Love Me Like You Do

  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    Parker Soames

    Madeline "Maddie" Johnson


    Kierra Valliere

    Evan Valliere

    Madeline "Maddie" Johnson and Evan Valliere played by BadStreetBoys
    Parker Soames and Kierra Valliere played by Dandy Darling;
    June 12th, 2015 at 01:48am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    It was the first day that Parker had been instated as the current boss of an underground prostitution ring called "Nightly". His father had decided to hand over the company a few months ago, deciding he was too old to continue on. Parker had an adequate grasp on the knowledge of the business. After all, his father had taught him from childhood. Now, at the prime age of twenty-two, Parker Soames was in-charge of the company while his father was off traveling the world. It was his duty to take care of all the girls underneath his protection, only giving them to the most loyal and trusted customers. Others would be properly disposed of. Their bodies had to be taken care of properly and given anything that they needed.

    Parker sat at his desk in the most secured part of the underground building while checking over the list of his girls with their prices. Maggie, Mallory, Madeline. There was a special asterisk next to Madeline Johnson's name. To pique his curiosity even further, he saw that her price had soared above all of the rest. Madeline was easily double per hour compared to the others. "Sam!" He called out before a man came in. "Tell me, why is there an asterisk next to Madeline Johnson's name?" He questioned, placing the paper down onto the desk. "Um, sir. Unlike the rest of the girls, she is still a virgin. The only one of the all the girls. Many men are willing to pay a lot of money for that, but we make sure that things do not get out of hand." Sam explained, hoping that satisfied the question. Parker was surprised to hear the information but still kept his stoic demeanor. "I want to meet her. Go get Madeline." He stated then leaned back in his chair.


    Waking up the following morning, Kierra was surprised to find herself in her own bed and pondered how she had made it home last night from the party. The pounding headache that followed shortly after was no shock though. After throwing down a multitude of shots and whatever pills she could find lying around, it was a wonder how she was still functioning properly. No matter though. She was living and that was all that mattered. Her eyes slid over to the digital clock sitting on top of her dresser to read that it was almost noon. Good, just enough sleep to last another party tonight. "I could go for a smoke," She mumbled to herself, shuffling in the bed to find a lighter and a pack of cigarettes. Kierra never slept far from her trusty sidekicks, and they were practically glued to her hip. Finding them beneath her pillow, she easily lit the cigarette then padded over toward her window to crack it open slightly. With her parents out of town, Kierra did not have to worry about her parents lecturing her about how smoking was hazardous to her health. Blah, blah blah. It was not like she had a bright future to begin with. Kierra had barely made it through high school and refused to attend college, vowing that her parents had controlled her life for too long. Unlike her perfect twin brother, she was the black sheep to the family. Kierra slowly moved from the window and out onto the street, wanting to get some fresh air.
    June 12th, 2015 at 01:51am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    When Maddie was called to the Boss' office she was quite surprised. He had never asked to see her before, but that was the old boss. This was his son, and she had never met his son. Maddie walked in and carefully shut the door behind her. She walked over across from his desk and sat in the chair. She wore a pair of red booty shorts, a white sports bra, and black tank top. "You wanted to see me, sir?" She asked and gave him a small smile.

    Evan had gotten up early that morning and was going for a run. His parents hated it when he ran into town. They thought it was too dangerous and he shouldn't interact with the common folk. So he had grown up somewhat snobby, but it was just how he was raised. With the rich annoying pricks. He had been looking down at his phone to change the music he accidentally ran into Kierra. "Oh I'm so sorry!" He exclaimed.

    @ Dandy Darling;
    June 13th, 2015 at 04:41am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys

    Parker had only waited a few moments before the girl entered to sit down in the seat before him, drinking in her appearance. It was clear to him why her price soared above the rest. "Yes, I did want to see you, Madeline. As you know, I have taken over the company from my father. I wanted to introduce myself to you personally. My name is Parker Soames," He explained, giving a small nod in return.


