my story ends not far from where it started.

  • ImageImage
    Brian Haner Jr & Daniella Briggs

    Rosalie Jensen & Zack Baker

    this is a closed rp between haner. and ZackyEffingVengeance
    June 10th, 2015 at 06:35am
  • A frown was etched on Daniella face as she squatted down on the stage to tape the set list next to each microphone. She was not expecting to hear all the wolf whistles from the crowd when she walked on stage to begin set up. She wasn't frowning because she did not like it; it was because it was her very first night on the job. She wanted to make a great impression, but she wasn't sure if these wolf whistles were helping her case.

    Pushing herself up from the ground; Daniella made her way to the side of the stage with one set list left in her hand. She taped it to the side of the road case filled with guitars. The piece of paper telling her which guitars were needed for each particular song. She was basically Brian bitch every night: sound checking his guitars, making sure they were in tune, restringing and, of course, handing him is god damn guitars. She couldn't complain though. He was one damn fine man and she was working for one of her favourite bands. She would have to thank her friend a million times or more for the opportunity.

    With a small smile, she grabbed out the first guitar to begin the tuning process. Her fingers on one hand plucked at the strings as the other tuned. Her eyes flickered from the stage watching the roadies out there to what was going on behind the scenes. She didn't really know anyone here; she had heard a few of their names but never really talked to anyone. She was a person who kept to herself until someone would finally make conversation with her, but everyone was far too busy to even look her way (except for the crowd who seemed to love her).


    Zacky had his back pressed against the wall in the Avenged Sevenfold dressing room with a beer in hand. He took small sips every now and then while he listened to the conversation between his band mates. It was not long now until he finally got to go out onstage and do what he done best. He hated the waiting backstage; it made him restless and drove him insane.

    He pushed himself off the wall with a heavy sigh which caught the attention of Matt who was only sitting a few meters away.

    "I need to go for a walk and have a cigarette," he muttered with a shrug. He turned his back on his friend and headed out the door. He didn't need a cigarette. To be honest, he only had a cigarette fifteen minutes ago. He just needed to get away from the dressing room just for awhile. Zacky took a large mouthful of his beer before he began dragging his feet along the ground, heading towards the stage to see what was going on.
    June 10th, 2015 at 07:04am
  • @ haner.
    Rosalie twirled played with the pass hanging around her neck as she made her way to the Avenged Sevenfold dressing room. She tended to wander and explore the venues while she waited for the guys to go on stage and this time was certainly no exception. But a glance at her phone told her it was already 7:45, which meant the guys would be heading out on stage in about fifteen minutes. And she certainly didn't wanna miss the opening song, since they would be playing Afterlife, which was one of her favorite songs. She'd talked Johnny into teaching her how to play the bass part, but so far he hadn't done diddly shit.

    Rosalie had just rounded the final corner before the dressing room when she bumped into someone. She immediately began mumbling apologies, but stopped short when she realized who stood in front of her. "Well jeez Zack, watch where you're going!" she shouted.

    "Uh, you ran into me," the green-eyed man pointed out.

    "Where are you going anyway?" Rosalie asked. He was obviously headed away from the dressing room, but she couldn't fathom where he could've been going. Especially with them only having fifteen minutes before they went on stage.

    Zacky narrowed his eyes. "None of your business," he said.
    Brian chuckled as he watched Jimmy flail about the small dressing room. It was easy to judge how long they had left before going on stage by watching Jimmy. The closer to the show they got, the more excited Jimmy became. "Jimmy, I think you need to save a little of that energy for the concert!" Brian laughed. Jimmy ignored him, plopping down onto the couch directly on top of Johnny, who gave a cry of outrage.

    Brian shook his head, deciding to head out to the stage to see how Daniella was doing with his guitars. He was honestly surprised when Larry told him that he'd be getting a new tech for the tour and at first he hadn't liked the idea. But Daniella seemed to be doing a good job, and she put up with his shit without complaint.

    When Brian got to the stage, Daniella was just finishing up tuning the guitars he'd need for the show. She glanced up when he approached, looking flustered. "You have a lot of guitars," she commented.
    June 10th, 2015 at 07:22am
  • Daniella's eyes widened when she glanced at the time on her watch. Fifteen fucking minutes until they had to be on stage and she still had a few guitars to go. She was always the one to stress that she would run out of time even though she always would finish at least five minutes before the show.

    When she grabbed her last guitar to tune, she glanced up when she felt someone coming towards her. She gave him a small nod before looking back down at the guitar.

