
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ honeysucklelips

    Derek's need for her was apparent, despite their forbidden relationship. The electricity crackling between them was irreplaceable. Despite being inebriated last night, he never felt more intoxicated than in this moment. Derek enjoyed the feel of her fingertips running up his chest then down his back, relishing in her touch. His hands ran over her sides, peeling off the shirt and discarding it off to the side. His lips began to slowly trail down from her neck to her panties. Derek paused to glance up at Charlie as if asking for her permission before hooking his fingers around its sides.
    September 28th, 2015 at 05:36am
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    Charlie felt the air rush through her chest as she sucked in a nervous (but excited) breath. A soft moan escaped her lips, as if to say yes to everything that may possibly come from here on out and she wasn't just thinking about sex. She was so young when she started working that the prospect of dates and secret meetings and kisses and grasping each other at all moments of the day was exciting and enticing. It was a secret, just for them and she wanted it so badly. If anything, she knew Derek wanted it, but whether or not he was willing was a completely different ball game. How long did they have no, anyway? A week until her supposed virginity will be purchased? How long did she have to enjoy this and well, how many times could they do it again (and again?) If there was never to be an again, at least let the first time be the best time.

    @ Dandy Darling;
    September 28th, 2015 at 03:05pm
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ honeysucklelips

    Derek bit his lip in anticipation as her sweet voice reached his ears, only encouraging him further. Sliding down her panties, his lips moved down slowly toward her inner thighs. Derek wanted this. He wanted so much more for them though. They would be the secret that no one could know about. Probably sneaking around behind everyone's back and stealing glances whenever possible. Although, Derek was grateful for the little time that they had together and wanted to make the best of it. He reached out for Charlie's hands and settled them at the waistband of his sweats. "Go ahead," He encouraged, ready to take her at any point in time.
    September 30th, 2015 at 03:37am
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Dandy Darling;
    Charlie rode her neves like a roller coaster, but this time is exhilarating instead of terrifying. She had never been afraid to take off a man's pants before, it had almost become robotic to her. For the first time in a long time, she felt the warmth of someone's body underneath those robotic fingers and she felt her own goosebumps from excitement. When had all of this become so much more than her job: maybe it was wine and dining or a night spent with actual intimacy, but all of this was so very different from what she had experienced with sex thus far. She felt inexperienced and clumsy and for once, not completely faking her arousal. Sure, the body does what it does, but Derek set her off in ways she didn't even know were possible. So, with a nervous blush, Charlie lifted herself off the coldness of granite, let her hands slide down Derek's body with his sweats quickly following. Again, he made her feel shy and the only she could possibly do was pull him close to her to kiss him again.
    September 30th, 2015 at 04:18am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ honeysucklelips

    Derek could feel her hands carefully placed against body as if almost embarrassed to touch him. The small gesture brought a smile to his lips and only widened at the blush spreading across her cheeks. It was endearing to see Charlie this way, hidden underneath the layers of her confidence. He wanted to take this slowly and properly. Despite her profession, Charlie was completely unexposed to this side of the spectrum, and Derek was the only one with experience. He met her lips once more, laying her gently back down on top of the granite counter top. Sliding his hand down her thigh, Derek could feel his heart beat racing inside of his chest while his head following. It was a high that he never believed possible. He positioned himself in front of Charlie's entrance, separating from her lips to place gentle kisses against her neck. Ever so slowly, Derek began to slide inside of her. "Are you okay?" He whispered against her skin, needing to know.
    September 30th, 2015 at 04:40am
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Dandy Darling;
    Charlie winced because she certainly couldn't pretend that it didn't hurt, but it hurt in a good way. She sucked air through her teeth, trying to battle off the nerves that completely took over her body last night. Charlie wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer, trying to focus on how warm he felt and how happy she felt. "Mhm," she muttered, pressing her forehead into the nook of his neck. She had never felt or been this close to anyone ever before and she had to wonder what the implications of all of that was, but she stopped herself. Charlie knows, if anything, that nerves make even the simplest of tasks impossible so she just let herself sink into the metaphorical and literal fuckery they had gotten themselves into.
    September 30th, 2015 at 05:08am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ honeysucklelips

