
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ hickey-a


    Derek shot his eyes toward Charlie when she hit the elevator button, pulling him out of his thoughts. "They're waiting for us," He stated, hearing the ding of the elevator. For a moment, he thought that he saw a glimpse of the usual Charlie. The same confident, smart-mouthed girl that he first met in that room. It was the first time Derek had seen her in days, and it made him feel ten times better than having some doctor tell him that she would physically be normal. Although, this motion seemed to have a hint of something more intense. She was angry at something. Probably at him for doing something very stupid, but Derek was doing the best that he could. There was no other way that he knew. As soon as it had appeared, it disappeared without a trace. Stepping inside of the elevator, Derek hit the button for the basement and leaned against the elevator with his arms crossed over his chest. His eyes continuously flickered over toward her, waiting to see if any other sign of Charlie would appear. He missed her dearly.

    There wasn't a minute that went by that Derek didn't beat himself up for this. He couldn't shake the feeling that this was all his fault since it was completely his fault, and he should have never sent her on that date with Anderson. Derek was trying to fix it though in any way that he could, but there was no amount of money in the world that could make time rewind. This was the first time he had even disobeyed his father, and he would do anything in his power to make her feel normal again. She just needed to talk to him and tell him what she needed. He couldn't read her mind or just know exactly what she needed. Derek was trained to be a businessman and not a friend or a lover. He barely passed as a brother and a son.

    Sliding into the limousine, Derek briefly closed his eyes and pictured their moment from a few days ago. Their fingers had brushed and that alone sent a ripple of electricity through his body. The way that they instinctively wanted each other was a once in a lifetime feeling. Now, he was too afraid to break her from the slightest touch. "To the doctor's, please," He requested, relaxing against the seat.
    December 19th, 2015 at 04:57am
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Dandy Darling;
    The ride on the elevator felt as tense as the first she had taken a ride up it, but in a completely different way. She wasn't bubbly and giggly from champagne, but she was, in fact, the exact opposite of that. She crossed her arms, letting herself sink into her anger the further down they went. Each ding of the floor almost made her wince, like she needed another reason to be angry and annoyed. She was gripping her arms so tightly, they started to turn red and she huffed again. He didn't say anything, of course, why would he? He just cast her those worried big eyes like he'd been doing for the past 48 hours. When the reached the basement, she followed behind him silently but only because she was afraid of what she might say.

    He looked relieved almost to be sitting in his car, maybe it felt normal to him, though it still felt strange to her. Of course they would go to the doctor, she would do exactly like he asked, just like she'd been doing this entire time. She'd wear this stupid t-shirt and ride in this fancy limo, even though a simple car would completely suffice for Derek's job or even a trip to the doctor. She wondered if that was where she had gone wrong, when she started listen to Derek instead of herself. Her Nonna would be ashamed of her for letting some man get into her head, into her body, and maybe that was exactly how it all happened.

    They winded through another elaborate garage and the light of the day hurt her eyes even though streets of the city looked hazy, smoldering in fog and rain. She knew he was frustrated, worried and his entire life was at jeopardy and yet, she was still so angry with him. She wanted to yell, she wanted to fight with him and she didn't know why or how lashing out would help her. It felt right though. They both couldn't keep all these feelings bottled up because they were afraid of each other. "You have to stop looking at me like that, it's literally driving me insane. I actually cannot stand another worried look from you, I think that crease in your forehead is going to fucking stick," she said, staring out the window as the rain drops pounded against the glass. When the words tumbled out of her mouth, half her felt relieved and the other half wanted to take them back, but she knew she couldn't live even another hour biting her tongue.
    December 19th, 2015 at 05:40am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ hickey-a

    Most of the ride was quiet as if they were dancing around each other, afraid to step on each others toes. It was pretty unbearable, but Derek had no idea what to say to her. He already apologized far too many times and nothing else seemed to be appropriate. That was when Charlie decided to break the silence. Derek looked over at her completely appalled by her statement, feeling his blood starting to boil. "I can't help but be worried with you not fucking talking to me. You just sit there with no expression and constantly remind me of how this is all my fault. I can't turn back the clock or prevent Anderson from what he's done to you, but I'm trying to make it right," He shot back, finally speaking the words that he needed to say. The flood of emotions finally made him feel anger and annoyance. Derek was almost grateful that she had yelled at him, which no one other than his father was allowed to do.

    "So, do you want to go to the doctor's or not, Charlie? If you don't want to go, you have to tell me instead of letting me do it for you," He stated then told the driver to pull over. They were only a couple minutes away, but the gas and time meant nothing right now. There was a heat coursing through his veins and only continued to grow hotter until Derek realized that she was angry, too. That sad, little girl was no where to be found, seeing the fire burning in her eyes. "Look at me, Charlie. If you're angry at me, tell me you're angry. Yell at me. Hit me, something!" He encouraged, turning in his seat to face her and waited to take the blow. He needed her to be stronger and to stand up for herself, and Derek knew that he needed to let her make these choices. The only person who knew what was good for her was herself.