    "You have a lot of guitars," she commented; biting down on her lip. She let her hair cover the side of her face as she quickly tuned the guitar. "Far too many," she mumbled under her breath.

    "Ready for tonight?" she asked the moment she finished tuning; trying to make small talk. She pulled the strap of the guitar off her neck. She slid the guitar back into the road case as she glanced back at the tall man. "Looks like it's going to be a pretty rowdy crowd."


    Zack pulled his phone out of his pocket; letting his eyes glue to the screen. She scrolled through his text messages as he rounded the corner, but let out a short groan when he felt a body run into his.

    He tore his eyes away from his phone as he heard the soft apologise which made a small smile fall upon his face. When his eyes found who the person was who had run into him, the smile disappeared in a split second and a frown made it's way onto his face.


    Of course it was fucking her. She was the women he loved to despise. Zacky couldn't help but to roll his eyes at her comment. One moment he was the one she just had to blame and the next she always just had to find out what he was doing. It got on his nerves and he's been having to deal with this for year.

    "It really is none of your business," he shrugged in reply when he saw the look on her face. "If you are going to chuck some fucking fit over the time, I know what time it is. I know we go on in fifteen minutes." He shot her one last glare before attempting to go around her; not wanting to hear anything else that came out of her mouth.
    June 10th, 2015 at 07:47am
  • @ haner.
    "Well you don't have to be so fucking rude about it!" Rosalie shouted at his back. She turned back towards the dressing room with a huff. If Zacky wanted to be late for the show, that was his fucking problem.

    "Who the hell were you yelling at?" Jimmy asked when Rosalie stormed into the dressing room.

    The red head rolled her eyes. "Who do you think?" She didn't know why he even had to ask; it was no secret among their group that Rosalie and Zacky didn't really get along. They never had, and Rosalie had known Zacky since she was twelve. Something strange flashed in the oldest man's eyes and an impish smile blossomed across his face. "Why are you smiling like that?" Rosalie asked warily. "I don't like it."

    "No reason, darling!" Jimmy replied.

    Rosalie didn't get a chance to say anything else, because seconds later the guys' manager Larry peeked his head in the door, telling the guys in the dressing room that it was five minutes until stage time. "Has anybody seen Zack?" Matt asked as they all filed out of the room. Rosalie opened her mouth to answer him, but quickly clamped it shut. If he's late, it's his fucking problem.
    "When am I not ready?" Brian asked. He flashed a cocky smile at the brunette. He couldn't really tell, but it seemed like she blushed slightly. "You got my guitar for Afterlife?" Daniella nodded; she went to the guitar case and pulled out Brian's custom guitar, which she handed to him. "Thanks," he said. He plucked out a few notes, smiling to himself when he heard that the strings were perfectly in tune. "You did a great job tuning these."

    "Uh, thanks."

    "You play at all?" Brian asked. Daniella gave a shrug. "You wanna learn? I could give you some tips, maybe a lesson or two. Think you'd like that?"
    June 10th, 2015 at 10:16pm
  • Brian's comment made a smile curve on her face, but it was his cocky ass smile which almost made her blush. There was always something about that kind of smile which always got her knees weak. She quickly bit down on her bottom lip and turned away from him when he asked for his guitar. Turning on her heels, she walked away from him and to the guitar case. She pulled out his signature guitar and handed it towards him.

    She stood back from him a little and kept her eyes on the guitar as he played a few notes. She always loved playing guitar, but she wasn't the type of person who could get up in front of a crowd to play. She most like playing it to herself.

    "Thanks," she replied softly to his compliment. She folded her arms against her chest as she slowly moved her eyes away from the guitar and to his face.

    Daniella shrugged as she listened to him talk once again. "I do actually play, just a little bit though," she eventually said with another shrug. "I would like it if you could teach me a song or two when you and I both have time." Daniella bit back down on her lip and let her arms fall to her side. She had a thing for getting which ever band she was working for to teach her a song. She had done it since she first started. She liked listening to the tips and tricks on playing.


    Zacky walked the halls with the excitement bubbling away inside of him every time he glanced at the clock on his phone. He couldn't understand why the fuck Rosalie wouldn't leave him alone. She was always there nagging or bitching out on him for some god damn reason. If she hated him as much as he thought she did then she wouldn't be anywhere near him.

    With an eye roll at his thoughts, he headed towards the back of the stage seeing as it was nearing five minutes until the started. He needed to see if his guitars were ready and to have a sneak peek at the crowd. The thought of the crowd getting restless because it was close to performance time made a smile curve back on his face. He loved seeing them go crazy when the lights dimmed and they finally made their entrance.