    Derek could feel Charlie slightly tense up around him. It was nothing compared to last night, but it was understandable that she was nervous. His hands wrapped around her hips, taking a slow pace to start off. Derek knew that Charlie trusted him, and he needed to take that into account. Letting a sigh of pleasure escaped his lips, the feeling of her wrapped around him was compared to nothing else, but he refused to let himself get carried away. Derek was glad that they had stopped last night, considering how intoxicated they were. He wanted her to remember this, but enjoy it above all.
    September 30th, 2015 at 05:30am
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Dandy Darling;
    Charlie let a moan escape her lips, knowing that all this warmth and tremors she was feeling was far more intense than anything she had ever felt before. She felt his slow pace slowly shifting to something faster and while she expected to reject it, she just felt completely and totally filled and satisfied by what was happening. She felt her body shaking, the sweat combatted by the still cold sting of the granite. It made sense, in a way, for Charlie to lose her virginity in this way and not as some scared little girl in her floral patterned sheets and not even climaxing. It made sense for the way Charlie's life had worked for it to be full of passion, unconventional and hot. Certainly this wouldn't be a romantic story to tell her children, but a fantastic story to tell her friends or to keep to herself, buried down deep.

    She was, if anything, fortunate enough to work in her line of work lest her talent for needing very limited stimulating to climax would be wasted and she felt herself being washed away with pleasure, despite Derek's mildly slow pace. She moaned again, letting the warmth spread all over her body and her breath become almost ragged. "You should put a star next to girls who get to do this," she said, in between rapid breaths.
    September 30th, 2015 at 05:45am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ honeysucklelips

    Derek could feel Charlie all around him, burying himself further into her. Despite his previous encounters with women, he never experienced such raw energy before. There was a heat and passion between them that only amplified as he sped up the pace, dipping his head to inhale her scent. It was only a few days ago that Derek first met Charlie. Of course, there was immediate chemistry between the two, but he could not predict that they would ever grow to this. That little star by her name should have made the company millions, but, instead, Derek was taking it for himself. This was an experience that his family or his coworkers would never hear of, especially his father. It would put the last nail in his father's coffin.

    His breathing began to become shallow, grunting lightly. It was difficult for Derek not to be swept away by the stimulation, going harder and faster at every thrust. This was still Charlie's first time, but Derek had a feeling that she would prefer it. "And you would be the only one," He responded, continuing to breathe rapidly.
    October 3rd, 2015 at 07:23pm
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Dandy Darling;
    Charlie moaned again, her body practically shaking underneath Derek's, even despite the slight sting of it all. "Fuck," she moaned again, "I'm honored, Mr. Langton," she added, with an extra flick of her tongue on his name. It must be so different for him and she had to wonder if she was good, was this good? Was this what she was in for for the rest of life or would ever experience from now on pale in comparison? Did savoring the star next to her name matter or was having ragged sex on the kitchen far more exciting than her so called 'forbidden fruit.' What was so forbidden about it, anyway? With all the electricity that completely washing over her body, she could only decide that what was forbidden was pleasure, in its rawest form. When Charlie finally hit, at least her first, climax, she practically screamed and pulled Derek so close to her that ever single shake of her body only moved him closer and deeper into her. She could barely breath and with all the orgasms she had ever had, be them free or paid, she had never felt one like this. Maybe that was sex, maybe that was Derek or perhaps, the delicious combination of the two.
    October 4th, 2015 at 01:31am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ honeysucklelips

    Derek was delighted with the sounds that reached his ears, confirming that the sex was satisfying for both parties. "The pleasure is all mine," He countered with a grin, pressing a kiss against her neck. This kind of mind blowing sex only happened once in a blue moon for him. It was even a surprise to Derek that it was of this caliber, considering this was her first time. Pressure began to build rapidly in his lower half, spreading a heat throughout his body. Once Charlie hit her climax, it sent him over the edge. He hit his climax and released inside of Charlie's body without warning. Luckily, it was business policy that all of the girls remain on birth control, and Charlie was no exception. Derek hovered over Charlie completely breathless and drenched in sweat. "That was," He trailed off with a small chuckle, unable to form words.
    October 4th, 2015 at 02:22am
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Dandy Darling;
    Charlie relished the feeling of their bodies sinking into each other, their sweaty skin sticking together and their ragged breath slowing and she had never felt so content. She thought, perhaps, that she would feel nervous, guilty or any of the other complicated feelings that people say come with sex and losing your virginity, but she felt none of them. She became acutely aware of the cold granite and the place where her hips had been resting against it were a little sore, if not bruised. She, if anything, felt shaky and different in a way she couldn’t actually explain. She felt like she was living in a world that she could never come back to and the sting of rejection hit her harder than she thought. Perhaps all of those feelings did make sense.