    For the first time in days, Derek actually felt normal inside of this car in the middle of the city. The blaring sound of horns filled the air while rain droplets pounded against the side of the car window. It was a dreadful, gloomy day as people rushed to cover from the weather. On the other hand, Derek felt better than he had in a while. Maybe Derek should have heeded his father's warning more carefully and avoided all of this. His father had warned about women in his life, allowing them to take control of it. Ever since Charlie was introduced, he had cut off his most wealthy business partner, taken time off of work, and created trouble with his father. His entire life was sent into a whirlwind.
    December 19th, 2015 at 09:22pm
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Dandy Darling;
    Charlie felt completely unappealing in her swirl of emotion and when Derek yelled back at her, she wasn't exactly sure what to do with it. His words hurt a little, they made her even more angry than she was before and when the car stopped moving, she felt even more frustrated. She was going to do what he asked because she cared about him, because she understood what would help him feel better and wanted to do that, because she valued his opinions and his feelings and that was something that he didn't seem to value you about her. She didn't want to look at him, but she cast her tired eyes at his and wondered why they were both so angry at each other in the first place.

    "No, Winston," she said to the driver, leaning forward out of her seat, "you just, you keep driving but you put up that little shield thing first," she said, pressing one of the many buttons until it rose up between Winston and them. She leaned towards Derek next, pointing a finger to his chest. "I'm gonna go to this fucking doctor's appointment because you want me to because I listen to what you have to say and fucking take your feelings into account before I make my decisions that affect both of us." With each of her sentences, she pushed her fingers against his chest, it was the most physical violence she could muster with all her sore bones and bruised body.

    "You know that you only asked me once if I wanted to take this job and it was the first time. After everything that happened, you never looked at me and said, "Hey, Charlie (girl I slept with slash kind of like slash took her virginity slash cuddles with slash I can't even define our relationship), how do you feel about all of these? NO!" She threw her hands up in frustration and she felt her tears welling in her eyes. She wasn't crying because she was hurt, she was crying from all the anger that she felt that twisted her stomach and made her skin feel hot. "Instead, you bought me pretty things and said things you thought I wanted to hear and took me out on dinners, but you never once fucking asked me if I was okay with all of this. And now, you want to sit back and look at me like I am broken and suddenly you want to feel sorry for me and you want to take all of this responsibility so that I feel sorry for and you think I'm punishing you. I'm not punishing you and I'm just sitting in front of you making you fucking confront reality. You can't buy your way out of this, you can smooth talk your way out of this or call your fucking father to handle this. You're feeling guilty because you actually have to handle something that you caused for like the first time in your life," she spat.

    She felt herself breathing heavy and her skin all flushed from yelling and while she hated the way she had said it, she felt like she had finally said what Derek needed to hear. He lived in this world where he tried to act exactly like his father, but he was a better man, apparently, and that was what he actually had to own up for. She was so sick of him looking at her like he was shocked that she had anything to say at all, that no one was even allowed to raise their voice or give their opinion and finally being able to do so made her feel a lot better. Maybe what she said was hurtful and they would never come back from it or maybe he thought equally as frustrating things about her, but it was too late to feel any sort of qualms about it. All the words had tumbled out and poured down on his face as quickly as the rain that washed the streets of the city. She wiped her tears because she didn't want him to do it and she let her hands fall into her lap where she stared at the purple ink stains of bruises on her wrists and she sighed. She didn't think arguing was going to make this any better or any worse or maybe it was just wouldn't be anything at all, but this was better than radio silence.
    December 20th, 2015 at 04:34am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ hickey-a

    Derek deepened the crease between his eyebrows, completely sure that his face would become frozen that way. Her words stung and almost felt like a slap to the face. How could she have accused him of never taking her feelings into account? He bought her a new dress, took her out to dinner, and everything. That was what any person could ever want, but Charlie definitely wasn't every other person. "You never told me what you wanted. A simple 'Hey, Derek, I want to do this' or 'Hey, Derek, I don't really like that idea' never even came out of your mouth once. I can't read your mind," He stated, narrowing eyes at her while glancing down at her finger pressing against his chest. "And I have done everything that I could to make you happy. You wanted breakfast as apology? You got that breakfast. You think that every person that waltzes into my office requesting to have breakfast gets it? No. You want to know that last time I even had the time to sit down with someone and have ice cream? Never, not even once," He continued on, feeling the veins in his neck beginning to pop out. His hands balled into fists, squeezing harder and harder at every sentence she threw at him.

