
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Dandy Darling;
    Charlie felt him pause at her zipper and was confused. She peaked over her shoulder to catch his eye for no one had ever paused to take her clothes off. When he asked her if she was sure, she already knew that she was. "What is virginity, but something everyone made up for people to feel bad about sex," she spat, reciting an article she had read, though she believed it was true. She turned over underneath him though, letting her legs slide around his hips.

    "Are you sure?" She asked, corking her brow. There was far more hinging on him than there was on her; she would still have a job, customers that pay, but would he still have a job? She wondered if his father would be angry or if the softness his father had shown her would also be happy if this connection went further. If it didn't, then Charlie could always write it off as work, practice for the bigger client. That was the only way she could. "In retrospect," she whispered, leaning up kiss him, "We don't tell anyone and we don't erase that little star." She added more kisses now. "It. Will. Be. Our. Secret," she said, slipping kisses in between her words.
    August 5th, 2015 at 03:30am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ honeysucklelips

    Derek hovered over Charlie as he awaited her response. There was a sliver of moonlight that slipped through the drawn curtains that illuminated her face. He watched her expression emerge into one of resolve, clearly ready to rid herself of this virginity. After digesting her response, he gave a small nod as her legs looped around his hips. "Sex should never be something to feel bad about," He agreed, thinking that both parties should feel mutual pleasure from it.

    Despite all of the perilous consequences, Derek allowed it to slide right off of his shoulders. He always played by the rules that his father had set, and it was quite honestly suffocating for the young male. Sure, he tried to respect his father's wishes to the best of his efforts, but he wanted to be selfish this time. If only this once, he needed to place his desires first before the company. He would be tied to it for the rest of his life after all. "I'm sure," He responded with the same resolution, reaching out to run his thumb along her cheekbone.

    A small chuckle escaped his lips at the idea of their little secret. It would solve both of their problems. Derek could keep the asterisk near her name and claim that their training session had run late that night. She simply fell asleep on the bed while he took the couch. This would also protect Charlie. None of the girls would ostracize her for sleeping with the boss, thinking she did it to earn special privileges. She could keep up her rates, and the clients would be even more pleased with her services due to some practice. "Then, this remains a secret. Now, turn over, so I can finally unzip you," He requested, running his hand over the length of her leg to unhook it from his hip.
    August 5th, 2015 at 04:21am
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Dandy Darling;
    Charlie smiled, giggling with alcohol, nerves and excitement all rolled up messily in these sheets. She rolled back over, breathing in the soft scent of his cologne that was left on the sheets. She wanted to undress him almost badly as he wanted to undress her and her fingers itched for contact.

    They also itched, oddly, to let him take complete control of the situation. It was far from her 'lack of knowledge,' but rather the fact that she had never done anything like this for herself. She'd been working for Nightly for so long that she can't remember ever doing something purely for her own pleasure. She didn't want to talk dirty or do all the work, she wanted to let him take her into whatever ecstasy he had planned. In retrospect, it might be a bad idea to give someone full control of your body, but Charlie had (in a sense) given up full control of her body to Derek and his family a long time ago. Who, if anyone, truly should take everything she had besides Derek?

    She felt the cold of the room sting her back as Derek pulled down the zipper of her dress and she waited for his next move. Do they skip everything and go straight for the 'home run' or what? She didn't know how he liked, it, there was no file on his sexual preferences that she handed before going off to work. He wasn't looking just for his own pleasure, but for them both. Suddenly, Charlie felt like she didn't know what she was doing at all.
    August 5th, 2015 at 05:38pm
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ honeysucklelips

    Derek tugged the zipper down, placing kisses along the curvature of her spine. Reaching the bottom of the track, he slid the dress up to her waist and let his touch linger on her skin. It was smooth, warm against his fingertips. "Arms up," He whispered against her ear, pulling the fabric off of her body. There was soft thump as the crimson garment hit the floor off to the side.

    Knowing that this whole act was to remain a secret, he was careful not to leave a mark behind. There could be nothing on her thighs, neck, back, etc. Anderson would automatically sniff out that something had happened if any evidence was left behind. So, no matter how much he wanted to mark her as his own, Derek refrained from doing so.

