
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Dandy Darling;
    Charlie smiled when he agreed that she could stay in his room, ending their brief hug and snagging her bags from the floor to head towards his room. She'd only assume that he was going to follow her and she heard the squeak of his leather shoes confirming he was. "Well, I'm not sure I should see Nonna just yet. I don't think I look my best.." she said, trailing off as they trailed down the hall. If there was anything her Nonna was good at it, it was pinpointing exactly what was wrong with Charlie. With the storm of feelings and everything that would happen, Charlie felt she would just upset her Nonna even more. Either way, the fact that he wanted to meet her Nonna made her feel like this was far more than just a foolish fling and her heart started beating a little faster while she thought of it.

    She let herself into his room, wondering where exactly she fit in, even here. She set her things down by the door and flopped dramatically on his bed. "If you're okay with it, we could have her here for dinner. I feel like Chinese food or wings sounds like really good," she said, turning onto her stomach to gaze up at him. He was so handsome that she didn't even mind that she was staring at him. She was just appreciating the curve of his lips and the tiny curl of brown hair that rested just above his forehead.
    She was sure he had things to do today and she felt like unpacking might help her while he worked. She was honestly surprised they had left the compound at all, unless his penthouse had an office that she didn't know about either. "If you tell me where, I can put my things away if you have some stuff to do," she added, finally breaking the appreciative stare.
    January 18th, 2016 at 10:43pm
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ hickey-a

    Derek followed shortly behind Charlie toward his bedroom, hearing the squeak of their shoes against the wood. "We could wait until you're ready. She's your Nonna after all," He offered a half-hearted laugh, leaning against the door frame. He wondered what her Nonna was like, considering how highly she spoke of her. It actually made him nervous to meet her since her impression of him would mean a lot to Charlie, and there were very few things that made him anxious. For once, he had to be Derek as opposed to Mr. Langston. There were a minimal amount of people who actually knew the man underneath the suit.

    "Yeah, I'm sure she'd like that. Chinese is actually her favorite. There's a decent place down the street that she usually craves," He stated, thinking that Andy was the most normal person inside of their family. She was the only one without a stick up her ass and a father breathing down her throat. "I think you'll like Andrea," He trailed off, believing that it was nice that they were finally meeting. It was another secret that was off of his chest. Plus, it was hard to keep anything from her. From once glance on his face, Andrea could tell that there was something off with Derek and practically cornered him.

    Noticing her lingering eyes, his lips curled into a small grin. "I have a spare drawer over there in the corner," He gestured since he threw out most of the clothes in there that went out of style. Walking over, he kicked off his shoes and flopped down onto the bed beside her. "There's always something for me to do, but work can wait. I can help you unpack, if you want," He rolled onto his side to face her.
    January 20th, 2016 at 04:45am
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Dandy Darling;
    The thought of meeting Derek's sister somehow made all of this a lot more real and frightening and perhaps that's why she didn't want to go to her Nonna's just yet. She had never experienced any of this, the intimate feelings without the intimacy. To be frank, she had never truly felt intimate feelings at all and she suddenly felt so young and foolish. She was happy, but she was also selfish and these two things never did seem to work together in her life. How could someone like Derek even have feelings for someone like her? He knew everything she had done, or technically, everyone. Yet, he looked at her like she was a prize to be held, even she was a little dinged up in places. While she was excited, she was also nervous to think that someone would offically and actually know that they were together. If anything, she mostly frightened that Derek hadn't said no to her and that meant they were both acknowledging the something more that they had once been afraid to define. "Yeah, Chinese will be good."

    Charlie rolled over to look at him, scooting closer so that there barely any space between them and that somehow felt right. Of course she wanted him to stay and if they could stay in this exact spot, she would probably be happy for a very long time. It didn't make sense though because as much as she tried to forget it, she still knew that everything was on the edge of falling apart. The entire business (and all her friends) were on the verge of losing everything. The last thing she wanted was for him to lose everything so that she could have some company while she unpacked. She found his hand though and she smiled, "No. I don't have very many things. Why don't you get started and I'll find you when I'm finished?" She asked, though everything within her did not believe her words and he could probably tell. If Charlie was anything at all, it was a bad liar. She wore her heart on her sleeve and her emotions painted on her face, though she used to be able to hide it under a layer of confidence and sarcasm. She now felt herself struggling to keep things together at all and that alone was confusing. She wondered if he would take the bait and if he would go because she always felt like her teetered between wanting to listen to her and thinking he knew better. She didn't mind sitting here though, if she could only ignore the nagging feeling she had. She leaned closer, planting a soft and careful kiss, one that she felt she could no longer resist.
    January 21st, 2016 at 02:47pm
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ hickey-a