    "Something that I caused? You think that I wanted to give Anderson whatever he wanted and choose to follow what my father wanted? No, I was programmed to pay attention and to do everything that my father wanted me to do. I knew something was off with Anderson from the moment I met him, which is why I planted that bug on you. You were promised to him from the moment that my father saw you and Anderson wanted you. Now, this is me trying to clean up the mess that he made. This is me wanting to make a change and take control of my own life for once without having my father whispering his wishes into my ear about what is good the company and what's not. So, you have no right to tell me what is and isn't my responsibility," He ranted on, slamming his hand against the seat of the car in rage. This face was turning red while he could feel the blood rushing through his ears.

    Derek heaved in a huge gasp of air to fill his lungs to relax his nerves while they both took a timeout. The crease between his eyebrows relaxed back, merely leaving a small line within its wake. There. They had laid everything out on the table to be viewed. All of their cards spread out for each other to witness. Good, bad, and everything else in between. The air was finally clear between them, and he wasn't sure if Charlie would ever forgive him for saying those words. Likewise, he could never picture her the same way either. She wasn't some damaged girl looking for help, completely lost and off the path. Charlie knew what she wanted, but he needed her to express it. Derek wanted her to be more verbal about her wants and needs. That was the only way that he would learn.

    "Charlie, if you have a problem with me or something that I do, you have to push me and make me understand your point of view. When it comes to these things, whatever this is, I'm a complete imbecile. I'm trying to make things right and take a different path from my father and his expectations of me. Now, this starts with me finding a replacement for the Andersons. The further I find and move away from people like that, the better," He loudly sighed, releasing his fists and running a hand through his hair. "All I know is that there is no one else that can straighten me out. You already did that once during the incident with Maritza. I need you to be able to do that for me."
    December 20th, 2015 at 05:30am
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Dandy Darling;
    Charlie glared down at the floor as he yelled back at her and she sighed. She rolled her eyes as he spoke because (of course) all the things he had 'done for her' had to be brought back up. When he slammed his hands against the door, she jumped and moved back away from him. They were both so angry with each other that she started to get uncomfortable, like she was suffocating inside this car or just inside of herself. She suddenly wanted to get out of the car and she felt like this was the longest car ride they had ever taken to the doctor before. She looked back at Derek and behind him, they drove past the compound and her stomach twisted. How could she go back there like this? She wondered, almost not paying attention to what he was saying until his voice was level.

    She caught his eyes once more, "And if I can't?" She asked, as the car came to a stop outside of the doctor. "What if you've just been programmed to damn well?" She muttered, before clicking her seatbelt and getting out of the car. She slammed the door, running under the shelter of the building and waiting for Derek to trot over in his suit. She didn't feel as angry and all her anger, at this moment, had been replaced with complete nerves. She didn't want to be here and she felt her breathing hasten a little bit as she glanced up at Derek again.

    "We'll just talk about this later," she muttered to him, reaching to fix the hair he messed up while he was angry. "Just a regular check-up, right?" She asked, mainly to herself, before reaching down and fixing his tie also. What a sight were they, bruised and battered with their clothes representing almost perfectly where they came from. She forced a smile and opened the door and finding a seat quickly. The office was practically empty, the gentle murmur of tv felt sort of comforting, but the cold air and sterile smell set her on edge. Sure, she had been to this office before but under different pretenses. She wasn't looking for STDs or switching her pill again, it was a reason far darker than that and so, the office itself felt darker. She looked at him from where she was sitting, practically pleading with her eyes for him to check them in, she honestly couldn't move from where she sat.
    December 20th, 2015 at 05:32pm
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ hickey-a

    Derek groaned as Charlie dramatically exited the car, feeling as though the walls were closing in on him. He needed some time alone to clear his head and not have his anger speak for himself. Slowly, he exited the car and rounded about to face her. There was a look in her eyes. One that he recognized as a twinge of nerves and made him remember why they made this trip. She needed to see the doctor and make sure that Anderson hadn't passed an STD or something. For now, they needed to put aside their issues. "Fine, later," He nodded in agreement, knowing that they both needed some time and space. Derek mumbled a small thank you as she fixed his appearance, trying to pretend as though everything was normal. They entered into the doctor's office to the off-white walls accompanied by the smell of rubbing alcohol. The waiting room was empty, but the receptionists were buried underneath a mountain of papers.

    Taking a seat on the plastic covered chairs, Derek unbuttoned his jacket and reached over to grab the first magazine in his reach. It was a Time magazine with the presidential candidates all lined up. He couldn't remember the last time he actually voted, too tied up in other affairs. It barely even crossed his mind that they had to elect a new president next year. A moment and a pair of eyes later, he peered over at Charlie and waited for her to make the first move, but she didn't. Another moment passed until Derek finally translated what she wanted. A sigh escaped his lips as he stood from the chair, dropping his magazine onto the seat. "I'll go sign you in," He stated then turned in the appropriate direction.