    He finally made it backstage with five minutes until start time. He glance around noting that Brian was the only one there waiting; with the new guitar tech of course. Zack silently chuckled to himself knowing that if he had a guitar tech like her, he would be here constantly as well.

    Zack grabbed his guitar from his tech and began playing a few chords to see if it was in check. It always was, but he always needed to double check. He smiled and nodded at his friend just as he heard the voice of Jimmy. He turned his head; almost smirking the moment he saw Rosalie.
    June 11th, 2015 at 12:27am
  • @ haner.
    "Take a picture, it'll last longer," Rosalie snapped when she saw Zacky looking at her. He had to be single most annoying person she'd ever met; he always liked to push her buttons. She heard Jimmy breath out through his nose when she yelled at Zacky, and she turned to the taller man. "Why are you making sounds like that?"

    "No reason," Jimmy sang.

    Rosalie narrowed her eyes at him. "You're so weird."

    "But you still love me," Jimmy replied. He reached out and pulled her into a rough hug. She squirmed against him, trying to get him to let go, but he was too strong.

    "Jimmy...can't...breathe," she gasped, and this caused the drummer to let her go. Deciding she'd had enough of Jimmy - he needed to get ready for the show anyway, and Larry would be mad if he caught him goofing around this close to stage time - so she decided to go over and talk to Brian's guitar tech. She hadn't really talked to her, but with how Brian talked about her she seemed nice. And besides, she needed another female to talk to from time to time. When she passed by Zacky, Rosalie reached out and smacked him on the back of his head and hurried away before he could say anything to her. She approached the guitar tech. "Hey," she said, holding out her hand. "I'm Rosalie."
    "Sounds like a plan, then," Brian said, nodding. He heard Larry and the stage managers yelling, telling everyone to get ready. "Well, sounds like it's showtime. Keep the guitars ready!" Leaving Daniella, Brian walked over to where his bandmates were assembled.

    Over the noise from backstage, Brian could hear the crowd. They were getting restless, chanting 'Sevenfold! Sevenfold!' over and over. It brought goosebumps to his skin. Even after all these years, nothing beat the thrill of stepping out on stage to an energized crowd. "Is everybody ready to go?" Larry asked, breaking through their circle. Everyone nodded. "Alright then, hit the stage. Give these kids what they paid for!"

    The show seemed to rush by, just like it usually did, and before Brian knew it, they were all backstage, yelling and cheering. "We're fucking awesome!" Jimmy shouted. He tossed a beer in Brian's direction, which the guitarist barely caught.

    Brian opened his beer and took a sip before looking around the room. "Anybody seen the girls?" he asked.
    June 11th, 2015 at 01:10am
  • "That is does," she replied back with a wide grin. She tucked some of hair behind her ear as Brian walked away from her. She shook her head as she leaned against a road case with her eyes on the band. She liked watching them, but she enjoyed watching them on stage a lot more. She loved seeing how passionate they were one stage. They had always been one of her favourite bands to watch live. The had a great stage presence and even better music.

    Daniella tore her eyes from them to look to the side. She saw one of the girls who were with the band walking towards her which made her raise her eyebrows. She hadn't seen many girls working for the band, only those who worked at the venue. She had seen her around but never had a chance to really talk to her.

    The moment she reached her a smile formed as she reached her own hand out. She gripped softly onto Rosalie's hand. "Daniella," she replied before taking her hand a way. "Brian's mentioned you a few times. It's good to finally put a face to the name," she laughed softly.

    She moved her eyes from Rosalie to the stage the moment she heard the beginnings of their first song. "How long have you worked for them?" she asked loudly; hoping the girl could hear her over the loud music.


    Zacky was glaring in Rosalie's direction from the moment her hand clipped the back of his head. He wasn't going to deny that it was a great hit. with a roll of his eyes he made his way over the his friends with the glare finally leaving his face.

    "Let's do this!" he shouted with excitement as the lights finally dimmed and their entrance music began to play.

    From the moment he got on stage he couldn't hold back his smiles even when he was concentrating on the battling guitar solos. He loved the thrill from being on stage and the eagerness from the crowd only made him want to perform even better. Even if the show went for ninety minutes, it still only felt like he was on the stage for ten. The time always went far too quickly.

    The last song was played and Zacky ran off the stage with the biggest grin he held all day. He was shouting and cheering with the rest of the band. "Fuck they were crazy!" he hollered to Matt as he raided the fridge for a beer. He grabbed one and popped the lid before taking a long mouthful.