    Kierra took a long drag of her cigarette while glancing around to take in the surroundings. Everything was too loud, too bright, and too early for her. It only made matters worse when some idiot practically knocked her order. "What the hell is wrong by you?" She exclaimed in return, pulling herself back together. "Watch where you're going next time," She mumbled while dropping the cigarette and stomping it out.
    June 19th, 2015 at 04:04am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    Maddie nodde. "It's a pleasure to meet you sir." She said with a polite smile. Maddie wasn't sure why he was just introducing himself to her. She had only seen his father a few times, and it was never personal like this. "Is there anything else?" She asked and looked at her folded hands in her lap.

    Evan frowned slightly and bent down to pick his phone up. "I said sorry." He muttered and straightened up. Taking a good look at Kierra. Evan had always been interested in her type of lifestyle, but his parents threatened to take his trust fund away if he ever did anything close to it.

    @ Dandy Darling;
    June 19th, 2015 at 04:25am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys

    "Out of curiosity, how did you find yourself here?" He questioned, not understanding how a virgin could have chosen to stay here all this time. Leaning back into his chair slightly, he was intrigued to know. "Oh, and I would like to inform you that your eighteenth birthday is tomorrow," Parker added on at the last moment. The day that she would have to give up her virginity was coming soon, faster than anyone could realize.


    Kierra rolled her eyes since she had functioning ears. "Yeah, I know. I heard it the first time," She responded then took a long drag before blowing the smoke practically into his face. "Sorry doesn't always cut it, rich boy," She narrowed her eyes at his Louis Vuitton clothes and Apple phone.
    June 20th, 2015 at 03:16am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    "Not by choice." Maddie muttered before looking back up at Parker. "Yea I know when my birthday is ." She said and sighed, leaning back into her chair. She wasn't looking forward to being forced to have sex with random men. It wasn't a pleasure to be pleasuring them the way she had been. But to actually have sexual intercourse? She was repulsed.

    Evan rolled his eyes at her rich boy comment. "What do you want? Want me to pay you off?" He asked sarcastically. Sliding his phone into his pocket as he looked Kierra up and down again. "Or should I support the shitty expensive habit." He said referring to smoking.

    @ Dandy Darling;
    June 20th, 2015 at 03:43am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys

    Although he heard her, Parker decided to completely disregard it. She was here now, and there was nothing she could do about it. They had given her a roof over her head, not to mention food. "I just say that so you prepare yourself," He explained, glancing down at his schedule on the monitor for the next few days. There were multiple men already coming in, requesting Madeline.


    "If you wanna spare me a few bucks, I won't say no," Kierra stated with a small grin, flicking her cigarette. In response to her habit, she merely shrugged her shoulders. "It relaxes me. You don't get to judge that," She countered with a slightly frown.
    June 20th, 2015 at 11:11pm
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    Maddie nodded slightly, she knew her virginity was going for a high price. She always had comments from the men. "So how are you selling my virginity?" She asked as she looked over Parker. "Going to the highest bidder?" She asked, somewhat sarcastically, she hoped that wasn't it.

    Evan sighed and pulled out his wallet. "How much do you want?" He asked, though kept the wallet tilted towards him so Kierra didn't see exactly how much he had. "And why not something healthier, golf relaxes me."

    @ Dandy Darling;
    June 21st, 2015 at 12:50am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys

    Parker raised an eyebrow on how frank she was about the situation. In any other case, he would have imagined that the girl would avoid the topic as much as possible. "Well, yes, that is a factor," He admitted, locking eyes with her gaze. "All of the clients will go through a strict screening. I want to make sure that the man will treat you properly," He continued on.


    Kierra blinked over in surprised, completely shocked that he had agreed to it. "I'm a charity case, right? How much do you wanna give to charity?" She countered, with an attempt to peer into his wallet. All she could tell was that it was a thick wallet. "Golf? You think that I could afford all those golf clubs? A caddie? Time to rent a course?" She scoffed, knowing that he was not even thinking about it. "I'm lucky if I can find a basketball that someone accidentally left behind."
    June 21st, 2015 at 01:09am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    Maddie rolled her eyes slightly. She knew he had no clue what the men were like. All the girls did, but most were too terrified to say anything about how poorly they were treated by the men. "If you say so." She said and leaned forward, her elbows resting on her knees. "Don't act like the good guy." She said and stood up, walking to the door. "Goodbye sir."