    She smiled at Derek when he laughed and moved forward to lower herself back to the ground. “Good,” she said, finishing the sentence for him. “It was good,” she added, pulling her hair up into a messy bun. If anything, the rest of the day would be anti-climatic, especially since all the climaxes had happened so early. “What’s the lesson for today?” She asked, nervously snagging her underwear from where it had fallen on the floor and slipping it back on. “How many more days do we have? Do I have to go home today?” She didn't want to go home, but wasn't that what they were supposed to do? She was his employee, not his lover, and they had work to do so it seems.
    October 4th, 2015 at 03:08am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ honeysucklelips

    Derek nodded in agreement, stepping away from her to rearrange his clothes. Finding his phone lying on the counter, he scrolled through the schedule. A small sigh escaped his lips at all the work that still needed to be done. "Lesson for today is on Anderson's company. He wants you to be informed about its history and goals," Derek explained, running a hand through his hair. The rest of the day was going to be abysmal compared to the morning. It was disappointing and unfortunate. "He pushed up the event, so it will be in five days," Derek answered while his mind pondered the next question. What were they? Certainly, coworkers but not exactly. Sex buddies? Well, his feelings ran deeper than that. "It would look suspicious if you were missing from your room another night," Derek admitted with a small frown. "As much as I would prefer for you to stay."
    October 4th, 2015 at 03:30am
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Dandy Darling;
    Charlie nodded slowly, letting her eyes fall to the floor. "Well, give me all the materials I need to read. I'll bring them home with me," she said, crossing her arms. Of course reality was harsh, harsher than expected, but still. She knew it was going to be like this and she knew that this was the only way it could be handled. "I'll go get dressed," she added, turning and walking towards his bedroom. She didn't even know what she was going to get dressed in, but she would find something. Maybe she could take a cab home, reinstate the professionalism or something. She felt her eyes stinging with tears a little bit, but she absolutely refused to cry again or in general about all of this. She knew what was she doing. No investments, no emotions, just sex. Isn't that her job?
    October 4th, 2015 at 04:35am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ honeysucklelips

    Derek could feel an ache in his chest as he watched Charlie's retreating figure. They were already treading in dangerous water as it was. This was for the best, right? He cleaned up their uneaten breakfast and washed the dishes before wandering back up to his bedroom. "All of the reading material is back in my office," He stated with a small sigh, looking through all of his suits. "I have to head the office anyway to do some paperwork." Derek began to change into a fresh set of clothes, topping it off with his tie. It was difficult for him to refrain from wrapping his arms around her, relishing in their small moment. Now, they would have to head back to the work place and pretend that nothing ever occurred between them.
    October 4th, 2015 at 05:24am
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Dandy Darling;
    Charlie nodded, slipping back into the dress he had bought her just yesterday. She smoothed the skirt down, relishing how the fabric felt against her hands with full knowledge that this was probably the most expensive thing to touch her body. She smirked a little to herself, that was only true if you ignored how often Derek had touched her. "Ready when you are," she added. She walked out of his room to wait by the elevator, tapping her heeled foot and deciding that this sort of distance would be the best thing for her. Besides, not being able to be in the same room as him was helpful to her thinking because she had to come up with a reason or a story for why she was gone so long. Her roommate knew she wasn't or hadn't been working, so why was she gone? Why was she returning in such an expensive dress? She bit her lip, maybe Martiza wouldn't be home and that would take one complicated thing off the table. She sighed, letting her hands drop to her lap and settling the tears that she felt welling. What had she gotten herself into?
    October 5th, 2015 at 03:33am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ honeysucklelips