    Brian's question made him crane his neck to look at him. He shrugged his shoulders at his fellow guitarist. "They were talking side of stage. Rosalie might be doing something for once and actually helping pack up." Zacky let out a laugh knowing that there was no way in hell she was doing it. She was still probably talking to the new guitar tech.
    June 11th, 2015 at 03:14am
  • @ haner.
    "Oh, I don't work for the guys," Rosalie responded nonchalantly. Noticing the curious look on Daniella's face, she continued, "I just tag along from time to time, mostly at Jimmy's insistence. And I like to get away from home." Rosalie left it at that, preferring not to divulge any more information to a girl she barely knew. Maybe she would tell Daniella her problems as they got to know each other a little better.

    Rosalie stood off to the side and watched most of the guys' show; she loved how infectious their energy was and how much they interacted with the crowd. Towards the end of the show, her phone started ringing and she was forced to slip away backstage to answer it. It was her mother calling, and Rosalie would rather not be around anyone when she spoke to her, because there were only two ways a conversation with her mother would end: screaming or tears, both on her side.

    It was her mother's fault Rosalie liked to avoid home so much. She could never do right in her mother's eyes and she had quickly grown tired of the constant nagging. Thankfully Jimmy was a good enough friend to notice when she needed a cop-out. Like many others, this conversation ended with Rosalie in tears; luckily she'd found a small room backstage to hide out in. Unfortunately she was quickly discovered. Without even turning around to see who it was, she hissed, "Get the fuck out."
    Brian frowned at Zacky. He knew that his friend didn't exactly get along with the red head, but his constant digs at her got a little old sometimes. Although Rosalie didn't exactly help the situation. Brian chugged down the rest of his beer and tossed it into the trashcan. "I think I'm gonna go try and find the girls, see if they wanna join us at the bar for a little after-show celebration."

    "Alright, just hurry the fuck up we wanna leave soon," Jimmy laughed. Brian flipped him the bird before leaving the dressing room.

    The first place he headed was the side stage, since that was where Zacky had seen Daniella and Rosalie last. He looked around for the girls, but didn't see either one of them. He caught Jason Berry as he walked by and asked, "You seen Daniella and Rosalie?"

    Jason shrugged. "Rosalie ran off about twenty minutes ago, something about a phone call," he mumbled. "Last time I saw Daniella she was putting away your guitars. It looked like she was headed backstage, dunno know exactly, though."

    "That's alright, thanks man," Brian said, patting Jason on the shoulder.
    June 11th, 2015 at 04:06am
  • Daniella let out a soft chuckle; nodding her head at Rosalie's comment. "I get that," she stated with a nod, "that's why tour doing roadie shit. Gets me away from home. I get to travel, make new friends and I don't have to deal with anyone from home. I jump on as many tours as I can get. Maybe one day I'll settle down with one band." Her last comment made her laugh out loud before she turned to the guitar case to get the next guitar ready for Brian. She liked to jump from one band to the next. Being a guitar tech was about the same as dating someone; it was very hard for her to commit to just one. It wasn't because she liked to sleep around (not that she done that much anyway), she just never had the best past relationships. It always turned to shit.

    As the show ended, Daniella began packing away every single thing. She took notes in her head of which guitars she needed to restring. She locked down her road case and began to push it towards the docks for the boys to load it up into the truck.

    "You're right to knock off for the night Daniella. They boys are almost done loading everything up onto the truck. They only thing that needs to come down is some of the lighting and shit like that."

    Daniella glanced up, smiling at the man in front of her. She didn't know his name, but she knew he was part of the crew. "Alright, I'll see you at the next show." The man took the road case from her as she stepped a way and began walking back to the dressing rooms. She passed Jason along the way; smiling and giving him a small nod.

    She pushed open the door to the room that held her belongings. She let out a soft sigh as she signed herself out and grabbed her hand bag. She was pretty excited to go back to the hotel room and have a nice long bath.


    Zack sat on the couch in the middle of the room beside Matt who was on the phone to his girlfriend. He let out a little groan as he slipped further down into the couch. "I'm coming off my high just sitting here. I need to get out of here and hit the town," Zack stated with a small laugh.

    He glanced over at Jimmy who was sitting down; bouncing his foot up and down with impatience. "Zacky go find Brian and tell him to hurry the fuck up," he laughed; motioning for Zack to get up from the couch.

    Zack rolled his eyes and flipped Jimmy off before eventually pushing himself up from the couch. "You're a lazy shit, man," he stated to Jimmy as he walked out of the room. He wandered down the corridors hoping to find Brian, but the only person he saw was a cleaner slowly backing out of a room and apologising. He furrowed his brows at the man, but as he got closer he could her the female voice.

