For Every Dark Night, There Is a Brighter Day

  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    @ voltage oblivion.
    Robyn took Jimmy's beer from him, smiling when he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her neck. Maybe it was because they'd just had sex, but Robyn liked having him so close to her. She really wanted to kiss him, but she didn't really think she should do that right now. Robyn turned and pecked Jimmy on the cheek before basically finishing off his beer per his card's instructions.

    Robyn reached forward and carefully pulled a card from the circle, sucking in a breath when it nearly broke. She did not want to take that shot. She held up her card. "Eight."

    "Means you have to pick a "date", someone to drink with you," Zacky explained.

    Robyn bit her lip, looking back at Jimmy. "Would you like to be my date, Jimmy?" she asked.
    Matt laughed. "Why don't you get another one of your Smirnoffs?" he suggested. "You don't have to drink this if it's too strong for you." He smiled as Cassie buried her face in his neck, reaching up to run his fingers through her soft hair. He'd love to just lay with her while he played with her hair and kissed her perfect lips. Maybe he could convince her to sleep on the couch with him tonight.

    After Robyn, it was his turn again. Mentally praying that he wouldn't draw another fucking five, he pulled out a card. He sighed when he saw that it was a ten. "Alright motherfuckers, rule," Matt shouted. He thought hard, trying to think of something that would make the game interesting. "Alright, until the new rule, you have to take triple the amount of drinks you normally should every time you drink, including normal cards."
    July 28th, 2015 at 07:25am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Jimmy raised an eyebrow and looked down at Robyn, smirking to himself and nodding his head. "I would be honored," he said, chuckling to himself and grabbing his cup. He took a sip of his drink and leaned down, pecking her lips. He looked up at Matt and raised an eyebrow. "Triple, huh?" He chuckled and shook his head. "Game on, bitches."
    Cassie nodded her head. She walked to the kitchen and grabbed another drink before she sat back down next to Matt just in time to hear his rule. She bit her lip anxiously and took a deep breath before slowly releasing it. She could totally handle this, especially with these lighter drinks Matt had gotten her.

    [Sorry it's so short, not feeling well at all!]
    July 31st, 2015 at 06:29am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Robyn's eyes widened a bit when she heard Matt's rule. That was a lot of alcohol. But she did say she wanted to get drunk. "I think I'm gonna go make another drink," Robyn whispered to Jimmy. She got to her feet, walking slowly to the kitchen, where she made a drink. Robyn made this one with as much whiskey as she could handle, because she wanted to show the guys, especially Jimmy, that she could handle a little alcohol.

    Robyn stumbled back into the living room with her drink and sat back down in Jimmy's lap. She took a sip of her drink, making a face, before setting it aside and leaning against Jimmy's chest. "So are you gonna let me sleep with you tonight?" Robyn asked Jimmy, kissing just below his ear.
    "Who wants to take a bet on who's gonna throw up first?" Zacky asked, cracking a grin. "I mean, that's a lot of drinks and most of us are drinking whiskey..."

    "I'll put money on Johnny boy," Matt said, earning a glare from the youngest boy. Matt just chuckled, sliding his arm around Cassie's waist and pressing a kiss into her hair. He was glad she'd decided to go back to her Smirnoffs, because he didn't want her to be throwing up tonight. That wasn't fun. "It's your turn, by the way," Matt whispered to Cassie. He reached out and placed his card on top of the shot glance, balancing it on one corner.

    ((it's alright!))
    July 31st, 2015 at 07:13am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Jimmy smirked, wanting to make a comment about how he already had let her sleep with him but he guessed that would be a bit too inappropriate. He smiled down at her and nodded his head. "Of course," he said. He leaned down and pressed his lips to her ear. "We can take Brian's bed," he whispered, chuckling as he pulled away. He looked over at Cassie, wiggling his eyebrows at her. She looked totally out of it, and he guessed that was the effect of the alcohol.

    Jimmy slid his arms around Robyn's waist, resting his hands in her lap and leaning against her back. He rested his head on her shoulder, closing his eyes and pressing soft kisses to her neck. It actually felt really nice to hold her like this, and to kiss her so intimately. How come he'd never realized how nice it felt to actually be with someone before?
    Cassie bit her lip as she looked up at Matt, taking a deep breath. She reached forward and drew a card, pulling it up. "King," she said, not quite sure what the hell that meant. She looked at the guys hopelessly, pleading with her eyes.

