Love Me Like You Do

  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    Maddie sighed. "I'm turning 18, that contract expires." She muttered angrily. "I'll be a legal adult and you would need my consent for anything further to happen." She said angrily. Maddie stood up and walked over to the door. She despised her father as well as the company. Maddie walked out into the hallway about to cry.

    Evan shrugged his shoulders as he looked at Kierra. "I guess I am lucky." He mumbled and looked at his phone then back at her. "Well now that I'm here what Are you planning on doing wih me?" He asked with a laugh, Evan pulled out a pack of gum and offered a piece to Kierra.

    (Sorry I'm having some writers block)

    @ Dandy Darling;
    October 17th, 2015 at 10:24pm
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys

    [It's alright]

    Parker knew that the contract did not expire when she turned eighteen. The contract was completely binding for the rest of her life and there was no loop hole out of it. "You can believe that, Maddie, but we both know that's not true," He stated, drumming his fingers against the desk. As the door slammed behind her, Parker turned back to his desk work. It was clear that Maddie would have a difficult time accepting her fate, but all the girls did eventually.
    Kierra glanced over at the time and noted that the sun would set soon. She possessed no vehicle and no taxi wanted to drive all the way out here. "Look, you can crash here for the night cause you're definitely not going to make it home alive," She stated, letting her eyes wander over toward the couch. "It's dusty, springy, and probably older than you are, but that's all I got." Reaching into her pocket, she lit up a cigarette and took a long drag.
    October 18th, 2015 at 12:54am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ Dandy Darling;
    Maddie was frustrated with the whole situation. This entire thing was illegal and she was nothing more than income for them and it irked her beyond no end. However Parker seemed to care more than his father did, he was a lot cuter too. She wanted to try and win him over so that he would want her, maybe that could save her from being a sex slave. It was a long shot, but it was the only shot that she had.

    Evan bit his lip as he looked over at Kierra, running s hand through his hair. He sighed but nodded his head. "Alright. I'll tell my parents I'm with a friend." He mumbled, more to himself than to her. "Thanks by the way." He murmured, giving her a slight smile. "I owe you one." He said and laughed, checking his phone as the ringtone went off, then quickly replying to the texts.
    October 28th, 2015 at 06:37pm
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys

    Parker finished off the day, hiding away in his office with paperwork. He traveled home to his penthouse in the middle of the city before washing off the stress of the day with a shower. Tomorrow would be the day that the offers would come flooding in for Maddie. Hopefully, this would make more money for the company and made his father proud.
    Kierra disappeared off into the kitchen to grab a bottle of beer from the refrigerator. After all, it was the only thing to drink other than the tap water. "Hmm? Oh, yeah," She agreed, taking a swig of the beer. "You need a shower since you were running?" She questioned, unsure of how to approach this whole thing. Kierra never had guests. Between her mother and the neighborhood, no one dared to enter the house.
    November 7th, 2015 at 04:37am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ Dandy Darling;
    Maddie thought about her options and some things she could do to save herself. She knew they were allowed one call a week, which she never used. Maddie headed to the office to make the call. Maddie called the one family member she didn't mind, her older cousin. She had told him about her situation and that she would do just about anything for him if he came in as a customer, she was told she would have some say in the matter, she would choose him. And get away without losing her virginity in the most degrading well. When Maddie finished her call she headed back to her room and laid down, wondering how she could get Parker to fancy her. That seemed like a good plan for her. He was rich, and not bad looking, but if he fancied her, then she would be a sex slave.

    Evan shrugged his shoulders. "I should be good until the morning I guess." He murmured and rubbed the back of his neck nervously. Evan felt a by awkward, but his adrenaline was pumping and he was excited. He wanted to know more about this girl. The more he bought about his parents disapproval the more he wanted to get into this. "What do you want to do?" He asked and grinned slightly at her. The thought of her using his money didn't even cross Evan's mind. He wanted this, the excitement and difference from his day to day protected life. He was heading blindly into the tunnel.
    November 7th, 2015 at 10:33pm
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ Dandy Darling;
    Maddie thought about her options and some things she could do to save herself. She knew they were allowed one call a week, which she never used. Maddie headed to the office to make the call. Maddie called the one family member she didn't mind, her older cousin. She had told him about her situation and that she would do just about anything for him if he came in as a customer, she was told she would have some say in the matter, she would choose him. And get away without losing her virginity in the most degrading well. When Maddie finished her call she headed back to her room and laid down, wondering how she could get Parker to fancy her. That seemed like a good plan for her. He was rich, and not bad looking, but if he fancied her, then she would be a sex slave.