    By the tone of her voice he could tell she wasn't having a good conversation in there. He let out a sigh knowing it was probably her mother calling. Zack opened the door the cleaner had just re-closed and lent against the door frame with his arms folded against his chest. He knew about her problems, not all of it but enough.

    "You ready to go or what?" he asked; not bothering to even wait for the phone call to end or to check if she was okay.
    June 11th, 2015 at 06:26am
  • @ haner.
    "Yeah, I'm ready," Rosalie replied scathingly. Of course it had to be Zacky that found her; knowing him, he would only make her mood worse. And probably on purpose, too. Sometimes she wondered why they even considered each other friends. She hit end call, not even caring how pissed her mom would be that she'd hung up on her. Making sure to wipe all of the tears from her face, she got to her feet and walked over to the door, where Zacky was still leaned against the door frame.

    "Well hurry, Jimmy's getting impatient."

    Ignoring the tense tone of Zacky's voice, Rosalie perked up at the mention of her old friend. Jimmy was the only person who really knew about the strained relationship between her and her mother, and he was the only person who knew how to make her feel better. She let Zacky lead the way down the hall, but before they reached the dressing room, they ran into Brian. Rosalie didn't care to wait around for the two of them to talk, so she shoved Zack out of the way and hurried on to the dressing room. Once she was there, she made a beeline for Jimmy, whose smile dropped from his face when he noticed that she was upset.

    He threw his lanky arm around her shoulder. "You okay, Rosie?" he asked. She smiled slightly when Jimmy called her by her old nickname. She'd grown out of it long ago, but still let Jimmy use it.

    "My mom called," Rosalie replied, and that was all she needed to say.
    Brian had given up and was heading back to the dressing room when he finally ran into Daniella. She had her bag in her hand and seemed to have a destination in mind. "Where you headed to?" he asked.

    "Back to the hotel," Daniella answered. "I need a nice long bath."

    "Yeah, standing off on the side stage handing me guitars must be pretty exhausting," Brian joked. He laughed at the look on the brunette's face. "I was gonna see if you wanted to come along with us to a bar for a little celebration, but if you'd rather head back to the hotel, then that's fine." Brian dug through his pockets for a piece of paper and a pencil; he scrawled down his number and shoved the piece of paper into Daniella's hand. "Here's my number in case you change your mind. And just to let you know, you're gonna miss a hell of a good time. I wouldn't be surprised if Johnny gets plastered, and he's a funny drunk."

    Brian was slightly disappointed that Daniella already had plans - if you could really count a bath as plans - but he wasn't going to try and force her to come with them if she didn't want to. And hey, maybe she'd decide she wanted to party with them after her bath? As he headed back to the dressing room, he ran into Zacky, who said that Jimmy had sent him to look for Brian and that the drummer was too lazy to do it himself. It took Brian a second - mostly because he was so surprised that they were together and not arguing - but suddenly he noticed Rosalie standing behind Zacky. He leaned in close to his friend. "She alright, man?" he asked.
    June 11th, 2015 at 06:56am
  • Daniella rolled her eyes at Brian's comment. "It's exhausting because I've got to deal with you," she joked back. She laughed even louder when she saw the look on his face. She grabbed the piece of paper and slipped it into the back pocket of her jeans. "I'll think about it. Depends if I have enough alcohol in my tiny ass fridge to keep me going for the night. If I don't you may get a message from me." She grinned wide before turning on her heels and walking away from him.

    She was going to text him, she knew that already but she did need to shower and make herself look a little bit more presentable first.

    Walking into her hotel room she still had a smile on her face. She pulled her phone out of her bag and entered the number Brian had given her.

    Where? was the only thing she typed before sending the message. She just hoped he understood that she wanted to know where the fuck the party was going down. She threw her phone onto the bed before heading into the bathroom to begin the process of getting ready.


    The moment Rosalie turned to him he looked away. He pushed himself off the door frame and expected her to follow which he was surprised that she actually did. He kept his arms folded against his chest; still not bothering to ask he a single question or even talking to her in general.

    The moment he glanced up from the ground he spotted Brian. He nodded to his friend who stopped him in the middle of the hall way. He let out a groan when Rosalie pushed him out of the way and sent a glare in her direction before rolling his eyes.

    "She'll be okay," he shrugged. "Lets get the fuck out of here" he said as he finally unfolded his arms. He walked past Brian and walked into the dressing room. He was in desperate need to have a lot of fucking alcohol and to have a great night. He smiled at his friends and pointed to the door. "Let's fucking go, yeah?"
    June 12th, 2015 at 02:05am
  • @ haner.
    "Alright, well we need to get you nice and drunk then, yeah?" Jimmy suggested. Rosalie could hear Zacky obnoxiously shouting something along the same lines. She nodded and Jimmy quickly pulled her to her feet and out the door.