    "Categories," Zacky said. "Choose a category and everyone has to name one. Nobody can repeat."

    "Oh," Cassie mumbled, nodding her head. She thought for a moment and smirked. "Academics. History."

    Johnny perked up and smirked. "Math," he chirped.
    August 1st, 2015 at 06:28am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    @ voltage oblivion.
    "Better not be any baby-making done in my bed," Brian said, smirking. "Oh and uh, chemistry."

    This time Robyn wasn't even really embarrassed by Brian's remark, and she was surprised. But she was sure it had something to do with having Jimmy's hands all over her, and his lips on her neck. Robyn grabbed Jimmy's hands from her lap, lacing their fingers together. She closed her eyes and sighed softly, really liking Jimmy kissing her neck. It was honestly making her a little...bothered, but she couldn't sleep with Jimmy twice in one night, that would make her a slut or something wouldn't it?

    "Ahem, do you think you two can knock it off long enough to play the game?" Zacky cut in, his tone of voice teasing. "Even though I think it's too late to name something for the category, so drink. Three apiece, since you're 'dating'."
    Matt couldn't help but smile as he watched Jimmy with Robyn. It was weird to see his friend so caught up on a girl, but it would be a nice change. And maybe they could double date, if Jimmy ever actually asked Robyn out? Speaking of dates, Matt remembered that he and Cassie had one the next night and he was suddenly really excited. "So are you excited for our first date tomorrow?" Matt asked Cassie randomly, pressing his lips to her ear. "Because I am."

    He wanted to take her somewhere nice, but unfortunately he was on a budget, so she'd have to settle for dinner and maybe a movie. But whenever the band took off and Matt had some money, he would make up for it. "You're gonna sleep next to me tonight, aren't you?" he asked, pulling her a little closer to him. He hoped she would, it would be nice to cuddle with someone again, especially with Cassie.
    August 1st, 2015 at 07:10am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Jimmy looked up at Zacky and rolled his eyes. He grabbed his cup, drinking triple the amount he usually would. He drank like a pro, setting his cup down when he finished and giving Zacky a sickly sweet smile. "Happy?" he grumbled. He put his attention back to Robyn, smiling. He actually felt happy, an emotion he hadn't truly felt since he was a kid. Sure, he was always in a good mood, he goofed around and had a good time with the guys, but that didn't mean he was happy. But right now, he was.

    He was half tempted to just quit the game now and take her upstairs and cuddle, maybe watch a movie on Brian's TV until they fell asleep. That actually sounded like a fucking good plan, but he knew if they left, it would get awkward again and people would think they were fucking. Not that he cared what people thought, but he knew Robyn did, so he was putting her feelings into consideration first.

    His eyes widened at the thought and he blinked. Should he look at himself in a mirror? Make sure he was okay? He felt so fucking strange, why was he thinking this way? What kind of love spell had she cast on him when he had his dick in her? He shook his head and buried his face into her shoulder, sighing softly.
    Cassie looked up at Matt and grinned. "Yeah," she murmured. "If you want me to, that is. I could always lay on top of Johnny, though. He makes a comfy pillow." She giggled and smirked, licking her finger before she reached over and stuck it in Johnny's ear. She snorted when he yelped and swatted at her hand, knocking his drink over in the process. She doubled over with laughter when Brian yelled at him for getting whiskey in his father's carpet. Something about being in deep shit when he got home.

    She reached over and held onto Matt, burying her face into his shoulder and snorting, trying to hide her obnoxious laugh from everyone. But she just couldn't help it. Sometimes the smallest things made her crack up and she could sit forever just laughing at it. She pulled her face from his shoulder for a breath, biting her lip so hard she almost drew blood. She just couldn't.
    August 1st, 2015 at 07:19am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    @ voltage oblivion.
    Robyn was fine with having to take triple the drinks until she took a sip and remembered how strong she'd made her latest drink. But she had to do it, so she held her breath and essentially chugged what was in her cup, letting out a soft belch as she set her cup down. She shot the guys a challenging smirk. Hopefully all of this drinking wouldn't come back to bite her. Robyn leaned into Jimmy, pressing a sloppy kiss to his ear before hiccuping, "I'm gonna...go make another drink." She slowly got to her feet only to almost immediately fall back down into Jimmy's lap. "Maybe later," she laughed.