    "Hi, I called about half an hour ago and made an appointment," He explained and wrote her name down in the sign in book. The receptionist mumbled something about them being busy but that someone would find her soon. Returning back to his chair, he took the seat next to Charlie and forced a smile. Derek knew that she needed some reassurance that this would all work out. Despite their problems, he truly did care for Charlie. "They said that it'll be a couple minutes or so. The doctor is finishing up with another patient," He explained, busying himself with the magazine before him. Derek cleared his throat and pretended to read an article about global warming. "Did you, um, want me to go in with you?" He questioned, trying to figure out what she wanted for once. If he was going to change, he needed to start listening to her.
    December 20th, 2015 at 11:12pm
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Dandy Darling;

    Charlie waited, watching Derek until he finally moved away to check her in. She glanced around the waiting room, magazines stacked everywhere and the emptiness of the waiting room almost made Charlie even more uncomfortable. She skimmed over the magazines, but her stomach felt so nervous that she couldn't get herself to focus or stop her hands from shaking. She rested her head against the back of the chair, letting all the nerves spin the limited contents of her stomach in circles and she almost wanted to throw up. She had never felt this way, this complete and total anxiety that locked her body and her mind in a frenzied state. She sank down in the chair to feel just a little bit smaller, maybe they wouldn't find her or they'd be too busy to get to her. Of course, that was unlikely as she looked in the empty waiting room once more. She closed her eyes again and tried to calm her nerves when all her fingers and toes started to tingle. She felt even more nervous and this heaviness settled on her chest and she could barely breath.

    She almost jumped when Derek sat down next to her because she had almost forgotten where she was completely. She nodded when he sat back down, explaining the waiting situation, though she found it hard to believe anyone else was even here. She started chewing on her nails to settle her nerves (a habit she had never had before now) and glanced back up at him when he asked if he should go with her. She almost said yes, but then wasn't exactly sure that was a good idea either. On one hand, she sought his solace and comfort, but the situation itself was uncomfortable. "No, I don't think so," she said, barely getting the words out between the tightness she felt in her chest. She had never felt like this, never felt like she couldn't control her emotions and the lack of control was another thing that completely repulsed her about all of this.

    She did, in fact, jump when they called her name and she couldn't get up. The nurse was pretty, a short blonde girl with a soft smile, and she read Charlie's name from the clipboard with a smile. Charlie couldn't move. It was obviously her, they were the only ones here, but she just stared at the nurse like she'd be caught in the headlights of a car. She just wished the car would hit her instead. She wasn't exactly sure how she was suppose to sit down and talk about everything that had happened. She felt like crying again, the tears stinging her eyes, because she she wasn't entirely sure how to talk about it without explaining exactly what she did for a profession. Perhaps Derek didn't think this through, what it meant for him to have all of this handled legally. They would figure it out: what she did, who she was and who she worked for. She felt frantic, though she looked frozen, and she opened her mouth to speak but she couldn't do that either. Instead, all she did get to do was grab the waste bin they had sat down near and throw up.
    December 21st, 2015 at 04:41am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ hickey-a

    Derek paused to take a moment to register her response, curling his fingers around the magazine. He wanted to be there for her every step of the way, but she wanted space and alone time. The only way he could prevent anything from happening to her again would be to be in control of everything, which made her rejection hard to swallow. "Okay," He merely responded with his mouth pressed into a firm line, turning the page to the next article. He didn't need another argument to start, so he swallowed his pride for once. The remainder of their conversation was radio silence, and they sat with tension filling the air. Would she really be alright? The whole entire situation was unpredictable and left him at the edge of his seat.

    When the door opened, he heard a feminine, high-pitched voice requesting for Charlie. He slightly jerked to stand up with her but remembered that this invitation wasn't extended. Derek had to remain outside in the waiting room for the remainder of the visit. He would just have to ask her about whatever the doctor said. Clearing his throat, he pretended as though he had to rearrange his seating position and shifted his weight to the other side. Derek glanced up to watch her disappear behind the wall but she never did. Confused, he placed the magazine down onto the seat where Charlie originally sat. "Charlie?" He called out to her, wondering why she wasn't moving. It was almost as if she were a deer in headlights. He could practically see her shaking in place, scared to face the doctor.