    He hit the brake when Charlie remained before him as stiff as a board on the bed. "Hey, relax, " He stated. He placed his forearms down onto the bed on both sides of her head, nuzzling and softly kissing the sides of her neck alternatively. Had he done something wrong? Was she already having regrets? These questions began to alarm him.
    August 5th, 2015 at 08:06pm
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Dandy Darling;
    Charlie shivered as Derek kissed her and left her just in her bra and underwear. When he told her to relax, she nodded though she didn't really relax at all. She turned, rotating herself around to look up at him and lifting hand to caress his cheek. She smiled, "I'm nervous," she whispered. "You make me nervous. I don't know what I'm doing, it feels," she added, casting her eyes to the floor.

    Of course, she knew what she was doing, but it felt different and was going to go farther. "I'm not regretting anything," she said, backpedaling quickly. "I want to, I just. I'm nervous," she said, giggling again. The alcohol induced confidence had faltered substantially and just exacerbated her nerves instead. "Walk me through," she practically purred, trying to restore both the mood and her mood.
    August 6th, 2015 at 04:09am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ honeysucklelips

    Derek could not help the grin that formed on his face, hearing her explanation. She was nervous because of him. Those were words that he never imaged hearing from an independent, confident woman such as Charlie. "Don't be nervous," He responded, running his fingers through her hair. "I promise to take care of you, and Langston men always live up to their promises," Derek reassured, kissing her on the nose.

    Softly chuckling, he gave a nod of the head to adhere to her request. "Well, first off, you're going to need to take off my clothes, too," He reminded her, placing her hands onto his dress shirt. Charlie had opened a few buttons on the car ride over, but the job was left unfinished. "And," He drawled. "I will finish taking off yours." Derek swept his hands behind her back, swiftly unhooked her bra. The straps loosened from her shoulders and fell down off to the sides, revealing the tips of her breasts.
    August 6th, 2015 at 04:34am
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Dandy Darling;
    Charlie slipped the rest of her bra off and chuckled, "I do know how this parts works," she said, grabbing his shirt and pulling him closer. She planted a long kiss on his lips, biting his lip just slightly. She continued working his buttons until she (with Derek's assistance) slipped of his shirt. She moved her hands along his abs, wondering how Derek had any time to work out with all the work he seemed to be doing. She brought her mouth to his body and kissed all the way down to his belt buckle.

    Unhooking that, she pulled it off quickly. "This part," she muttered as she wrestled with his button, "I'm good at." She unbuttoned his pants and the unzipped them fast enough to then pull him on top of her and halfway out of his pants. She knew this part was what she's comfortable with, this was all easy, but after this was when it got tricky for her. There was no line, obviously, they had already erased it and the anticipation was again killing her. The light was bouncing off the mirror and the walls and lighting the room brightly and beautifully. She felt the electricity of the moment tingling all the way up her fro her toes to her head. Her breathing was getting ragged and excited and she suddenly needed this more than she was nervous.
    August 6th, 2015 at 05:05am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ honeysucklelips

    Within a few moments, Derek was down to his last garment of clothing. Charlie had little resistance coming from his buttons as well, even with the alcohol in her system. He was almost certain that was record time. "I can certainly see that," He lightly laughed, kicking off his pants. Of course, this is where Derek had to take the lead and guide Charlie through the unfamiliar territory. "This part. This part I'm not going to rush."