    Robyn leaned against Jimmy, laughing hard when Cassie made Johnny spill his drink all over the floor. These people were so funny, she was glad she'd found them. And she especially glad she'd found Jimmy, even if the way she felt about him scared her a little. She was starting to really like him and even though he was cuddling her in his lap, she wondered if he felt the same way. It might just be the alcohol making him do this.

    Robyn shook her head. She was being a stupid girl right now. She needed to give Jimmy the benefit of the doubt. Suddenly all the alcohol she'd just chugged hit Robyn's stomach and she turned to bury her face in Jimmy's neck, starting to feel a little woozy. But she couldn't get sick right now, she wanted to stay here and cuddle with Jimmy.
    "I'm a much better pillow than Johnny," Matt pouted, pecking Cassie on the cheek. Of course, he knew she was just kidding. He liked how outgoing the alcohol had made her, how she was so easily able to join in on their fun. Matt didn't even bother to hide his laughter when Brian berated Johnny for spilling his whiskey on the carpet.

    "Alright Johnny, it's your turn draw a fucking card," Matt said. As Johnny carefully selected a card, Matt quickly pulled Cassie into his lap, wrapping his arms around her waist. He pressed a kiss to her ear. "Your laugh is adorable by the way, you shouldn't hide it," he whispered. He reached for his cup, taking a big swig before setting it aside again. "Everything about you is adorable, I love it."

    "I got a fucking five," Johnny announced, holding up his card. The youngest boy glanced around the circle at everyone else. "Do we wanna play this game again or should I pick another card?"
    August 1st, 2015 at 07:55am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Jimmy chuckled, sliding his arms around her back and holding her against his chest. He pressed gentle kisses to the top of her head, rubbing her back and sighing contently. "We can go upstairs if you want," he murmured. "We don't have to stay here if you don't want to. Plus, I'm sure Brian doesn't want to risk anymore spillages on his precious little carpet."

    He smirked at the look Brian cut him and he laughed to himself. He stood up, lifting Robyn up and carrying her upstairs after shouting a brief goodnight to everyone. He walked into Brian's room and laid her down on the bed, pulling his shirt off and slipping out of his pants before he laid down beside her. He sighed contently and laid back, grabbing the TV remote and turning it on. He glanced over at her to make sure she wasn't about to pass out before he began scrolling through the channels, hoping to find a good movie or show for them to watch.

    "You know, Robyn, you really shouldn't give a fuck what other people think," he said. "They're only gonna bring you down with negativity." He rolled onto his side and looked at her. "You know, tonight has been the happiest I've been in a really long time?"
    Cassie blushed deeply and leaned back against his chest, taking his hands in hers and squeezing them. She looked back at him and pressed her lips to his, kissing him passionately. She looked over at Johnny and smiled. "Let's play," she said. She frowned when Jimmy got up and left with Robyn, sighing softly. But she had to admit, though, they were so absolutely adorable and she really did hope that everything worked out for them. Because even though Robyn was as drunk as she was, it was so obvious she cared about Jimmy. Even if she didn't want to admit it.

    She held her hand up, looking around the circle and then back up at Matt. She wondered where they would sleep. Probably on the couch or maybe in the guest room if Johnny or Zacky didn't claim it before they got the chance to. But she definitely didn't want to sleep in Brian's dad's bed. That would be so disturbing and so wrong on so many levels.
    August 1st, 2015 at 08:10am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    @ voltage oblivion.
    Robyn didn't fight Jimmy as he picked her up and took her upstairs. She felt him lay her down on Brian's bed and she groaned, pressing her face into the cool pillow. She still felt a little sick, but it was ebbing. She was happy about this, because it would be incredibly embarrassing if Jimmy saw her throw up. Robyn moved over to Jimmy when he laid down next to her and curled up against his side. "I know, but it's hard not to care," Robyn murmured against Jimmy's shoulder.

    Robyn bit her lip, glad Jimmy couldn't see her blush in the dark. "Because of me?" she whispered. She hoped this was true, because Jimmy honestly made her happy, too. She'd had boyfriends before, but none of them had made her feel the way Jimmy made her feel. He made her feel special. "I'm happy too, Jimmy," she said. Robyn moved forward a little and kissed Jimmy's lips. "I really like you, Jimmy. And I'm glad we did what we did, even if your friends made fun of me."