    Now, he was concerned. Derek and the nurse exchanged glances and neither could comprehend the situation. That was when Charlie made the first move and practically leaped toward the garbage can to empty the contents of her stomach. The nurse was practically immune to it and rushed over to help her, rubbing her back. "Miss, let's get you into one of the rooms. We will figure out what is wrong," She explained, attempting to stand her up with the can in hand. All Derek could do was take a backseat and watch everything unfold, silently hoping that she would be alright. He hated being powerless, but there was nothing he could do in this situation. This was out of his zone, and she didn't want him in there.
    December 22nd, 2015 at 05:06am
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Dandy Darling;
    Charlie jumped when the unfamiliar hand made contact with her back that offered comfort, but comfort that she did not want or need. She felt lucky that there was no one else in this room, but the entire staff was now looking at her which only made her stomach seize up more. Why had she agreed to come here? She wondered if she could just bury her head in this bucket and disappear. The nurse tried to help her stand, move to a different room where she would be alone, but that didn't feel comforting either. She stood, though her legs were shaking and she felt like she would need that waste bin again soon. She felt how flushed her face was, that she had started sweating and probably looked as messy as she felt. She wiped her mouth, embarrassed, but she didn't want to go with this women, she didn't want to be here at all. She couldn't honestly explain the things that were happening to her body or why she felt so completely out of control, but she did. When the nurse started to move towards the door, Charlie glanced back sort of frantically.

    "No, no," she said, turning back to Derek. "I don't want to go in there alone," she said, mainly to him though it may have seemed like she was talking to the nurse. She was panicked with all the things that could go wrong, with all the things they would ask her to do. She didn't know what she was allowed to do or what even wanted by bringing her here and she didn't want to do anything wrong. This was what they should have been talking about in the car, not arguing about their petty little problems they had with each other, but these problems. The staff, the nurse she was sure, had already assumed a few things about her situation. Charlie was sure they thought she was pregnant, which wasn't possible and she was also sure they could see the bruises on her arms, at least. Would they think they were Derek's? Would they even let him come back? "Please," she whimpered, waiting at the door for him.

    She was causing a scene and she knew that, but she didn't care. Dammit, she deserved to make a scene after everything that had happened to both of them. Figure out what was wrong, the nurse had said, but everything felt a little wrong. She wanted to go to her Nonna's, she wanted to get out of here, but it was too late now. Would they even let her leave like this? Charlie knew that stupid to think: this was a doctor's office, not a prison, but it felt like both somehow. She looked at Derek again, his suit fitting him perfectly and he looked far more put together than she did, so maybe they would trust him over her. Who even was her point of contact if she couldn't decide anything for herself? She knew she was getting to deep into her head, but she couldn't stop herself from spiraling out of control. She felt herself get a little queazy again, just waiting for him.
    December 22nd, 2015 at 05:47am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ hickey-a

    The nurse glanced back at the man in the waiting room, supprting Charlie and taking her toward the door. She paused at the doorway and waited for the Mr. Langston to make his decision, wishing that he would come to her rescue. This girl was a bundle of nerves, whereas this man was perfection from head-to-toe, which made them a mismatched couple. The entire office knew the Langston family well, considering how long they had been coming to the office. They took care of all of their girls in exchange for a decent sum of cash. Of course, this also meant that they weren't allowed to discuss the type of business the Langstons were in. The nurse knew that this wasn't the first time that a Langston brought in a pregnant, distressed girl. The previous boss had girls in practically every month to abort the baby, and they managed to keep the whole situation under wraps. As they said, like father like son. However, the father always dropped off the girls and sent for a car to pick them back up.

    Derek barely heard Charlie's request and thought he misheard at first until he met her gaze, slowly rising to his feet. It made he almost relieved that she was willing to lean against him to make her feel safe. Saying nothing in response, he merely crossed the room to join them down the hallway. The room provided no comfort and mirrored the waiting room with its off white walls, but this time the medical instruments were showcased. It even made Derek shiver from all the possibilities. "I'm just going to ask you some questions, Charlie," The nurse stated, taking a seat at a monitor. Derek took his seat by the door, giving a nod in Charlie's direction as if to say that he was there for her. "So, why are you here today. Mr. Langston didn't provide details over the phone," She explained typing away at the computer.

    He could only imagine what the nurse thought of them. She must have slowly started piecing together the situation or at least knew that they were together. This was no regular visit to the doctor. Neatly folding his hands into his lap, he anticipated what Charlie's response would be. He knew that the nurses wouldn't say anything to others about this relationship, or at least to anyone else but his father. It was a risk coming here to have her checked out, but Derek couldn't think of anywhere else to go. As soon as they found out she had been raped, they would automatically contact the police and start an investigation. Derek couldn't have that since it jeopardized the whole business, but Anderson would certainly get what he deserved.
    December 22nd, 2015 at 04:35pm
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Dandy Darling;