    Evan shrugged his shoulders. "I should be good until the morning I guess." He murmured and rubbed the back of his neck nervously. Evan felt a by awkward, but his adrenaline was pumping and he was excited. He wanted to know more about this girl. The more he bought about his parents disapproval the more he wanted to get into this. "What do you want to do?" He asked and grinned slightly at her. The thought of her using his money didn't even cross Evan's mind. He wanted this, the excitement and difference from his day to day protected life. He was heading blindly into the tunnel.
    November 7th, 2015 at 10:36pm
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys

    The next morning, Parker sat himself down at his office and began to busy himself with work. There were already numerous emails and phone messages that request the information of one Madeline Johnson, wanting to make bids on her. It was already in the millions, and Parker had a feeling that the numbers would continue to increase. "Call Madeline in here, please," He request, waiting for one of his workers to fetch Maddie. Leaning back in his chair, Parker let out a sigh and began to think that the company was running well underneath his rule. "Ah, happy birthday, Maddie," He greeted once she stepped through his door, gesturing to the seat before him.

    Kierra shrugged her shoulders since it was up to him, settling down on the couch and placing her feet up on the coffee table. "I don't know. I don't really have guests over," She admitted, taking another swig of her beer. "I have cocaine and marijuana, but I bet you haven't done either," She grinned, teasing him. Kierra pegged Evan as the sheltered, rich boy that his parents showered with affection. It would be a complete shocker if he had ever stepped outside the boundaries set by his parents. "So, what do you say? Up for it?" She pushed.
    November 8th, 2015 at 12:45am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ Dandy Darling;
    When Maddie was fetched she took her time making her way to his office, strolling into it casually as possible and taking the seat in front of Parker. She didn't act subservient, her attitude was that she was his equal right now. The brave face was what was helping keep her calm. "Thank you, Mr. Soames." She said with a sweet smile. Madeline crossed her legs, then folded her hands neatly in her lap.

    Evan took a step back from Kierra when she stepped towards him. He was a bit shocked to hear her say she had cocaine and marijuana, even though he didn't expect anything different. Evan rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Uhm, well, I've never..." He mumbled and trailed off. Evan wasn't sure what to say, he wanted to go outside of his norms and try new things. But his parents would kill him if he did this. Evan thought it over, weighing the pros and cons. But when he thought she would like him more if he did, it was easily chosen for him."sure."
    November 8th, 2015 at 10:18pm
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys

    Parker could see that there was immediate difference in attitude from the previous night. It made him a tad suspicious about what Madeline had up her sleeve, considering that last night she vowed not to go down without a fight. "Anyway, the reason why I called you was to let you know about the offers," He stated, glancing over at his screen monitor. "I said that I would let you pick the man, so I wanted to show you some of the pictures that have already come in." Turning the screen in her direction, Parker pulled up the pictures of the men that already submitted offers. "Of course, we already screened them, so they're of no threat to you."
    Kierra could see that her proposition had flustered him, making her chuckle. "Alright, I'll be right back then," She smirked before disappearing down the hallway to her mother's secret stash. Of course, her mother thought that Kierra was too dumb to know that she vanished every now and then inside of the house, but Kierra knew better. Grabbing a few joints and small packets, she returned back to the living room and dumped them onto the coffee table. "Pick your poison," She stated, settling down on the couch.
    November 8th, 2015 at 11:20pm
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ Dandy Darling;
    Maddie scrolled through the pictures of men, many flashes of disgust screened across her face when she saw the sleazy men that had wanted to buy her. She tried to hide it from Parker, but the utter disgust was showing through. There were a few men that were very attractive, she made different notes on their screen, hoping to make it seem like she was actually choosing one from the group. As she passed her cousin she marked his as well. Then began to pick through the select ones she had put aside. "Hmm." She murmured, sighing slightly as she narrowed it down more and more, every so often glancing up at Parker.