    Evan sighed slightly and pulled out a fifty. "Here." He murmured and slid the wallet back into his pocket. "How about I take you sometime then?" He offered with a grin.

    @ Dandy Darling;
    June 21st, 2015 at 01:20am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys

    Parker's eyes darkened as Maddie started to stand up from her chair, dismissing him. That was not the way it worked. He owned her. "No, this conversation is not over, and you are in no position to speak to me in that tone," Parker stated, reaching out to clamp down on her wrist. There would be no way in hell that she would disrespect him under his rules. "You're going to sit back down until I'm finished speaking with you. If you think your job here is bad, I can make it worse," He warned while looking straight into her eyes, not faltering for one second.


    "That's pretty generous of you," She gracious took the money from him, waving the pretty bill in the air. Sliding the fifty dollar bill into the pocket of her short shorts, Kierra paused for a moment to register the question. "You're crazy. That's the craziest idea that I've ever heard. Me? Golfing?" The mere idea of her swinging a club was completely ridiculous.
    June 21st, 2015 at 01:42am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ Dandy Darling;
    I'm so sorry I've been gone, life got in the way, I've been so busy. I'm back now if you are okay with continuing.

    Maddie glared at her boss, turning and facing him, she didn't fear him, or heats he could do. "Go ahead and try." She mumbled and shook her hand loose from his. "I'm just a piece of meat to you and everyone involved in this. What could be worse." She asked rhetorically. Maddie despised her father having sold her into this, but it was more dear rather than anger she was displaying to Parker. She didn't want to be, frankly, a slut who sold the self to people, especially not getting any of the profits.

    Evan shrugged and chucklEd. "I'm serious, I'll take you sometime. We've got a course by my place, and I'll pay for it all. Then after we can do whatever you'd like." He offered to her, giving a gentle smile. He wanted to get to know her and learn about what it was like to live without having everything bought and paid for already.
    October 11th, 2015 at 08:22pm
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys

    [It's alright. I understand!]

    Parker could feel his jaw slack from her defiant nature, wondering how his father ever put up with her. "Are you entirely sure you want me to do that?" He questioned with an eyebrow raised, fully knowing that he could easily make her life a living hell. On the other hand, it was admirable that she had the courage to oppose him. "You're not just a piece of meat. You're an employee, and I am your boss. You work for this company to have a place to sleep, a place to eat, and a way to make a living," He pointed out, attempting to maintain his composure. "Maddie, you are important to this company," Parker reiterated once more.
    Kierra narrowed her eyes at the boy and wondered if this was all some sick joke, scanning his features for a sign. "Maybe," She settled on, taking one last drag of her cigarette. Dropping it to the street, she used the heel of her converse to stomp it out. "See ya around, rich boy," She stated before turning on her heel and throwing a hand over her shoulder. If he continued to fork over money, she would hang out with him as much as he wanted.
    October 12th, 2015 at 05:47am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ Dandy Darling;
    Maddie sighed and looked across at Parker. "Mr. Soames, you call me an employee, but you know that's not what I am." She stated and looked down at her feet before back up at him. "This is not a legal business, especially because I'm still underage, makes it a bit more illegal. Nevertheless. I'm not an employee, my father sold me to your father. And I've been here since, I didn't choose this life,as many girls didn't either." Maddie could feel herself digging a whole deeper and deeper, but hey maybe it would get her somewhere. "I'm inportant because I can bring in good money, that's it."

    Evan nodded, waving a goodbye to Kierra. He put the headphones he had previously had on, back in, and set the playlist to shuffle once more. Evan started the jog, which had been interrupted, into town. As he ran Evan kind himself thinking about Kierra, he wasn't sure why, she showed no real interest in him. However he was oddly attracted to him, maybe it was because he was brought up as a goody two shoes and she was anything but, but he wanted to learn more about her. Once in town Evan decided to wander around town. He was a bit defensive, worried he would get mugged, which his parents always stated would happen if he ever went there alone. Evan wondered what it was like to always live here, as well as where she did.
    October 12th, 2015 at 01:22pm
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys

