What are you doing to me?

  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camille shook her head. "No Sir that is not my assumption. I am quiet confident that many people want to be your friend but if you let them or not is a different matter. You are quiet charming Mr. Kaiden." she admitted and smiled kindly his smile darling and leaving her weak in the knees a pulling in the deep part of her belly. "You are right that we only just met but I believe I know more than you assume I do. If you must give short notice that is fine I will be prepared to cook something quickly throughout the week. A call would be nice but I can only imagine the amount of work you must have to do to keep your cooperation running smoothly. Please feel free to stop by..." she giggled. "It will keep Mr. Balm on his toes." she said and smiled softly. "Have a good day Sir..." she blushed. "Thanks for the yogurt Jettley." she said softly and started to head back to the office as he started to leave. She grinned and took a peek back at him seeing how he didn't look her way again. She sighed feeling a little more optimistic about seeing him again. Camille got into her office and sat down in her chair looking at the mountain of paperwork Mr. Balm refused to do and instead made her do.
    June 15th, 2015 at 03:51am
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    Jett went home. It was only supper time by the time he had swung by his building and went to do some work, he had figured maybe doing some cardio and weight would help lighten his ever coming darkness. It wasn't darkness in the fact he liked to murder or was creepy, but more in the fact that he was so sullen and quiet, and so quiet that his thoughts occasionally took over. It was disturbing to him. When he was sweating hot and beat, his damp hair and sweatpants plus a muscle tank that really complimented his biceps made him completely unrecognizable from media attention or any people in general other then the odd lady eye that gawked and took in his appearance with pleasure. It was satisfying, and he occasionally considered maybe hitting on them and taking them with him, but figured better of it and just moved on. It was unusual to see him so out of his concentrated buzz with a tuxedo and well groomed appearance in public, but he had to get away somehow. As he walked by his favorite coffee shop, he saw one of his employees. It was hard to remember every single employee considering he had hundreds, but he took the time to get to know some of them professionally. Seeing him made him go in, and the employee opened his eyes and greeted Jett once again professionally like his whole life was. "Evening, Mr. Kaiden." He said. "Stopping for some coffee?" he said, folding his hands over his own buttoned tux. Jett dipped his head. "Yes, I am." He said clearly, shaking his hand before the employee left and Jettley ordered his own coffee turning off his music and stuffing his buds in his pocket.

    @ Jinx...
    June 16th, 2015 at 02:53am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camille finally finished the mountain of paperwork again leaving late in the evening. She sighed as she got home and realized all she wanted was to go to bed. She was tired from the long day with Jettley and thinking about his over bearing self though out the day. It made her do things that she wouldn't have worried so much about before. For example she would have thought nothing about skipping lunch before him but now she had taken time out to be sure to eat it. Camille ran a hand through her hair and went to take a shower before she would decide if she had the energy to cook anything. She ignored the scolding she could think of from Jett. He was not here, and even more he probably didn't know her address. She was unlikely she would see him again.
    June 16th, 2015 at 01:10pm
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    The day dragged for him. He worked, he had sex with some chick he picked up off the street, he ate, and he wandered around until he passed out somewhere in his home. Before the morning had even come, Jett's tired restless eyes blinked open in the darkness. It was hard to remember where he was, but it came flooding back as he flickered on the lights. A single blanket and pillow was strewn across his massive corner couch it's pristine leather warm from his body. He got up, and checked his watch. It was 5:30 in the morning. He figured, he wasn't going to sleep now and he wasn't hungry in the bit, so he did the thing he always did in times like this. He hopped in for a drive passing he lights and the dark traffic that was just as quiet as the night.

    @ Jinx...
    June 20th, 2015 at 06:01am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camille ended up going to bed early with only a light snack as dinner. She slept through the night thankful of Friday. She was so done working for Mr. Balm when honestly she could do his job and do it so much better. Camille woke in the morning and got ready for school. She went in and it was the same story. Camille worked and worked on useless paperwork that she rather spend that time with the kids or making sure they got what they needed. She pushed away from her desk at lunch time to go eat lunch. She had made it after she had eaten breakfast that morning. Camille ran a hand through her hair feeling like she was being kept from doing the important work with all this paperwork.
    June 20th, 2015 at 09:46pm
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    It took him 3 hours to calm down and really get himself together. He blinked, his dry tired eyes being soothed with each shutter of his eyelids. He didn't want to work, or workout. He figured he might as well make it to his appointment with his psychologist, and right after the session he did feel like shit as she always made him feel, but somewhere despite hating that feeling, he loved it and savored every second of it before it was forgotten and he'd go again. By the time he was actually ready to eat, he got a call from his assistant Allison. She needed him to do some paperwork and check the stock. He cussed her out very unprofessionally, and hung up before finding himself tracking her again. Yes, she might be in school according to his track info, but maybe he could drag her to an empty school room and get a taste of her. He shook the thoughts out of his head, and denied ever thinking them, yet he found himself parked on the curb outside of her apartment. The building was awfully small and it seemed quite a lot of people lived there. He frowned, but quickly wiped the frustrated mood knowing it wasn't his business despite how much he disagreed with this living space.