    Evan knew a bit about the drugs from the school's health class, but he didn't know much. The one thing he knew was that marijuana was much less dangerous than cocaine was. He took a joint in his hands before walking over and sitting down besides Kierra, a bit closer to her than he usually would be with someone. "I need a lighter." He said with a light nervous laugh. His bright blue eyes shining with nerves and excitement.
    November 8th, 2015 at 11:36pm
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys

    Parker watched Maddie's facial expressions change as the pictures flashed by. Some looks of disgust, content, and lust. At least she seemed to be attracted to some of them. "What do you think? Is there anyone that has caught your attention the most?" He asked, glancing down at her choices. She had narrowed it down to at most twenty from the hundreds of offers that poured in. However, only one would have her. "You can have some time to think about it, but you have to let me know today," He stated, turning the computer monitor back.
    Kierra was waiting for Evan to turn back and retract his words, accepting that he was a complete wuss. It would a surprise if he took this leap toward the dark side. "Of course you do," She grinned, deciding to take one of the joints herself. Reaching into her pocket, she produced the a lighter and lit the flame. "Here you go," She reached out, waiting for Evan to lean forward. "I think you're going to like it," She added on, placing the joint into her own mouth.
    November 14th, 2015 at 05:33pm
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ Dandy Darling;
    Madeline nodded slightly, looking up from the computer and across to Parker. She looked over his feature and the small details on his face. She was trying to read him, decide how he felt about this, how he was feeling despite work. He wasn't easy to read, but he wasn't hard to read either. "Mr. Soames." She said softly, moving the computer to the side so she could have a conversation with him. She would try to be polite, but Maddie had a temper, which they all were quite aware of.

    Evan leaned forward, lighting the joint. Sure inside he was trembling and terrified. But he wouldn't back out now, she would make fun of hm greatly, he knew it. He also didn't want to let Kierra down. Evan took a hit off the joint before ending up in a coughing fit. His face turning bright red, not from lack of oxygen and coughing, but because he felt like an idiot.
    November 15th, 2015 at 10:28pm
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys

    Parker jotted down the names of the men that interested her and only responded when she called out to him. "Yes, Maddie?" He encouraged, glancing up from his paper for a brief moment. What else more did she have to request or say? It was already settled that this exchange would happen, and one of the main reasons why they took her in. His father saw Madeline as a huge investment that needed to be taken, which was one of his father's main priorities when the power shifted.
    Kierra's eyes widened slightly as Evan took a drag of the marijuana and proceeded to cough and sputter out the smoke. "Woah, you actually did it," She laughed, completely taken off guard by him. Leaning over, she gave him a firm pat on the shoulder. "God, it's so obvious that it's your first time, but you have some balls for actually doing it," She complimented and lit her own roll. Kierra took in a long drag before blowing out the smoke in rings, showcasing the ability. "Guess how long it took me to get that," She stated, glancing over in his direction.
    November 21st, 2015 at 04:42pm
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ Dandy Darling;

    Madeline looked across at Parker, waiting for him to look at her before she spoke. "What is this for you? Just a business?" She asked, leaning on the desk, elbows against it. Her cleavage showed through thetright shirt she had. She didn't do much to hide it. Every guy had a weakness, she wanted to find his. "I mean, it's just a suggestion. But your father was very personable and involved wth us. He knew us all. We all knew him and he would talk and relate with us. I'm not saying you're doing a bad job. But maybe if you tried to relate a bit more then us girls would feel as safe and secure, and as happy wih the job as we did with your father."