    Rosalie was the first to the bar when they arrived. She knew the guys would pay for her drinks - as they always did - so she ordered a straight shot of Jack Daniels to start off. She downed the shot, shuddering as the alcohol burned its way down her throat and settled in her stomach. Next she asked for a beer and after receiving it, headed back to the table where everyone else was assembled.

    "Decided to start on the hard liquor early huh, Rosalie?" Matt teased.

    Rosalie smiled, shaking her head, and looked around. "Where's Jimmy?" she asked.

    "Right here!" the drummer sang. He ran up and threw his arm around her shoulder, a comforting gesture that made Rosalie's smile grow. "Who wants to take a shot with me?"
    Brian picked up his phone, puzzled that it was vibrating. Everyone who would text him was here with him. Well, Jimmy was sometimes known to text people who were in the same room just to be a twat. Looking at it, Brian saw that he had a text message from a number his phone didn't recognize. He smiled. Daniella.

    Where? the text message said.

    He assumed that she was asking where they were, so he texted back, This little bar on Railey Street. So does that mean you're joining us? After sending the message and adding her number to his contacts, he slipped his phone back into his pocket. He really hoped Daniella would end up joining them.

    "Who ya texting?" Jimmy asked, leaning over to Brian.

    "None of your business," Brian replied.

    "It's that tech of yours, isn't it?" Jimmy asked slyly. Brian opened his mouth to say something, but Jimmy spoke instead. "It's okay, your secret's safe with me."
    June 12th, 2015 at 05:36am
  • Daniella walked out of the bathroom dressed in denim shorts and a cut up band t-shirt that was more now like a singlet. Her make up was done and her hair looked acceptable enough. She crawled onto the bed and grabbed her phone; grinning at the message which had been sitting on her phone for awhile now. She was sure they all would be at the bar by now, but she was enjoying making Brian wait.

    How can a girl turn down a night of drinking? You obviously know nothing about me. I'll be there soon.

    She hit send and climbed off the bed. She dumped her phone into her bag before pulling on her boots that she had worn to work. She didn't really bring anything other than jeans, shorts, boots and cut up band shirts on tour with her. She knew she should've packed a few more different things.

    With a small groan she grabbed her bag and headed out of her room. She was actually happy to be going out tonight and she was even more excited about having a drink or five.


    Zack sat at the table with a grin on his face. He had a glass of Jack Daniels and coke in front of him. He took large mouthfuls every moment there was a pause in-between the conversation between him, Matt and Johnny. He let out a laugh at something stupid Johnny had said before turning his attention to Brian.

    "Hey mate, did you invite your tech?" he asked with a shit eating grin.

    With the amount Brian spoke of her and the amount he actually saw him speaking to her, he could see there was going to be something going on there. He just had to play around though. He glanced over Brian's shoulder; spotting the new girl heading towards the bar.

    "Never mind, I guess you did," he chuckled. "Damnit, why can't I have a tech like her?" he whined.
    June 14th, 2015 at 05:34am
  • @ haner.
    "You know, I have a theory as to why you and Zacky don't get along," Jimmy commented suddenly. He and Rosalie had gone to the bar to order a few more drinks - enough to tide them over for another thirty minutes or so - and they were currently waiting for the order to be filled.

    Rosalie scoffed at the sound of the guitarist's name. "I don't really want to hear it but I know you're gonna tell me anyway, so go ahead."

    Jimmy grinned crookedly. He opened his mouth to respond but was temporarily distracted when the bartender placed their drinks in front of them. He took one of the shots, shaking his head as he swallowed the alcohol. "Anyway, the reason you and Zacky don't get along is 'cause there's too much sexual tension."

    "Uh, no!" Rosalie shouted. Sexual tension between her and Zack? Never. That man was so infuriating; there wasn't a sexual anything between the two of them.

    Jimmy shrugged, collecting his drinks. "You'll see the light eventually." With that, he practically skipped back to the table. Rosalie watched as he sat the drinks down on the table and threw an arm around Zacky's shoulder. She could see Jimmy whispering something to the guitarist and wouldn't be surprised if he was telling Zack the same thing.