    Derek hooked his fingers around her panties then proceeded to slid them down her thighs and off of her feet. Using the minimal light in the room, he took her in. "God, you're beautiful." The words slid right out of his mouth. She was even more stunning than he had imagined. As much as he wanted her, only starting now would be extremely painful for Charlie, that he was certain of. "Trust me, now," He requested, running his hand against her inner thigh. "If it hurts, you have to tell me," Derek warned before sliding a finger into her core.
    August 6th, 2015 at 05:24am
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Dandy Darling;
    Charlie nodded, a nervous smile flitting across her face as he complimented her. She felt goosebumps covering her entire body and she couldn't help the moan that escaped her lips. This wasn't usual for her, this part was another easy part, again. She wasn't questioning her ability to trust him, here, but knew that this was just a warm-up. It still felt different though, more connected than she had ever felt to anyone and maybe that's why she felt herself quiver. She had turned into a puddle, completely melting under his touch and this was the first time in her life that she decided to be selfish, she didn't reach her hands up to play fair and give him something as well. No, she let her mind focus completely on the movement of his fingers and how quickly her heart had begun racing. She felt all the pressure building up inside of her with all the motion and she moaned again.

    "Oh fuck," she muttered, her back arching into his movements. He was a lot better at this than some of her clients, though admittedly not all. Some men just know how to work it and when her climax hit, she rode it out like a wave. She was breathing so heavily when they stopped that she couldn't even speak, but instead giggled and covered her face with her hands. Behind her hands she breathed one word, "Wow."
    August 6th, 2015 at 02:33pm
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ honeysucklelips

    Derek monitored her reactions as he maintained a steady pace. Luckily, Charlie's expression shifted to one of pleasure and her body quickly followed afterward. The tension that had once seized her body had completely melted away. "There you go," He whispered, leaning down to kiss her. Derek was rewarded as she moaned into his mouth, encouraging him further. Breaking off the kiss, he could tell that her climax was nearing from the labored breathing and picked up the rhythm just enough to send her over the edge. "Wow," He repeated with a small chuckle, teasing her.

    Pulling out his finger, her recently release coated his hand and stained the sheets, which he did not mind. It was a testament to his accomplishment and quite a compliment. He reached out to grab a tissue to wipe the fluid off his hand and tossed it in the general area of the garbage can. He figured that it would be best to continue moving on while Charlie was still warm instead of giving her a rest. "Alright, we're going to start moving into unfamiliar territory," Derek warned, stripping of his last garment of clothing. Although, he could never imagine how nervous she was, he was a bundle of nerves himself. His heart was pounding, and his fingers itched in anticipation. Positioning himself at her entrance, Derek began to push forward and slowly entered inside of her. He was met with some resistance from her body, making it a tad uncomfortable for him, but pushed forward.
    August 6th, 2015 at 04:10pm
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Dandy Darling;
    Charlie gasped, feeling him move inside her and winced a little at the pain. It felt, obviously, completely unknown and, unfortunately, not very good. Maybe it was because she was nervous, but she felt every muscle in her body clench up and it all suddenly became very painful. She raised her hands to his chest and pushed away, "Ow. Ow. Ow," she whispered, practically trying to remove him from inside her, which only felt worse. What kind of prostitute was she? She couldn't even lose her virginity. What was she doing? How could she do it like this? Maybe that little star next to her name was precious and to be honored. Dear God, this is her boss.

    She realized then that this must have been the time when the alcohol wore off and she suddenly felt guilt wash over her entire body. "I'm sorry," she blurted, when her eyes started to water and her mind became cloudy with shame and embarrassment. She must look like such a child to him now, she couldn't even have sex with him which is in her job description. She blinked quickly, hoping the alcohol and the darkness blurred the fact that she was, in fact, crying. "I'm sorry," she said again, trying to stop herself from sounding like a baby.
    August 11th, 2015 at 06:19am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ honeysucklelips

    Derek balled the silk sheets as she tensed up beneath him, making him clench his jaw. If he was this uncomfortable, she must have been in an awful amount of pain he reasoned. "Char, Charlie," He called out, feeling her palms against his chest. She was rejecting him, which slightly hurt his ego. "This is normal," He reassured her, pausing any type of movement. Seeing her practically writhe in pain, he started to withdraw himself slowly but her protests only intensified. They were stuck in the middle. "Take deep breaths," He instructed, interlacing their fingers together. Hopefully, the pain would start to dull.