    Evan was a bright red color, he looked up at Kierra and forced a smile. "Well I mean, I do have balls." He said with a snicker, sitting up a bit as he watched her blow the smoke out in rings. "I don't know that would probably take me a while, I can't even hold the smoke in." He said and gave her a weak smile as he tried it again, this time able to hold the smoke a bit longer than before. He gave Kierra a big, toothy smile as he did it, exhaling it slowly. "How do you do that, can you teach me?" He asked. Evan was excited. He was also calm and content at this moment.
    November 21st, 2015 at 05:02pm
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys

    Parker wondered what Madeline was doing, seeing how she purposely showed him cleavage. Sure, it was still his first few weeks on the job, but that didn't mean that he was naive. His father had warned that some girls tried to make moves on the boss thinking that they would receive perks. "Well, yes, it is a business, but I'm also here to make you all as comfortable and taken cared of as possible," He asked her question, setting down the pen. It seemed that she was up to something, but Parker wasn't quite sure what she had in mind. "Okay, and how do you suggest that I be more personable with you?" He continued on out of curiosity, wondering how she would respond.
    "Yeah, yeah, you know what I meant," She waved him off, taking in another long drag. Calming herself, Kierra leaned back against her couch with a small sigh. This hit the spot and was exactly what she needed. "You'll get used to it, especially when the high takes it place," She reassured him, knowing that it would hit him harder than it hit her. After all, this happened almost one every week. Feeling the effects starting to take place, Kierra could feel her emotions mellowing out. "Let's learn how to keep the smoke in long enough before anything else," She countered with a small grin.
    November 21st, 2015 at 05:36pm
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ Dandy Darling;
    Madeline shrugged her shoulders, looking Parker in the eyes. "I'm not sure, it's different with everyone. Just, don't act like a hardass and business man. Show us you're a real person with real feelings." She said and gave him a genuine smile. She knew he wouldn't take advice if she didn't take her own advice. Maddie tried to show herself off as a rebel without w care. But she was truly a sweet girl scared of the world she was trapped in.

    Evan calmed down quickly as the high hit him, the two his he had taken were large for a lightweight like himself. He rested back into the couch and looked over at Kierra. He went to speak but instead a yawn came out. After a small series of yawns he spoke to her. "This is great." He said and laughed at himself. Evan took another hit, holding in the smoke even longer. He tried to blow it out in rings but failed.
    November 21st, 2015 at 06:23pm
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys

    Parker exhaled loudly as he listened to Madeline's advice, unsure of how the divide between professionalism and being personal would occur. "I am a real person with real feelings. I try not to be a hardass, but I am a businessman, Maddie. You know that," He challenged, leaning back in his chair. "Besides, why did you take a sudden interest in this anyway?" He was a bit shocked that she cared at all since she clearly stated her feelings of dislike toward him yesterday.
    "See," She nodded in his direction with a small laugh. "Sometimes you just gotta say fuck the rules and your parents," She tacked on, knowing that they would completely opposed what he had just done. It was exhilarating to go against the law and live on the edge, almost like a drug within itself. "You're not gonna get it on your first time," She teased, leaning over to blow some rings in his face.
    November 21st, 2015 at 07:47pm
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ Dandy Darling;

    Maddie nodded as she listened to Parker talk, she didn't lean back, keeping her pose on the desk even as he challenged her. She gave him another cheeky smile. "Because as you said. I'm stuck here. I should get used to it." She said and shrugged her shoulders, she looked up and down Parker. "You don't seem like a hardass. But I'm just saying. Business men that don't have feelings and don't have fun, die faster, have more heart and liver problems." She explained, she blushed a bit as she spoke. "I do research on health in my free time. I have your father some advice before."

    Evan laughed again when she blew the rings in his face. "Teach me." He whined playfully. Giving Kierra another grin. "Yea, I guess so." He started. "My parents would kill me for this." Evan paused and looked over at Kierra. "Well actually they'd make me promise not to do it again or I'd be cut out of the will. But this, along with where I am, and even considering being involved with you on any type of way, let alone intimate or whatever, that would be disowning worthy." Evan said, rambling on about it as he looked at Kierra smiling again.
    November 21st, 2015 at 08:06pm
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ Dandy Darling;
    November 27th, 2015 at 12:03am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ Dandy Darling;
    December 19th, 2015 at 05:00am