    Derek scanned her eyes and could automatically tell that she was lying. She had an automatic giveaway that he had come to easily identify, specifically the way her voice slightly rose. Not to mention the guilty look that followed shortly afterward. Despite the lie, he knew that she was doing this to help out and to give him some space. The business had yet to find another person to cover the Andersons and the clock was slowly counting down to his father's deadline. Derek was actually quite scared and in uncharted territory. His father never prepared him to lose their most valuable business partner, but he didn't regret it for a moment. Sure, all of this was his fault but the last bit of morality that he clung onto couldn't allow him to continue on like this. A change had to be made, and this was his first step to doing so. One that he would eventually figure out one way or another.

    Without receiving enough time to respond, she slowly closed the gap and their lips for the first time in what seemed like eons. Derek could feel a warmth spread throughout his body and suddenly nothing else mattered. He wanted to stay in this tiny space with her for the rest of time with no one else to interfere. It was safe here and sheltered from the outside. Here, he was happy with Charlie and no one else could interfere with that. In that moment, nothing else mattered. Derek leaned into the kiss and reached out to run a hand gently through her hair. "I want to stay here with you," He murmured when they pulled away slightly, not wanting to leave this spot. He wanted to stay here with her and pretend like the outside world didn't exist.
    January 23rd, 2016 at 02:09am
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Dandy Darling;
    Charlie finally felt relaxed for the first time in a long time, letting his fingers run through her hair and closing her eyes to remember it all. It was one of those times where she felt like time truly had stopped, that they were on top of the world and capable of anything. She wanted to stay here and when he said exactly what she was thinking, she couldn't help but her eyes and smile at him. "That would be nice," she whispered, seeing as they were only inches away from each other. She hadn't felt so close to him in such a long time and yet, it had only been a few days since everything had happened. She wasn't entirely sure how that was possible, but here they were, tattered and bruised but figuring it out in some strange way.

    She smirked at him playfully as her eyes lit up with an idea. "I have an idea. Why don't you get your computer and stay on this bed while I unpack my things and after each piece of work you get done, we can take an article of clothing off," she said, standing and walking towards her bags. "And then, we can take a shower before your sister comes over. Yes?" She asked, smirking at him again, but snagging her bags from the floor and moving to the dresser. "Sound good?" She asked, innocently.
    January 24th, 2016 at 08:49pm
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ hickey-a

    Derek felt serene and at peace with himself just laying there on the bed without a care in the world. It brought a soft smile to his face as he refused to take his eyes off of the beautiful woman before him, feeling her soft breath brush against his cheek. His eyes admired her long lashes trailing all the way down to her full lips as if tracing her entire facial outline. If someone had told Derek that their relationship would have blossomed into this, he would have laughed and thrown the person out of his office. It never occurred to him that they would ever become anything more than a business relationship with a couple flirty glances. However, here they were. A couple bruises and scrapes here and there, but they had survived in some odd fashion.

    Seeing her eyes jolt open, he was a little startled but willing to listen to her devilish idea. It brought a small grin to his face as he sat up in the bed, feeling excitement bubbling in his stomach. "Okay, I will take you on for that offer," He murmured, hopping off of the bed to grab his laptop from the living room. It would be faster to work than with his little phone. Derek settled down once more with a satisfied smirk, reading through his emails. For the most part, it was easy tasks, such as readjusting the budget or buying new resources. A few minutes passed with Derek focused before he submit the file to one of his advisers. "I finished one," He called out, grinning up from his laptop like a little kid.
    January 24th, 2016 at 09:33pm
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Dandy Darling;
    Charlie had begun to unfold her clothes, the smell of smoke and perfume still mingling on them and causing a stark contrast to how clean and fresh Derek's home smelled. The drawer he gave was, in fact, completely empty and she wondered just how long he had emptied this. That was silly though, she told herself, of course neither of them knew how this would all end up. Never the less, she was happy to be here. She glanced up at him when he said he was finished, the smirk on his face made her not want to acknowledge him at all. Instead, she simply removed her t-shirt without saying a word, but offering him just a small smile before continuing working on unpacking as if nothing was going on at all.