    Charlie felt a little better when she saw Derek follow them, fixing his suit and walking across the room like he owned the place. When they entered into a room, Charlie leaned into the chair, crossing her arms and staring at the white washed walls. She didn't want to answer all these questions or press charges; the legality of it all meant nothing to her. She didn't even want to be here, she was here because Derek asked her to be. This lady needed some sensitivity training, Charlie wasn't too keen on how she was talking to her. "Just a check-up," she muttered, sinking further into the chair. She didn't need an abortion, which was clear that was what the nurse thought she was here for. She felt insulted, but of course she would know 'Mr. Langston' and she would then have the stigma attached to her: slut, whore, drug addict, riddled with disease and probably on her fifth abortion. She hated the way she felt in this office, how they made her feel about herself and how they looked at her. She wanted out more than she had ever wanted out before. If this had been any other day, she would have been smug, confident and showed them that she loved her life, but not today.

    "Just making sure I'm not knocked up or something, you know," she practically spat at the lady. "Why don't you just pull up all the works, Evelyn," she muttered again, catching the nurse's name tag. It felt good to be angry again, angry at someone else and making them feel equally as angry. Evelyn pressed her lips into a smile and snagged her chart off the table before excusing herself with a promise she'd be 'back real soon.' Charlie felt successful, having bothered her enough to make her leave and she looked at Derek with a smile. He, of course, had only disdain in his eyes for her attitude, but this was the Charlie that he liked, wasn't it? This was exactly who she was the day she walked into his office and she felt the attitude was appropriate here. She didn't know what to say or how to explain or what she wanted. She figured she'd buy herself some time as well as getting every possible test they could imagine. Hell, maybe they'd send in a psychologist or something.

    "What?" She asked, raising her brow.
    December 22nd, 2015 at 09:42pm
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ hickey-a

    Derek felt the backlash from Charlie's comment and tossed an apologetic look in Evelyn's direction. The nurse was merely trying to help her out, but Charlie seemed to have taken it the wrong way. Sure, the nurse was drawing her own conclusions and judging the couple, but she would soon learn what has transpired. As long as she did her job, he could have cared less about what she thought of them since it didn't matter. Once the door promptly closed behind Evelyn, he turned his attention toward Charlie and gave an exasperated look. "You know exactly what," Derek responded, maintaining his composed form. The least Charlie could have done was thanked the woman for helping her out earlier. "Why didn't you respond to her question? She just wants to help you," He stated, wondering how she could justify her behavior this time. He couldn't understand why she was so defensive about it.

    However, he was glad to see her sarcasm and wit back. She was clearly angry, but it was a breath of fresh air compared to how utterly scared she was before. "This was a mistake," He mumbled underneath his breath, letting a thought slip loose. She certainly wasn't comfortable inside of this office if he wasn't, and she almost had a breakdown even coming inside of the room. Derek couldn't even sit still in the chair with its stiff, metal back. Everything about this office made him squirm, and he couldn't imagine them poking medical instruments. "Charlie, do you want to leave? It's your decision. I mean it," He stated, giving her another chance. This wasn't the heat of the moment, and he truly wanted her to choose. Derek didn't want her to merely be here because he requested it. This was her body, and he believed that he should have no say in it. That is what he should have said in the car as opposed to arguing over petty matters that they had no control over.

    "I want what you want." He earnestly expressed, waiting for her response.
    December 23rd, 2015 at 04:37am
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Dandy Darling;
    Charlie heaved a sigh of relief, thinking that leaving would be the best possible thing for both of them, but in her head she knew that it wasn't a good idea. She bit her lip, thinking things over and over again. What if they needed the proof or some evidence eventually? If they walk away of this now, will things ever change? Will she ever feel resolved? If she left now, is she condemning herself to silence? She looked up at Derek with worried eyes, as he often looked at her, and realized that he was going to wait for her to decide. He was actually letting her decide and she wasn't entirely sure how she felt about that. She wasn't even sure she was mentally prepared for that considering how she reacted when they got in here.

    She waved her hands passively to signify her defeat and ask Derek to leave the room. When the nurse came back, she apologized and they talked (if only briefly about everything) and then proceeded with the correct examination to fit the problem. She said they would call with results and that they couldn't do anything with the pictures and other information without Charlie's explicit permission. The whole process, though nerve wrecking at first, helped Charlie to feel she finally had some sort of option and though she thought she needed Derek at first, it felt nice to do something alone.