    Derek paused to take one last glance at his appearance in the mirror, furrowing his eyebrows. In his father's harsh, simple words: he royally fucked up. How could he ever justify his behavior? The sex was nothing more than Derek's selfish desire to have Charlie, but she belonged to the company and Anderson come a few days. His eyes darkened as he fixed the slight crook in his tie, letting all of his thoughts sink in. He knew that he could have had any other woman outside of the company like a model or an actor and somehow his interest fell into her lap. What had he placed himself into? Derek turned on his heel to rejoin Charlie near the elevator, masking his inner turmoil. Once the suit was on, Derek reminded himself that he was nothing more than a Langston. "The car is already waiting," He announced, hitting the down button. "I'm going to have you dropped off at one of the back entrances, and I'll wait a few moments before entering from the front. It will seem.. suspicious if we enter together."
    October 11th, 2015 at 05:52am
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Dandy Darling;
    Charlie nodded, silent submission to the man in the suit, not her lover. No, never him. The ride down the elevator was awkward and silent, at best. The walk to the limo and subsequent car ride was equally as silent and Charlie felt she the tension in the air. She couldn't help but watch him out of the corner of the eye and she felt like she was watching someone different. The man in the suit, buried in his phone with his tie a little too tight around his throat was not the same man who kissed her tears away and made love to her not even an hour ago like her body was actually something to cherish. They couldn't be the same person, they just couldn't be. Derek and Mr. Langton were two totally different people and Charlie didn't like them both.

    When they pulled up to the back door, Charlie got out of the car without speaking and slammed the door shut. She slipped the heels off her feet and slipped through the back door as if she hadn't been gone all night. Her room was dark and her roommate was asleep, probably after working the night shift. Honestly, she didn't want to see Derek, but knew their job wasn't finished yet. She slipped off that red dress and climbed into bed, feeling exhausted from the emotional roller coaster she'd been on since last night.
    October 12th, 2015 at 05:33am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ honeysucklelips

    Derek stepped inside of the elevator and reached into his pocket to produce his cell phone, burying his head in emails and work. Even though every moment of silence ate away at him, Derek swallowed his emotions and buried them deep beneath the surface. He could not face Charlie, especially not like this. Once the suit was on, he was no longer Derek but Derek Langston of the Langstons and owner of the prostitution ring Nightly. Charlie's boss. Nothing more and nothing less. It was no surprise that the car ride followed a similar pattern, filled with silence and tension. His eyes slid over in her direction and noted her sullen appearance. It was quite obvious from her body language that she was upset, but Mr. Langston could do nothing to relieve it. Only Derek had that ability.

    Once they arrived back at the company, he sighed at her retreating figure. She did not even spare him a word before she slamming the door shut, but it was for the best. Derek paused a few minutes then ordered the driver to pull around the front, allowing him to enter into the building. He moved into his office to find the papers for Charlie, shuffling through paperwork on his desk. Compared to his jovial morning, this was abysmal. He spared her a few hours to herself before moving down the hallway toward her room, knocking on the door. "Charlie, I have the papers for you," He called out, stating his business.
    October 12th, 2015 at 06:11am
  • oldbook;

    oldbook; (100)

    United States
    @ Dandy Darling;
    Charlie contemplated laying in bed, not making a sound and letting Derek believe she was sleeping, but the bitter and silently angry part of her decided otherwise. She would love for him to see her like this, especially with their only being but an hour or two between their previous encounter; she wondered if it would drive him wild. Considering she was barely clothed, she slid out of bed, walked to the curtained archway and took the papers from him. "Thank you, sir" she muttered, folding the papers in her hands. "I'll come see you when I'm finished," she added before letting the curtain fall back in-between them.

    She walked back to bed, or maybe she sauntered a little since the red curtain was basically sheer until she knew it was too dark in the room for her to be seen. She hopped back into bed, dropping the papers next to her bed and turning the lights completely off in her room. Maybe he'd yell at her for not starting now or maybe he'd feel too worried she'd rat him out, who knew. For now, she wanted to sleep with her roommate like any other night though she was completely broke and Maritza had at least made her own money last night. Pitiful, she thought, that she would let Derek take literally everything from her and then be treated like an employee, which she was. She huffed to herself, maybe she was being stupid, but she couldn't help the pit in her stomach telling her she made a terrible mistake.
    October 14th, 2015 at 09:58pm