    Robyn moved closer to Jimmy, letting out a yawn. She was sure it was getting late and she was getting tired. But she couldn't sleep in these jeans. She squirmed underneath the covers, fighting to get her pants off. When she finally did, she tossed them over the side of the bed. "I can't sleep in jeans," she explained sheepishly.
    Matt wasn't so sure about playing Never Have I Ever again after the disastrous ending the last time, but everything had calmed down by now so things should be okay. "Um, never have I ever...gotten laid three nights in a row," Johnny said, making a face when Brian, Zacky, and Matt all put down a finger.

    "You need to step up your game, Johnny boy," Brian laughed. Johnny flipped him off.

    Matt shot Cassie a sideways glance. He didn't know why he cared so much what she thought about what he did in the past, but he did. "Whenever you're ready to go to bed let me know," Matt whispered to Cassie. "We can take the guest room and I'll beat Johnny and Zacky up if they try to take it."

    "I'll say it again, no fucking in my house," Brian put in.
    August 1st, 2015 at 08:57am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Jimmy chuckled, reaching up and pushing her hair behind her ear. "I don't mind," he said. "Honestly." He reached under the covers and ran his hand up her thigh, over her hip and up her side. He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. He pulled back after a minute. "I'm glad I was your first. And I really do hope there will be a next time, because you're amazing." He yawned softly and rested his head on the pillow, gazing at her longingly before closing his eyes.

    He wasn't exactly ready to go to sleep yet, but it did feel good to rest his eyes and just relax for a bit. His brain had been on overdrive all day, and especially with the alcohol, it was starting to get to him. His head was pounding, but it was totally worth it, because this had been an amazing night. And as he laid there, thinking to himself, he made a mental note to ask her out tomorrow. He wasn't sure if she was ready for a relationship, but they could at least try dating for a bit.
    Cassie looked at Matt with wide eyes, shaking her head. "Really?" she hissed, throwing her arms up in surrender. "Honestly? How many fucking girls have you slept with?" She huffed and grunted in frustration, getting up and going upstairs. She walked into the guest room and sat on the bed, extremely frustrated. She was finding out all this stuff about Matt, which she could have figured, but it still hurt her. She hated getting so upset and storming out of the room, but goddamn.

    Maybe she and Matt weren't a good pair. They were total polar opposites, and the only reason she was in with their group in the first place was because of her sister. She shook her head. She didn't want to be the innocent little naive Cassie anymore. She wanted to be more like her sister, more like the girls that Matt liked. That reason for not wanting to sleep with her, that was bullshit, right? At least she saw it that way. He didn't want to sleep with her because she was too innocent for him.

    She figured Matt would come after her, so she stood up and pulled her clothes off, stripping to her bra and panties before she climbed under the covers, taking a deep breath. No more little miss goody two shoes Cassie. Nope.
    August 1st, 2015 at 09:13am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    @ voltage oblivion.
    Robyn bit her lip. She was glad to here that Jimmy wanted to be with her again, because she was sure her awkwardness had made it terrible, at least a little. "There will definitely be a next time," Robyn whispered. "Because you were pretty amazing too, and honestly, I could probably use a little practice." She kissed Jimmy again, this time taking a little initiative by slipping her tongue into his mouth. She was too drunk to sleep with him again tonight, but she could at least have a little fun with him.

    Robyn pulled away from Jimmy, letting out a loud yawn. The alcohol was really starting to get to her and she was probably only minutes from passing out. She knew she would probably regret drinking so much in the morning, but right now she didn't care. "Night, Jimmy," Robyn mumbled, snuggling up to him. She was really glad she'd come tonight, otherwise it might've taken her forever to figure out how amazing Jimmy was.
    "Goddammit, are you serious," Matt grumbled to himself. He really couldn't do anything right, could he? He didn't understand why Cassie was getting so upset. Sure, he'd slept with a few girls - not nearly as many as he was sure Cassie thought, though - but that didn't make him a bad guy, did it? Everything was consensual, he was safe about it. But now he wanted an actual relationship, something serious. But maybe Cassie wasn't the right person to do that with.

    Matt followed Cassie into the guest room, immediately noticing her pants and shirt on the floor. "Cassie?" he said into the dark room. He went over and sat on the bed next to her, sighing. "I'm sorry if I made you upset. Yeah, I've had sex with a...few other girls, but that doesn't matter. Because I'm with you now. And I hate seeing you upset. Just...tell me what I can do to make it up to you."
    August 1st, 2015 at 10:06am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    August 1st, 2015 at 10:06am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    My internet connection is terrible, sorry Facepalm
    August 1st, 2015 at 10:06am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Jimmy smirked, chuckling softly. She honestly didn't need that much practice. As long as she got over the awkwardness part, and if she learned a few things, she would be stunning. But that stuff didn't matter that much to him. He loved pleasuring his girls, as long as they were okay with a few blowjobs in return every now and then. As long as he got the fuck, he was satisfied. But he just loved the look of pleasure on a girl's face as he's touching her, or tasting her. That itself was a big turn on for him.

