my story ends not far from where it started.

  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    @ haner.
    "I feel like we're in the X-Files or something," Rosalie commented. She walked over to the bar, thinking Jimmy was behind her, but when she turned around, he was gone. "What the fuck...?" She trailed off, but shook her head. He probably got distracted or went to the bathroom. "Yo bartender, I'll have a whiskey sour, please," she called out.

    "That's a strong drink for such a little lady," an unfamiliar voice said. Rosalie jumped, suddenly noticing the man standing next to her. "What's your name, sweetheart?" he asked.

    Rosalie pressed her lips into a thin line. "Uninterested," she answered. She scooted away, but the man followed her. She looked around for Jimmy. Dammit, where is that idiot when I need him? She kept looking around for someone, anyone she knew; the only person nearby was Zacky. He'll have to do.

    Rosalie scooted up to him. She laid her hand on his forearm and nodded her head over at the creep, whispering, "Just go with it, please." Without giving him a chance to respond, Rosalie slipped her hand around to the back of his neck and pulled him in for a kiss.
    When Daniella and Matt started talking Call of Duty, Brian's eyes glazed over. He had no interest in that game; the only game he played was Guitar Hero and old Nintendo. He sipped on his drink, fighting sleep. It was probably getting late, they'd been here for at least two hours. He stretched his free arm over his head, yawning loudly.

    "Getting tired, Brian?" Matt quipped.

    Brian nodded, rubbing his face. He had no idea why he was suddenly so tired. He really didn't want to go to bed, but suddenly he remembered the beautiful girl sitting on his lap and he got an idea. "I think I may head back to the hotel," he told the singer. Turning to Daniella, he whispered, "You wanna join me?"
    June 16th, 2015 at 05:54am
  • hale.

    hale. (300)

    Daniella laughed with Matt before she leaned over to high-five the man who sat opposite her. She could genuinely say that she could tell Matt and her were going to be good friend. She like his sense of humour and they surprisingly had a fair few things in common and, not to mention, he was a great guy.

    She smile as Matt spoke again, but was surprised when it was something to do with Brian. She had hardly felt him move. She felt bad since he was the one who had invited her tonight and instead of talking to him she had talked to Matt for a long time.

    She cocked her head to the side to look up a Brian. She had a small pout forming when he had mention that he was thinking about heading back the the hotel. She turned her head a way and picked up her drink. She felt him move into her further and she hid her smirk with her glass as he spoke.

    She down the rest of the liquid in her glass before turning to him and giving him an answer. "Thought I told you to be professional," she whispered back to him with a devious smirk. "I have a bad feeling I am going to have a hard time saying no to you," she added in softly.


    Zacky was shocked from the moment she was close to him. She had never been this god damn close to him. What had shocked him more was the fact she had pulled him in and pressed her lips against his. He wanted to keep his eyes opened wide just staring at her from how much shock he was in, but he listened to what she said and went along with it. That's what he told himself anyway.

    The moment he pulled away, he wrapped an arm around her shoulder and looked over at her to the man who was death glaring her back. He was not enjoying the way he looked at her. He wasn't fond of Rosalie, but he would still protect the fuck out of her. He pulled her close to him and moved his mouth towards her ear.

    "You didn't have to do that to get rid of him," he teased softly. "I could've just walked you back to the group," he added in; still teasing the girl. He let out a soft laugh as he looked past her to stare the man down with a smirk. He hated to admit it, but he really fucking enjoyed himself. He may have said that he never thought about screwing her, but he was so thinking about it now. He was never going to let her know that.

    "I am never going to let you forget about this one," he whispered.
    June 18th, 2015 at 11:14am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    @ haner.
    "Sorry," Rosalie whispered. For the first time ever, she didn't really feel like arguing with Zacky. She was uncomfortable and embarrassed and she just wanted to go back to her hotel room. She had no doubt that Zacky would probably tell everyone in the group that she'd kissed him; she'd never hear the end of it from anyone. She felt stupid for even doing it. He was also right in saying that she didn't have to kiss him. So why did she?

    And what was worse, Rosalie actually...enjoyed kissing Zacky. But she couldn't tell him that.

    Rosalie reached for her drink and downed it in three large gulps. She asked for another, a straight whiskey this time. She was aware that Zacky's arm was still draped over her shoulder, but she didn't move it away. "Thanks, though," she added after taking a sip of her drink. She felt herself leaning into Zacky, almost like she was going to hug him, but she stopped herself. What the hell was she doing?
    "Then don't," Brian replied, grinning wickedly. To him it seemed like Daniella was a little unsure about this, but Brian was a little drunk, so he couldn't really tell. And besides that, he hadn't gotten laid for awhile and he wasn't going to refuse if Daniella wanted to get into bed with him.

    Scooting Daniella out of the booth, Brian climbed out as well and took her hand, leading her out of the bar. "I rode here with Matt and Johnny, so you'll have to drive us home," Brian laughed. He followed the brunette towards her car and slumped into the passenger seat. "We're at the St. Regis," he told her.

    Brian closed his eyes, inadvertently falling asleep and only waking up when he felt the car stop. He climbed out, patting his pockets to make sure he had his wallet, and slowly made his way into the hotel and onto the elevator. As they rode up to his room, Brian leaned on Daniella, pressing soft kisses to her neck.

    Brian was sharing a room with Zacky, so he made sure to hang the 'Do Not Disturb' sign on the outside of the door handle. He wanted the next few hours to go by with no interruptions.
    June 18th, 2015 at 09:13pm