    @ Jinx...
    June 21st, 2015 at 05:48am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camille sighed. After eating her meal she took a walk and strolled down the sidewalk away from the school toward the local park not to far away. she just needed some time to clear her head. She walked into the bright park walking around seeing people running and walking their dogs, or even having lunch between work with a friend. Camille watched people as she walked eventually moving to a bench and sitting down pulling her feet up onto the bench beneath her. Camille wished something more exciting would happen but at last there was nothing. She looked at the time and sighed knowing if she didn't get back soon Mr. Balm would chew her out for waisting his time. Really it had nothing to do with his time. He always went home early and got away with as little work as he could.
    June 21st, 2015 at 11:21am
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    Jett stared. Just stared and frowned, annoyed with himself for not observing her apartment further. Getting out, he casually put his hands I'm his pockets and strolled to her door, number 7 according to her records. He looked at the door, seeing that it could use a repair from the dents of star crossed lovers clashing on it or enemies throwing punches. Either way, he wasn't comfortable with it. What he really wanted was to pick her up and stick her somewhere safe. He checked her windows, and found himself standing on the porch as fellow people in the building came out and stared at him. Men looked at him curiously staring at the door and women stopped to pick up their jaws and pretend to not notice at his messy hair, pulled down tie, and open suit but he was so deep at observing the window he didn't even notice the people crossing by.

    @ Jinx...
    July 2nd, 2015 at 09:35am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camille got a call on her cell and she picked it up listening to her neighbor going on and no. "Wait slow down... what?" she asked and listened to the older woman telling her about the man outside of her apartment. "What!" She groaned. "Don't let him leave." she said and then put her phone away and took off her heels and ran back to the school. She hopped in her car and was at her place in 10 minutes. Camille popped out of her car and walked up toward Jett. He didn't look like his collected self. She bit her lip and looked at all the people watching him. Camille decided she should get him inside and would have to ignore her nosey neighbors. Camille came up behind Jett and smiled. "Jett..." she blushed using such an informal name but he was snooping around her house so she felt she had a right to. Camille smiled as he turned and she could drink in his appearance. She bit her bottom lip lightly before letting it go. "What are you doing here?" she asked softly more curious than accusatory.
    July 2nd, 2015 at 10:06am
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    Jett turned around and his cool expression hardened as shock took hold in his features. His eyes turned deep and his posture rigid his sculped lips parting just slightly. She blew his breath away. Containing himself, Jett didn't return the smile but warmly addressed her. "Ms. Grey..." He said, clearing his throat. "I could ask you the same thing. Shouldn't you be at school?" He said angry at himself for not thinking it over more, that she caught him black handed. "I just wanted to observe the building he said, his eyes drifting to that same dent in the door. Now he was mad. "And I can say very clearly I'm not happy with your living conditions." He looked flustered as he loosened his tie so it hung loosely on his chest. It made it easier for him to breathe. God, why did her hair have to hang like that covering her breasts and why did she have to look at him with that smile.