    Though, she did slowly realize that this game was going to end sort of quickly because she was almost out of clothes to unpack and he was still typing away. She grabbed her makeup bag and hair stuff and walked to the bathroom when yet another piece of work was finished. She rolled her eyes, suddenly regretting her game but loving it all the same. She removed her jeans, leaving them on the floor and walking to the bed. "I'm all done," she said, faking a yawn. "Maybe I'll just go to sleep until your sister gets here," she said, climbing into bed next to him and turning her back towards him. She hoped he was looking at her, distracted and annoyed with and she wasn't exactly sure what she was hoping for next, but she was enjoying trying to figure it all out.
    January 26th, 2016 at 02:21am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ hickey-a

    Derek worked with accuracy and efficiency, only pausing to inform Charlie of his completion. His eyes would linger just long enough to see one piece of clothing disappear from her body before returning back to the computer screen before him. This game actually excited him, sending adrenaline throughout his body. His fingers clicked against the keys and his eyes scanned over numerous excel documents. Most of his work was mechanical and required little thought, which was good since it became harder to work as Charlie began to lose more clothing. Although he worked as fast as possible, it seemed that her clothes unpacked faster. It was almost saddening since the game would end soon for the both of them.

    As Charlie settled into bed with him, Derek couldn't help the frustration that quickly escalated. Here, a beautiful woman was half naked in bed with him and his focus was on work. "Mmm, but that's no fun," He murmured, letting his eyes linger over toward her once more. Derek attempted to focus on his work as much as possible, but it clearly was impossible with her practically dangling before him. "Okay, I finished another one," He mumbled, finding that his patience was wearing thin. A few more moments passed until Derek finally cracked. "I think I've done enough work for one day," He stated, closing his laptop and setting his off to the side. Turning onto his side to face her, he wrapped an arm against her bare waist and leaned closer to place lightly nip the side of her neck. "I prefer this much more."
    January 26th, 2016 at 02:40am
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Dandy Darling;
    Charlie didn't feel the need to talk, she knew that her body was doing most of the talking for her and for once, she felt okay with that. Charlie smiled when he shut his laptop, letting him pull her into the crevices of his body and enjoying the warmth. "Yeah, this feels nice," she said, closing her eyes to enjoy it for just a moment. "You know," she said, that taunting tone returning to her voice, "I don't really think it's fair that you still get to have all your clothes on." She rolled over so they were face to face and chest to chest and she smirked again. She wasn't exactly sure what she was doing or again, how this would play out. She was nervous, impossibly nervous, but tried to cover it up with snarky remarks like she was used to. She wasn't even sure if they had enough time for this or what he was thinking, but she liked the feeling of her skin against his and she liked the way he looked at her. She wanted the electricity of that morning back and all the pain to go away and she wondered if that was even possible.
    January 26th, 2016 at 03:18am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ hickey-a

    Derek relaxed his body up against Charlie's, enjoying their physical contact. He couldn't remember the last time that they had been this peaceful. It seemed to be so long ago between all of the stress and tip toeing around each other. He didn't want to push her to do anything that she wasn't prepared to do yet. However, her body language told of her desires and his reacted accordingly. "I suppose it isn't," He trailed off with a soft chuckle, allowing a small grin to spread of his lips. Sitting up, he began to loosen his ties and tossed it aside to join her clothes on the floor. Soon, he shed the rest of his clothes and was equally exposed. "Better?" Leaning down, he captured her lips and intertwined his fingers in her hair with a soft sigh.
    January 26th, 2016 at 04:03am
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    Charlie felt goosebumps rise on her skin when Derek practically revealed his entire body and when he kissed her, she felt the world melt away for a little bit. She was enjoying all the sensations and the touches, the sighs and the kisses and the intimacy of it all. This felt entirely different than their morning in the kitchen or any client she had ever had before and she wasn’t exactly sure why, but she was trying to enjoy it while she could. But thinking about work made her think about everything else and she felt herself get so nervous that everything was shut up, tight and nervous. “You should probably call your sister,” she breathed, both from the anxiety and excitement of it all.

    @ Dandy Darling;
    January 27th, 2016 at 08:50pm
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ hickey-a

    Derek arched his brow in confusion, pausing his advance on her once more. It was quite an odd thought that passed her mind in the heat of the moment. Nevertheless, if this was her attempt to tell him that she wasn't ready, he would oblige. No matter how much he wanted this, he could never put her through another traumatic experience. "Um, okay," He merely responded, give a small nod of the head. Rolling off of her, Derek stood to pad over to the pocket of his discarded pants. Glancing over his shoulder, Derek reached into both pockets before producing his cell phone from the right hand side. He brought the phone to his ear and hit a button to dial her number. His sister's number was one of the few on speed dial, but she was one of the few important people in his life.