    She walked out of the office, running her hands over arms to get rid of some of the goosebumps and joined Derek in the waiting room. "You think we can go back to the compound for a little? You can work and I want to grab some things or something and then go back somewhere," she said to him. She wasn't trying to invite herself back to his place and she wasn't even sure that was where she wanted to be. She just looked up at him with puppy dog eyes and wishing they could have a normal moment, but normal seemed so far away from them now.
    December 29th, 2015 at 04:30am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ hickey-a

    Derek could see that she was slightly confused by his question, waiting for him to make the decision for her. No, this time it was all up to her. There would be no one for her to blame or yell at for making the decision but herself. Finally receiving and accepting her answer, he nodded and stood from his seat to move back into the waiting room. Derek felt a bit odd that he wasn't the one making the decision, but he was glad that she was able to stand up for herself once and decide what to do. After all, this was for the best. Derek took his seat once again as the only person in the room and reached over to continue reading his magazine, silently waiting to hear the verdict from Charlie.

    Once she reemerged from behind the door, he met her halfway in the waiting room. "Yes, of course," He responded, reaching into his pocket to call for the car. A few moments passed until they found themselves back in the car and on the way back to the compound. There was a mutual silence that settled between them as if they were able to communicate without actually speaking with each other. He knew that she was okay. It seemed so long ago that they were screaming and blaming each other for unfortunate events. "Um, do you know anything about the results?" Derek finally question, glancing over at her with worried eyes. He was just as nervous as she was about the whole ordeal.

    They arrived back at the office and went in through the front this time, justifying that he had taken Charlie out for a medical routine check-up. "If you need anything, I'll be in my office. You let me know when you want to go," He informed her before disappearing off down the hallway into his office. If there anything that he learned today, it was that he didn't need to hold Charlie's hand anymore. Well, unless she explicitly asked for it. She was capable enough to make her own decisions, and he learned to accept that.
    December 29th, 2015 at 05:20pm
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Dandy Darling;
    The car ride was silent and very similar to many rides they had taken before except this one felt comfortable and like they were moving in the right direction for once. She looked back at Derek, his worried face making her appreciate just how much he did, in fact, care for her. She shook her head. "No, they said they'll call me soon, but not to worry or go on the Internet or anything like that," she said with a chuckle. She was sure that nothing could possibly be wrong or at least, any more wrong then they already were. If anything, they had at least some evidence of what had happened from a reliable doctor.

    When they arrived back at the compound, her stomach dropped. Maybe today wasn't the right day to go back, maybe she should stay here and Derek could get her things for her. So many maybes were swirling in her head that she had to snap herself out of it lest she sit in the car all day. Each time she came back here it felt like she was harboring yet another secret, both with severe consequences. She didn't have a jacket to cover the bruises on her wrist and wondered if she'd be capable to laugh it off as another strange fetish. She finally got out of the car, letting her stomach sink as the elevator rose and watching Derek walk into his office and closing a door she felt she couldn't open.

    She walked down the hallway, hazy and dark as it was, to step through the beaded curtains and run her fingers through the beads as she often did. Her roommate was sleeping, curled into a ball, snoring softly, with half of her fake lashes coming off. Charlie felt a small flutter of sadness, that she couldn't wake her and talk to her but things seemed easier this way. She knew Maritza must be worried, Charlie hadn't come home for a few days and hadn't made contact. She went through the room quietly, grabbing clothes and the rest of her essentials. She assumed that wherever she was going, there was a laundry machine and so she took only her favorites of things. She felt happy to grab her own soap and shampoo and her makeup finally. It felt like little pieces of her that she finally got to relive. She dumped the stupid Sundrop shirt and threw on her favorite black t-shirt, even though you could see a tiny fingerprint bruise on her collarbone.

    "Char?" Maritza whispered, causing Charlie to jump and turn around. She grabbed her hoodie from the closet and threw that on quickly. "Where the fuck have you been?" She mumbled, her concern muddled with sleepiness (and probably a small hangover). Martiza's curls had fallen and she looked a little messy as she pulled off her lashes. "Haven't seen you in days."

    Charlie turned, slugging the duffle bag of things on her shoulder, "Uh. I've been at my Nonna's. I'm just coming back to grab a few things. I'll be home soon, not sure when, some things came up. Don't let some other little bitch steal my bed. Just go back to bed and if you need me, Mr. Langston has some contact info. See ya, Ritz," she said, running out of the room before any conversation could continue.

    She didn't want to explain herself, she honestly wasn't sure how she would even begin to and so the safest thing to do was run. She moved through the hallway quickly, smiling but barely making eye contact with those who passed her and muttered pleasantries to her. She wasn't sure if it was all this doubt she had, but this place had never seemed so dirty to her until now. The compound had always felt safe, a haven for the free, but now it felt like a trap. She felt a little dizzy, a little out of control again and when she reached Derek's door, she let her hand rest on it to catch her breath. She rapped her knuckles against Derek's door before opening it and slipping inside as fast as possible. "Ready!" She exclaimed, trying to sound chipper but knowing it was hardly convincing.
    December 31st, 2015 at 04:45am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ hickey-a