    Parker shook his head since this was not how the business was run. "Maddie, you are an employee whether you recognize it or not. Every single day you have a job to complete, and your payment is receiving all of your amenities," He explained since all of the girls were important. "You're important. Yes, you do bring in good money, which your numbers clearly show, but you are a part of this company. A community." Pausing, Parker took a sip of his water and continued on. "Now, you may not have chosen this life, but this is what it has turned out to be. I would work with what you have as opposed to fighting it. I'm trying to explain to you the importance of all of this and my patience wears thin quickly."
    Kierra continued on toward the outskirts of town where her mother owned a small apartment in the sketchiest part of the neighborhood. It was filled with drug addicts, theft, and prostitution. Her mother was high half the time, and her father left at least ten years ago. She had little to no recollection of him. Whatever, she grew up just fine without him. Throwing herself back onto the dusty couch, she thought back to Evan. Maybe she could latch onto him more often and find ways to take more money out of him. After all, he did not seem to mind and was easy on the eyes. It would be a win-win situation for the both of them, considering that the boy was practically begging for some excitement in his life.
    October 17th, 2015 at 06:25am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ Dandy Darling;
    Maddox let out a heavy sigh, then run her fingers through her hair. "Alright, Mr. Soames." She said defeated. However she wasn't done with this, or with him. Maddie began to think of what else might be able to be done to save herself, the only thing that crossed her mind was if he wanted her to himself. It was a stretch but she could try, it seemed like her only option. "What else did you want to talk to me about, sir?"

    Evan reached the end of where he would go into town, the same area in which Kierra lived. That was where he drew the line. Evan himself tried not to be judgmental or a jerk, but the way he was raised he couldn't totally get past it. His parents warned him about the regular town, he couldn't imagine what happened inside these boundaries. It scared him to find out, even though he wanted to. Pondering the pros and cons Evan decided to take a quick walk in there, he would probably get mugged due to how rich he looked, but he didn't hold much more cash on himself. He never carried large amounts.
    October 17th, 2015 at 01:17pm
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys

    It was clear to Parker that she was unconvinced of his argument but did not counter. "Someone is already interested in purchasing your first night," He started off, thinking about how to properly word this. "He decided that Friday would be the best time, so you have a couple of days. Of course, this won't change your schedule," Parker explained in the most simple terms. "That's all I wanted to talk about. Was there a question you had?"
    After a few moments, Kierra slowly peeled herself off of the couch with a small sigh and glanced outside of the window to see a familiar face. Evan. At first, she paused to blink once and then twice out of disbelief that a privileged kid willingly roamed these parts. Any person would have loved to mug him, which would completely defeat her plan. She rushed out of the house and down the stairs of the apartment, reaching out to grab his hand. "What the hell are you doing here? This is not a place for some rich kid to wander," She frowned, dragging him off of the street and back to her place. Luckily, her mother was out for the moment, and it was probably to meet up to get a refill on her supply.
    October 17th, 2015 at 04:47pm
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    Maddie sighed and looked across at Parker. "I have no say in this at all?" She asked desperately. She hated the fact of the whole situation. It stressed her out thinking about it. Maddie also knew she wouldn't fake it for any guy either. She'd lay there and let them have their way, without any reaction. It was her plan to spite the system.

    Evan's eyes widened when Kierra grabbed his hand but didn't fight back. He just willingly followed her. A light blush across his face when he was scolded. "Sorry." He mumbled and rubbed the back of his neck. Evan looked around her house before back at Kierra. "I was just jogging and this kinda happened." He admitted and bit his lip as he looked at her.

    @ Dandy Darling;
    October 17th, 2015 at 07:44pm
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys

    Parker merely sighed in response since Maddie had little to no say in many aspects of her life. "If multiple offers come, which I think there will be, I suppose I could let you choose the man. That's all that I can offer you," He explained, giving his best effort. The contract that her father signed clearly stated that the company would own Maddie entirely down to her virginity. She was an investment to them. "Anything else?"
    Kierra was far from convinced that he managed to wander into the slums of the city by accident. "Yeah, well, you should pay attention next time. I'm sure someone would have loved to take everything you have," She explained in frustration. "You're lucky that I spotted you." Running a hand through her hair, she sighed and wondered how he was going to get home. It was a miracle enough that he managed to get this far.
    October 17th, 2015 at 09:48pm