    "No, no, don't apologize," He frowned, absolutely disliking her tears. Despite the darkness, the stream of moonlight highlighted the wetness of her cheeks. The high of the night was starting to wear off, and Derek finally realized what he had done. This was a line that he could never come back from, and he needed to take responsibility for it. Leaning down, he began to kiss the tears that continued to fall from her eyes. "Shh, it's okay," He whispered against her skin every time she apologized. In this very moment, he labeled himself the jerk for taking her virginity. On the other side of the coin, he was relieved that Anderson had not bought it. He would never deserve her.
    August 14th, 2015 at 03:47am
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Dandy Darling;
    Charlie tried to take deep breaths as suggested, but she wasn't feeling as confident in her decisions as she had in the very beginning. "I'm sorry. I don't know what's wrong with me," she muttered, letting herself sink into his kisses. She didn't even know exactly what she was supposed to be anymore, but she looked at Derek and his concern wrinkled his handsome features. She felt her stomach twist in both guilt and anxiety, but she just let herself lay there for a second. Her head was spinning and bubbly with alcohol and sex and confusion.

    "Am I fired?" She said, offering a sort of joke to break the icy and serious air around them. She let her hands move down his chest, less panicked and more relaxing (an attempt to relax both of them). She let herself relax just enough to lay a few careful kisses against his chest again, trying to get back to what she knows. She wanted to just lay, just talk, relax and maybe than she'd be ready.

    "I don't even know how you take your coffee," she said, knowing it was random but feeling like it was a valid explanation to her nerves. She just wanted to explain why she was such a wreck. She casted her eyes down, letting her fingers trace his skin idly, but feeling the embarrassment cover her cheeks.
    August 25th, 2015 at 10:00pm
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ honeysucklelips

    Derek shook his head and watched as she remained rigid underneath him, despite the deep breaths as instructed. Perhaps they had rushed into this too soon. "There's nothing wrong with you, Charlie," He breathed out, understanding this process. "You just tell me when you're ready to continue. There's no pressure." The silence settled between them as neither spoke a word, reacquainting themselves. Derek restrained himself from moving and wanting to devour her.

    A small chuckle escaped from Derek's lips as he peered down upon her. "No, you're not fired," He promised, relishing in her hands against his chest. It seemed that she was beginning to ease herself into this. Derek closed his eyes with a small sigh while her lips danced across his chest. "I could never fire you," He mumbled, opening his eyes to gaze into her own.

    "I take it with one sugar. That's it. No cream," He answered, finding the humor in their small talk. Here they were, practically in the middle of having sex but talking about coffee. Well, if it helped her relax, Derek was all for it. "And I noticed that you take it with both," He grinned, running his thumb against her cheek.
    August 26th, 2015 at 01:20am
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    Charlie was having a hard time returning all the sentiment and long gazes he was casting at her. The intimacy of it all was something she had never felt before, but rather had trained herself to stay completely away from. She felt herself get nervous again until Derek began explaining how he takes his coffee and rattling off his own observation about her. She smiled when he brushed his thumb against her cheek, feeling a moment of ease since the whole thing began.

    "What's your favorite color?" She asked again, diverting the rather awkward position they were in. She wondered if they could try all of this again, a different day and time. Can they have all the intimacy without the sex for now? Can't they talk without the sex or was that important to him? Was sex the best part for him? She bit her lip softly. If any of that was true, he wouldn't be saying all these sweet things. He valued her much more than she valued herself, but perhaps that was just her price.

    @ Dandy Darling;
    August 26th, 2015 at 05:35am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ honeysucklelips

    Derek slowly began to pull himself off, continuously distracting her with conversation. It was clear that this event was not ready to happen for Charlie but that was completely understandable for the young man. He respected her and her body. "Favorite color is probably green. I don't know why it does, but the color just relaxes me," He explained with a small smile. A few moments later, Derek finally separated the two of them and breathed out a small sigh of relief. That could have been troublesome.