    "Hello, Andrea," He greeted, explaining his proposition for tonight. It was clear from his sister's voice that she was skeptical of the whole thing. Whenever Derek invited her over, the matter was always quite serious since she tended to bother him more often. "Great, I will see you tonight then," He ended, clicking the end button with a satisfied sigh. He dropped the phone down onto the floor before approaching Charlie on the bed, not feeling quite the amount of electricity as before. The heat of the moment was over. "Let's go take a shower as planned," He stated with a small grin, scooping her off of the bed. Entering into the bathroom, he gently placed her down onto the tiled floor and reached in to turn on the water.
    January 28th, 2016 at 04:45pm
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Dandy Darling;
    Charlie rolled over, wrapped up in blankets to watch him walk away and she felt better and she felt all her muscles unclench. She watched him with such admiration that if he caught, she'd surely be embarrassed. She just couldn't seem to get her head around everything that had happened between them and everything that may till happen, especially if they start telling people. In some weird way, she was okay with the mess of it all even if she was still reeling from it. She, of course, never imagined her life to be like this, but then she never really had an image of what her life would be like. What was she even qualified for besides sex and now, she couldn't even do that. She felt her stomach sink a little, what kind of person was she? What was she ever going to do? Here she was, looking at this man who could at least do something if everything did end up falling a part but what about her? Sit her and wait for him to come home? She sighed, snuggling further into those blankets because if she was going to stay here forever, at least she should be comfortable.

    Charlie smiled when mentioned the shower and fell into a fit of giggles when he lifted her off the bed. Perhaps this wasn't such a bad place to stay forever, pressed against the warmth of his chest. She smiled, again appreciating him as he turned the water on, despite the chill of the tiled floor. She stood, stripping off the rest of her clothes and slipping into the hot water while he got undressed. She dipped her head under the shower, letting the hot water fall down her body and she sighed. "This is so nice," she commented, moving to switch places with him.
    January 31st, 2016 at 09:51pm
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ hickey-a

    Derek could see that the gears inside of her head were spinning as he set her down onto the tile. What was going on inside of that mind of hers? Did she think that all of this was a mistake? Could she ever be intimate with him again? He could never tell. She was an enigma to him. A beautiful one nonetheless. He paused to strip off the rest of his limited clothing before joining her inside of the shower. "Yes," He chuckled in agreement, switching places to relish the hot water against his skin. Taking in a deep breath, Derek could feel his muscles relaxing underneath the water. This was one of the few times that the couple had some time to pause and enjoy each other's company. He partially felt the blame for not taking more time away from his work to appreciate her. Switching underneath the water once more, his eyes wandered over the curves in front of him. "Charlie, I hope you already know this but you're beautiful," He stated as he reached out to slide his hand along her cheek.
    January 31st, 2016 at 10:14pm
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Dandy Darling;
    Charlie smiled at him, his body and it suddenly became apparent that this shower was exactly what both of them needed. She ducked under the water again, grabbing his soap and lathering up before stopping when he caressed her face. She blushed and hoped he couldn't tell though now was as good of a time as any to stop being so shy around him. How backwards was her life, she was embarrassed by her emotions far more than her entire body being put out in front of him. "Thank you," she mumbled. She felt herself stumbling over the words she had yet to say, but she wanted to compliment him to or to explain exactly how she was feeling and she couldn't. She couldn't figure out what she couldn't say or even what she wanted to say. She pulled him closer then, letting the water fall onto them both and she kissed him, soft and sweet and comfortably wet. She wasn't even sure what this kiss was suppose to say, but she thought maybe it did the job. Either way, the feeling of his body against hers was a feeling she wanted to feel over and over again. She opened her mouth to say something again, but there were no words so she just blushed again and gave him just one more kiss. "Yeah, thanks," she said, stepping back a little and feeling even more shy than usual.
    January 31st, 2016 at 11:33pm
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ hickey-a