    He looked down at her and smiled, sliding his arms around her and holding her close to him. He nuzzled his head against hers and closed his eyes again, running his fingers though her hair and listening to her breathing with the TV playing silently in the background. "Night, Robyn," he murmured.
    Cassie looked up at Matt, staring at him for a minute, looking into his eyes. Not tonight, Cassie. She bit her lip and leaned up, kissing his lips softly. "Come sleep with me," she murmured. "I'm tired." She was putting this boy through hell, and he deserved better, so that's what she was going to be. Better. She laid back on the bed, pulling the blanket down just enough to expose her chest, grinning up at him. She could still mess with him, though, even if she wouldn't get him tonight.

    Yeah, of course she knew Brian and Zack and Jimmy had slept with a bunch of girls, but Matt just didn't seem like that kind of guy. He was obviously a badass like they were, but he didn't seem like the type to sleep around. It just kind of upset her to know he'd had his dick in a few other girls. Whatever the hell that meant. The idea of him being with any other girl but her just drove her crazy. Maybe she was crazy, who knows.
    August 1st, 2015 at 10:21am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    @ voltage oblivion.
    When Robyn woke up the next morning, it felt like there was a jackhammer going off inside her skull. Why the hell did she drink so much last night? She would say she would never do it again, but she knew that wasn't true. Robyn had had a lot of fun last night and she couldn't wait to do it again. But the best part of last night was definitely Jimmy. She'd never expected anything like that to happen between the two of them, but she was glad it had. Robyn just hoped Jimmy wouldn't regret any of it. She wondered if he would ask her out, and just thinking about it made her feel like well, a teenage girl.

    Robyn looked up at Jimmy, giggling to herself. He was honestly adorable when he slept, with his hair all messy. Robyn really didn't want to get up, but she really wasn't feeling well. She knew she was going to throw up, so she got out of bed as quietly as she could and ran to the bathroom down the hall, where she fell to her knees in front of the toilet.
    Matt swallowed hard when Cassie exposed her chest to him. He felt like she did it on purpose to mess with him, but he didn't care. How could he be mad at her for that, anyway? Because she certainly had nice tits. Alright, control yourself, he thought, climbing into bed with her. You've at least got to take her out on a date first.

    Matt reached underneath the covers, sliding his hand over Cassie's thigh and ass and then up her side. Even if they weren't going to have sex tonight, he couldn't resist touching her a little. He pulled her close, kissing her forehead. "Goodnight, sweetheart," he whispered, closing his eyes.
    August 1st, 2015 at 10:53am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Jimmy took a deep breath, looking at himself in the mirror. He had actually taken pride in his appearance tonight, because he had wanted to look really good for Robyn. He'd asked her out on that date, and she had said yes. And instead of him going to her house to pick her up, she'd pleaded him to just meet her somewhere because she didn't want to deal with him meeting her uncle just yet. And he'd agreed easily.

    He wasn't mentally prepared for that shit either.

    He walked downstairs, rolling his eyes when he heard Brian's voice. "Well, look what we have here," the younger boy said, a smirk on his face. "James Sullivan, all dolled up for a girl he just met? Is this an alternate universe?"

    Jimmy narrowed his eyes and turned to look at Brian. "At least I have my own girlfriend and I don't have to flirt with other people's," he said, and his eyes widened as he realized he'd called Robyn his girlfriend. He cleared his throat and called a goodbye to Brian's dad before he left the house. He got in his van and started heading towards the park, where he'd agreed to meet Robyn, and then they'd take the hour drive to Santa Monica Pier. It was only 5 pm, and the way he figured, it would be an hour drive there, not counting the traffic, and then they'd get to spend three hours, and then an hour drive back, not counting the traffic, and he'd be able to have her home by a little bit before 11. It was perfect.
    Cassie smiled as she looked at herself in the mirror, proud of the work she'd done. She'd gone through her sister's old clothes, stolen some of them, as well as her mother's red lipstick, and had done a fabulous job on herself, she thought. She looked like a totally different person, but in a good way. Like a better, hotter version of herself. And she really hoped that Matt liked her, because she'd be kind of heartbroken if he didn't.

