, let's keep them there. I do not allow my personal life to get into my business life so what you heard today is not any of your concern. You will forget it." He said without a question. "I don't need sympathy or people to help me get through a 'couple hardships"." His fists were clenched and his abdomen tightened as he tugged her to him and took her lips without a doubt or response. "Was it worth the wait?" He ripped her shaw off her shoulders and slung it over a branch as he walked forward and pushed her backwards so her back was against the tree comfortably and tugged at her lip and letting it go as her lip went back to it's place with a couple soft bite marks and swelled. Jett let out a groan that was deep and erotic as he took both her wrists and held them together with one hand as he put them above her head and leaned forward again resting his nose beside hers and running his tongue over the bite marks. Even after just eating, he still smelled like himself with a hint of mint. He could feel her heart racing and then pushed his tongue in between her two lips and ran it along her own tongue to give her some stimulation before he opened his eyes and looked down at her.

    @ Jinx...
    September 3rd, 2015 at 06:20am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    "Trust me Jettley." she said and then suddenly his lips were on hers. He was tense and yet his kiss was so perfect. She kissed him back moaning softly against his lips. She gasped as he took her shaw and placed it on the tree. She nodded. "Always." Camie said and moaned as he pressed her into the tree. She was trying so very hard not to touch him at all. She moaned again as his teeth took her lip into his mouth. He let it go and she could feel the pulsing and the pleasure. He took her wrists and she almost sighed in relief because the urge to touch him was getting to strong and she did't want to scare him by touching him. Camie closed her eyes and held still for him as he licked over the bite marks. She arched into him her body taking over and then he was french kissing her and she him. Camie had her eyes closed when he finally with drew. "Jett..." she moaned under her breath still panting from his kiss though she was glad he still had her wrists. "Will you dance with me tonight?" she asked softly hoping he would say yes.
    September 3rd, 2015 at 06:30am
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    When she arched into him, he used his other hand and put it on her lower back as he put some pressure so she was against him in the front with her back against the rough bark of the tree. "Yes?" he said pulling back from the fantasizing movements of his lips as they were moist with what they had shared. He let out a breath of air through his nose and pulled her hands together tighter. "Mmmhm." he mumbled as he leaned his forehead to the top of her head and just stood there with her for a while as he inhaled the sweet scent of her hair before releasing her wrists and backing from her, the air feeling hot and steamy. "Let's go finish your supper. We will finish this later."

    @ Jinx...
    September 4th, 2015 at 01:25am