    Derek arched a brow as she bashfully accepted the compliment, wondering why she was feeling embarrassed. It was ironic how Charlie's occupation was all about confidence, but she was truly a shy girl underneath all of those layers. She practically cowered underneath his gaze, seeing his eyes moving over her body. Derek found it adorable as his gaze dropped to give her some privacy. Following her lead, he stepped forward to meet her underneath the water as she placed a sweet kiss on his lips. "No, thank you," He corrected as they stood a few inches a part. Allowing the feeling to linger, he broke out into a grin while his hands rested against her hips. Derek merely observed as she struggled to string together sentences and once again resorted to a kiss. Now, he was far from complaining but he wanted to know how that made her feel. He wanted her to express her feelings more vocally. "There's no need to be so shy," He teased lightly, reaching out to take the bar of soap from her hands. Lathering it up in his hands, he reached out to start moving his hands over her shoulders. "Let me."
    February 1st, 2016 at 04:48pm
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Dandy Darling;
    Charlie blushed even deeper when called out for how shy she was being and how it made absolutely no sense, but still she was. Charlie leaned into his working hands, the water and soap and his touch rolled into one almost made her knees weak. She looked up at him again, positive there were streaks of black mascara falling down her cheeks and wondering how he could even think she was beautiful with all her new bumps and bruises. It wasn't romanic what happened to them, what brought them together, at all but she was going to lean on him harder than she had ever leaned on someone before. She felt like she knew everything about him and yet, she also knew nothing at all and that made her feel even more shy around him than she ever anticipated being. "You just make me confused on how I feel, that's all," she said, chuckling lightly. Maybe she was laughing at the awkwardness of her statement or because she was trying to distract herself from his wandering hands.
    February 1st, 2016 at 08:05pm
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ hickey-a

    Derek still wasn't completely sure how they ended up in this position. Their relationship was the very definition of a rollercoaster with its highs and lows. Together, they were moving through its twists and turns, trying to navigate themselves. He couldn't even justify to himself why he wanted this relationship, but he did. And that was enough for him. For once, Derek allowed himself to be selfish and to have what he wanted. He moved his hands over the curves of her body and paused to gently move over the bruises. Knitting his eyebrows together, he could only imagine what it was like to experience it. He wanted to crush Anderson in the palm of his hand for what he had done. "Just relax. No more thinking for once," Derek sighed while he leaned forward to place a gentle kiss on her shoulder. Once he finished, he ran his hands underneath the water to rid of the remaining suds.
    February 3rd, 2016 at 03:51am
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Dandy Darling;
    Charlie felt her body shiver as Derek's hands roamed her body, touching and caressing every curve. She felt her skin slippery and wet and the warmth from the water, her body and his body were completely setting her on edge. She leaned into him, the perfumed soap and the steam of the shower making her vision (and possibly her decisions a little hazy) and brushed her lips against his collarbone. He was right, she couldn't let her head get in the way all of the time and that's exactly what she had been doing for these past few weeks. She almost laughed at that though because her head would have told her to let Anderson do what he wanted, it was her heart that stopped her from doing her job. He was right, of course, because when she was with Derek, it was, in fact, her head that stopped their actions every single time. For as long as she could enjoy his hands, they suddenly stopped, right when she felt her head heavy enough with pleasure that she wouldn't think for the rest of this shower. She opened her eyes, not even realizing she had closed them, and laughed. "That felt really good," she muttered, pressing her lips against his chest again. She let her kisses trail down like the water falling from the faucet and then trailing back up to land a kiss promptly on his lips. No more thinking, he said, so why would he stop? They had plenty of time to get ready before his sister came and either way, if they were going to get hell for being together, shouldn't they enjoy all the perks? She smiled at him, "No thinking," she whispered, kissing him again and letting her tongue lick his bottom lip as if she was asking for permission.
    February 10th, 2016 at 03:50pm
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ hickey-a

    Derek could feel her body quiver beneath his touch, reacting to every movement he made. It was as if her mind and body were split in two completely different directions. Her thoughts were nervous, tentative but her body told a completely different tale. On the other hand, he had to admit that he was in the same frame of mind. His thoughts always told him to wait and to be patient with his actions, whereas his body yearned for her always. The thought of exposure always lingered in the back of his thoughts preventing him from truly indulging in his desires. For once, he needed to take his own advice. Just relax. No more thinking for once. His words echoed back, realizing how necessary they were in this moment. As he rinsed off his hands, he felt her lips lightly brush against his chest. Derek let a shaky breath escape his lips. "Wow," He mumbled as he warmth of the water poured down upon them. With ample time before his sister, there was nothing to worry about. Nothing at all. As her lips descended upon his once more, he drew her closer by wrapping an arm around her waist. He lavished the feeling of her soft body pressed up against his. Derek moaned in approval as her tongue brushed against his bottom lip, deeply kissing her. Reaching out, his hand slid against her cheek and basked in the moment. He carefully guided them toward the tiled wall of the shower, providing a stable back. His hand wrapped around her waist traveled down her side to hook her leg around his hip and positioned him at her entrance.
    February 14th, 2016 at 06:14am