    She grabbed her purse, stuffing her phone and keys into it, knowing her parents would be in bed by the time she got home. But she kind of figured, at the same time, that her mother would most likely wait up for her. She grabbed a jacket and pulled it over her torso, grabbing a pair of loose-fitting jeans and sliding them over her legs. No way in hell would she let her parents see her dressed this way. They would take away her phone, laptop, and her TV privileges, ground her, and then they would murder her. She often wondered why they were so much stricter with her than they'd been with her sister. It didn't make any sense.

    She walked downstairs, taking a deep breath as she peeked out the window, waiting patiently for Matt. She just wanted to get out of here and go on this date already. She was so excited. Her heart was pounding in her chest, her hands were shaking just a little bit, and she could feel tingles of anxiety pulsing through her veins. She was nervous, but excited at the same time.
    August 4th, 2015 at 09:10am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    @ voltage oblivion.
    Robyn looked herself over in her full length mirror, biting her lip. She'd spent the past hour getting ready and she still wasn't sure what she wanted to wear. But it was almost time for her to meet Jimmy at the park, so this would have to do. Jimmy had asked Robyn out on a date the morning after the party and of course she'd said yes because if she was being honest, she was really starting to like Jimmy. They weren't official or anything like that yet, but Robyn hoped that after tonight, they might be.

    Oh, listen to you, you sound like such a girl.

    Finally satisfied with her appearance, Robyn snatched her car keys from her dresser and called out a quick goodbye to her aunt and uncle before leaving. The drive to the park was pretty short, and when Robyn pulled up, Jimmy was already there, waiting in his van. She killed her ignition and climbed out of her car, trying not to seem too eager as she practically ran over and got into Jimmy's van. Robyn slid over close to Jimmy and kissed him, pulling away a minute later. "Hey," she whispered.
    Matt pulled into Cassie's driveway and killed the ignition of his car, wiping his hands on his jeans as he climbed out. It had been awhile since he'd been on a date, and truthfully, he was a little nervous. Even though they were technically already dating, he wanted to make a good impression on Cassie. And her parents as well, since he was sure they weren't happy that he and Cassie were dating. Matt walked up to the front door and knocked, only waiting a few seconds before Cassie opened the door.

    Matt took in her appearance and smiled. "You look beautiful," he whispered to her, taking her hand. He led her out to his car and walked around to open the passenger door for her before walking back to the driver's side. "So I was thinking we could have dinner at somewhere like Chilli's and then maybe catch a movie?" Matt suggested as he backed out of the driveway.

    He looked over at Cassie and noticed that she wasn't wearing the clothes she'd just been wearing. Now she was wearing clothes that obviously hadn't come from her own closet, but damn did they look good on her. Matt swallowed, quickly turning his attention back to the road. "You uh, you," he managed to spit out.
    August 4th, 2015 at 10:45am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Jimmy grinned at Robyn. "Hey," he said. "You look amazing." As usual. He started his car again and let it sit for a minute as he reached down and fiddled with the radio station. He let it sit on some soft rock, but turned the volume down so it was in the background. If she wanted to talk, he was all ears. He began the drive to the pier, remembering where to go since he'd gone many times before. He glanced over at her and then back at the road. "Are you excited?" he asked curiously.

    He definitely was. He really wanted to get to know her better, more than just about her moving here and living with her aunt and uncle. That was pretty much all he knew about her at this point. He knew a bit about her personality, from talking to her over these past few days, but he really knew nothing about her personal life at all. Hell, he'd taken her into his home and let her witness an argument with his mom and him getting kicked out. That was a hell of a lot more than what he knew about her.

    She didn't even want him to meet her uncle yet. Not that he was super excited about that either. The man was a cop. Jimmy didn't do well with cops. He'd been arrested on more than one occasion, so he wasn't sure how that would play out.
    Cassie giggled and leaned over, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "Thank you," she murmured. She wasn't going to tell him that these were her sister's clothes because she wanted to keep the illusion that she had more clothes like this in her closet, that maybe she might show him at some point. She would definitely have to take Robyn shopping with her at some point so she could buy more clothes like this for Matt. She was going to change up her whole style.

    "That sounds great, by the way," she said, reaching down and resting a hand on her stomach. She was starving. She hadn't eaten all day because she'd been such a huge bundle of nerves that she was afraid she'd puke if she'd eaten anything. But now that she was here, with Matt, all the nervousness seemed to fade. She reached over the center console and took his hand in hers, lacing their fingers together.