    @ Jinx...
    July 2nd, 2015 at 08:12pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camille's eyes opened wider as he turned looking at her like that. It made her shift under his gaze and look away for a moment before looking back at him. "Well when you're neighbor calls to say a fallen angel is peeking into your window then your first reaction is to come see such a thing." she pulled out her keys and opened the door. "Would you like to inspect from the inside?" she asked and stopped in the door way as he called her house , her hime not good enough. She pursed her lips. "Well Mr. Kaiden some of us have to make a choice between good houses and helping others. Besides what it lacks on the outside it makes up for on the insides and with my older neighbor Barbra." she said and waved to the woman across from her still peering out the window on the phone. "I'll tell you a secret. That woman is the town gossip." she said and chuckled. Camille left the door open as she walked into her house and dropped the heels she had been holding. In her rush to get here she hadn't put them back on. She slipped into her room grabbing some flats and coming back out closing the door behind her not wanting him to see her bedroom. If he didn't like the door, or the window he was not going to be happy with he inside but at least she got him inside. Once Jettley was inside she closed the door behind him. Camille was surprised he had come in. He looked upset or something though and it made her wonder if that was why he came here. "I just have to call Mr. Balm. Make yourself at home." she said and patted around the house grabbing her phone and opened the fridge pulling out a container. "Tea?" She asked before hitting a number on her phone and holding it up to her ear. She watched him looking around her place and the way he looked disapproving the more he looked.
    July 2nd, 2015 at 09:15pm
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    "A fallen angel?" It was a funny way to describe him, but true in it's own sense. He lingered outside the door leaning in the doorway from where she was just standing as he look at the little he could see. It was obvious she put effort in making it more modern than it really was, but it was really a feeble attempt despite whatever effort she may have put. He thought about her question. "Yes, I would." He said. "You might not know me very well Ms. Grey, but I like to help others too despite what thoughts you think of me." He said. She could take that comment two ways. However, he liked the dirty way more. His hands traced her walls after he stepped inside, fingertips gently going down as he could feel more dents and the uneven surface made him frown. He stood quietly against the wall as she watched her flustering around her own home. How was he supposed to make himself at home in the unhomiest place he could imagine? "Ms. Grey. Do I have your permission to look at your home?" He asked, though by the aggressive tone of his voice it wasn't hard to imagine that he was going to anyways. "Sure, why not." He offered his first genuine smile still dazed by his emotions. How could he allow her to live here... It wasn't safe. There was no security, and she was on her own. Or, he assumed she was on her own. Suddenly, his mind flipped and his muscles went hard. He turned towards her and the thought itched under his skin, so bad he could hardly control himself, and feeling out of control was his most feared feeling. His foot tapped and he shifted uncomfortably as he waited for her to get off the phone.

    @ Jinx...
    July 3rd, 2015 at 04:47am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camille watched him as she talked on the phone watching his eyes darken making her breathing accelerate. "Yes Mr. Balm I understand..." she frowned. "I intent to finish the paperwork... Yes I will finish it for when you need it." she looked angry. "Mr.Balm." she said strictly. "I know quite well when you're due dates are and I assure you the paper will get done. Now good day Mr. Balm." she said and hung up sighing. "I am sorry Mr. Kaiden." she said softly her face calming as she moved closer to Jettley. She glared at her phone as it buzzed and she ignored it. Camille smiled as she stood before him. "So what is your assessment?" she asked softly knowing he disapproved but he couldn't be to harsh after all it was her home. Suddenly she remembered she had never invited him over. She smirked. "Are you stalking me Sir?" she asked her voice low and she bit her lip as she watched him look over her. She smiled as she saw something change in his eyes. She felt her insides melting under his gaze.
    July 3rd, 2015 at 11:05am
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    He turned to look at her, as his lips slowly spread into a grim and he lifted his eyebrow amusingly at her. "You think I'm stalking you?" He chuckled. "Ms. Grey, I can assure you I'm not stalking you." He wouldn't admit it, but stalking was an obsession. "I'm simply assuring you and myself that you're safe. Clearly there is no security." He crossed his arms. "Do you have a boyfriend?" There was a hardness in his tone that he tried not to show and it made his hair stand up. If she had a boyfriend, that meant she wouldn't be available for his "program", to be his. And he was dying to possess her, but he didn't know enough.