    He's crazy.
    Brian shrugged nonchalantly. "Luck of the draw," he said to Zacky. He slid out of the booth and walked over to Daniella. He smiled at her. "So glad you could join us," he said. He gestured to the bar. "Can I buy you a drink?" Placing a hand on her back, Brian led Daniella over to the bar. He noticed Rosalie still standing there, so he guided the tech in that direction. "Hey Rosalie, got any drink suggestions for Daniella?"

    "If she likes fruity drinks, then no," Rosalie laughed. "But I'd definitely recommend anything with Jack Daniels in it."

    Brian nodded his head and motioned for the bartender to come over. "Yeah, I'll have a Jack and coke on the rocks and whatever this beautiful young woman wants." He grinned at Daniella as he said this. She looked absolutely stunning, even in the dim lights of the bar. Once they had their drinks, Brian and Daniella walked back over the table, with Rosalie not far behind. Brian made sure to put Daniella between him and Zacky, close enough that she was practically sitting in his lap. He reached around her waist and rested his hand on her thigh, his thumb grazing the bottom of her shorts.
    June 14th, 2015 at 06:23am
  • Daniella smiled up at Brian the moment he had joined her. "I like to take my time," she replied with a small chuckle as he led her towards the bar and towards Rosalie. She grinned at the girl and gave her a wave. She leaned up against the bar and nibbled carelessly on her lip as she contemplated on what she was going to drink.

    "I am not a fruity drinks girl unless I plan on not getting wasted," she laughed in reply. She looked over at Rosalie and grinned, "Oh Jack is one of my favourites."

    She ordered herself whiskey on the rocks. She was in the mood for just some straight up whiskey. The moment she received her drink, she gave Brian's arm a small squeeze. "Thanks for the drink, but I am so buying the next round," she stated. She dropped his hand from his arm to pick up her drink and to follow him back to where the rest of the band was sitting. She sat down and took a small sip of her whiskey before placing it down on the table. Her eyes drifted downward to where Brian's hand was resting.

    "Best keep it professional Brian," she whispered to him as she leaned in. She didn't mean a word of it, but she really didn't want to fuck up her job. Of course she loved the attention Brian was giving her and she would love to have mind blowing sex with the man. She was adamant that it would just make things awkward especially if it was only just a one night stand.


    Zack finished the last mouthful of his drink when Jimmy filled the empty seat beside him. He quirked an eyebrow at the grinning man as he threw an arm around his shoulder.

    "I feel like you are going to say something to me that is utterly ridiculous," he told the drummer. He had seen that look one too many times.

    Jimmy leaned in closer to the guitarist. "I totally have figured out why you and Rosalie don't get along," he stated with a knowing smile

    Zack rolled is eyes at his friend as he kept talking. He moved a little to pick up another drink. It wasn't until the moment Jimmy said "sexual tension" where Zack lost his shit completely. He almost had had his drink coming out of his nose when he had snorted in laughter. He couldn't help it because there was no way in hell that there was any form of sexual tension between him and Rosalie. He had never even though about having sex with her.

    "I don't think so buddy," he said as his laughter slowly died down. It only picked up again when he saw Rosalie sit down. "Have you told her this?" he laughed out as he pointed to Rosalie. "Because this is hilarious."
    June 14th, 2015 at 11:52am
  • @ haner.
    "Told me what?" Rosalie asked, looking at Zacky and Jimmy. The guitarist seemed to be barely containing a bout of laughter.

    "That you and Zack don't get along 'cause you guys have too much sexual tension," Jimmy said. At this, Rosalie busted out laughing. It suddenly made sense why Zacky was, too; he obviously found the idea as ridiculous as she did. Jimmy pouted. "What, it's true!"

    "I think you've got a few wires crossed in your brain, Jim," Rosalie chuckled. She smirked at Zacky. "There's no way in hell I'd get into bed with that thing."
    "Hmm?" Brian hummed. Still, he moved his hand closer to her knee, if only a little. As much as he would like to sleep with Daniella, Larry would have a fit if they lost a tech because of him. Especially Daniella, since she was doing such a good job. Brian reached for his drink, downing the rest of it, and turned to Daniella with a coy smile. "Is that drink offer still good? 'Cause my cup's empty and I could definitely use a refill."

    Excusing himself, Brian slid out of the booth over Zacky, Rosalie, and Jimmy, and led Daniella by the hand back over to the bar. "I'll just have a Heineken," he said to her. He rested his hand on her lower back, drawing her closer protectively when he noticed several guys nearby ogling her. He wasn't going to let a couple of pervs ruin their fun.
    June 14th, 2015 at 11:44pm
  • Daniella watched his hand move as she picked up her glass and paced it against her lips to hid the small smirk forming on her face. She did really enjoy it, but she knew it wasn't a good idea. The moment he spoke, she raised her eyes too look at him. She let out a soft laugh before taking the last mouthful of her drink.