    Despite that release of nerves, Derek still had a problem that was all of his own. His body was too wound up, and, despite controlling himself, it was not something he could subdue. "Um, I'm just going to go to the bathroom," He attempted to hide. The last thing that Derek wanted was for Charlie to feel horrible about leaving him hanging in the wind.
    August 27th, 2015 at 05:16am
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    Charlie focused on his words, extremely aware of the fact that she had completely ruined the mood. She nodded when he excused himself to the bathroom, letting herself sigh with relief at the whole ordeal being over with. Another day to keep that retched star by her name, she thought as she rolled over and piled the soft sheets underneath her head. She wondered if he would let her stay tonight and in her stomach she knew that it probably wasn't the best idea. She wanted to stay, she wanted to keep talking to him and lay in bed and cuddle, but all of it seemed so unrealistic.

    She sighed again, standing up and walking to one of his drawers. Though they were obviously alone, Charlie felt more comfortable throwing on one of his t-shirts before walking out of the room. She was fairly conservative for a whore, she thought to herself as she walked out to the kitchen area for a glass of water. She sort of smirked, wondering (or rather assuming) what Derek was doing and let herself enjoy the sensation of not being touched for a night. What a pitiful thing to feel, but a real one. Walking back into the room, she looked around the mess they made with all of their clothes and stumbling and smiled again. She felt like she was in a movie before knocking lightly on the bathroom door. "Derek?" She called in a whisper of sorts.
    August 29th, 2015 at 10:45pm
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ honeysucklelips

    Derek moved off of the bed and padded over in a rushed manner toward the bathroom, sighing at his dilemma. Of course, he could not bring himself to blame Charlie for this ordeal. She was in pain, and he was not about to force himself upon her. Although, now, he was stuck with this problem. Great. Closing the bathroom door behind him, Derek began to think of anything he could to deflate his bodily need. Dead dogs. Old people. Anything. "Ugh," He groaned, running a hand through his hair. Nothing seemed to be helping as his body kept reminding him about what he desired. This would have to be done the old fashioned way he settled.

    Hearing the sound of knocking against the door, he froze, and he stared at one fixed point on the wall. "W-What?" He grit through his teeth, completely embarrassed. Stopping his hand from moving along his length, he was still in the process of finishing off the job. Derek knew that Charlie had an idea of what was happening on his side of the door. In the end, she was not the most innocent either.
    August 31st, 2015 at 05:09am
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Dandy Darling;
    Charlie smirked, catching Derek in a moment of weakness was something Charlie thought she would never see. Though, she was admittedly catching him at a bad time. Mainly, she thought the interruption was funny and enjoyed her minor power play."Do you want me to go home now?" She asked, feeling the sting of early rejection hit her chest. Her voice barely registered above a whisper, but she was more afraid of the answer than anything else. She didn't want to go home, of course, but she wasn't going to overstay her welcome. This was something she thought she was already doing, especially after helping herself to water and clothes. She waited, biting her lips with anxiety.

    Perhaps she could or should go in there and finish the job. It wasn't unusual for her to finish the act when she no longer wanted to, but she was in a different mindset tonight. She felt extremely vulnerable and unsettled, but she would do what she needed to. She opened the door a little, "I can help, you know. It's my job," she added, casting her eyes down.
    September 1st, 2015 at 06:07am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ honeysucklelips

    Derek barely registered her words between his current ordeal and the nature of her voice. It was almost as if she expected him to make her leave. Well, that was certainly not the case for Derek. Despite their failed attempts, he could never kick her out. "N-No, you could stay the night... if you want," He strained, attempting to clear his throat and play it off. Despite his attempts, it was clearly not working and the desire was apparent in his tone. "Take the bed. I, um, will sleep.. on the couch," He added on. Dropping his head, Derek squeezed his eyes shut with a small sigh in an attempt to simmer his physical needs. His mind filtered back to the same cycle of thoughts that only continued to fail him.

    At the creak of the door, he shot his head over to see Charlie peak her head in with a small proposition. A heat passed across his features, registering his compromising position. Derek was vulnerable and raw. "I could never ask you to do that," He sheepishly replied, wanting to curl into a ball. Considering how confident he had been at the beginning of the night, this situation was completely embarrassing for the young bachelor.
    September 3rd, 2015 at 05:22am