    @ Jinx...
    July 3rd, 2015 at 09:47pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camille giggled at how he said he wasn't stalking her. "Well Mr. Kaiden it sure seems like you are. And I can assure you that this is safer than you think, or did you not notice the mob of people watching you outside my door?" she asked and bit her lip. Suddenly he popped a question and she blinked stepping back and laughed a little under her breath. After the confusion left her eyes humor replaced it. She put her hands on her hips. "After you come to my place and insist that I eat regularly and making sure I have food in the house... now, now you ask me if I have a boyfriend?" she asked. Camille shook her head. "No Jettley. I do not have a boyfriend." she said and went back to her fridge opening it up and pulling out something to drink. She sat on the counter her head spinning from the proximity of Jettley. She smiled at him over her cup. "Any particular reason you want to know?" she asked. Camille smiled and ran a hand through her hair bringing it over one shoulder and setting her glass down. She was amused by him today and yet he had her where he wanted her and she knew it. Camille blushed as his focused on her. She felt her heart racing and her breathing become erratic again.
    July 3rd, 2015 at 10:20pm
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    "Neighbors staring at you isn't going to save you from a robbery, Ms. Grey. I don't mean this in offense but I really don't believe you're capable of taking care of yourself in certain aspects." He followed her into her puny kitchen which consisted of a stove, microwave, fridge, and a counter. A breath of relief escaped him after she answered his question, but his stubborn self wouldn't show it. "Yes, there was a reason I wanted to know. Maybe you had protection, but again, I'm not happy with this place." He reached for her fridge handle, pulling it open. Even the light in it was broken. He frowned and heaved in disapproval as his hands scowered her fridge violating any privacy she had in her kitchen. He found food, but nothing fresh. No eggs, no beef, and no tomatoes or mushrooms which was rich in vitamin she might be lacking. He looked up at her blazing and scowled. "THIS, is what you eat everyday from?" he lifted up a jar of pasta sauce angrily.

    @ Jinx...
    July 3rd, 2015 at 11:28pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    "If you didn't notice I have nothing in here to steal. I don't have a tv. My laptop is three years old and in my room... I don't think anyone would steal my books." Camille said and hopped down watching him search her fridge. "I haven't gone shopping yet this week. And that is what is left of my last shopping trip." she said and laughed. "Why are you so worried?" she asked and walked over to him taking the sauce and putting it back in the fridge and closing the door. Camille looked up at him. "Besides I actually cook pasta with it." she said and shook her head. "Why are you here Jettley? Why are you really here because you don't seem like the type to worry about someone." she said softly her eyes soft. Camille smiled gently before she bit her lip. "You're not going to tell me the real reason are you?" she asked and frowned.
    July 3rd, 2015 at 11:52pm
  • missysipi

    missysipi (100)

    "Not my point." He snapped and folded his arms across his broad chest towering over her. "You won't need to make another trip." He said letting her close the door as he went around the counter. "I am worried because this isn't a safe and healthy lifestyle." Thoughts spilled again. Why was he worried? Probably because he needed her fit and strong so he could pound her and not break her. It wasn't about feelings, it was just about the fuck to him. No, he wasn't the type to worry like this. She was right. "Stop looking at me." He said narrowing his eyes into hers. Why did she look like this? His breath got stuck, and when she looked away for just a second, he stood up and gasped for air turning away so she couldn't see. Going to the door, he whipped it open and went outside in a panic. No, he needed control. Slowly, he closed his eyes and counted down with every rise of his chest before he fluttered then open and they were so dark and dangerous even a child knew better then to approach him.

    @ Jinx...
    July 4th, 2015 at 03:03am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camille raised an eyebrow. She watched him. He wasn't making any sense. He was emotional and she had never seen him like this. Even when his eyes were reveling everything he had never come unraveled like this before. She frowned as he told her to stop looking at him. She looked down worried about him. Something was going on. Camille felt the door open and she looked up seeing him going out. Camille felt her heart pounding like crazy and she stood there for a minute before she slowly made her way over to her open door. She looked out seeing Jettley. She bit her lip and looked down. "Okay... I am sorry." she didn't come closer. "How can I make you not worry so much?" she asked still confused as to why he was worried. What was that suppose to make her think? Camille glanced up at him catching his eyes for a moment before looking away a blush covering her cheeks. She didn't know what else to say, ort what else to do but she hoped he wouldn't leave. She was worried bout him and wanted to be sure he was okay. How had this man does this to her when she had only just met him.
    July 4th, 2015 at 09:07am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ missysipi
    Camille raised an eyebrow. She watched him. He wasn't making any sense. He was emotional and she had never seen him like this. Even when his eyes were reveling everything he had never come unraveled like this before. She frowned as he told her to stop looking at him. She looked down worried about him. Something was going on. Camille felt the door open and she looked up seeing him going out. Camille felt her heart pounding like crazy and she stood there for a minute before she slowly made her way over to her open door. She looked out seeing Jettley. She bit her lip and looked down. "Okay... I am sorry." she didn't come closer. "How can I make you not worry so much?" she asked still confused as to why he was worried. What was that suppose to make her think? Camille glanced up at him catching his eyes for a moment before looking away a blush covering her cheeks. She didn't know what else to say, ort what else to do but she hoped he wouldn't leave. She was worried bout him and wanted to be sure he was okay. How had this man does this to her when she had only just met him.
    July 4th, 2015 at 09:07am