    "Alright, I need a refill too."

    She grabbed onto his hand and followed after him towards the bar. "Another whiskey on the rocks for me," she grinned at the bar tender who seemed unable to take his eyes off of her. She cocked her head to the side as Brian drew her in closer. She did enjoy attention maybe a little bit too much. She did love a good ego boost every now and then and the men staring at her were helping that.

    She reached for her drink and stepped out of Brian's grip. She took a mouthful and stepped away from him, but still kept her eyes on him. "You need to relax, they aren't going to do anything," she stated, nodding towards the men who were staring at her.


    Zacky let out another loud laugh when Jimmy said that one crazy ass sentence again. "I always knew you were crazy Jimmy, but this is insane," he stated as he shook his head at the drummer. He nudged Rosalie's arm with his elbow and pointed at Jimmy who was pouting at the two of them.

    "Seriously Jimmy, I have never and will never have the desire to even sleep with that. It is weird and disgusting that this have even been brought up by you. There is absolutely no sexual tension between us." Zacky shrugged his shoulders and looked over at Rosalie. "Fuck, I can't believe we have actually agreed on something."
    June 15th, 2015 at 12:56am
  • @ haner.
    "Oh my God, we did, didn't we?" Rosalie asked, laughing. Put this down in the record books, she and Zacky Baker actually agreed on something. "But seriously Jimmy, why would even think that?"

    "Because it's true," Jimmy reiterated. He hit his hand on the table, nearly upsetting a few of the glasses. "And I'll prove it, just you wait." Jimmy's words worried Rosalie slightly. Once Jimmy got in an idea in his head, it was nearly impossible to dislodge. But then again, he was well on his way to becoming incredibly intoxicated, so maybe he'd forget by the morning.

    "I think Jim Jam here has had enough to drink," Rosalie whispered to Zack. "But I haven't!" She shoved Jimmy. "Let me out, I wanna go get something else to drink."

    "Ooh, I'll go, too," Jimmy said. His blue eyes sought out the guitarist still sitting at the booth. "You should come too, Zack. Help keep an eye on your lady."
    Brian relaxed his grip on Daniella's waist. "As long as it's not bothering you," he said. Daniella was obviously enjoying the attention from the other men and if Brian were being honest, it made him a little jealous. He didn't really like competing for someone's attention. "Let's go back to the booth," he suggested, grabbing his beer. He was tired of standing here at the bar, and he wanted to get Daniella away from the guys who were staring at her.

    Back at the booth, Brian slid in next to Matt, pulling Daniella in next to him. "What'd I miss?" he asked, taking a sip of his beer.

    Matt shook his head, chuckling. "Just Jimmy being crazy," he told them.

    "What'd he do this time?" Brian asked. It wasn't unlike Jimmy to get a little crazy whenever he drank. Brian was just disappointed that he'd missed it.

    "He tried to convince Zacky and Rosalie that the reason they don't get along is because they have too much sexual tension. Crazy, right?"

    "Yeah, that's pretty crazy," Brian agreed. He was feeling a little sexual tension of his own, courtesy of the gorgeous brunette nearly sitting in his lap. He squirmed in his seat a bit, taking another sip of his beer.
    June 15th, 2015 at 05:00am
  • Daniella shrugged her shoulders and smiled up at him. "It only bothers me when they actually attempt to chat me up," she stated. She bit down on her bottom lip and nodded her head before following him back to the booth. She slid into the booth beside him; leaving barely any gap between them.

    She settled back and took small sips on her drink. She kept to herself, but was listening with interest to their conversation. She let out a soft laugh and shook her head at the group. Daniella eventually got sucked into a conversation of her own with Matt. It was a pretty headed discussion over Call of Duty and which gun set up was the best. She was honestly enjoying herself with the band. They were all decent people, but she still couldn't deal with the sexual tension building between her and Brian.


    Zacky rolled his eyes a Jimmy. "It is not true Jimmy. Are you high or something?" he questioned with another laugh.

    "I think so soon," he snickered back to Rosalie, but quickly pause. "Fuck!" he shouted as he looked up at her. "Why the fuck do I keep agreeing with you? This isn't right." He frowned and grabbed his drink; downing the rest of the liquid. He slammed the glass on the table before reaching over to slap the back of Jimmy's head.

    "I need another fucking drink. She can look after herself," he stated as he slipped out of the booth and followed after her.
    June 16th, 2015 at 02:23am