    "You look pretty good yourself." And he did. He looked pretty snazzy. Typical for a first date. Maybe she had been a bit fancy, but oh well. She was definitely trying to impress, and she obviously had, so she'd achieved her goal here.
    August 6th, 2015 at 02:02am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    @ voltage oblivion.
    "Thanks," Robyn said. She bit her lip, blushing just a little. It seemed that no matter what, she would always blush around Jimmy, he just had that sort of affect on her. She leaned her head over on Jimmy's shoulder, resting her hand on his thigh. "Very excited," she answered. She was excited about spending a few private, uninterrupted hours with Jimmy and getting to know him, and she was excited that he wanted to spend time with her, since she'd really been scared that he would regret sleeping with her.

    It was a little past six when they arrived at the pier. Robyn waited for Jimmy to shut off the van before she climbed out. She walked over to the driver's side to meet Jimmy and reaches for his hand, lacing her fingers through his. She followed him to the pier and sat down, slipping her shoes and socks off so she could dangle her feet in the cool water. "It's so pretty out here," Robyn commented. She glanced over at Jimmy and smiled. "It's very romantic."

    She leaned over and kissed his cheek, moving away and resting her head on his shoulder. "You know, I had a hard time getting away from my aunt and uncle tonight," Robyn said. "They want to meet you. Especially my uncle." Robyn knew she wouldn't be able to put off the meeting for too long, especially if she and Jimmy became official. But she wasn't ready for Jimmy to meet her uncle and she didn't think Jimmy was ready for that, either.
    "Why thank you," Matt said, grinning. He gave her hand a squeeze. Using his knee to keep the wheel steady, he reached over with his free hand to turn the radio on, but didn't turn it up too loud. He hummed along to whatever was on, rubbing the top of Cassie's hand with his thumb as he drove to Chili's. When they arrived, Matt got out and walked over to the passenger side to open the door for Cassie, offering her his hand as she climbed out of the car.

    "Order whatever you want," Matt said with a grin once they had their menus. His dad had given him a little money when Matt told him he was taking Cassie out on a date, which he told Matt to use to spoil Cassie. Truthfully, Matt thought his parents were happy he was with Cassie because they thought she would be a good influence on him, maybe tame him a little.

    Once he'd decided what he wanted, Matt studied Cassie as she looked over her menu. Not that she ever looked bad, but tonight she looked absolutely breathtaking. So breathtaking, in fact, that Matt was considering changing his mind about taking that next step with her. Matt leaned forward on his elbows, narrowing the space between himself and Cassie. "So what time do you have to be home tonight?" he asked.
    August 6th, 2015 at 03:10am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Jimmy bit his lip nervously. "Oh really?" he questioned, sighing softly. "I'm not sure I'm ready to meet them yet." Until he knew more about them and could mold himself to appease to them, he wasn't going to make any effort to try and meet them. Unless it was something she really, really wanted. He wanted to make the best impression possible. He didn't want to have to go through hell just to be with Robyn because her aunt and uncle didn't like him. He wanted this to be smooth sailing.

    He looked over at her and smiled as he watched her. "Tell me more about them," he said. "About you. I want to know everything there is to know. That you feel comfortable telling me, of course." And in return, he'd tell her more about himself. About his family. His sisters, his dad and his mom. Although, he was sure she already had a pretty decent idea of his mom. She really was a sweet woman, she was just tired of his shit, so that's why she had been so upset when Robyn had met her.
    Cassie smiled up at Matt. "I don't have to be home by any time tonight," she murmured. "My parents were pushing for ten or eleven, but I told them that after the date, you were going to drop me off at Robyn's and since her uncle is a cop, they agreed." She giggled slightly and bit her lip. "So I can spend the night with you, if you wanted. Or you can actually drop me off at Robyn's at some point if you want to. I think she's on a date with Jimmy, but she actually has to be home before midnight, so that would work out."

    She shrugged her shoulders and looked back down at her menu, reading it over. She decided on what she wanted, setting it down and folding her hands on top of the table. She looked him over, sighing contently. He was so absolutely beautiful and she just wanted to kiss him constantly, non-stop until she ran out of air. She reached over and took his hands in hers, bringing them up to her lips and kissing his knuckles.
    August 6th, 2015 at 03:28am