    Derek entered inside of his office, taking in his surroundings with a deep breath. Everything appeared to be exactly the way that he had left it but so much had transpired. This was where everything had started to unfold between them. He let his hand run over the spines of the law books placed on the bookshelves, remembering how Charlie pranced around like a princess. At first, he thought that she was merely a back talking, know-it-all that loved to defy any kind of authority. He soon learned that he was clearly wrong in that regard, shaking his head in disagreement with his initial opinion. Allowing his eyes to linger over toward his desk, he remembered the extravagant breakfast that he ordered as an apology for being a complete jerk. Derek believed that this was around the time when he started to develop feelings for her. Everything seemed to be peaceful and calm when they spoke to each other, as if they were equals just having breakfast that morning. Her snarky remarks actually made him laugh and he shrugged them off lightly as opposed to taking them as personal insults. She reminded him of what it was like to be a regular person before his father started to train him.

    Although it was a pleasant trip down memory lane, Derek needed to get some work done. He slid into his chair and allowed the rest of his tasks pull him back into reality. There were numerous shipments of materials and supplies that were coming in as well as the annual budget needing to be fixed. On top of all of that, he still needed to find a replacement for Anderson. He opened up the company phone book and started to dial calls, hoping that someone would be willing to provide some stability for the company. Derek almost drove it to the point where he begged the person on the other side of the phone to reconsider their viewpoints on the company and how this would be a good opportunity to invest. This whole ordeal was frustrating but it needed to be done. He couldn't have that monster inside of this company anymore. Reaching the end of the list, Derek grit his teeth and placed his forehand against the palm of his hand. No one was interested but still wanted to be customers, hoping that he wouldn't take offense in their decision. It appeared that Anderson managed to place fear into all of the business partners, enticing them to turn away from the company and refuse to invest.

    Hearing the knock on his door, his eyes shot over to see Charlie scurrying into the room. Her enthusiasm was clearly forced but he wasn't about to force the truth out of her. She would tell him what was bothering her when or if she was ready. Attempting to hide his disgruntled appearance, he logged off of the computer and rose from his chair with a tight smile. "Of course, we will leave now," He responded while stuffing files into a folder and grabbing his coat off of the back of the chair. Derek merely held on to the fact that she was safe from the clutches of Anderson. That was all that mattered. Feeling a little more reassured and determined, he crossed the room to meet her. "I'll let Wilson know," He stated, leaning over to place a kiss against her forehead, it was a risky move, considering that no one still knew about their relationship. But the small gesture made him feel more at ease. Reaching for his phone, he called the driver once more and they arrived back his penthouse not long afterward.
    January 2nd, 2016 at 05:50am
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Dandy Darling;
    (Sorry! I went on a cruise and forgot to tell you!)

    Charlie dragged her bags into his penthouse, refusing any help, and dropping them by the front door and letting it fall behind them. "Are you sure this is okay? Should I put my stuff in the guest room?" She asked, her fingers twittering nervously since this was the first time that she felt she actually had to pay attention to their relationship and start to define it all. They were alone in his house and they had nothing to do except be with each other. She knew he had to work, his phone was dinging the entire time that they were in elevator. She didn't know what it meant for her to be here or what any of this meant anymore. Things were both a secret and not and she didn't even know what to do with herself now. She felt useless, trapped in this penthouse but relishing its safety all at the same time. She knew they'd eventually have to talk about everything, but she didn't know exactly when that was going to happen. "Maybe we could go to my Nonna's tonight or like your sister could come over?" She asked, not even sure where she should go from here. "Or maybe I shouldn't see anyone," she said, looking back down at herself.
    January 10th, 2016 at 02:17am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ hickey-a

    (It's no problem! I hope it was fun!)

    Derek wanted to tell her that he was completely sure that this was all alright because they would be safe here but that wasn't the case, and he was sure that Charlie knew that. His father could walk in on them any moment and find them here, as his father almost had not too long ago. This was the only place that he knew of other than the office though, and it was definitely the most safe place he could take her. "Yes, I'm sure this is okay. It's up to you though. You could put it in my room, too," He hinted, not wanting to force her to stay with him. Derek felt more at ease with her by his side, knowing that someone was going through this with him. Taking a few steps closer, he wrapped his arms around her and merely sighed. He didn't want her to feel as though he was ashamed of her being seen with him. In fact, it should have been the opposite way. Why would she ever be with a guy like him? He was controlling, short-tempered, and had a ton of baggage from his so-called family. How could anyone stand being with him for more than a few hours outside of a work place? "I think it's time that I introduce you to my sister," He stated, remembering that he was supposed to call her later tonight anyway. "And I'd really like to meet your Nonna."
    January 10th, 2016 at 11:32pm
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ hickey-a
    January 18th, 2016 at 12:56am